Problems with ticks in NetLogo - netlogo

I'm trying to understand and see if it's possible to change the following:
I have a code that has 2 iterations. with the configuration exactly as it is. By clicking the setup-all button and then clicking the go once button 4 times. Call the second iteration. But, this second iteration starts at tick 1 and not at tick zero. Why does it happen? Is there a way to solve this?
globals [ iteration ]
patches-own [ scale-patch ]
to setup-world
random-seed 1
ifelse iteration = 0
to clearMethod
to setup-all
random-seed 1
ifelse iteration = 0
to setup-layers
ask patches [
set scale-patch random 10
set pcolor scale-color blue scale-patch -8 12 ]
to setup-layers-2
ask patches [
set scale-patch random 10
set pcolor scale-color green scale-patch -8 12 ]
to setup-turtles
crt 1 [ set color black ]
to go
let n count turtles
if n = 0
ifelse iteration = 0
set iteration 1
to moveproc
ask turtles [
right random 360
fd 1
if ticks >= 3
Thanks in advance

The moment when you change iteration is within the go procedure (i.e. set iteration 1 setup-world). However, the go procedure also ends with tick. This means that when you change iteration NetLogo will first perform all the new setup things, which include reset-ticks (bringing ticks to 0), and then perform tick (bringing ticks to 1).
If you don't like this to happen and if you need to maintain this structure (i.e. go performing setup things), you can rearrange the go procedure so that tick happens before you check the condition for the change of iteration:
to go
let n count turtles
if n = 0 [
ifelse iteration = 0
[set iteration 1
PS: the one you provided is a great minimal reproducible example


How can I properly implement a function at the end of a counter in Netlogo?

I am writing an assembly line model, and I would like to implement a counter to hold a turtle at a specific patch (in this case, patch 3 0) for 10 ticks. Once 10 ticks have passed, I would like the turtle to keep on moving at the rate of one patch per tick and for the next turtle in line to begin its own 10 tick timer once it arrives at the specified patch.
So far, I can stop the turtles at the specified patch and run a 10 tick counter; however, I cannot seem to get the turtles to keep moving continuously after the timer is completed.
Here are the relevant parts of my code so far.
to go
to move-machines
ask wmachines [
if not any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1 and xcor < 3
[ forward 1]
to stay
ask wmachines-on patch 3 0[
ifelse counter = 0 [
set counter 10
[set counter counter - 1
set label counter
if counter = 0
[forward 1]
to keep-going
ask wmachines-on patch 4 0[
if not any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1 and xcor < 12
[ forward 1]
If your problem is that turtles leave patch 3 0 but then they do not move forward continuously beyond patch 4 0, it is simply because your keep-going procedure is only addressing turtles that are exactly on patch 4 0 (and for this reason the xcor < 12 part is completely unused).
In general, it looks very complicated and unnecessary that you are using three different procedures (i.e. one before patch 3 0, one for patch 3 0, and one for patch 4 0 but which should really be beyond patch 3 0) each of which is hard-coding some location in your model.
The whole point of having a counter is that you can generalise a waiting condition across the whole model, so your go procedure can be simplified a lot by simply asking agents that have concluded their countdown to do one thing, and those who have not concluded their countdown to do another thing.
Look at this minimal reproducible example where I have an unpredictable arrangement of stopping-patches but implement the waiting condition in a very general and simple way:
turtles-own [
to setup
resize-world 0 30 0 4
set-patch-size 25
ask patches with [pxcor = min-pxcor] [
sprout 1 [
set heading 90
set color lime
ask n-of 15 patches with [pxcor > min-pxcor] [
set pcolor brown
to go
ask turtles [
ifelse (counter = 0)
;; If the counter equals 0:
[forward 1
if (pcolor != black) [
set counter 10
;; If the counter does not equal 0:
[set counter counter - 1]
ifelse (pcolor = black)
;; If the turtle is on a black patch:
[set label ""]
;; If the turtle is not on a black patch:
[set label counter]

Netlogo: Patches Disappear instantly instead of continualy

I'm trying to show deforestation versus reforestation. To do this I created a slider to show how much reforestarion and deforestation is being done. However every time at 11 ticks the whole scene gets deforestated and I don't know why.
breed [ potreros potrero ] ; sheep is its own plural, so we use "a-sheep" as the singular
breed [ bordes borde ]
breed [ bosques bosque ]
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "frog top"
ask patches
[ifelse pcolor = 44
[ set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar ]
[ set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar * 0.5];
to go
ask patches [ reforestacion ]
ask patches [ deforestacion ]
to reforestacion ; patch procedure
; countdown on brown patches: if you reach 0, grow some grass
if pcolor = 35 [
ifelse reforestar <= 0
[ set pcolor 44
set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar ]
[ set reforestar reforestar - 1 ]
to deforestacion
if pcolor = 44 [
ifelse deforestar >= 10
[ set pcolor 35
set deforestar tasa-deforestacion ]
[ set deforestar deforestar + 1 ]
The idea is that some patches of random brown (deforestacion) turn into yellow (reforestacion) but for some reason it just changes everything at once.
You're not asking a random number of patches to do something, you're asking all patches with pcolor 44 to count up to 10 with every tick and when they reach 10, they get "deforested".
If you want to ask a random number of patches to get deforested, try something like
ask n-of (random ([count patches with pcolor = 44] * deforestationRate)) patches with pcolor = 44 [set pcolor 35 set deforestar tasa-deforestacion]
Where deforestationRate would be a value from a slider from 0 to 1. What this would do is count the nuber of patches that can be deforested and then select a random number of those patches to deforest. If you only use the count itself, then every tick between 0 and 100% of the forest will get deforested, but if you add the deforestationRate slider value, it may be whatever maximum percentage you'd like. (So if you set it to 0.1 for example, then only up to 10% of the forest can get deforested each tick) You can do the same thing with reforestation too and use a different slider / value for the rate.
(Note: I haven't used NetLogo in a while so the code and parentheses may not be 100% on point, but you get the idea)

