how to remove horizontal line from barchart - flutter

How to solve this problem,
use FL-CHART package

You can remove the horizontal lines by setting drawHorizontalLine property to false
BarChart(BarChartData(gridData: FlGridData(
show: true,
drawVerticalLine: false,
drawHorizontalLine: false,// this one

You can change the width to zero (0) of that lines.
Example: majorGridLines: MajorGridLines(width: 0),


AG GRID - Make a filter based on 1st checkbox selection column

I'm trying to create a filter based on whether columns are selected or not. The selection is made by the first column which is created with:
headerName: '(Checks)',
headerCheckboxSelection: true,
checkboxSelection: true,
minWidth: 50,
maxWidth: 50,
width: 50,
flex: 0,
resizable: false,
editable: false,
suppressCellFlash: true,
Note: There is no Field associated. I use this column to select/deselect the rows only
Ag Grid Filter Side Panel
When I go to the Side Bar Filter I see no values. I know how to make it display values adding:
refreshValuesOnOpen: true,
values: ['Selected','Unselected'],
valueFormatter: (p)=>{
var x=(p.node.selected==true) ? 'Selected': 'Unselected';
But even if I do that sill cannot make it filter for Selected/Unselected rows.
Any help will be welcome!
My mistake! I should have used
filterValueGetter: (p)=>{
return (p.node.selected==true) ? 'Marcado': 'Sin marcar';
Now is working!

model_viewer_plus model pan enabled

I'm looking to add a pan to a 3d model.
I have a map and you can zoom into the map but there is no pan. is there any way to add this?
backgroundColor: Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEE),
src: 'assets/map/ComplexMap.glb', // a bundled asset file
alt: "Test",
ar: false,
autoRotate: false,
cameraControls: true,
Flutter does provide a widget that allows for panning and zooming of a child widget. This widget is called InteractiveViwer.
To use this widget you will need to wrap the ModelViewer Widget within an InteractiveViewer like below
child: ModelViewer(
backgroundColor: Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEE),
src: 'assets/map/ComplexMap.glb', // a bundled asset file
alt: "Test",
ar: false,
autoRotate: false,
cameraControls: true,
InteractiveViewer Widget
Hey if someone's still stuck, they can try setting the enablePan:true for example:
src: '...',
alt: 'alt text',
ar: true,
autoRotate: true,
cameraControls: true,
enablePan: true,
This allows two finger touch dragging around. Worked for me.

AG Grid clip long text in cell and show all on click

I have a tall row like this
and I managed to display It like this
I also want to display it like on the first picture after the dots click.
To achieve it I made a custom cell renderer it's changing the inner HTML content of a cell. And my problem is that after change content to long row has the same height so I cant see full text.
Is there any method to rerender rows or the whole table.
you need to set these two property on the column which is getting expanded.
wrapText: true,
autoHeight: true,
if this behavior is needed on all column or you are not sure better define these under
defaultColDef: {
flex: 1,
minWidth: 110,
editable: true,
resizable: true,
wrapText: true,
autoHeight: true,
then call resetRowHeights(); on cellValueChanged event.
onCellValueChanged : function(params){ params.api.resetRowHeights();}

Label overflows window when using horizontal scrolling with chart_flutter

I'm using charts_flutter and using a scrollable bar chart. Horizontal scrolling works great with the behaviors SlidingViewport() and PanAndZoomBehavior() (charts_flutter example). I would also like to have labels follow the bar itself and stay inside the chart window when scrolling. See image.
behaviors: [
animate: true,
domainAxis: OrdinalAxisSpec(
viewport: OrdinalViewport('Week ${weeks.last}', 4),
I used ClipRect() to solve that issue, simply wrap your widget with what ever clipper you wish although the default works as well,
ClipRect(child : BarChart(
behaviors: [
animate: true,
domainAxis: OrdinalAxisSpec(
viewport: OrdinalViewport('Week ${weeks.last}', 4),

changing the background color of sencha touch panel

I am trying to change background color of panel.
Please see the code:
panel: {
centered: true,
width: 200,
height: 150,
style: 'background-color: red',
fullscreen: false,
hidden: true,
zIndex: 10,
but style: 'background-color: red' statement doesn't fulfill my requirements. it changes the color of panel border only not complete panel background color.
please suggest for the same.
This works for me in 2.0.0:
launch : function() {
xtype: 'panel',
style: 'background-color:#F00'
This link:
Suggests that background-color is its own entity. I've never actually used Sencha, but a group I was working with considered using it once... e.g.
panel: {
centered: true,
width: 200,
height: 150,
background-color: red,
fullscreen: false,
hidden: true,
zIndex: 10,
also, I don't know if that's for an older version you're not using.