Convert collect-map-foreach scala code block to spark/sql library functions - scala

I have a spark dataframe (let's call it "records") like the following one:
If you notice, the primary key column (id) values may have single/double quotes in them (like the second and third row in the dataframe).
I wrote following scala code to check for quotes in primary key column values:
def checkForQuotesInPrimaryKeyColumn(primaryKey: String, records: DataFrame): Boolean = {
// Extract primary key column values
val pkcValues =
// Check for single and double quotes in the values
var checkForQuotes = false // indicates no quotes
breakable {
pkcValues.foreach(pkcValue => {
if (pkcValue.toString.contains("\"") || pkcValue.toString.contains("\'")) {
checkForQuotes = true
println("Value that has quotes: " + pkcValue.toString)
This code works. But it doesn't take advantage of spark functionalities. I wish to make use of spark executors (and other features) that can complete this task faster.
The updated function looks like the following:
def checkForQuotesInPrimaryKeyColumnsUpdated(primaryKey: String, records: DataFrame): Boolean = {
val findQuotes = udf((s: String) => if (s.contains("\"") || s.contains("\'")) true else false)
.select(findQuotes(col(primaryKey)) as "quotes")
.filter(col("quotes") === true)
The unit tests give similar runtimes on my machine for both the functions when run on a dataframe with 100 entries.
Is the updated function any faster (and/or better) than the original function? Is there any way the function can be improved?

Your first approach collects the entire dataframe to the driver. If your data does not fit into the driver's memory, it is going to break. Also you are right, you do not take advantage of spark.
The second approach uses spark to detect quotes. That's better. The problem is that you then collect a dataframe containing one boolean per record containing a quote to the driver just to see if there is at least one. This is a waste of time, especially if many records contain quotes. It is also a shame to use a UDF for this, since they are known to be slower than spark SQL primitives.
You could simply use spark to count the number records containing a quote, without collecting anything.
records.where(col(primaryKey).contains("\"") || col(primaryKey).contains("'"))
.count > 0
Since, you do not actually care about the number of records. You just want to check if there is at least one, you could use limit(1). SparkSQL will be able to further optimize the query:
records.where(col(primaryKey).contains("\"") || col(primaryKey).contains("'"))
.limit(1).count > 0
NB: it makes sense that in unit tests, with little data, both of your queries take the same time. Spark is meant for big data and has some overhead. With real data, your second approach should be faster than the first and the one I propose even so. Also, your first approach will get an OOM on the driver as soon as you add in more data.


Accumulator in Spark Scala: Counter value is wrong when calculated in a filter and used with withColumn at the end

I'm trying to count the number of valid and invalid data, that is present in a file. Below is the code to do the same,
val badDataCountAcc = spark.sparkContext.longAccumulator("BadDataAcc")
val goodDataCountAcc = spark.sparkContext.longAccumulator("GoodDataAcc")
val dataframe = spark
.option("header", true)
.option("inferSchema", true)
.filter(data => {
val matcher = regex.matcher(data.toString())
if (matcher.find()) {
println("GoodDataCountAcc: " + goodDataCountAcc.value)
} else {
println("BadDataCountAcc: " + badDataCountAcc.value)
.withColumn("FileName", input_file_name())
val filename = dataframe
val name = filename.collectAsList().get(0).toString()
println("" + filename)
println("Bad data Count Acc: " + badDataCountAcc.value)
println("Good data Count Acc: " + goodDataCountAcc.value)
I ran this code for the sample data that has 2 valid and 3 invalid data. Inside the filter, where I'm printing the counts, values are correct. But outside the filter when I'm printing the values for count, it is coming as 4 for good data and 6 for bad data.
When I remove the withColumn statement at the end - along with the code which calculates distinct filename - values are printed correctly. I'm not sure why?
I do have a requirement to get the input filename as well. What would be best way to do that here?
First of all, Accumulator belongs to the RDD API, while you are using Dataframes. Dataframes are compiled down to RDDs in the end, but they are at a higher level of abstraction. It is better to use aggregations instead of Accumulators in this context.
From the Spark Accumulators documentation:
For accumulator updates performed inside actions only, Spark guarantees that each task’s update to the accumulator will only be applied once, i.e. restarted tasks will not update the value. In transformations, users should be aware of that each task’s update may be applied more than once if tasks or job stages are re-executed.
Accumulators do not change the lazy evaluation model of Spark. If they are being updated within an operation on an RDD, their value is only updated once that RDD is computed as part of an action. Consequently, accumulator updates are not guaranteed to be executed when made within a lazy transformation like map(). The below code fragment demonstrates this property:
Your DataFrame filter will be compiled to an RDD filter, which is not an action, but a transformation (and thus lazy), so this only-once guarantee does not hold in your case.
How many times your code is executed depends is implementation-dependent, and may change with Spark versions, so you should not rely on it.
Regarding your two questions:
(BEFORE EDIT) This cannot be answered based on your code snippet because it doesn't contain any actions. Is it even the exact code snippet you use? I suspect that if you actually execute the code you posted without any additions except for the missing imports, it should print 0 two times because nothing is executed. Either way, you should always assume that an accumulator inside an RDD transformation is potentially executed multiple times (or even not at all if it is in a DataFrame operation which can possibly be optimized out).
Your approach of using withColumn is perfectly fine.
I'd suggest using DataFrame expressions and aggregations (or equivalent Spark SQL if you prefer that). The regex matching can be done using rlike, using the columns instead of relying of toString(), e.g. .withColumn("IsGoodData", $"myColumn1".rlike(regex1) && $"myColumn2".rlike(regex2)).
Then you can count the good and bad records using an aggregation like dataframe.groupBy($"IsGoodData").count()
EDIT: With the additional lines the answer to your first question is also clear: The first time was from the and the second time from the filename.collectAsList(), which you probably also removed as it depends on the added column. Please make sure you understand the distinction between Spark transformations and actions and the lazy evaluation model of Spark. Otherwise you won't be very happy with it :-)

