Use of priors on hyper-parameters with SVGP model - gpflow

I wanted to use priors on hyper-parameters as in ( but with an SVGP model.
Following the steps of example 1, I got an error when I run de run_chain_fn :
TypeError: maximum_log_likelihood_objective() missing 1 required positional argument: 'data'
Contrary to GPR or SGPMC, the data are not an attribut of the model, they are included as external parameter.
To avoid that problem I modified slightly SVGP class to include data as parameter (I don't care with mini-batching for now)
class SVGP_with_data(gpflow.models.SVGP):
"""This model is a tiny variation of classical SVGP. It just includes the data as an optionnal
parameter of the model, since they are necessary of MCMC sampling"""
def __init__(self,data,**kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) = data
def maximum_log_likelihood_objective(self,_=None):
return self.elbo( #here we don't care about mini-batching
It seems to work well.
I couldn't find code example of SVGP with priors on hyper-parameters. Is their a more standard way to deel with this ?
Thanks !

SVGP is a GPflow model for a variational approximation. Using MCMC on the q(u) distribution parameterised by q_mu and q_sqrt doesn't make sense (if you want to do MCMC on q(u) in a sparse approximation, use SGPMC).
You can still put (hyper)priors on the hyperparameters in the SVGP model; gradient-based optimisation will then lead to the maximum a-posteriori (MAP) point estimate (as opposed to pure maximum likelihood).


Are PyTorch activation functions best stored as fields?

An example of a simple neural network in PyTorch can be found at
class Net(T.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.hid1 = T.nn.Linear(4, 8) # 4-(8-8)-1
self.hid2 = T.nn.Linear(8, 8)
self.oupt = T.nn.Linear(8, 1)
def forward(self, x):
z = T.tanh(self.hid1(x))
z = T.tanh(self.hid2(z))
z = T.sigmoid(self.oupt(z))
return z
A distinctive feature of the above is that the layers are stored as fields within the Net object (as they need to be, in the sense that they contain the weights, which need to be remembered across training epochs), but the activation functors such as tanh are re-created on every call to forward. The author says:
The most common structure for a binary classification network is to define the network layers and their associated weights and biases in the __init__() method, and the input-output computations in the forward() method.
Fair enough. On the other hand, perhaps it would be marginally faster to store the functors rather than re-create them on every call to forward. On the third hand, it's unlikely to make any measurable difference, which means it might end up being a matter of code style.
Is the above, indeed the most common way to do it? Does either way have any technical advantage, or is it just a matter of style?
On "storing" functors
The snippet is not "re-creating" anything -- calling torch.tanh(x) is literally just calling the function tanh exported by the torch package with arguments x.
Other ways of doing it
I think the snippet is a fair example for small neural blocks that are use-and-forget or are just not meant to be parameterizable.
Depending on your intentions, there are of course alternatives, but you'd have to weigh yourself whether the added complexity offers any value.
activation functions as strings
allow a selection of an activation function from a fixed set
class Model(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(..., activation_function: Literal['tanh'] | Literal['relu']):
if activation_function == 'tanh':
self.activation_function = torch.tanh
elif activation_function == 'relu':
self.activation_function = torch.relu
raise ValueError(f'activation function {activation_function} not allowed, use tanh or relu.'}
def forward(...) -> Tensor:
output = ...
return self.activation_function(output)
activation functions as callables
use arbitrary modules or functions as activations
class Model(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(..., activation_function: torch.nn.Module | Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]):
self.activation_function = activation_function
def forward(...) -> Tensor:
output = ...
return self.activation_function(output)
which would for instance work like
def cube(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: return x**3
cubic_model = Model(..., activation_function=cube)
The key difference between the above examples and your snippet is the fact that the latter are transparent and adjustable wrt. to the activation used; you can inspect the activation function (i.e. model.activation_function), and change it (before or after initialization), whereas in the case of the original snippet it is invisible and baked into the model's functionality (to replicate the model with a different function, you'd need to define it from scratch).
Overall, I think the best way to go is to create small, locally tunable blocks that are as parametric as you need them to be, and wrap them into bigger blocks that make generalizations over the contained parameters. i.e. if your big model consists of 5 linear layers, you could make a single, activation-parametric wrapper for 1 layer (including dropouts, layer norms, whatever), and then another wrapper for a flow of N layers, which asks once for which activation function to initialize its children with. In other words, generalize and parameterize when you anticipate this to save you from extra effort and copy-pasting code in the future, but don't overdo it or you'll end up far away from your original specifications and needs.
ps: I don't know whether calling activation functions functors is justifiable.

