How to show and hide modal after ajax call in alpine js - modal-dialog

<code >
<div x -data = "{ show: false }" ><button #click="show = !show" :
aria - expanded = "show ? 'true' : 'false'" :class="{ 'active': show }" > Toggle Show</
button ><div x -show = "show" > Hello world</div ></div >
<code >
How can we change x-show value after we getting the ajax response alpinejs


Testing-library fireEvent.change doesn't works with <Select native> from MUI

I have component with element:
aria-label="select height"
value={ height.toString() }
onChange={ handleChangeHeight }
When I try to make a test with changing the value it do nothing:
fireEvent.change(heightSelect, {target: {value: "500"}})
But if I replace element for standard test is working.
<select role="combobox" aria-label="select height" value=... >
How I can fix this problem with testing-library for #mui/material ?
const heightSelect = screen.getByRole('combobox', { name: 'height select' })
const select = heightSelect.childNodes[0]
fireEvent.change(select, {target: {value: 500}})
const selectedNew = within(heightSelect).getAllByRole('option', {selected: true})[0]
expect(selectedNew.innerHTML).toBe(`height 500 mm`)

Unable to display menu on right click react-big-calendar

I am trying to display menu on right click with react-big-calendar and material ui,
the issue that menu isnt display correctly on html its going on top right corner,
My code is:
const handleClick = (event) => {
return (
<MenuItem onClick={() => redirectToEvent(selectedEvent)}>
style={{ marginLeft: "15px" }}
/>{" "}
פתח אירוע
views={["month", "day"]}
onSelectEvent={(event, e) => {
eventWrapper: ({ event, children }) => (
e => {
//think this is the issue
Material-UI has an example of providing a Context Menu, and it doesn't seem to use an anchorEl prop, or take the bare 'event' target object, placing a different object in state.
const handleContextMenu = (event) => {
contextMenu === null
? {
mouseX: event.clientX - 2,
mouseY: event.clientY - 4,
: // repeated contextmenu when it is already open closes it with Chrome 84 on Ubuntu
// Other native context menus might behave different.
// With this behavior we prevent contextmenu from the backdrop to re-locale existing context menus.
const handleClose = () => {
From that part of the example, it would seem you need to update your onContextMenu accordingly. Since you're setting multiple state values for your menu, both for it's positioning and the referenced selectedEvent, you may want to use a reducer for state instead.
Then, on the <Menu> itself, it also mutates that state.
open={contextMenu !== null}
contextMenu !== null
? { top: contextMenu.mouseY, left: contextMenu.mouseX }
: undefined
// menu items
And, since you've placed the <Menu> inside of your <Calendar>'s container object, what sort of styling is on your container and could that effect it's layout as well? (I don't know if Material-UI automatically portals it's menu in this scenario or not)

Material UI Autocomplete + Infinite Scrolling together?

Problem : Getting double Scrollbars - Removing Paper Scrollbar makes the autocomplete content not scrollable hence showing ONLY the contents in the visible height of the dropdown.
If I hide the other scroll then the Infinite Scroll API does not get invoked. How can I get it working :
Description -
I am trying to create a Infinite Scroll with Material UI Autocomplete for which I am using react-infinite-scroll-component attached link for reference
The way I implemented is :
As we need to attach the Infinite Scroll to the Popper that renders the list items; hence I have written my custom PAPER Component (as per documentation it is responsible for rendering items in the dropdown )
My InfiniteScrollAutoComplete definition is attached below :
options={ && !== null ? : []}
getOptionLabel={(option) =>}
PaperComponent={(param) => (
hasMore={ < ? true : false}
<p style={{ textAlign: "center", backgroundColor: "#f9dc01" }}>
<p style={{ textAlign: "center", backgroundColor: "#f9dc01" }}>
<b>Yay! You have seen it all</b>
<Paper {...param} />
renderInput={(params) => (
<TextField {...params} label="" variant="outlined" />
const observer = useRef();
const lastOptionElementRef = useCallback((node) => {
if (observer.current) observer.current.disconnect();
observer.current = new IntersectionObserver(async (entries) => {
if (entries[0].isIntersecting && props.hasMore) {
setPageNumber((pageNumber) => pageNumber + 1);
if (node) observer.current.observe(node);
}, [props.loader]);
you can add this lastOptionElementRef to the last element of the options using the render option prop. This will trigger an function whenever the last option is visible in the viewport. Also, it avoids the scrolling issue

How to initialize and load values for MultiSelect / Numeric / FileUpload within a KendoUI Custom Popup Editor?