How do I understand that caching is used in Spark?

In my Scala/Spark application, I create DataFrame. I plan to use this Dataframe several times throughout the program. For that's why I decided to used .cache() method for that DataFrame. As you can see inside the loop I filter DataFrame several times with different values. For some reason .count() method returns me the always the same result. In fact, it must return two different count values. Also, I notice strange behavior in Mesos. It feels like the .cache() method is not being executed. After creating the DataFrame, the program goes to this part of code if (!df.head(1).isEmpty) and performs it for a very long time. I assumed that the caching process would run for a long time, and the other processes would use this cache and run quickly. What do you think is the problem?
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
var df: DataFrame = spark
.option("delimiter", "|")
.filter(col("col5").isin("XXX", "YYY", "ZZZ"))
var array1 = Array("111", "222")
var array2 = Array("333")
var storage = Array(array1, array2)
if (!df.head(1).isEmpty) {
for (item <- storage) {
println("count: " + df.count())
In fact, it must return two different count values.
Why? You are calling it on the same df. Maybe you meant something like
val df1 = df.filter(...)
println("count: " + df1.count())
I assumed that the caching process would run for a long time, and the other processes would use this cache and run quickly.
It does, but only when the first action which depends on this dataframe is executed, and head is that action. So you should expect exactly
the program goes to this part of code if (!df.head(1).isEmpty) and performs it for a very long time
Without caching, you'd also get the same time for both df.count() calls, unless Spark detects it and enables caching on its own.

Caching Large Dataframes in Spark Effectively

I am currently working on 11,000 files. Each file will generate a data frame which will be Union with the previous one. Below is the code:
var df1 = sc.parallelize(Array(("temp",100 ))).toDF("key","value").withColumn("Filename", lit("Temp") )
files.foreach( filename => {
val a = filename.getPath.toString()
val m = a.split("/")
val name = m(6)
println("FILENAME: " + name)
if (name == "_SUCCESS") {
println("Cannot Process '_SUCCSS' Filename")
} else {
val freqs=doSomething(a).toDF("key","value").withColumn("Filename", lit(name) )
First, i got an error of java.lang.StackOverFlowError on 11,000 files. Then, i add a following line after df1=df1.unionAll(freqs):
It resolves the problem but after each iteration, it is getting slower. Can somebody please suggest me what should be done to avoid StackOverflowError with no decrease in time.
The issue is that spark manages a dataframe as a set of transformations. It begins with the "toDF" of the first dataframe, then perform the transformations on it (e.g. withColumn), then unionAll with the previous dataframe etc.
The unionAll is just another such transformation and the tree becomes very long (with 11K unionAll you have an execution tree of depth 11K). The unionAll when building the information can get to a stack overflow situation.
The caching doesn't solve this, however, I imagine you are adding some action along the way (otherwise nothing would run besides building the transformations). When you perform caching, spark might skip some of the steps and therefor the stack overflow would simply arrive later.
You can go back to RDD for iterative process (your example actually is not iterative but purely parallel, you can simply save each separate dataframe along the way and then convert to RDD and use RDD union).
Since your case seems to be join unioning a bunch of dataframes without true iterations, you can also do the union in a tree manner (i.e. union pairs, then union pairs of pairs etc.) this would change the depth from O(N) to O(log N) where N is the number of unions.
Lastly, you can read and write the dataframe to/from disk. The idea is that after every X (e.g. 20) unions, you would do df1.write.parquet(filex) and then df1 = When you read the lineage of a single dataframe would be the file reading itself. The cost of course would be the writing and reading of the file.

