How to integrate Spring Batch ( without Spring Boot ) with Spring Cloud Data Flow Server - spring-batch

We are running spring batch with jboss application server (therefore cant run it as spring boot app). Is there any integration options for monitoring/administering spring batch with Spring Cloud DataFlowServer for the spring batch running in Jboss container ?

I had a similar issue where I was using spring batch with a weblogic application server and wanted an admin console to view the status of job executions. Spring Cloud Data Flow was not suitable for my requirement. I ended up forking the old spring-batch-admin project and upgrading it to work with the latest version of spring batch and spring boot libraries. My forked git repo is here. I include this as a dependency in my war file that i deploy to weblogic and it provides the spring batch admin functionality, embedded in my application.


Spring Boot Admin and the business spring boot app in one war file?

Is it possible to just host the spring boot admin web app within the same spring boot app it is monitoring? Conceptually I want to deploy a single war file to my application server that contains my spring boot web app and the admin features provided by spring boot admin all-in-one war file. Does that make sense?

What controls the appearance of the "Web" option in the spring boot administrator UI?

I'm having an issue with using Spring Boot Administrator against a number of different Spring Boot microservices, where the Web left-hand menu option (which has the Mappings and HTTP Traces suboptions) only shows for some of the microservices.
The only obvious POM differences between those microservices that work and those that don't is the Spring Boot Starter parent version; those which display the Web option are using version 2.1.6.RELEASE, while those that do not are using higher versions like 2.3.1.RELEASE (which I'm guessing will affect versions of e.g. spring boot actuator libraries).
I'm using version 2.3.0 of Spring Boot Admin Server with Spring Boot Starter Parent 2.3.1.RELEASE.
For anyone else that stumbled upon this, the answer is that from Spring Boot 2.0.0 onwards, in order to expose the Spring Boot actuator httptrace endpoint (which is what drives the Web option in the Spring Boot Administrator), you now need to also add a bean that implements HttpTraceRepository into your Spring context.
public class HttpTraceActuatorConfiguration {
public HttpTraceRepository httpTraceRepository() {
return new InMemoryHttpTraceRepository();

How to integrate Rest API and MongoDB Based Spring Boot Application to Drools and KIE Server?

I am looking for any solution for REST API based Spring Boot Application has to be integrated or import to KIE server to apply Drools Rules and Business Flow.
There are close questions but there is not related with a newer version of Spring Boot versions because does not support JBooss/Drools and KIE server.
Please give me feedback on how or simple project configuration.

Spring boot 1.5.9 will support which version of spring boot admin?

Currently, we are using spring boot 1.5.9 with eureka .Can anyone tell me know which version of spring boot admin I should use?
Use the latest from Spring Boot Admin 1.5.x branch, which is currently 1.5.7

Can't deploy Spring boot app on Jelastic

I'm using Jelastic . It works great with my PHP and servlet apps. But when I deploy Spring boot apps it's not working at all, even for a simple spring boot apps. Didn't find any doc in this case. Can i get some help?
There are two ways to deploy Spring boot app on Jelastic:
By building it from your Git/SVN repository using Maven;
By deployment your WAR file directly to Jelastic environment via archive/URL.
Please note that Spring Boot usage requires Java 8 at your application server.