How to mount volume without using docker - kubernetes

In order to mount a directory to a container i used bind mounts
Now i'm trying to find a way to replace $docker run -v command.

If you are using kubernetes as that is there in your tag. You can mount a volume as hostpath.
In Pod spec:
- name: config
- name: config
Check out for more details


kubernetes how to make a folder on my host as a Persistent volume

I am running a kuberneted cluster using minikube.
I want to mount a folder from my PC into the minikube.
How can i do that.
I see there is hostPath, but that used the node inside minikube
Just like in docker-compose we can mount a host folder into the container, is there any such provision
#Santhosh If i understand your question correctly, do you want to mount a path from within a container to a PV of type hostpath on your host? Have you tried this :-
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pv-recycler
namespace: default
restartPolicy: Never
- name: vol
path: /any/path/it/will/be/replaced
- name: pv-recycler
image: ""
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "test -e /scrub && rm -rf /scrub/..?* /scrub/.[!.]* /scrub/* && test -z \"$(ls -A /scrub)\" || exit 1"]
- name: vol
mountPath: /scrub

How to copy all data from an empty dir volume to my local machine?

I have a container with an empty dir volume
- volumes:
emptyDir: {}
name: someName
I would like to copy all data to my machine using kubectl cp.
I do not know where the someName volume is located. How can I find out and how can I copy the data from the volume to my local machine?
You have to check in your pod where the volume is mounted. Check in the container sections, for a mount with the name someName, e.g:
- name: someName
mountPath: "/mnt/path"
So you know that the emptyDir is mounted at the given mountPath.
Afterwards you can copy the files via
kubectl cp my-namespace/my-pod:/mnt/path /tmp/local/path

What is the best way to exec into another container and access its directory?

I have a container running inside a pod and I want to be able to monitor its content every week. I want to write a Kube cronjob for it. Is there a best way to do this?
At the moment I am doing this by running a script in my local machine that does kubectl exec my-container and monitors the content of the directory in that container.
kubectl exec my-container sounds perfectly fine to me. You might want to look at this if you want to run kubectl in a pod (Kubernetes CronJob).
There are other ways but depending on what you are trying to do in the long term it might be an overkill. For example:
You can set up a Fluentd or tail/grep sidecar (or ls, if you are using a binary file?) to send the content or part of the content of that file to an Elasticsearch cluster.
You can set up Prometheus in Kubernetes to scrape metrics on the pod mounted filesystems. You will probably have to use a custom exporter in the pod or something else that exports files in mount points in the pod. This is a similar example.
You can run your script in another sidecar of your pod.
Define a empty directory volume
Mount this volume as your content directory
Also mount this directory to sidecar, so that it can access and able to monitor.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: monitor-by-sidecar
restartPolicy: Never
volumes: # empty directory volume
- name: shared-data
emptyDir: {}
- name: container-which-produce-content # This container is main application which generate contect. Suppose in /usr/share/nginx/html directory
image: debian
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
- while true;
echo "hello world";
echo "----------------" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html;
cat /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html;
- name: container-which-run-script-to-monitor # this container will run your monitor scripts. this container mount main application's volume in /pod-data directory and run required scripts.
image: debian
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /pod-data
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
- while true;
echo "hello";
sleep 10;
ls -la /pod-data/;
cat /pod-data/index.html;
Example Description
First container(named container-which-produce-content) is main application, which mount a emptyDir volume in /usr/share/nginx/html. In this directory main application will generate data.
Second container(named container-which-run-script-to-monitor) will mount same emptyDir volume (named shared-data which also mounted by main application in /usr/share/nginx/html dir) in /pod-data directory. This /pod-data contains whole data which main application generated in /usr/share/nginx/html directory. You can then run your scripts on this directory.

OpenShift's YAML execution precedence regarding volume mounting and commands

As a beginner in container administration, I can't find a clear description of OpenShift's deployment stages and related YAML statements, specifically when persistent volume mounting and shell commands execution are involved. For example, in the RedHat documentation there is a lot of examples. A simple one is 16.4. Pod Object Definition:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox-nfs-pod
name: busybox-nfs-pod
- name: busybox-nfs-pod
image: busybox
command: ["sleep", "60000"]
- name: nfsvol-2
mountPath: /usr/share/busybox
readOnly: false
supplementalGroups: [100003]
privileged: false
- name: nfsvol-2
claimName: nfs-pvc
Now the question is: does the command sleep (or any other) execute before or after the mount of nfsvol-2 is finished? In other words, is it possible to use the volume's resources in such commands? And if it's not possible in this config, then which event handlers to use instead? I don't see any mention about an event like volume mounted.
does the command sleep (or any other) execute before or after the
mount of nfsvol-2 is finished?
To understand this, lets dig into the underlying concepts for Openshift.
OpenShift is a container application platform that brings docker and Kubernetes to the enterprise. So Openshift is nothing but an abstraction layer on top of docker and kubernetes along with additional features.
Regarding the volumes and commands lets consider the following example:
Let's run the docker container by mounting a volume, which is the home directory of host machine to the root path of the container(-v is option to attach volume).
$ docker run -it -v /home:/root ubuntu /bin/bash
Unable to find image 'ubuntu:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
50aff78429b1: Pull complete
f6d82e297bce: Pull complete
275abb2c8a6f: Pull complete
9f15a39356d6: Pull complete
fc0342a94c89: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:f871d0805ee3ce1c52b0608108dbdf1b447a34d22d5c7278a3a9dd78fc12c663
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest
root#1f07f083ba79:/# cd /root/
root#1f07f083ba79:~# ls
lost+found raghavendralokineni raghu user1
root#1f07f083ba79:~/raghavendralokineni# pwd
Now execute the sleep command in the container and exit.
root#1f07f083ba79:~/raghavendralokineni# sleep 10
root#1f07f083ba79:~/raghavendralokineni# exit
Check the files available in the /home path which we have mounted to the container. This content is same as that of /root path in the container.
raghavendralokineni#iconic-glider-186709:/home$ ls
lost+found raghavendralokineni raghu user1
So when a volume is mounted to the container, any changes in the volume will be effected in the host machine as well.
Hence the volume will be mounted along with the container and commands will be executed after container is started.
Coming back to the your YAML file,
- name: nfsvol-2
mountPath: /usr/share/busybox
It says ,mount the volume nfsvol-2 to the container and the information regarding the volume is mentioned in volumes:
- name: nfsvol-2
claimName: nfs-pvc
So mount the volume to the container and execute the command which is specifed:
- name: busybox-nfs-pod
image: busybox
command: ["sleep", "60000"]
Hope this helps.

emptyDir in minikube

Very simple question, where is the emptyDir located in my minikube VM? Since the emptyDir volume is pod dependent, it should exist on the VM otherwise it will die with a container exiting. When I do minikube ssh I cannot locate the volume. I need to inspect it and see if my containers are behaving how I want them to, copying some files to the volume mounted on them. Trying find / -type d -name cached results in many permission denieds and the volume is not in the rest of the dirs. My YAML has the following part:
- name: cached
emptyDir: {}
and also commands in a container where the container copies some files to the volume:
- name: plum
image: plumsempy/plum
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
args: ["mkdir /plum/cached"]
- mountPath: /plum/cached
name: cahced
command: ["bin/sh/", "-c"]
args: ["cp /plum/prune/cert.crt /plume/cached/"]
The container naturally exists after doing its job.
A better way to see if your containers are behaving is by logging in into the container using the kubectl command.
That said: The location should of emptyDir should be in /var/lib/kubelet/pods/{podid}/volumes/ on the given node where your pod is running.