How to get turtle to wait at patch for 10 ticks

I would like my turtles to
1) Stop for ten ticks if the turtle is red and comes across a red patch
2) After ten ticks I would like the turtle to continue on the look-for-food subroutine, which I already have.
An easy way to accomplish this is to use some sort of counter. Here is a full example:
turtles-own [ counter ]
to setup
create-turtles 100 [
set counter 0
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
ask n-of 25 turtles [ set color red ]
ask n-of 100 patches [ set pcolor red ]
to go
ask turtles [
ifelse counter = 0 [
if color = red and pcolor = red [
set counter 10
] [
set counter counter - 1
set label counter ; just to show what's going on
to look-for-food
; your own look-for-food procedure is presumably different
right random 20
left random 20
forward 1

NetLogo: creation of lattice/grid resources world without using turtles?

I would like to create a "gridded" world of resources, in specific distance from the central patch and keep distances equal between these patches. Due to calculation demand, I prefer not to use turtles to create this patchy world. I expect to create something like this:
Equally, I would like to define distance between patches as a slider tool. I was wandering to use turtle lattice walk and then turn patches to different color, but is there any way how to do that without turtles ? Thanks for any suggestions !
My not totally working exemple:
to setup
ask patches [set pcolor green]
foreach [5 10 15] [
repeat 9 [
make-red-patch ?
to make-red-patch [dist]
crt 1 [
fd dist
rt 90
while [pcolor = red] [
bk dist
rt 90
fd 2 * dist
set pcolor red
I am not exactly sure what you need, first you mentioned you don't want to use turtles and in your own answer you have problem with the patch without a turtle.
There might be another way to approach this question:
to setup
ask patches with [pxcor mod Grid = 0 and pycor mod Grid = 0] [set pcolor red]
And these are examples with different Grid size:
After more detailed search I found my answer here:
They consider to distribute turtles, not patches and then attribute patches turtles' qualities.
Here is the code:
to setup
create-turtles 1
[ let $n 0 ; actual number of turtles on this patch
let $s 0 ; current number of turtles on a side of square pattern - 1
set heading 0
ask patch-here [set pcolor red]
repeat 16 ; number of needed turtles
[ hatch 1 jump Grid ; make one turtle and move
set $n $n + 1 ; increment count of curent side
ask patch-here [set pcolor red]
if $n > $s ; if side finished...
right 90 set $n 0 ; turn and reset count
ask patch-here [set pcolor red]
; if headed up or down, increment side count
if heading mod 180 = 0 [ set $s $s + 1
which produce:
I still don't know how to deal with 1 patch without turtle (bottom right corner), but this exemple helped me a lot ! :)

How show few turtles at a time?

I have this basic code for setup and moving turtle.
By this time I want only few turtles to appear during setup and then when they move. Other turtles will show or will become visible.
to setup
crt 100
setxy random 19 random 80
to go
fd 1
I tried this. But I got error
to setup
create-turtles random 10
to go
fd 1
if count turtles < 100 [
create-turtles min list (random 10) (100 - count turtles)
Your question is not that clear, if you want to be able to set visibility of turtles you should use hidden? Primitive to set visibility of turtles,
Following example shows how turtles appear when their who id is smaller than ticks, in tick 101 all turtles will be visible.
to setup
crt 100 [
set hidden? true
setxy random 19 random 80
to go
ask turtles
if who < ticks
set hidden? false
fd 1
ask patch 0 0 [set plabel ticks] ; just for your info
ask patch 1 1 [set plabel "Ticks"] ; just for your info
After 1 tick only one turtle is visible:
And now 40 turtles are visible :
In this example, you can have a list of numbers that you want to ask turtles to set their visibility to true:
globals [ number-to-set-visible]
to setup
set number-to-set-visible [ 5 5 7 8 2 ]
crt 100 [
set hidden? true
setxy random 19 random 80
to go
if visibility-condition and length number-to-set-visible > 0
ask n-of item 0 number-to-set-visible turtles [
set hidden? false
set number-to-set-visible remove-item 0 number-to-set-visible
ask turtles with [not hidden? ]
fd 1
to-report visibility-condition
report ticks mod 100 = 0 and ticks > 0
Marzy's answer covers how to create invisible turtles during setup, then gradually make them visible during go.
It's not clear to me if you actually need this visible/invisible distinction. Do you actually need all the turtles to exist from the beginning? Might it be OK to just create a few more turtles each tick? If so, try code like this:
to setup
create-turtles random 10
to go
if count turtles < 100 [
create-turtles min list (random 10) (100 - count turtles)