Cannot retrieve needed files for okteto on Windows behind proxy - kubernetes

I'm trying to deploy okteto environment on Visual Studio Code to use Remote Development on Kubernetes.
Following the official steps (, I executed "Okteto: up" and selected manifest(vscode-remote-go/okteto.yml), but got this error:
Installing dependencies...
x couldn't download syncthing, please try again
By changing the log level, I also got these logs:
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\okteto.exe up -f 'c:\Workspace\...my_project...\vscode-remote-go\okteto.yml' --remote '22100' --loglevel=debug
time="2021-09-13T14:09:32+09:00" level=info msg="starting up command"
time="2021-09-13T14:09:32+09:00" level=info msg="failed to get latest version from github: fail to get releases from github: Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup no such host"
Installing dependencies...
time="2021-09-13T14:09:32+09:00" level=info msg="installing syncthing for windows/amd64"
time="2021-09-13T14:09:32+09:00" level=info msg="failed to download syncthing, retrying: failed to download syncthing from Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup no such host"
time="2021-09-13T14:09:33+09:00" level=info msg="installing syncthing for windows/amd64"
time="2021-09-13T14:09:33+09:00" level=info msg="failed to download syncthing, retrying: failed to download syncthing from Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup no such host"
time="2021-09-13T14:09:34+09:00" level=info msg="installing syncthing for windows/amd64"
time="2021-09-13T14:09:34+09:00" level=info msg="failed to upgrade syncthing: failed to download syncthing from Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup no such host"
time="2021-09-13T14:09:34+09:00" level=info msg="couldn't download syncthing, please try again"
x couldn't download syncthing, please try again
This environment is behind my corporate proxy, and okteto.exe may not use Windows proxy setting. When I directly enter the URL ( it can be downloaded using proxy.
Is it possible to use okteto behind proxy?

Using a proxy is not currently supported in the Okteto. We're looking into it though.
For now, a workaround is to manually download the syncthing binary and save it as%HOME%\.okteto\syncthing.exe


Ec2 Metadata updgrade from imdSV1 to imdSV2 causes 403 and 401 error- kube2iam

I recently updated my ec2 instances to use imdSV2 but had to rollback because of the following issue:
It looks like after i did the upgrade my init containers started failing and i saw the following in the logs:
time="2022-01-11T14:25:01Z" level=info msg="PUT /latest/api/token (403) took 0.753220 ms" req.method=PUT req.path=/latest/api/token req.remote=XXXXX res.duration=0.75322 res.status=403 time="2022-01-11T14:25:37Z" level=error msg="Error getting instance id, got status: 401 Unauthorized"
We are using Kube2iam for the same. Any advice what changes need to be done on the Kube2iam side to support imdSV2? Below is some info from my kube2iam daemonset:
EKS =1.21
image = "jtblin/kube2iam:0.10.9"

gitlab kubernets runner failing to authenticate in private docker registry during prepare stage

Im setting up a gitlab runner in my kubernets cluster.
The runner is properly deployed and running. When I trigger any pipeline, during the prepare stage it fails with an authentication error to pull from my private docker registry:
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor 00:00
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
Using Kubernetes executor with image ...
Using attach strategy to execute scripts...
Preparing environment 00:04
Waiting for pod gitlab-runner/runner-d8cjrcgf-project-2156-concurrent-0nhsjb to be running, status is Pending
ContainersNotInitialized: "containers with incomplete status: [init-permissions]"
ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper]"
ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper]"
WARNING: Failed to pull image with policy "": image pull failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": pulling from host failed with status code [manifests light]: 401 Unauthorized
ERROR: Job failed: prepare environment: waiting for pod running: pulling image "": image pull failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": pulling from host failed with status code [manifests light]: 401 Unauthorized. Check for more information
I already tried by adding in the runner deployment imagePullSecrets ( and also in the gitlab -> Settings -> CI/CD -> environment variable -> DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG but no success for any of those.
Where is the correct place to add it? Im using helm chart.
my .gitlab-ci.yaml:
In my DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG I had a domain with different port than the actual one. gilab-ci used this project env variable automatically as it should be.

Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period. undefined[fabric1.0 k8s]

I am trying to deploy Hyperledger fabric 1.0.5 on k8s, and use the balance transfer to test it. Everything is right before instantiate-chaincode, and I get this:
[2019-01-02 23:23:14.392] [ERROR] instantiate-chaincode - Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period. undefined
[2019-01-02 23:23:14.393] [ERROR] instantiate-chaincode - Failed to order the transaction. Error code: undefined
and I use kubectl logs to get the peer0's log which is like this:
[ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 61a Failed connecting to orderer2.orderer1:7050 , error: context deadline exceeded
[ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 61b Failed connecting to orderer1.orderer1:7050 , error: context deadline exceeded
[ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 61c Failed connecting to orderer0.orderer1:7050 , error: context deadline exceeded
[deliveryClient] connect -> DEBU 61d Connected to
[deliveryClient] connect -> ERRO 61e Failed obtaining connection: Could not connect to any of the endpoints: [orderer2.orderer1:7050 orderer1.orderer1:7050 orderer0.orderer1:7050]
I checked the connectivity of orderer0:7050 and found no problem.
What should I do next?
Thank for help!
You didn't describe what runbook you followed to deploy Hyperledger Fabric but looks like your pods cannot find each other through DNS. If you are following Kubernetes standards your pods should be in the orderer1 namespace and hopefully, you have Kubernetes services for orderer0, orderer1, and orderer2.
You can read more about communication between the Fabric components here in the "Communication between Fabric components" section. Also, read on the "Work around the chaincode sandbox" where it shows you a workaround for --dns-search.
It looks like firewall problem.
In my case to run hlf on k8s, I disabled firewall service.

What can be the cause for helm error "TILLER: unexpected EOF"

we execute in our automated pipelines this command:
helm list --namespace foobar
We experience rarely that error:
Error: Get!D(MISSING)TILLER: unexpected EOF
The next run is working fine. in between we didn't change any thing.
So we wonder, what the reason could be. Issue we found, which are more or less similar does not explain it, at least as far we understand them. As it seems to be a random error.
We found these issues:
helm still ignores kubeconfig #2520 -
Error: Get http://localhost:8080/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps?labelSelector=OWNER%!D(MISSING)TILLER: dial tcp connect: connection refused #4020 -
Connection refused error when issuing helm install command #3460 -
Helm list Error: Get http://localhost:8080/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps?labelSelector=OWNER%!D(MISSING)TILLER: dial tcp connect: connection refused #3870 -
Tiller pods can't connect to k8s apiserver #2464 -

Minishift: Problems starting

I am trying to get minishift runnin on my machine (Windows 10) with Virtualbox 5.1.24.
Minishift version: 1.0.0+4f8cb6d
CDK Version: 3.0.0-2
Starting minishift gives me the following:
C:\>minishift start --vm-driver virtualbox
Starting local OpenShift cluster using 'virtualbox' hypervisor...
E0727 18:34:21.682796 17204 start.go:176] Error starting the VM: Error
creating new host: Error attempting to get plugin server address for RPC:
Failed to dial the plugin server in 10s. Retrying.
E0727 18:34:31.740746 17204 start.go:176] Error starting the VM: Error
creating new host: Error attempting to get plugin server address for RPC:
Failed to dial the plugin server in 10s. Retrying.
E0727 18:34:41.770667 17204 start.go:176] Error starting the VM: Error
creating new host: Error attempting to get plugin server address for RPC:
Failed to dial the plugin server in 10s. Retrying.
Error starting the VM: Error creating new host: Error attempting to get
plugin server address for RPC: Failed to dial the plugin server in 10s
Error creating new host: Error attempting to get plugin server address for
RPC: Failed to dial the plugin server in 10s
Error creating new host: Error attempting to get plugin server address for
RPC: Failed to dial the plugin server in 10s
I read the comments that it needs to run from the C:\drive but it looks like this did not fix the problem. I am happy about any hints how to fix this. If there is any additional information you need, just let me know.
Sounds like you got it working.
I usually encourage folks who are having trouble starting their minishift VMs to try the following:
Find your preferred virtualization provider from the list of available options
Install the appropriate driver plugin for your system
Persist your VM provider configuration: minishift config set vm-driver virualbox