Janus MCU solution for the video call - plugins

I am finding the Janus MCU solution for the video call. I know Janus has supported the SFU solution for the video call and has supported the MCU solution for the audio call.
Is there anyone who can help me?
Thank you

I'm afraid you have to create your own Janus plugin for that or use different tool.


Flutter Desktop Windows Play Audio from Buffer

I need to play audio to an audio device that I would like to be able to select in the App. So far I've looked at just_audio but that doesn't seem to support "read from byte stream" for windows yet. I've also looked at libwinmedia but that is deprecated.
The audio is received as a ffi.Pointer to float samples or alternatively as 16bit Integer samples. I just need an API whether plugin or .h with ? .dll to select an audio device and send the audio buffer to it.
Does anyone know if I've missed this functionality in the dart packages or knows a simple library for c++ that I can use FFI to bind to that?
Thanks any help is appreciated.
I also looked at gstreamer but I don't want the user to have to install the gstreamer runtime.

Camera bt656 without i2c. How capture?

I have camera (camera + videoprocessor TW8834) sending video data over bt656 protocol, but the camera interface have not i2c on cable, so, it isn't recognizing by linux video driver.Is there some way to capture video from my camera in linux without modifieng the video driver?
I got advice to make a fake probe in the existing video driver (sun6i), but i don't think that it is the optimal way. May be i can write some driver or something simmilar that will snap up i2c messaging with my camera? Can i use it with default video driver by this way?
May be, are there some other way?
What should i learn to solve my problem?
I solve my problem by driver and DeviceTree modification. OS Armbian, easy to build, easy to make and apply patches. Big community. Some course about kernel hacking, which was usefull for me: https://courses.linuxchix.org/kernel-hacking-2002.html
For create solution we with my collegue spend about 4 days, we both was non-experienced in kernel modification earlier. I hope, this information will help someone with similar problem.

Flutter change audio frequency

Basically I'm using the plugin sound_stream which it's very nice to record/play or stream the mic audio.
I'm trying to do this stream listen to frequency between 2.35Hz and 2.5Hz.
How it would be possible to archive this?
I learned mainly Java but I'm trying to do both platforms that's why I'm using Flutter. So help/tips are very appreciated.
Thank you!

How to control 5 or more speakers from Matlab?

I am looking for advice on how to control 5 or more speakers with Matlab.
In an earlier thread I received advice on the hardware needed to control the speakers.
But I am still interested in advice on how to control these speakers. I tried posting on the audio forum.
But 'Friend Of George' advised me to post here for better results.
I would appreciate your suggestions. Thank you for reading.
You will need to download a software interface to your audio hardware which enables Matlab to access multichannel audio driver, as the built-in Matlab audio only supports 2 channels.
I used this one in the past http://www.playrec.co.uk/, and it worked for me. It's not really a straight-forward "download and install" package, but the site has good documentation regarding how to make it work and use it.
If you want more options, search the web for "matlab multi channel audio"

how to create application which support video call?

i want to create application which support video call using Wi-Fi/3g network connection.
i don't have any idea from where i can start. please suggest me somethings.
thanks in advance
Record some video, package them into small tcp/ip packages and transfer them over the net.
basic question basic answer.