Erlang How can I merge Two list into tuple list - erl

In erlang, I want to merge two list as the following
A = [1, 2, 3, 4],
B= ["A1", "A2", "A3", A4],
wanted result
[{1, "A1"}, {2, "A2"}, {3, "A3"}, {4, A4}]
I've tried the following
- module(test).
- export([start/0]).
start() ->
Abc = [2,3,1,4],
Bbc=["f1", "f2", "f3",f4],
ct:pal("Hello ~n"),
ct:pal("make_tuple_list ~p~n", [make_tuple_list(Abc,Bbc)]).
make_tuple_list([H1 | T1], [H2 | T2]) ->
[_ | _] = [{H1, H2} | make_tuple_list(T1, T2)].
make_tuple_list([], []) -> [].
but got the systax erorr as the following
test.erl:14: function make_tuple_list/2 already defined
thanks in advance.

Try following....
start() ->
Abc = [2,3,1,4],
Bbc=["f1", "f2", "f3",f4],
ct:pal("Hello ~n"),
ct:pal("make_tuple_list ~p~n", [make_tuple_list(Abc,Bbc)]).
make_tuple_list([H1 | T1], [H2 | T2]) ->
[{H1, H2} | make_tuple_list(T1, T2)];
make_tuple_list([], []) -> [].
Separator for splitting function clauses is ;. . is function definition terminator. In the above case, both occurrences of make_tuple_list are ending with ., which essentially means, in the second occurrence we are re-defining an already defined function, which is not allowed in ErLang.


Scala: find character occurrences from a file

suppose, I have a text file containing data like
And I want to find occurrences of character 'A', 'T', 'AAA' , etc. in it.
My Approach
val source =
val lines = source.getLines().filter(char => char != '\n')
for (line <- lines) {
val aList = line.filter(ele => ele == 'A')
This will give me output like
My Question
How can I find total count of occurrences of 'A', 'T', 'AAA' etc. here? can I use map reduce functions for that? How?
There is even a shorter way: == 'A')).sum
This counts all A of each line, and sums up the result.
By the way there is no filter needed here:
val lines = source.getLines()
And as Leo C mentioned in his comment, if you start with Source.fromFile(filePath) it can be just like this:
source.count(_ == 'A')
As SoleQuantum mentions in his comment he wants call count more than once. The problem here is that source is a BufferedSource which is not a Collection, but just an Iterator, which can only be used (iterated) once.
So if you want to use the source mire than once you have to translate it first to a Collection.
Your example:
val stream = Source.fromResource("yourdata").mkString
stream.count(_ == 'A') // 48
stream.count(_ == 'T') // 65
Remark: String is a Collection of Chars.
For more information check: iterators
And here is the solution to get the count for all Chars:
.filterNot(_ == '\n') // filter new lines
.groupBy(identity) // group by each char
.toMap // Map(T -> 65, A -> 48, G -> 36, C -> 61)
Or as suggested by jwvh:
.filterNot(_ == '\n')
This is Scala 2.13, let me know if you have problems with your Scala version.
Ok after the last update of the question:
.filterNot(_ == '\n') // filter new lines
.foldLeft(("", Map.empty[String, Int])){case ((a, m), c ) =>
(a + c, m)
m.updated(a, m.get(a).map(_ + 1).getOrElse(1)))
}._2 // you only want the Map -> HashMap( -> 1, CCCC -> 1, A -> 25, GGG -> 1, AA -> 4, GG -> 3, GGGGG -> 1, AAA -> 5, CCC -> 1, TTTT -> 1, T -> 34, CC -> 9, TTT -> 4, G -> 22, CCCCC -> 1, C -> 31, TT -> 7)
Short explanation:
The solution uses a foldLeft.
The initial value is a pair:
a String that holds the actual characters (none to start)
a Map with the Strings and their count (empty at the start)
We have 2 main cases:
the character is the same we have a already a String.
Just add the character to the actual String.
the character is different. Update the Map with the actual String; the new character is the now the actual String.
Quite complex, let me know if you need more help.
Since produces stream of chars you can use count(Char => Boolean) function directly on your source object.
val source =
val result = source.count(_ == 'A')
You can use Partition method and then just use length on it.
val y = x.partition(_ == 'A')._1.length
You can get the count by doing the following:
lines.flatten.filter(_ == 'A').size
In general regular expressions are a very good tool to find sequences of characters in a string.
You can use the r method, defined with an implicit conversion over strings, to turn a string into a pattern, e.g.
val pattern = "AAA".r
Using it is then fairly easy. Assuming your sample input
val input =
Counting the number of occurrences of a pattern is straightforward and very readable:
pattern.findAllIn(input).size // returns 4
The iterator returned by regular expressions operations can also be used for more complex operations using the matchData method, e.g. printing the index of each match:
pattern. // this code would print the following lines
findAllIn(input). // 98
matchData. // 125
map(_.start). // 131
foreach(println) // 165
You can read more on Regex in Scala on the API docs (here for version 2.13.1)