Pytorch - how to undersample using weightedrandomsampler

I have an unbalanced dataset and would like to undersample the class that is overrepresented.How do I go about it. I would like to use to weightedrandomsampler but I am also open to other suggestions.
So far I am assuming that my code will have to be structured kind of like the following. But I dont know how to exaclty do it.
trainset = datasets.ImageFolder(path_train,transform=transform)
sampler = data.WeightedRandomSampler(weights=..., num_samples=..., replacement=...)
trainloader = data.DataLoader(trainset, batchsize = batchsize, sampler=sampler)
I hope someone can help. Thanks a lot
From my understanding, pytorch WeightedRandomSampler 'weights' argument is somewhat similar to numpy.random.choice 'p' argument which is the probability that a sample will get randomly selected. Pytorch uses weights instead to random sample training examples and they state in the doc that the weights don't have to sum to 1 so that's what I mean that it's not exactly like numpy's random choice. The stronger the weight, the more likely that sample will get sampled.
When you have replacement=True, it means that training examples can be drawn more than once which means you can have copies of training examples in your train set that get used to train your model; oversampling. Alongside, if the weights are low COMPARED TO THE OTHER TRAINING SAMPLE WEIGHTS the opposite occurs which means that those samples have a lower chance of being selected for random sampling; undersampling.
I have no clue how the num_samples argument works when using it with the train loader but I can warn you to NOT put your batch size there. Today, I tried putting the batch size and it gave horrible results. My co-worker put the number of classes*100 and his results were much better. All I know is that you should not put the batch size there. I also tried putting the size of all my training data for num_samples and it had better results but took forever to train. Either way, play around with it and see what works best for you. I would guess that the safe bet is to use the number of training examples for the num_samples argument.
Here's the example I saw somebody else use and I use it as well for binary classification. It seems to work just fine. You take the inverse of the number of training examples for each class and you set all training examples with that class its respective weight.
A quick example using your trainset object
labels = np.array(trainset.samples)[:,1] # turn to array and take all of column index 1 which are the labels
labels = labels.astype(int) # change to int
majority_weight = 1/num_of_majority_class_training_examples
minority_weight = 1/num_of_minority_class_training_examples
sample_weights = np.array([majority_weight, minority_weight]) # This is assuming that your minority class is the integer 1 in the labels object. If not, switch places so it's minority_weight, majority_weight.
weights = samples_weights[labels] # this goes through each training example and uses the labels 0 and 1 as the index in sample_weights object which is the weight you want for that class.
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(weights=weights, num_samples=, replacement=True)
trainloader = data.DataLoader(trainset, batchsize = batchsize, sampler=sampler)
Since the pytorch doc says that the weights don't have to sum to 1, I think you can also just use the ratio which between the imbalanced classes. For example, if you had 100 training examples of the majority class and 50 training examples of the minority class, it would be a 2:1 ratio. To counterbalance this, I think you can just use a weight of 1.0 for each majority class training example and a weight 2.0 for all minority class training examples because technically you want the minority class to be 2 times more likely to be selected which would balance your classes during random selection.
I hope this helped a little bit. Sorry for the sloppy writing, I was in a huge rush and saw that nobody answered. I struggled through this myself without being able to find any help for it either. If it doesn't make sense just say so and I'll re-edit it and make it more clear when I get free time.
Based on torchdata (disclaimer: I'm the author) one can create a custom undersampler.
First, _Equalizer base class which:
creates multiple RandomSubsetSamplers (one for each class)
based on function (torch.max or torch.min) will behave as oversampler or undersampler
class _Equalizer(Sampler):
def __init__(self, labels: torch.tensor, function):
if len(labels.shape) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"labels can only have a single dimension (N, ), got shape: {}".format(
tensors = [
torch.nonzero(labels == i, as_tuple=False).flatten()
for i in torch.unique(labels)
self.samples_per_label = getattr(builtins, function)(map(len, tensors))
self.samplers = [
replacement=len(tensor) < self.samples_per_label,
if len(tensor) < self.samples_per_label
else None,
for tensor in tensors
def num_samples(self):
return self.samples_per_label * len(self.samplers)
def __iter__(self):
for _ in range(self.samples_per_label):
for index in torch.randperm(len(self.samplers)).tolist():
yield next(self.samplers[index])
def __len__(self):
return self.num_samples
Now, we can create undersampler (added oversampler as it is really short right now):
class RandomUnderSampler(_Equalizer):
def __init__(self, labels: torch.tensor):
super().__init__(labels, "min")
class RandomOverSampler(_Equalizer):
def __init__(self, labels):
super().__init__(labels, "max")
Just pass in your labels to the __init__ (has to be 1D but can have multiple or binary classes) and you can up/under sample your data.

Scikit-Learn's DPGMM fitting: number of components?

I'm trying to fit a mixed normal model to some data using scikit-learn's DPGMM algorithm. One of the advantages advertised on [0] is that I don't need to specify the number of components; which is good, because I do not know the number of components in my data. The documentation states that I only need to specify an upper bound. However, it looks very much like that is not true:
>>> data = numpy.random.normal(loc = 0.0, scale = 1.0, size = 1000)
>>> from sklearn.mixture import DPGMM
>>> d = DPGMM(n_components=5)
DPGMM(alpha=1.0, covariance_type='diag', init_params='wmc', min_covar=None,
n_components=5, n_iter=10, params='wmc', random_state=None, thresh=None,
tol=0.001, verbose=0)
>>> d.n_components
>>> d.means_
[ 0.06259168],
[ 0.00390097],
[ 0.02934676],
As you can see, the fitting reports five components (the upper bound) even for data clearly sampled from just one normal distribution.
Am I doing something wrong? Did I misunderstand something?
Thanks a lot in advance,
I recently had similar doubts about results of this DPGMM implementation. If you check provided example you notice that DPGMM always return model with n_components, now the trick is to remove redundant components. This can be done with predict function.
Unfortunately this important pice is hidden in comment in code example.
# as the DP will not use every component it has access to
# unless it needs it, we shouldn't plot the redundant components
Perhaps look at using an improved sklearn solution for this kind of problem, namely a Bayesian Gaussian Mixture. With this model, the suggested prior number of components must be given, but once trained, the model assigns weightings to each component, which essentially indicate their relevance. Here is a pretty cool visual demo of BGMM in action.
Once you have experimented with training a few BGMMs on your data, you can get a feel for a sensible estimate to the number of components for your given problem.

