Stateless Worker service in Service Fabric restarted in the same process - azure-service-fabric

I have a stateless service that pulls messages from an Azure queue and processes them. The service also starts some threads in charge of cleanup operations. We recently ran into an issue where these threads which ideally should have been killed when the service shuts down continue to remain active (definitely a bug in our service shutdown process).
Further looking at logs, it seemed that, the RunAsync methods cancellation token received a cancellation request, and later within the same process a new instance of the stateless service that was registered in ServiceRuntime.RegisterServiceAsync was created.
Is this expected behavior that service fabric can re-use the same process to start a new instance of the stateless service after shutting down the current instance.
The service fabric documentation does seem to suggest that different services can be hosted on the same process, but I could not find the above behavior being mentioned there.

In the shared process model, there's one process per ServicePackage instance on every node. Adding or replacing services will reuse the existing process.
This is done to save some (process-level) overhead on the node that runs the service, so hosting is more cost-efficient. Also, it enables port sharing for services.
You can change this (default) behavior, by configuring the 'exclusive process' mode in the application manifest, so every replica/instance will run in a separate process.
<Service Name="VotingWeb" ServicePackageActivationMode="ExclusiveProcess">
As you mentioned, you can monitor the CancellationToken to abort the separate worker threads, so they can stop when the service stops.
More info about the app model here and configuring process activation mode.


Service Fabric upgrades keep active connections alive

I am trying to upgrade an application deployed to service fabric.
How can I only upgrade nodes that have no active connections and wait for the busy nodes to finish before upgrading them?
Most of the time, you don't really have to worry about the upgrades on a node level as the SF runtime handles it internally if configured in Monitored mode. This is what we've been using with a high level of success and never really had to do much. This also fit our requirement that all upgrade domains (nodes) have to match our health state policies before considered healthy.
If you want to have more advanced control over your upgrades like using request draining etc, have a look at the info as mentioned here. But to be honest, we've been quite happy with just using monitored mode and investigating why stuff fails if it does. We had some apps that had a long background task running as a stateful actor that sometimes failed upgrade and most always it was due to an issue that was caused in the background task itself instead of anything to do with Service Fabric.
Service Fabric knew when no active connections and background tasks were running to then upgrade nodes and we could actually see the nodes that were temporarily 'stuck' due to waiting for an active background task to finish.

Blocking a Service Fabric service shutdown externally

I'm going to write a quick little SF service to report endpoints from a service to a load balancer. That part is easy and well understood. FabricClient. Find Services. Discover endpoints. Do stuff with load balancer API.
But I'd like to be able to deal with a graceful drain and shutdown situation. Basically, catch and block the shutdown of a SF service until after my app has had a chance to drain connections to it from the pool.
There's no API I can find to accomplish this. But I kinda bet one of the services would let me do this. Resource manager. Cluster manager. Whatever.
Is anybody familiar with how to pull this off?
From what I know this isn't possible in a way you've described.
Service Fabric service can be shutdown by multiple reasons: re-balancing, errors, outage, upgrade etc. Depending on the type of service (stateful or stateless) they have slightly different shutdown routine (see more) but in general if the service replica is shutdown gracefully then OnCloseAsync method is invoked. Inside this method replica can perform a safe cleanup. There is also a second case - when replica is forcibly terminated. Then OnAbort method is called and there are no clear statements in documentation about guarantees you have inside OnAbort method.
Going back to your case I can suggest the following pattern:
When replica is going to shutdown inside OnCloseAsync or OnAbort it calls lbservice and reports that it is going to shutdown.
The lbservice the reconfigure load balancer to exclude this replica from request processing.
replica completes all already processing requests and shutdown.
Please note that you would need to implement startup mechanism too i.e. when replica is started then it reports to lbservice that it is active now.
In a mean time I like to notice that Service Fabric already implements this mechanics. Here is an example of how API Management can be used with Service Fabric and here is an example of how Reverse Proxy can be used to access Service Fabric services from the outside.
EDIT 2018-10-08
In order to abstract receive notifications about services endpoints changes in general you can try to use FabricClient.ServiceManagementClient.ServiceNotificationFilterMatched Event.
There is a similar situation solved in this question.