Comparing columns in two data frame in spark

I have two dataframes, both of them contain different number of columns.
I need to compare three fields between them to check if those are equal.
I tried following approach but its not working.
if(df_table_stats("rec_cnt").equals(df_aud("REC_CNT")) || df_table_stats("hashcount").equals(df_aud("HASH_CNT")) || round(df_table_stats("hashsum"),0).equals(round(df_aud("HASH_TTL"),0)))
println("Job executed succefully")
df_table_stats("rec_cnt"), this returns Column rather than actual value hence condition becoming false.
Also, please explain difference between"rec_cnt") and df_table_stats("rec_cnt").
Use sql and inner join both df , with your conditions .
Per my comment, the syntax you're using are simple column references, they don't actually return data. Assuming you MUST use Spark for this, you'd want a method that actually returns the data, known in Spark as an action. For this case you can use take to return the first Row of data and extract the desired columns:
val tableStatsRow: Row = df_table_stats.take(1).head
val audRow: Row = df_aud.take(1).head
val tableStatsRecCount = tableStatsRow.getAs[Int]("rec_cnt")
val audRecCount = audRow.getAs[Int]("REC_CNT")
//repeat for the other values you need to capture
However, Spark definitely is overkill if this is all you're using it for. You could use a simple JDBC library for Scala like ScalikeJDBC to do these queries and capture the primitives in the results.

Is there a way to add extra metadata for Spark dataframes?

