How to handle success and error API responses with Swift Generics? - swift

I am trying to write a simple function handling authentication POST requests that return JWT tokens.
My LoopBack 4 API returns the token as a JSON packet in the following format:
{ "token": "my.jwt.token" }
In case of an error, the following gets returned instead:
"error": {
"statusCode": 401,
"name": "UnauthorizedError",
"message": "Invalid email or password."
As you can see, these types are completely different, they don't have any common properties.
I've defined the following Swift structures to represent them:
// Success
struct Token: Decodable {
let token: String
// Error
struct TokenError: Decodable {
let error: ApiError
struct ApiError: Decodable {
let statusCode: Int
let name: String
let message: String
The signature of the authentication request that returns Swift Generics:
#available(iOS 15.0.0, *)
func requestToken<T: Decodable>(_ user: String, _ password: String) async throws -> T
I've been trying to unit test this function but Swift requires me to declare the type of the result up front:
let result: Token = try await requestToken(login, password)
This works perfectly fine for the happy path but if the authentication is unsuccessful, a The data couldn’t be read because it is missing. error gets thrown. I can certainly do-catch it but I haven't been able to cast the result to my TokenError type in order to access its properties.
I have come across a few threads on StackOverflow where the general advice is to represent the success and error types by a common protocol but I've had no luck with that either due to a conflict with the Decodable protocol that the response types already conform to.
So the question is whether it is possible to work with both success and error result variables returned by my requestToken function.

The most natural way, IMO is to throw ApiErrors, so that they can be handled in the same way as other errors. That would look like this:
Mark ApiError as an Error type:
extension ApiError: Error {}
Now you can decode Token directly, and it will throw ApiError if there's an API error, or DecodingError if the data is corrupted. (Note the use of try? in the first decode and try in the else decode. This way it throws if the data can't be decoded at all.)
extension Token: Decodable {
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case token
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
if let container = try? decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self),
let token = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .token)
self.init(token: token)
} else {
throw try TokenError(from: decoder).error
// Usage if you want to handle ApiErrors specially
do {
try JSONDecoder().decode(Token.self, from: data)
} catch let error as ApiError {
// Handle ApiErrors
} catch let error {
// Handle other errors
Another approach is to keep ApiErrors separate from other errors, in which case there are three possible ways requestToken can return. It can return a Token, or it can return a TokenError, or it can throw a parsing error. Throwing an error is handled by throws. Token/TokenError require an "or" type, which is an enum. This could be done with a Result, but that might be a little confusing, since the routine also throws. Instead I'll be explicit.
enum TokenRequestResult {
case token(Token)
case error(ApiError)
Now you can make this Decodable by first trying to decode it as a Token, and if that fails, try decoding it as a TokenError and extracting the ApiError from that:
extension TokenRequestResult: Decodable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
if let token = try?
container.decode(Token.self) {
self = .token(token)
} else {
self = .error(try container.decode(TokenError.self).error)
To use this, you just need to switch:
let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(TokenRequestResult.self, from: token)
switch result {
case .token(let token): // use token
case .error(let error): // use error


