How to create two plc project in one Project on Twincat 3 - plc

As described in the picture, I want to have two plc projects, sendingMQTT and receiving MQTT in my project. How can I do this?
Project structure

To create a new PLC project
Select the command New > Project in the menu File.
Select the template TwinCAT Projects > TwinCAT XAE Project and enter a name, for example here "Sample Project" and a storage location in the file system.
Quit the dialog with OK.
Mark the PLC object in the project tree and select the command Add New Item... in the menu Project or in the context menu.
Select the Standard PLC Project in the category Plc Templates and enter a name (here once again "Sample Project").
Quit the dialog with Add.
Per the Beckhoff Infosys explains how to create a new PLC project.
To add a second PLC project to an existing project, you need to perform steps 4, 5 & 6 a second time.


How to open downloaded project?

I've downloaded example project in defold site. it's zip file, how to import it to defold? Do I must create new project and drag all file into it?
Sorry if this is beginner question, thank before.
I assume you mean these example projects?
If so, follow these steps:
Create a new project in Defold (from and open it in the editor
"game.project" in the Project Explorer and select Show in Finder
(Mac) or Show in Explorer (PC)
Download and unpack the examples
archive you want
Drag the contents of the archive to the location of
the new project in the Finder/Explorer and replace the files in the
project The editor will pick up the new files and you are ready to
Alternatively you can add a project as a library dependency in your project ('importing' the files for read-only use). If so – add the zip url to the "dependencies" in the project section in "game.project" in Defold. See more about library usage here.
When you open a project for the first time or download, you need to create a "branch", whch is a copy of the project on your computer. Click "New branch" and name your local working copy (like "my work" or similar).
Also Check Your project compatiboly woth your OS Linux/ Windows and 32 bit or 62 bit.
You can learn basic thing from here .
Make sure you are using the latest editor and make sure to clear your browser cache.

Creating a SWING app with Eclipse Window Builder

I am using Eclipse Indigo on Mac. I just set up the Window Builder tool however for some reason I can not create a new project with it. I select the Swing Designer -> Application Window option another window pops up and asks me for the source folder, project name etc. but when I try to type a name in the source folder it says file cannot be found and when I try to browse there is nothing to select. Does anyone have an idea about whats going on ? thanks
You have to create a Java project then you have to create a source folder and a package, after doing that you can select the created package on the Package explorer and create a new Application Window or JFrame from WindowBuilder menu.
This is the snapshots of my environment. On the eclipse IDE Right click on the package, Open ---File---New---Other---Then type Jframe. Click on Next and complete the wizard.
Underneath the capture you can switch between the source code and design view
snapshots of my environment
snapshots of my environment

Eclipse link to external classes

I'm working with Eclipse and am able to create projects, but I want to start building my own libraries.
How can I link to class/library files from outside the Eclipse environment?
(Assuming you are developing Java projects with Eclipse).
Right click on your project name to display bring up context menu
Select Project properties... to display properties panel
Select Java Build Path
Select the Libraries tab
You can now add a external library in a variety of ways: A JAR that belongs to another Eclipse project, an external JAR, a directory, etc.

In Eclipse, how to copy an existing project to another project?

