Delete/Remove only the route and not route points using spliceWayPoints - react-leaflet

I am using leaflet for maps and using leaflet routing machine to create routes between the locations.
But unable to find a way to manipulate the waypoints. so that i can hide routes between 2 points. If there are only 2 locations then it works perfectly fine as it deletes the complete connection. but if we are creating 3 routes points then 2nd point will act as a middle point between 1 and 3 and with splice way point function, it clears the complete points instead of just the route.
routingControl.getPlan().setWaypoints([]); using this to set route points to leaflet map.
is there a way/function by which we can manipulate addition/removal of just the routes between the 2 points and not the point/location itself?
Snapshot of function to remove the point is attached.
Any help from the community is much appreciated!

The route will always be calculated such that it passes through all waypoints in consecutive order. Removing a waypoint will recalculate the route so that it passes through the new waypoints.
In other words, Leaflet Routing Machine does not allow you to hide the route between two or more waypoints, which I think is what you're trying to accomplish.
One way to achieve what you want would be to provide a custom router (which could still call OSRM or whatever backend you use) which cuts away the parts of the route you want to hide.


Creation of two networks with the same node coordinates

I create a network add nodes and edges. I view it (it creates a dot and pdf file automatically). Later, I want to create a second network with the same nodes but different edges. I want to place the nodes in the same coordinates, so that I can make a comparison of both graphs easily. I tried to get the coordinates of the first graph, and tried to set the coordinates of the nodes) but I couldn't find proper functions to do that. I also checked networkx package. I also tried to get a copy of the first network, and delete the edges with no success. Can someone please show me how to create a second network with the same node coordinates?
This is the simple network creation code
import graphviz as G
network1 = G.Digraph(
edge_attr={...} )
network.edge("xxx", "yyy")
network.edge("yyy", "zzz")
First, calculate the node positions for the first graph using the layout of your choice (say, the spring layout):
node_positions = nx.layout.spring_layout(G1)
Now, you can draw this graph and any other graph with the same nodes in the same positions:
nx.draw(G1, with_labels=True, pos=node_positions)
nx.draw(G2, with_labels=True, pos=node_positions)
Graphviz's layers feature might also be interesting:
Here is a working example of using layers - ignore the last two lines that create a video.
And here is some more background:

GraphHopper: disable OSM ways collapsing

I need to match gpx file which contains track, that goes straight way, which consists of a few different OSM ways, going one after another with the same angle.
In Graphhopper answer there is a points field, that contains only start and end point of moving.
But I need to get all inner points of OSM ways on that straight way.
if angle in the geometry of one OSM way or angle between previous OSM way and next OSM way changes, graphhopper includes points of angle change in points field
Is there any url option or server config, that can enable
getting all the inner start and end points of OSM ways, disable OSM ways collapsing?
The source code exploation shows, that there is no way to disable OSM ways collapsing without code modification

Best Practice to display local markers and a wider area of points of interest markers?

I've created a base layer and 6 different overlay (Points of Interest) layers for a leaflet map.
The base layer of markers can appear on the map almost anywhere in the world, but I want the POI layers to appear only if they are in the same area (mapBounds) of the base layer. Probably the screen size.
All the data is pulled from a MySQL database and using Ajax I create the various sets of markers from two different tables, base and poi. This much is all done and working, you can see it at The green and blue markers are from the base table, other markers are currently selected for view by clicking on the appropriate icon in the lower right. The only one active at the moment is 'Fire Station'. But if you zoom out far enough you will see additional fire stations in the Kansas City area, and in Florida. Those sets are not needed.
After the query runs I create a fitBounds variable of the base layer and another poiBounds for the poi layer. But I'm not sure I need the poiBounds. The number of base markers is generally less than 50 for the base query, but if all the poi markers are pulled world wide that number could be very large.
So I'm hoping someone can help me determine a best practice for this kind of scenario and maybe offer up an example of how it should be done. Should I...
1) Download all POIs and not worry about them appearing outside the base bounds layer? Should I inhibit them from showing in the javascript or in the SQL? How?
2) If I inhibit the unwanted points from SQL do I test one POI at a time to see if its included in the base bounds? How? Are there MySQL functions perhaps to work with this kind of data?
I'm fairly new at leaflet maps and would appreciate examples if appropriate.
2) If I inhibit the unwanted points from SQL do I test one POI at a time to see if its included in the base bounds? How? Are there MySQL functions perhaps to work with this kind of data?
You probably want a column of type POINT, a spatial index on such column (which internally is likely to be implemented as an R-Tree), and spatial relation functions on your SQL query to make use of that index.
Start by reading Take your time, as spatial databases, spatial data types and spatial indices work a bit differently than their non-spatial equivalents.

How to implement a geo route fence

Say I keep getting a set of Geo coordinates from a moving vehicle.
There is a predefined route that the vehicle needs to follow from Point A to Point B.
The route will be defined by giving the user the option to select points A and B and also selecting the WayPoints in between and letting the Google API select the best route.
As the vehicle moves I need to check whether the vehicle has deviated more than 50 m from the predefined route.
My solution (not fully tested)
When the user has selected the start and the end points and the waypoints in between, I can make a call to the Google Directions API which would give me all the points on the road in between
(The polyline property inside the steps gives you the exact points on the road which the UI uses to draw the lines. You can call the following URL to see the polyline response,MA&destination=Concord,MA&waypoints=Charlestown,MA|Lexington,MA
and store these points in some database (Mongo) with a route id.
When I get the geo cordinates from the vehicle I can make a query to Mongo asking for all those points with the route id and whose distance is less than 50m from the vehicle coordinates. And if there are non then the vehicle has deviated from the route.
Is there a better way of doing this?

How does routing services for OSM determine the distance between two points

I am going to design an Android application and I will be needing the distances of the pathways inside our university(pathways between buildings)
I read about OSM(OpenStreetMap) and tried it. It is a map which is editable which means anyone can contribute to that map(like a wikipedia map version).
It has many routing services that give routes and directions between two point(start and end).
There is a routing service named GraphHopper and it is very easy to use. I can just drag and drop the start and end pt and it gives the distance(km) between the two pts.
What I want to know is how did they come up with the distance?
Is the distance reliable and accurate?
Any help is greatly appreciated because I want to use the distances for my Android app and I need to know if these distances have basis.
The distance is 'accurate' in the sense that it correctly processes the existing information from OpenStreetMap and correctly adds road segments for the final route. You can just try for your local area and compare to your own knowledge.
There could be mapping errors, where a road is incorrectly mapped. And there could be also roads missing and so the router uses a detour making the path unnecessarily longer. Also there are different modes like for cars or bikes or fastest and shortest where you get a different distance between two coordinates.