How to Implement API for both Success and Failure Response with Combine Swift

I am trying my level best to make my question simpler,
here what I am trying to get a solution for is, I have an API and if my data is valid the API will give the correct response, for which I need to decode with the respective struct in swift.
also if my data is wrong the API will fail and it will produce an error response which is a different struct.
with the use of combine, I only could decode a single struct type.
SO how do I make my decode accept any type?
Generics is one way I hoped to solve but here the protocol that I need to implement is an issue I believe restricting me from using generics.
thanks for giving it a try.
// MARK: - ResponseStruct Model
struct ResponseStruct: Codable {
//MARK: -Protocol
public protocol RequestProtocol{
associatedtype ResponseOutput
func fetchFunction() -> AnyPublisher<ResponseOutput, Error>
//Mark: - Implementation
struct RequestStruct: Codable, RequestProtocol {
typealias ResponseOutput = ResponseStruct
func fetchFunction() -> AnyPublisher<ResponseOutput, Error> {
let networkManager = NetworkManager()
do {
return try networkManager.apiCall(url: url, method: .post, body: JSONEncoder().encode(self))
.decode(type: ResponseStruct.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
} catch {
Above this is the code, and this is fine if the API call works but if the call fails I will get an error response, so how to decode that struct in a combined way? I don't want to write another call for that and I am hoping to get something to do with Failure in the combine. or CAN I MAKE THE associated type (see protocol) generic?
I beg for your patience. I think I understand the problem, but I'm having a hard time lining it up to the code you've given. Your fetchFunction is particularly odd and I don't understand what your protocol is trying to accomplish.
Let me start with the problem statement and explore a solution. I'll do it step-by-step so this will be a long response. The tl;dr is a Playground at the end.
I have an API and if my data is valid the API will give the correct response, for which I need to decode with the respective struct in swift.
If my data is wrong the API will fail and it will produce an error response which is a different struct.
So we need two structs. One for success and one for failure. I'll make some up:
struct SuccessfulResult : Decodable {
let interestingText : String
struct FailedResult : Decodable {
let errorCode : Int
let failureReason : String
Based on that, request to the network can:
Return success data to decode into SuccessfulResult
Return failure data to decode into FailedResult
Fail because of a low-level error (e.g. The network is unreachable).
Let's create a type for "The network worked just fine and gave me either success data or failure data":
enum NetworkData {
case success(Data)
case failure(Data)
I'll use Error for low-level errors.
With those types an API request can be represented as a publisher of the type AnyPublisher<NetworkData, Error>
But that's not what you asked for. You want to parse the data into SuccessfulResult or FailedResult. This also raises the possibility that JSON parsing fails which I will also sweep under the rug of a generic Error.
We need a data type to represent the parsed variant of NetworkData:
enum ParsedNetworkData {
case success(SuccessfulResult)
case failure(FailedResult)
Which means the real Network request type you've asked for is a publisher of the type AnyPublisher<ParsedNetworkData,Error>
We can write a function to transform a Data bearing network request, AnyPublisher<NetworkData,Error>, into an AnyPublisher<ParsedNetworkData,Error>.
One way to write that function is:
func transformRawNetworkRequest(_ networkRequest: AnyPublisher<NetworkData,Error>) -> AnyPublisher<ParsedNetworkData, Error> {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
return networkRequest
.tryMap { networkData -> ParsedNetworkData in
switch(networkData) {
case .success(let successData):
return ParsedNetworkData.success(try decoder.decode(SuccessfulResult.self, from: successData))
case .failure(let failureData):
return ParsedNetworkData.failure(try decoder.decode(FailedResult.self, from: failureData))
To exercise the code we can write a function to create a fake network request and add some code that tries things out. Putting it all together into a playground you get:
import Foundation
import Combine
struct SuccessfulResult : Decodable {
let interestingText : String
struct FailedResult : Decodable {
let errorCode : Int
let failureReason : String
enum NetworkData {
case success(Data)
case failure(Data)
enum ParsedNetworkData {
case success(SuccessfulResult)
case failure(FailedResult)
func transformRawNetworkRequest(_ networkRequest: AnyPublisher<NetworkData,Error>) -> AnyPublisher<ParsedNetworkData, Error> {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
return networkRequest
.tryMap { networkData -> ParsedNetworkData in
switch(networkData) {
case .success(let successData):
return ParsedNetworkData.success(try decoder.decode(SuccessfulResult.self, from: successData))
case .failure(let failureData):
return ParsedNetworkData.failure(try decoder.decode(FailedResult.self, from: failureData))
func fakeNetworkRequest(shouldSucceed: Bool) -> AnyPublisher<NetworkData,Error> {
let successfulBody = """
{ "interestingText" : "This is interesting!" }
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let failedBody = """
"errorCode" : -4242,
"failureReason" : "Bogus! Stuff went wrong."
""".data(using: .utf8)!
return Future<NetworkData,Error> { fulfill in
let delay = Set(stride(from: 100, to: 600, by: 100)).randomElement()! .background).asyncAfter(
deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(delay)) {
if(shouldSucceed) {
} else {
var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let successfulRequest = transformRawNetworkRequest(fakeNetworkRequest(shouldSucceed: true))
.sink(receiveCompletion:{ debugPrint($0) },
receiveValue:{ debugPrint("Success Result \($0)") })
.store(in: &subscriptions)
let failedRequest = transformRawNetworkRequest(fakeNetworkRequest(shouldSucceed: false))
.sink(receiveCompletion:{ debugPrint($0) },
receiveValue:{ debugPrint("Failure Result \($0)") })
.store(in: &subscriptions)

