How to stop VS Code from opening browser - visual-studio-code

I'm running a local server on localhost through VS Code using nodemon on my mac. So everytime I save, the server restarts and updates. My problem is that VS Code always switches window to my browser when the server restarts, so my flow gets interrupted. There must be a way to prohibit VS Code from opening my browser, or at least not doing it at every restart of server?

Look into script your nodemon runs when it's watcher detects change and locate call that starts the browser there: presumably you have one in your "start server" script.
It would probably involve your local server address and call like require('child_process').exec(); see How to use nodejs to open default browser and navigate to a specific URL.

I kind of solved it by adding "BROWSER=none" so my start script (which otherwise only said "nodemon server.js"). But then the browser won't refresh automatically and I'm still curious what's causing it.


Using tmux in VS Remote SSH session

I am currently starting to work with SNNs on a GPU server. I am working with VS Code Remote-SSH package. Thereby, I'd like to use the tmux package to be able to start multiple processes which don't terminate when I disconnect the terminal from the server.
So far I used the Tutorial. It already helps me that the process, I run doesn't shut down when I close the terminal but I didn't manage to start a second process on the server because each time, I open a new terminal, the already running process appears. What are your thoughts on that?

Why terminal becomes unresponsive after Parcel build?

I am following Parcel's "Building a web app with Parcel" to learn how to use it. The problem arises after I type in npx parcel src/index.html. The build runs fine and I can see the development server results just fine. The terminal becomes unresponsive afterwards. I can't type, quit, or anything. The only workaround is killing the terminal and restarting...which is very annoying. I've looked for answers, I've updated Node to the latest version, but to no avail. This doesn't happen when I use Webpack or any other time. Here is a screen shot just in case that helps. Could someone please help this unworthy noob out? Screen shot of terminal and VSCode
When you just run npx parcel, it starts a development server that will continue to run until you exit. This development server will watch for changes that you make as you develop and will reload your project, so you don't need to restart/rebuild every time you make changes.
The reason you can't type anything into the terminal (or, at least, that the terminal doesn't respond when you do) is that the development server is still running in that terminal. You have to exit the development server before the terminal prompt will re-appear and you can use it as normal.
To exit any program running in a terminal, you can type Control+C (hold down the Control key and hit the "c" key). This works for any terminal program, not just parcel. This will exit the development server program and you'll get your terminal prompt back.
There are other things you can do with programs (or "jobs") in the terminal window. You can read more about them here and here.
But you should use the development server to your advantage. Keep it running while you work. If you need to use the terminal while it's running, just open up another terminal window.
When you finally want to build your app/site, run parcel build instead.
You can read more about all of this here:

vscode chrome attach unable to connect after some time

I have a really wired problem (or a bug) on vscode. I can "attach chrome" debugging totally fine usually,
but after some random time connecting to the chrome instance (may be a couple of hours or 8 hours, like I left it connected while I'm sleeping), it automatically disconnect the debugging,
then when I try to re-run attach chrome to reconnect it, for some weird reason it doesn't connect to the instance.
It's not a failed, it's not like "cannot connect to the port 9222", it's infinitely trying to connect showing the left up side blue indicator left to right.
This is my second time to encounter this weird problem. For the first time I even don't know how I solved the issue. maybe I just waited its reconnect for an hour or like that.
The first things I happened to think from the problem is simply its port conflict. So I checked vscode side's (I mean I use vscode in the remote ssh mode from Windows to Linux Ubuntu) port and process, used htop to filter port "9222" or process "chrome", but I didn't find anything stucking there. So I assume in the linux side the debugging process is exiting successfully.
So I did the same on the Windows side, I used resource monitor to check port "9222", no running process. If I re-open a 9222 debugging enable chrome, then it appears. closing, it disappears. It seems there is no problem here as well.
I then checked vscode's version. I was using vscode 1.64.2 so I side-installed 1.65.2 and 1.66.1 (the latest) and tested it. Doesn't work.
"refreshing the window" doesn't work. closing the window and re-open, doesn't work.
So what can I do?
Did you just install some new extensions in Visual Studio Code? I found that I had this exact same behaviour, "infinitely trying to connect showing the left up side blue indicator left to right", after I installed Karma Test Explorer and Test Explorer UI extensions. Once I uninstalled those extensions, debugging started working again.

How to reload server with changes via VS Code's liveshare shared terminal

Helping a colleague out remotely with some coding using VS Code's LiveShare extension. I'd like to work on a file, save it, and have the server reload with the changes I have made. Typically this would just hot-reload when I save the file, but it isn't because I am remotely editing via live-share session. Also, even with a shared terminal I don't know of a way to restart the server as ctrl-c will exit out of the shared terminal. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This is probably dependent on what type of code you are working on.
If it is js/css/html, you can launch the server with no cache and turn on the debugger, when you use the "Restart" function of the debugger, it will save the file and push the new version to the server.
I use the It can be launched with no cache using the -c-1 option.

On NetBeans, my Node.js server does not automatically restart after changes

I've been using Atom, Sublime Text and Code, and all of those would make the server restart after any changes. With Netbens it doesn't happen.
I have two different servers in my project, one for the client and other for API. Simply executing the commands in either my OS's terminal or Netbeans's terminal also doesn't make the server to restart. Tried to look for suggestions but those I found also didn't happen. The solution was to modify the start file in Properties > Run and check the only checkbox it's in there, but nothing.
What's necessary to do in Netbeans to refresh the server automatically after saving any file? And also, how to run two at the same time? Client and API.