Handle upgrades with spring boot admin

I am using SBA for monitoring our microservices within AWS ecs clusters.
All looks OK, except upgrades, e.g when we spin new version of service we shutdown the old one once it becomes healthy. The thing is that the old one is shown as down and starts issuing notifications util we manually remove it.
Any solution ?
I tried to use the instance de-reregistration setting but it doesn't work well since ECS probably just kills the tasks and not gracefully shuts down the context.
you can issue a DELETE request to /api/applications/<id> during your deployment scripts to remove the application from the admin server

Removing service fabric application fails

I have deployed an application to a 5 node standalone cluster. Deployment succeeded successful. But the application did not start because of some bug in the application.
I tried removing the application from the cluster using the Service Fabric Explorer but this fails.
The health State of the application is “Error” and the status is “Deleting”
The application has 9 services. 6 services show a Health State “Unknown” with a question mark and a Status “Unknown”. 3 services show a health state “Ok” but with a Status “Deleting”.
I have also tried to remove it using powershell:
Remove-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationName fabric:/appname -Force -ForceRemove
The result was an Operation timed out.
I also tried the script below that I found in some other post.
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint localhost:19000
$nodes = Get-ServiceFabricNode
foreach($node in $nodes)
$replicas = Get-ServiceFabricDeployedReplica -NodeName $node.NodeName - ApplicationName "fabric:/MyApp"
foreach ($replica in $replicas)
Remove-ServiceFabricReplica -ForceRemove -NodeName $node.NodeName -PartitionId $replica.Partitionid -ReplicaOrInstanceId $replica.ReplicaOrInstanceId
Also no result, the script did not find any replica to remove.
At the same time we started removing the application one of the system services also changed state.
The fabric:/System/NamingService service shows a “Warning” health state.
This is on partition 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001002.
The primary replica shows:
Unhealthy event: SourceId='System.NamingService', Property='Duration_PrimaryRecovery', HealthState='Warning', ConsiderWarningAsError=false.
The PrimaryRecovery started at 2016-10-06 07:55:21.252 is taking longer than 30:00.000.
I also restarted every node (1 at the time) with no result.
How to force to remove the application without recreating the cluster because that is not a option for a production environment.
Yeah this can happen if you don't allow your code to exit RunAsync or Open/Close of your ICommunicationListener.
Some background:
Your service has a lifecycle that is driven by Service Fabric. A small component in your service - you know it as FabricRuntime - drives this. For stateless service instances, it's a simple open/close lifecycle. For stateful services, it's a bit more complex. A stateful service replica opens and closes, but also changes role, between primary, secondary, and none. Lifecycle changes are initiated by Service Fabric and show up as a method call or cancellation token trigger in your code. For example, when a replica is switch to primary, we call your RunAsync method. When it switches from primary to something else, or needs to shut down, the cancellation token is triggered. Either way, the system waits for you to finish your work.
When you go delete a service, we tell your service to change role and close. If your code doesn't respond, then it will get stuck in that state.
To get out of that state, you can run Remove-ServiceFabricReplica -ForceRemove. This essentially drops the replica from the system - as far Service Fabric is concerned, the replica is gone. But your process is still running. So you have to go in and kill the process too.
The error in the script is with the '- ApplicationName' and should be '-ApplicationName'.
And after correcting the parameter, this DID remove the hosed up pieces and get me back in order to be able to correct and redeploy the application to the cluster.

Azure Service Fabric

Please help me to know , Is there any option in the azure service fabric to delay deprovision ? I have a micro service application hosted in fabric which is distributed in different nodes at their instances . If i tried to disengage/deprovision the service from portal , Can the service fabric internally check whether any transaction is going any of the instances or not , If it is engaged , Will it wait for complete it ? Also want to know , If microsoft is not providing such a service , does we have any powershell command to check the instance status ?
I assume that by "disengage/deprovision the service from portal" you are referring to deleting the service via the Service Fabric Explorer web app (perhaps via a link followed from the portal). Please correct me if this is wrong.
To answer your question directly, the framework will not wait for in-flight operations to complete during a service delete. Every replica for the service will lose its read and write permissions, causing all in-flight operations to fail. We do not offer a way to stall during this step in order to, for example, allow currently open transactions to be completed.
The reason we do not offer this semantic, is that service deletion is expected to be rare or permanent, and that delaying deletion for the final operation doesn't enable any additional scenarios. In either case, if a client is attempting operations on a service being deleted, either:
The last client operation may fail due to delete racing and revoking read/write permissions
Every subsequent client operation will fail due to the service no longer existing
The last client operation will succeed due to deletion being delayed
Every subsequent client operation will fail due to the service no longer existing
The expectation is that any client or dependent service should have already been updated or deleted prior to deleting the service they depend on, as you are making the permanent decision that this service should no longer exist.