Reporting log-likelihood / perplexity of spark LDA model (different in local vs distributed models?)

Given a training corpus docsWithFeatures, I've trained an LDA model in Spark (via Scala API) like so:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.{LDA, DistributedLDAModel, LocalLDAModel}
val n_topics = 10;
val lda = new LDA().setK(n_topics).setMaxIterations(20)
val ldaModel =
val distLDAModel = ldaModel.asInstanceOf[DistributedLDAModel]
And now I want to report the log-likelihood and perplexity of the model.
I can get the log-likelihood like so:
scala> distLDAModel.logLikelihood
res11: Double = -2600097.2875547716
But this is where things get weird. I also wanted the perplexity, which is only implemented for a local model, so I run:
val localModel = distLDAModel.toLocal
Which lets me get the (log) perplexity like so:
scala> localModel.logPerplexity(docsWithFeatures)
res14: Double = 0.36729132682898674
But the local model also supports the log-likelihood calculation, which I run like this:
scala> localModel.logLikelihood(docsWithFeatures)
res15: Double = -3672913.268234148
So what's going on here? Shouldn't the two log-likelihood values be the same? The documentation for a distributed model says
"logLikelihood: log likelihood of the training corpus, given the inferred topics and document-topic distributions"
while for a local model it says:
"logLikelihood(documents): Calculates a lower bound on the provided documents given the inferred topics."
I guess these are different, but it's not clear to me how or why. Which one should I use? That is, which one is the "true" likelihood of the model, given the training documents?
To summarize, two main questions:
1 - How and why are the two log-likelihood values different, and which should I use?
2 - When reporting perplexity, am I correct in thinking that I should use the exponential of the logPerplexity result? (But why does the model give log perplexity instead of just plain perplexity? Am I missing something?)
1) These two log-likelihood values differ because they are computing the log-likelihood for two different models. DistributedLDAModel is effectively computing the log-likelihood w.r.t. a model where the parameters for the topics and the mixing weights for each of the documents are constants (as I mentioned in another post, the DistributedLDAModel is essentially regularized PLSI, though you need to use logPrior to also account for the regularization), while the LocalLDAModel takes the view that the topic parameters as well as the mixing weights for each document are random variables. So in the case of LocalLDAModel you have to integrate (marginalize) out the topic parameters and document mixing weights in order to compute the log-likelihood (and this is what makes the variational approximation/lower bound necessary, though even without the approximation the log-likelihoods would not be the same since the models are just different.)
As far as which one you should use, my suggestion (without knowing what you ultimately want to do) would be to go with the log-likelihood method attached to the class you originally trained (i.e. the DistributedLDAModel.) As a side note, the primary (only?) reason that I can see to convert a DistributedLDAModel into a LocalLDAModel via toLocal is to enable the computation of topic mixing weights for a new (out-of-training) set of documents (for more info on this see my post on this thread: Spark MLlib LDA, how to infer the topics distribution of a new unseen document?), a operation which is not (but could be) supported in DistributedLDAModel.
2) log-perplexity is just the negative log-likelihood divided by the number of tokens in your corpus. If you divide the log-perplexity by math.log(2.0) then the resulting value can also be interpreted as the approximate number of bits per a token needed to encode your corpus (as a bag of words) given the model.

GMM in MATLAB gives different results for the same file

I constructed a Gaussian Mixture Model in Matlab with a dataset:
model =,M,'Replicates',5);
with M = 3 Gaussian components. I tested new data with:
[P, l] = posterior(model,new_data);
I ran the program several times and didn't get the same result. Each run produces different log-likelihood values. I use the log-likelihood to make decisions, and this value for the same data (new_data) differs for each run. What does it depend on? How can I resolve this problem?
First, assuming that you're using a newish version of Matlab, the documentation indicates that the fit method is deprecated and that fitgmdist should be used. See here for an example.
Second, the documentation for indicates that if the 'Replicates' option is larger than 1, the 'randSample' start method will be used to produce the initial parameters. This may be the cause (or at least one of the causes) of your observed variability.
Finally, you can also try using rng before calling to set the seed of the global random number stream (assuming the function doesn't use it's own stream internally). Alternatively, you can try specifying an 'Options' parameter via statset:
seed = 1;
s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',seed);
opts = statset('Streams',s);
model =,M,'Replicates',5,'Options',opts);
I can't test this fully myself – see the gmdistribution class documentation for further details.