Is query id unique in Redshift - amazon-redshift

Redshift docs state that query id, for example in SVL_STORED_PROC_CALL.QUERY can be used to join system views.
But is it like a sequence or after some iterations query ids will start from 1? For example PID can repeat in the period of 3 days.
Can query id be used in joins when I persist this value in some logging table? Or is it better to use combination of query id, xid, pid, and timestamp?

Query IDs will recycle. The timeframe will depend on your cluster's query load.


How to fetch tables that are operated by a given query in redshift

Is there a way to fetch the tables that are operated by a given query? For example, the below query operates on table 'abc':
select * from abc
After a query is executed successfully, can we fetch the tables that the query actually operated on in redshift?
Harsha - yes and in a number of ways. The most straight forward is to query the stl_scan system table which lists all table scans and the query number that generated the scan. The question for you is how do you want to identify the query you just ran? By text? By current session id? Stl_scan will have lots of data in it for a busy cluster so you want to find only those rows you care about. If current session you can use "where pid = (SELECT pg_backend_pid())" to get the query run by the current session but pid isn't in stl_scan so you will need to join with stl_query which has both pid and query number. You will also want to have a "where starttime > getdate() - interval '1 hour'" in your query so you aren't looking through all of history for information about a query you just ran.

Unable to optimise Redshift query

I have build a system where data is loaded from s3 into redshift every few minutes (from a kinesis firehose). I then grab data from that main table and split it into a table per customer.
The main table has a few hundred million rows.
creating the subtable is done with a query like this:
create table {$table} as select * from {$source_table} where customer_id = '{$customer_id} and time between {$start} and {$end}'
I have keys defined as:
SORTKEY (customer_id, time)
DISTKEY customer_id
Everything I have read suggests this would be the optimal way to structure my tables/queries but the performance is absolutely awful. building the sub tables takes over a minute even with only a few rows to select.
Am I missing something or do I just need to scale the cluster?
If you do not have a better key you may have to consider using DISTSTYLE EVEN, keeping the same sort key.
Ideally the distribution key should be a value that is used in joins and spreads your data evenly across the cluster. By using customer_id as the distribution key and then filtering on that key you're forcing all work to be done on just one slice.
To see this in action look in the system tables. First, find an example query:
FROM stl_query
WHERE userid > 1
ORDER BY starttime DESC
Then, look at the bytes per slice for each step of you query in svl_query_report:
FROM svl_query_report
WHERE query = <your query id>
ORDER BY query,segment,step,slice;
For a very detailed guide on designing the best table structure have a look at our "Amazon Redshift Engineering’s Advanced Table Design Playbook"

How can I get the total run time of a query in redshift, with a query?

I'm in the process of benchmarking some queries in redshift so that I can say something intelligent about changes I've made to a table, such as adding encodings and running a vacuum. I can query the stl_query table with a LIKE clause to find the queries I'm interested in, so I have the query id, but tables/views like stv_query_summary are much too granular and I'm not sure how to generate the summarization I need!
The gui dashboard shows the metrics I'm interested in, but the format is difficult to store for later analysis/comparison (in other words, I want to avoid taking screenshots). Is there a good way to rebuild that view with sql selects?
To add to Alex answer, I want to comment that stl_query table has the inconvenience that if the query was in a queue before the runtime then the queue time will be included in the run time and therefore the runtime won't be a very good indicator of performance for the query.
To understand the actual runtime of the query, check on stl_wlm_query for the total_exec_time.
select total_exec_time
from stl_wlm_query
where query='query_id'
There are some usefuls tools/scripts in
Here is one of said scripts stripped out to give you query run times in milliseconds. Play with the filters, ordering etc to show the results you are looking for:
select userid, label, stl_query.query, trim(database) as database, trim(querytxt) as qrytext, starttime, endtime, datediff(milliseconds, starttime,endtime)::numeric(12,2) as run_milliseconds,
aborted, decode(alrt.event,'Very selective query filter','Filter','Scanned a large number of deleted rows','Deleted','Nested Loop Join in the query plan','Nested Loop','Distributed a large number of rows across the network','Distributed','Broadcasted a large number of rows across the network','Broadcast','Missing query planner statistics','Stats',alrt.event) as event
from stl_query
left outer join ( select query, trim(split_part(event,':',1)) as event from STL_ALERT_EVENT_LOG group by query, trim(split_part(event,':',1)) ) as alrt on alrt.query = stl_query.query
where userid <> 1
-- and (querytxt like 'SELECT%' or querytxt like 'select%' )
-- and database = ''
order by starttime desc
limit 100

Looping through unique dates in PostgreSQL

In Python (pandas) I read from my database and then I use a pivot table to aggregate data each day. The raw data I am working on is about 2 million rows per day and it is per person and per 30 minutes. I am aggregating it to be daily instead so it is a lot smaller for visualization.
So in pandas, I would read each date into memory and aggregate it and then load it into a fresh table in postgres.
How can I do this directly in postgres? Can I loop through each unique report_date in my table, groupby, and then append it to another table? I am assuming doing it in postgres would be fast compared to reading it over a network in python, writing a temporary .csv file, and then writing it again over the network.
Here's an example: Suppose that you have a table
posted_at timestamptz not null,
user_id integer not null,
score integer not null
representing the score various user have earned from posts they made in SO like forum. Then the following query
SELECT user_id, posted_at::date AS day, sum(score) AS score
FROM post
GROUP BY user_id, posted_at::date;
will aggregate the scores per user per day.
Note that this will consider that the day changes at 00:00 UTC (like SO does). If you want a different time, say midnight Paris time, then you can do it like so:
SELECT user_id, (posted_at AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Paris')::date AS day, sum(score) AS score
FROM post
GROUP BY user_id, (posted_at AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Paris')::date;
To have good performace for the above queries, you might want to create a (computed) index on (user_id, posted_at::date), or similarly for the second case.

Amazon Redshift how to get the last date a table inserted data

I am trying to get the last date an insert was performed in a table (on Amazon Redshift), is there any way to do this using the metadata? The tables do not store any timestamp column, and even if they had it, we need to find out for 3k tables so it would be impractical so a metadata approach is our strategy. Any tips?
All insert execution steps for queries are logged in STL_INSERT. This query should give you the information you're looking for:
SELECT sti.schema, sti.table, sq.endtime, sq.querytxt
(SELECT MAX(query) as query, tbl, MAX(i.endtime) as last_insert
FROM stl_insert i
ORDER BY tbl) inserts
JOIN stl_query sq ON sq.query = inserts.query
JOIN svv_table_info sti ON sti.table_id = inserts.tbl
ORDER BY inserts.last_insert DESC;
Note: The STL tables only retain approximately two to five days of log history.