Parsing Alamofire JSON

I am building an app that will work with Plaid. Plaid provides a nice little LinkKit that I need to use to grab my link_token. I provide that link_token to authenticate to a bank. I have written a request using Alamofire to send the .post to get the new link_token when someone would want to add another account. My issue is when I decode the JSON to a struct that I have built I cant seem to use that stored link_token value.
Code to retrieve link_token
let parameters = PlaidAPIKeys(client_id: K.plaidCreds.client_id,
secret: K.plaidCreds.secret,
client_name: K.plaidCreds.client_name,
language: K.plaidCreds.language,
country_codes: [K.plaidCreds.country_codes],
user: [K.plaidCreds.client_user_id: K.plaidCreds.unique_user_id],
products: [K.plaidCreds.products])
func getLinkToken() {
let linkTokenRequest = AF.request(K.plaidCreds.plaidLinkTokenURL,
method: .post,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default).responseDecodable(of: GeneratedLinkToken.self) { response in
Struct I have built:
struct GeneratedLinkToken: Decodable {
let expiration: String
let linkToken: String
let requestID: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case expiration = "expiration"
case linkToken = "link_token"
case requestID = "request_id"
I have tested by calling the function getLinkToken() when pressing my add account or dummy button, I do get the data back that I am needing. Why wouldnt I be able to access GeneratedLinkToken.linkToken directly after the request?
You aren't able to access linkToken property like this: GeneratedLinkToken.linkToken, because linkToken is as instance property(read here)
If you want to get an instance after your request, you can do it like this:
func getLinkToken(completion: #escaping ((GeneratedLinkToken) -> Void)) {
let linkTokenRequest = AF.request(K.plaidCreds.plaidLinkTokenURL,
method: .post,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default).responseDecodable(of: GeneratedLinkToken.self) { response in
// if response is an object of type GeneratedLinkToken
switch response.result {
case .success(let object):
case .failure(let error):
// hanlde error
Later you can call as:
getLinkToken { linkObject in
print("My tokne: \(linkObject.linkToken)")
I added completion(read here) to your method, since the request executing async, you can take a look at this Q/A: read here. I also suggest you, pass parameters as a parameter to this function, not declare it globally.

How do I read the property values of a JSON error object using Combine in Swift?

All of my API endpoints return a response which looks something like this in Postman:
"statusCode": 401,
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "Missing authentication"
What I would like to do is make the request, and have access to these properties in Swift. There will be some cases where I use the error message property's value in the front of the app. This will be determined by the statusCode returned.
What I have right now is this:
private var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
let url = URL(string: "")
self.cancellable = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url!)
.map { $ }
Prior to this, I tried tryMap, but the type of error it returned didn't give me the flexibility I wanted. I then moved on and tried Almofire, but it seemed like an over kill for what I want to do.
I wanted to check what is being returned in the response I get, but I get the following error:
Cannot assign value of type 'Publishers.Map<URLSession.DataTaskPublisher, Data>' to type 'AnyCancellable'
I want simple access to my response errors so I can integrate the API throughout the app using combine.
I am not sure from where you will be getting your data as in JSON response there is no Key for data. Before writing below code my understanding was that you want to check error and statusCode from the mentioned JSON response and then move forward with your business logic. The below code is to give you a vague idea of how we can do that.
enum CustomError: Error {
case custom(_ error: String)
case unknownStatusCode
case errorOccurred
let url = URL(string: "")
func load() -> AnyPublisher<Data,CustomError> {
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url!)
.tryMap { (data) -> Data in
let genericModel = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments) as? [String: AnyObject]
if let statusCode = genericModel?["statusCode"] as? String {
switch statusCode {
case "200":
guard let data = genericModel?["message"] as? Data else {
throw CustomError.custom("Parsing error")
return data
if let error = genericModel?["error"] as? String {
throw CustomError.custom(error)
} else {
throw CustomError.unknownError
throw CustomError.errorOccurred
.decode(type: YourCustomDecodableModel.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.mapError({ $0 as? CustomError ?? CustomError.errorOccurred })

Getting error when trying to use Result type with delegate

Im tring to make a network call and instead of using callback I try to use delegate instead.using Result type where .Sucsess is T: Decodable and .failure is Error. passing my model in the .Sucsess is working but when trying to pass an error I get a compile error "Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred" what am I missing ?
protocol NetworkServiceDelegate: class {
func decodableResponce<T: Decodable>(_ result: Result<T, NetworkError>)
let dataTask:URLSessionTask = session.dataTask(with: url) { (dataOrNil, responceOrNil, errOrNil) in
if let error = errOrNil {
switch error {
case URLError.networkConnectionLost,URLError.notConnectedToInternet:
print("no network connection")
case URLError.cannotFindHost, URLError.notConnectedToInternet:
print("cant find the host, could be to busy, try again in a little while")
case URLError.cancelled:
// if cancelled with the cancelled method the complition is still called
print("dont bother the user, we're doing what they want")
print("error = \(error.localizedDescription)")
guard let httpResponce:HTTPURLResponse = responceOrNil as? HTTPURLResponse
print("not an http responce")
guard let dataResponse = dataOrNil,
errOrNil == nil else {
print(errOrNil?.localizedDescription ?? "Response Error")
return }
//here dataResponse received from a network request
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let modelArray = try decoder.decode([Movie].self, from:
dataResponse) //Decode JSON Response Data
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} catch let parsingError {
print("Error", parsingError)
print("http status = \(httpResponce.statusCode)")
this line generates the error, it dosnt metter if I pass my enum that cumfirms to Error or trying to pass the error from the dataTask
Well, you have two problems, having to do with the question "what type is this?" Swift is very strict about types, so you need to get clear about that.
.networkConnectionLost is not an Error. It is an error code. You need to pass an Error object to a Result when you want to package up the error. For example, URLError(URLError.networkConnectionLost) is an Error.
The phrase Result<T, NetworkError> makes no sense. Result is already a generic. Your job is to resolve the generic that it already is. You do that by specifying the type.
So for example, you might declare:
func decodableResponce(_ result: Result<Decodable, Error>)
It is then possible to say (as tests):
or (assuming Movie is Decodable):
That proves we have our types right, and you can proceed to build up your actual code around that example code.