I'm trying out KendoUI Web and I'm trying to get the multiselect, numeric, and fileupload widgets to display and function correctly in my custom popup editor. When clicking the Edit button the popup does not display multiselect, numeric, and fileupload correct and I cannot load the default value from the grid row into the multiselect widget (for example '1,2' in the sample data. When i click the Save button within the popup editor all the fields should populate into my text box (which seem to be working ok). I would like to stick to the HTML method of initializing widgets rather than using MVC.
If someone could please help with my issues.
I am unsure how to initialize the widgets (multiselect, numeric, and fileupload) because if i put the javascript initialization in the template, I get errors.
I cannot load default values from the grid row into my multiselect dropdown.
Does anyone know what needs to be done to get this to work correctly?
Here is my current code at
<div id=""example"" class=""k-content"">")
<input name=""txtAdvancedSearchString"" type=""text"" onchange=""javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack")
(\'txtAdvancedSearchString\',\'\')', 0)"" onkeypress=""if (WebForm_TextBoxKeyHandler(event) == false) return false;"" ")
id=""txtAdvancedSearchString"" />")
var mydata = [{")
guid: ""D007DD39-540B-4bc3-9900-39A8B931EB19"",")
fullname: ""Jeff"",")
email: """",")
groups: ""1,2"",")
administrator: ""1"",")
url: ""jeff.jpg""")
}, {")
guid: ""E8CFD49A-3B85-4093-AE52-F55C73E12A7B"",")
fullname: ""Frank"",")
email: """",")
groups: ""3,4"",")
administrator: ""1"",")
url: ""todd.jpg""")
<div id=""grid""></div>")
<div id=""details""></div>")
var wnd,")
$(document).ready(function() {")
var grid = $(""#grid"").kendoGrid({")
dataSource: {")
pageSize: 20,")
data: mydata")
pageable: true,")
groupable: true,")
selectable: ""row"",")
reorderable: true,")
sortable: true,")
filterable: true,")
columnMenu: true,")
height: 430,")
columns: [{")
field: ""fullname"",")
title: ""Full Name""")
}, {")
field: ""email"",")
title: ""Email""")
}, {")
field: ""groups"",")
title: ""Groups""")
}, {")
field: ""administrator"",")
title: ""User Role""")
}, {")
field: ""url"",")
title: ""File URL""")
}, {")
command: {")
text: ""Edit"",")
click: showDetails")
title: "" "",")
width: ""140px""")
wnd = $(""#details"")")
title: ""Download"",")
modal: true,")
visible: false,")
resizable: false,")
width: 300")
detailsTemplate = kendo.template($(""#template"").html());")
function showDetails(e) {")
var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest(""tr""));")
<script type=""text/x-kendo-template"" id=""template"">")
<div id = ""details-container"" > <h2 > View / Edit User </h2>")
<table cellspacing=""6"" cellpadding=""3"">")
<td><label ID=""lblID"" for=""txtID"">ID:</label > <br /> <input type = ""text""")
id = ""txtID""")
class = ""k-textbox""")
placeholder = """"")
value = ""#= guid #"" > </input></td > </tr>")
<td><label ID=""lblFirstName"" for=""txtFirstName"">First Name:</label > <br /> <input type = ""text""")
id = ""txtFirstName""")
class = ""k-textbox""")
placeholder = """"")
value = ""#= fullname #"" > </input></td > </tr>")
<!--MultiSelect Dropdown-->")
<select name=""groups"" id=""groups"" class=""k-item"" multiple=""multiple"" data-role=""dropdownlist"">")
<option value=""1"">HR</option > < option value = ""2"" > 1099 < /option>")
<option value=""3"">Insurance Form</option > < option value = ""4"" > Claim Form < /option>")
<option value=""4"">Timeoff Requests</option >")
<!--MultiSelect Dropdown end--></td >")
<tr><td> ")
<input id=""txtMaxAdmins"" type=""number"" value=""#=administrator#"" min=""0"" max=""100"" />")
</td></tr >")
<tr> <td> <label")
for = ""upload"" > Document Types: </label>")
Choose a transparent .png for best results<br /> <input id = ""upload""")
type = ""file"" value=""#=url#"" />")
</td></tr> <tr > <td colspan = ""2"" > <button ID = ""btnSave""")
class = ""k-button""")
onclick = ""CallServer()"" > Save </button></td> </tr>")
</table> </div>")
function CallServer() {")
var userinput = ($(""#txtID"").val()) + '|' + ($(""#txtFirstName"").val()) + '|' + ($(""#groups"").val());")
document.getElementById(""txtAdvancedSearchString"").value = userinput;")
__doPostBack('__Page', 'e');")
You need to tell KendoUI to use the html elements as kendo controls.

opa : strange behaviour of dom element update

I have a strange behaviour with the code below:
function update(txt, _)
#text = <>{txt}</>
#data = <>{txt}</>
command = <a onclick={update("test1", _)}> change text1 </a> <+>
<a onclick={update("test2", _)}> change text2 </a>
content = <textarea style="width:30%;" rows=1 id=#text > filename </textarea>
<textarea style="width:100%;" rows=30 id=#data > This is a text area </textarea>
{page: function() {command <+> content}, title: "test" }
When I clik on the links "change text1" or "change text2", the text is updated in the two textareas, but as soon as I edit the value of one of these textareas, the update failed when I clik on the links.
Why ?
i think this is because once you have edited a textarea, the browser considers the "value" attribute of the textarea, and not the HTML content inside the textarea.
So in order to work, you should :
function update(txt, _)
Dom.set_value(#text, txt)
Dom.set_value(#data, txt)