Transpose unevenly-sized lists

I'm having some trouble transposing lists with uneven amounts of elements. Let's say our data is:
I want my list to be:
List(List('A','E','G'), List('B',' ','H'), List('C',' ','I'))
I cannot manage to get empty spaces (' ') where I need them. With my code:
val l = List("ABC", "E", "GHI")
println(((l map (_.toArray)) toArray).transpose map (_.toList) toList)
// I get: List(List('A', 'E', 'G'), List('B', 'H'), List('C', 'I'))
A solution may be to get the longest line and add white spaces to the rest of the lines, but it's really not clean. Is there a simple solution to this?
Here is a code-golf solution for an input list l:
(0 until => => Try(s(i)).getOrElse(' ')))
which returns:
Vector(List(A, E, G), List(B, , H), List(C, , I))
Retrieves the maximum length of a string in the input list.
Loop from 0 until the max length of a string in the input list
Within each loop it gets each element's char at the given index.
The Try is used to handle items whose length is shorter than the current index being handled. And these cases return " " instead.
To use Try, you need to import:
import scala.util.Try
One approach is to use padTo, although this will involve multiple traversals of the list:
val l = List("ABC", "E", "GHI")
val maxSize = // 3
val transposed =, ' ')).transpose
// List[List[Char]] = List(List(A, E, G), List(B, , H), List(C, , I))

Aggregate/Reduce by key function for a map in scala

I have a map as given below in scala.
Map("x"-> "abc", "y"->"adc","z"->"abc", "l"-> "ert","h"->"dfg", "p"-> "adc")
I want the output as follows:
Map("abc"->["x","z"],"adc"->["y" , "p"], "ert"->"l", "dfg"->"h")
So, the output has the array as the value of those those keys which had same values in inital map. How can I get that done optimally?
A groupBy followed by some manipulation of the values it outputs should do.
scala> m.groupBy(x => x._2).mapValues(_.keys.toList)
res10: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[String]]
= Map(abc -> List(x, z), dfg -> List(h), ert -> List(l), adc -> List(y, p))

Scala - map function - Only returned last element of a Map

I am new to Scala and trying out the map function on a Map.
Here is my Map:
scala> val map1 = Map ("abc" -> 1, "efg" -> 2, "hij" -> 3)
map1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] =
Map(abc -> 1, efg -> 2, hij -> 3)
Here is a map function and the result:
scala> val result1 = => (kv._1.toUpperCase, kv._2))
result1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] =
Map(ABC -> 1, EFG -> 2, HIJ -> 3)
Here is another map function and the result:
scala> val result1 = => (kv._1.length, kv._2))
result1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(3 -> 3)
The first map function returns all the members as expected however the second map function returns only the last member of the Map. Can someone explain why this is happening?
Thanks in advance!
In Scala, a Map cannot have duplicate keys. When you add a new key -> value pair to a Map, if that key already exists, you overwrite the previous value. If you're creating maps from functional operations on collections, then you're going to end up with the value corresponding to the last instance of each unique key. In the example you wrote, each string key of the original map map1 has the same length, and so all your string keys produce the same integer key 3 for result1. What's happening under the hood to calculate result1 is:
A new, empty map is created
You map "abc" -> 1 to 3 -> 3 and add it to the map. Result now contains 1 -> 3.
You map "efg" -> 2 to 3 -> 2 and add it to the map. Since the key is the same, you overwrite the existing value for key = 3. Result now contains 2 -> 3.
You map "hij" -> 3 to 3 -> 3 and add it to the map. Since the key is the same, you overwrite the existing value for key = 3. Result now contains 3 -> 3.
Return the result, which is Map(3 -> 3)`.
Note: I made a simplifying assumption that the order of the elements in the map iterator is the same as the order you wrote in the declaration. The order is determined by hash bin and will probably not match the order you added elements, so don't build anything that relies on this assumption.

Trying to use Cons function in Purescript

Heres my code:
print 1: [2,3]
When I run it I get
Cannot unify type
with type
Whats going on?
[2, 3] has type Array Int. (:) has type a -> List a -> List a in Data.List. You need to convert to a List. Also, what you have will parse as
(print 1) : [2, 3]
I think you want
print (1 : toList [2, 3])
print $ 1 : toList [2, 3]
In psci, look at the type of (:)
> :t (:)
forall a. a -> Data.List.List a -> Data.List.List a
and the type of [2, 3]
> :t [2, 3]
Prim.Array Prim.Int
You can see that the (:) function expects 2 values: a value, and a List of the same type. In your question, you gave it an Array of Ints. You can use the Data.List.toList function to get the type that (:) expects
> import Data.List
> show $ 1 : (toList [1, 2])
"Cons (1) (Cons (1) (Cons (2) (Nil)))"