Is it possible to add extra meta data to DataFrames?
I have Spark DataFrames for which I need to keep extra information. Example: A DataFrame, for which I want to "remember" the highest used index in an Integer id column.
Current solution
I use a separate DataFrame to store this information. Of course, keeping this information separately is tedious and error-prone.
Is there a better solution to store such extra information on DataFrames?
To expand and Scala-fy nealmcb's answer (the question was tagged scala, not python, so I don't think this answer will be off-topic or redundant), suppose you have a DataFrame:
import org.apache.spark.sql
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq.fill(100) { scala.util.Random.nextInt() }).toDF("randInt")
And some way to get the max or whatever you want to memoize on the DataFrame:
val randIntMax = { case sql.Row(randInt: Int) => randInt }.reduce(math.max)
sql.types.Metadata can only hold strings, booleans, some types of numbers, and other metadata structures. So we have to use a Long:
val metadata = new sql.types.MetadataBuilder().putLong("columnMax", randIntMax).build()
DataFrame.withColumn() actually has an overload that permits supplying a metadata argument at the end, but it's inexplicably marked [private], so we just do what it does — use, metadata):
val newColumn = df.col("randInt").as("randInt_withMax", metadata)
val dfWithMax = df.withColumn("randInt_withMax", newColumn)
dfWithMax now has (a column with) the metadata you want!
dfWithMax.schema.foreach(field => println(s"${}: metadata=${field.metadata}"))
> randInt: metadata={}
> randInt_withMax: metadata={"columnMax":2094414111}
Or programmatically and type-safely (sort of; Metadata.getLong() and others do not return Option and may throw a "key not found" exception):
> res29: Long = 209341992
Attaching the max to a column makes sense in your case, but in the general case of attaching metadata to a DataFrame and not a column in particular, it appears you'd have to take the wrapper route described by the other answers.
As of Spark 1.2, StructType schemas have a metadata attribute which can hold an arbitrary mapping / dictionary of information for each Column in a Dataframe. E.g. (when used with the separate spark-csv library):
customSchema = StructType([
StructField("cat_id", IntegerType(), True,
{'description': "Unique id, primary key"}),
StructField("cat_title", StringType(), True,
{'description': "Name of the category, with underscores"}) ])
categoryDumpDF = ('com.databricks.spark.csv')
.load(csvFilename, schema = customSchema) )
f = categoryDumpDF.schema.fields
["%s (%s): %s" % (, t.dataType, t.metadata) for t in f]
["cat_id (IntegerType): {u'description': u'Unique id, primary key'}",
"cat_title (StringType): {u'description': u'Name of the category, with underscores.'}"]
This was added in [SPARK-3569] Add metadata field to StructField - ASF JIRA, and designed for use in Machine Learning pipelines to track information about the features stored in columns, like categorical/continuous, number categories, category-to-index map. See the SPARK-3569: Add metadata field to StructField design document.
I'd like to see this used more widely, e.g. for descriptions and documentation of columns, the unit of measurement used in the column, coordinate axis information, etc.
Issues include how to appropriately preserve or manipulate the metadata information when the column is transformed, how to handle multiple sorts of metadata, how to make it all extensible, etc.
For the benefit of those thinking of expanding this functionality in Spark dataframes, I reference some analogous discussions around Pandas.
For example, see xray - bring the labeled data power of pandas to the physical sciences which supports metadata for labeled arrays.
And see the discussion of metadata for Pandas at Allow custom metadata to be attached to panel/df/series? · Issue #2485 · pydata/pandas.
See also discussion related to units: ENH: unit of measurement / physical quantities · Issue #10349 · pydata/pandas
If you want to have less tedious work, I think you can add an implicit conversion between DataFrame and your custom wrapper (haven't tested it yet though).
implicit class WrappedDataFrame(val df: DataFrame) {
var metadata = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Long]()
def addToMetaData(key: String, value: Long) {
metadata += key -> value
...[other methods you consider useful, getters, setters, whatever]...
If the implicit wrapper is in DataFrame's scope, you can just use normal DataFrame as if it was your wrapper, ie.:
df.addtoMetaData("size", 100)
This way also makes your metadata mutable, so you should not be forced to compute it only once and carry it around.
I would store a wrapper around your dataframe. For example:
case class MyDFWrapper(dataFrame: DataFrame, metadata: Map[String, Long])
val maxIndex = df1.agg("index" ->"MAX").head.getLong(0)
MyDFWrapper(df1, Map("maxIndex" -> maxIndex))
A lot of people saw the word "metadata" and went straight to "column metadata". This does not seem to be what you wanted, and was not what I wanted when I had a similar problem. Ultimately, the problem here is that a DataFrame is an immutable data structure that, whenever an operation is performed on it, the data passes on but the rest of the DataFrame does not. This means that you can't simply put a wrapper on it, because as soon as you perform an operation you've got a whole new DataFrame (potentially of a completely new type, especially with Scala/Spark's tendencies toward implicit conversions). Finally, if the DataFrame ever escapes its wrapper, there's no way to reconstruct the metadata from the DataFrame.
I had this problem in Spark Streaming, which focuses on RDDs (the underlying datastructure of the DataFrame as well) and came to one simple conclusion: the only place to store the metadata is in the name of the RDD. An RDD name is never used by the core Spark system except for reporting, so it's safe to repurpose it. Then, you can create your wrapper based on the RDD name, with an explicit conversion between any DataFrame and your wrapper, complete with metadata.
Unfortunately, this does still leave you with the problem of immutability and new RDDs being created with every operation. The RDD name (our metadata field) is lost with each new RDD. That means you need a way to re-add the name to your new RDD. This can be solved by providing a method that takes a function as an argument. It can extract the metadata before the function, call the function and get the new RDD/DataFrame, then name it with the metadata:
def withMetadata(fn: (df: DataFrame) => DataFrame): MetaDataFrame = {
val meta =
val result = fn(wrappedFrame)
Your wrapping class (MetaDataFrame) can provide convenience methods for parsing and setting metadata values, as well as implicit conversions back and forth between Spark DataFrame and MetaDataFrame. As long as you run all your mutations through the withMetadata method, your metadata will carry along though your entire transformation pipeline. Using this method for every call is a bit of a hassle, yes, but the simple reality is that there is not a first-class metadata concept in Spark.