How to put the Total at the top on AG GRID - ag-grid

I would want to displace the row "Total" on AG GRID at the top of my table. How do I do that, please ?
Thank you

I dont understand what did you mean by "Total" but these two document can solve your problem.


Ionic 2 fixed content to the right

I am using Ionic 2 and I have a grid with one row and two columns. I want the second column that is on the right to have a fixed position so I can scroll through the left column with the right column staying fixed.
Is there a way to do this in Ionic 2 or will I have to use CSS for this.
You will have to use CSS. Ionic does provide a grid system but something like fixed positioning for 1 column still not.
You can use,
for 1 col. Will have to do more than this. this is just a start up if you are lost with css.

How to avoid values overlapping in Qlikview?

I am creating a Line chart and I have set Values on data points property to true, so It's showing values also. The problem is I am using two dimension so values are getting overlapped. This is what I am talking about :
Is there any solutiuon to this problem OR Is there any alternate to this prob ?
You can try to extend the size of your graph if it's possible, if not I don't think there's an other solution to your issue.
If I Were you, I would transform the line chart into a bar chart which is more lisible.

My Ag-grid display is getting messed up when I scroll

I have an ag-grid display with about 1000 rows and 3 columns ... initially the display looks fine ... but as I scroll, somewhere around the 150th column.. my grid display gets messed up .. I stop seeing the border, scroll bar, header of the grid and left and right columns disappear ... below is an image of what I see. if I scroll further down, I will stop seeing the left and right columns and the header completely..
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.. I don't even know where to look.
(Note: please ignore the black lines in the left column. I had to cover the text before I can post the image here.)
thank you
I had the same problem, when i used Internet Explorer.
I'm not so sure, that in your case it is the same, but my problem was solved with the lagging.
When you initialize your ag-gird add this to it:
suppressScrollLag: true
I hope this solves your problem.
One other option, even though it's not the most elegant one, is to increase the number of rows that get rendered outside the viewable content:
gridOptions.rowBuffer = 100;
The default is set to 20 rows.

How to add dataset legend in chartjs tooltip

I'm using the chartjs to draw radar graphic. In the regular chartjs, the tooltip show the chartjs legend and underneath, the list of values for this legend id.
Like :
I would like to add the dataset legend asoociated. (i this this shuld be possible since, there is the dataset color before the data
So i would like something like :
65 : My First dataset
28 : My Second dataset
I have a fiddle for the data
i think this has something to do with the tooltipTemplate option:
tooltipTemplate: "<%if (label){%><%=label%>: <%}%><%= value %>"
Thank you in advance
Sorry for the trouble, i should have search deeper :
this is how you can do it : How put dataset labels into multiTooltipTemplate?

SWT/JFace Column and Line Span in TableViewer

I need to span some column and rows in a TableViewer. The image bellow pretty much speaks for itself.
I was thinking of implementing this by making some line invisible(white) but I don't think you can set individual border options for individual cells. Even if i managed this I would stil have to fix the alignment problem of the text in the spanned columns/rows ("Line Span" and "Column Span" in the picture).
I know about the Nebula Grid component, but I can use 3rd party components only as a last resort.
If anybody has any suggestions please share them:).
Thanks in advance.