In Eclipse, I have one existing project, A. Right now, I have just created another project, B, which is empty. Is it possible to copy all the files of project A, including its source code and related libraries to project B? There are a lot of involved libraries in project A. How to do this copying process correctly to ensure the copied files can still be compiled?
This question appears in Google search as top result for query "copy project in eclipse".
To copy project in Eclipse:
1) right click on project in Package Explorer view;
2) choose Copy;
3) right click on free place in Package Explorer view;
4) choose Paste;
5) enter new name in the prompt window.
To answer actual question, the best way is to delete project B and after -- copy project A as explained above and give it name B.
Close Eclipse
Copy the folder of existing project to anywhere on your disk.
Start Eclipse. Turn off the automatically build.
In the Eclipse do Refactor / Rename to the new project name. (If it connected to CVS/SVN disconnect before rename.)
Import back the old project from place where you copied in the second step.
Turn on the automatically build.
Enjoy them!
You can Import the project
Assuming both project A and B are of same type:
You can copy the contents of src folder as it is.
For the libraries, just go to the build path and add them in the ssame way you did for project A.
Since B is empty, you can just copy project A in the Package Explorer and name the copy B.
Create a duplicate/copy of an existing project (in the workspace).
Then in Eclipse, click file->import
Select import existing projects into workspace
Check the radio button "Select root directory"
Browse your project (the new file you copied in workspace in step 1)
In the project Explorer, right click your old project, click "Copy", right click again click on "Paste" this time, change the default given name "Copy of My_Old_Project" to any of your choice, after the copy is done, go to the "Search" tab in Eclipse, then to --> "Search", on the File Search, type the old name of your project, make sure that your scope is only "Enclosing project", change all occurrences into the new name, run the project, you are all set...
only thing I noticed about this is that the url will still be of the old project.
For a Gradle project, I had to add two extra steps to mOna's answer, which I will copy for completeness.
Create a duplicate/copy of an existing project (in the workspace).
Then in Eclipse, click file->import
Select import existing projects into workspace
Check the radio button "Select root directory"
Browse your project (the new file you copied in workspace in step 1)
Edit .project file and change the and the to match the new project.
Edit settings.gradle and change to match the new project.
I assume that the renaming in some of the above answers does step 6, but I couldn't get it to work. No matter what I tried, without those extra steps the code looked ok but dependencies were not handled correctly and errors appeared everywhere. I was even able to run gradle on my project from the command line and it "built", but was actually building the old project.
Eclipse has a option in file menu like import existing projec.From that you can import the existing project with all content.I hope this is the solution that you are looking for.

Aptana/Eclipse: How do I make a project that uses existing files on my filesystem, instead of copying?

I want to create a project that uses source files already on my filesystem, but the IDE always wants to create a directory and make a second copy of all the source.
This has always annoyed me about Aptana and Eclipse, is there a workaround for this?
I am using Aptana Studio 3 on my mac and the way I do it is:
Click on File
Select Import from the dropdown menu
Select the General tab and open it, you will see the option Existing Folder as New Project
Select it and click on Next
On the next page select the folder where you have the old project files, name the new project(if you want to change it). You can also select the languages that you have used on the project.
Click Finish and you are set to go.
One small addendum, the existing folder doesn't actually need to be in your workspace. I have several projects in my workspace but also several located elsewhere for assorted reasons.
have the files in a directory under your workspace
use "create project" and change the default folder to the one created above.
I too wasn't aware of how to do this..
But i tried this way and it worked..
Step 1: Try to create new workspace with the name and location as you wish
Step 2: click new->Java Project
Step3: In the create a Java Project Window select the option for Creating from existing Resource" and select the resource you want
Step4: You can see the project name as automatically set by itself based on the folder containing the project that you select.
Step5: click finish
Step 6: I guess, you need to open Navigator view(Window->show view-> navigator) for best viewing
Hope this works gud.. Post here if its not working,..
There is a checkbox named "Prompt for workspace on startup". It's in Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Workspaces. If you check this, on next Aptana startup you will be prompted to define a new Default workspace directory which would be your default projects folder.
There is also another way to do that.
Create an empty project (right-click in the Project Window and go to "New->Project" and then "General->Project" and click "Next", after that type in a project name and click "Finish").
Add a new connection to this project (right-click on "Connections" and then "Add New Connection"). The "Source" should be your project and the "Destination" should be the type "Filesystem" with a folder of your choice.
I only use that method in very rare cases, as example, if u need a simple file-reference of any folder on your harddrive or if you need an overall file-reference to your workspace folder which contains all project folders, etc..
This answer by no means solves the issue above in Aptana but if you are in a rush, try using FreeCommander It is a dual pane file manager with a slew of options. I have been using it for almost 3 years and there is never a day I don't use it.
What I did for now, is I allowed Aptana to create a folder in the workspace at the same level as the original folder I would like to use. Using FreeCommander I then have the original (src) folder in one pane with the new folder (dst) in the other pane.
I then manually copy (F5) or use FreeCommander's built in sync function (Alt + s) so that both folders have the same contents at all times.
Again, not the right answer but a workaround as work needs to be done. Cheers.