Decodable returning object

I have a decodable class:
struct AuthenticationResponse : Decodable {
var status: String
var error: Error
var access_token: String? = ""
var expires_in: Double? = 0
var token_type: String? = ""
var scope: String? = ""
var refresh_token: String? = "
struct Error : Decodable {
var desc: String
var code: String
In the Error class I have:
And to decode to this class, I have:
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data:Data?, response:URLResponse?, error:Error?) in
if let jsonData = data{
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
print("response: \(String(data:jsonData, encoding:.utf8))")
completion(try! decoder.decode(AuthenticationResponse.self, from: jsonData))
As some of the responses I receive are (Success response):
“status”: “SUCCESS” “error”: null, "access_token":
"expires_in": 3600, "token_type": "bearer", "scope": null,
And then a failed response just contains an error object with desc and code in it.
What i am trying to achieve is a decodable class suitable for both scenarios (When a response is successful and failed) however im not sure how to achieve this. I'm aware i can make 2 separate decodable classes but this would make things messier as i'd have to determine if the response is an error and populate to return different classes.
Does anyone know how i should acheive this>
I will give it a try, but first we need to sort out what I consider a somewhat shoddy question. Since Error is the name of a (famous and widely used) protocol it should be renamed and since you want to be able to leave it empty in your AuthenticationResponse it must obviously be an optional there (bearing the question why it is in the Response at all, but I will leave this aside). This leaves us with the following:
struct AuthError : Decodable {
var desc: String
var code: String
struct AuthenticationResponse : Decodable {
var status: String
var error: AuthError?
var access_token: String? = ""
var expires_in: Double? = 0
var token_type: String? = ""
var scope: String? = ""
var refresh_token: String? = ""
Then we need some example data for the two relevant cases in question, I used:
let okData = """
"status": "SUCCESS",
"error": null,
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer",
"scope": null,
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let errData = """
"desc": "username or password incorrect",
"code": "404"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
Now we can define a single enum return type which allows for all our cases:
enum AuthResult {
case ok(response: AuthenticationResponse)
case authError(error: AuthError)
case parseError(description: String)
case fatal
which finally allows us to write our parse function for the received authentication data:
func parse(_ jsonData:Data) -> AuthResult {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
let authRes = try decoder.decode(AuthenticationResponse.self, from: jsonData)
return .ok(response: authRes)
} catch {
do {
let errRes = try decoder.decode(AuthError.self, from: jsonData)
return .authError(error: errRes)
} catch let errDecode {
return .parseError(description: errDecode.localizedDescription)
All this in a Playground will permit usage as in
switch parse(okData) {
case let .ok(response):
case let .authError(error):
case let .parseError(description):
print("You threw some garbage at me and I was only able to \(description)")
print("don't know what to do here")
That is still elegant compared to the mess you would make in most other languages, but the call is still out on wether it would not make more sense to just define AuthenticationResponse as the (regular) return type of the parse function and provide the rest by throwing some enum (conforming to Error) and some suitable payload.
Coming (mainly) from Java I still shun from using exceptions as "somewhat" regular control flow (as in a "regular" login failure), but given Swifts much more reasonable approach to exceptions this might have to be reconsidered.
Anyways, this leaves you with a function to parse either case of your services replies and a decent way to handle them in a "uniform" manner. As you might not be able to modify the behaviour of the service handling your request this might be the only viable option. However, if you are able to modify the service you should strive for a "uniform" reply that would be parseable by a single call to JSONDecoder.decode. You would still have to interpret the optionals (as you should in the above example, since they are still a pain to work with, even given Swifts brilliant compiler support forcing you to "do the right thing"), but it would make your parsing less error prone.