Is it possible to dynamically update if functions in anylogic? - anylogic

I'm using a state chart in combination with a schedule in Anylogic (see picture). The output of the schedule is equal to 1 during working hours and 0 otherwise. Now I want the transition from state1 to state2 to happen when the schedule is turning to 1 or is equal to 1(so otherwise wait until the working hours).
I have tried using an if statement
if( main.plannerSchedule()==1 )(<perform action>)
However, by this method, the state transition only happens if the statement is true but doesn't wait for it to become true. Is there a way to constantly update the state transition or is there a "wait until" function that can solve this problem?

Best let the schedule send a message to your statechart when it switches. This assumes that the statechart lives on the same agent type as the schedule. Write this code in the action code box of the schedule:
if (value==1) {
statechart.fireEvent("go to state 2");
Obviously, your message transition needs to await the "go to state 2" message.
Note the value keyword. See for more info on that


Anylogic - Assembler should stop working for 2 hours after 10 assemblies done

The "Assembler" should stop working for 2 hours after 10 assemblies are done.
How can I achieve that?
There are so many ways to do this depending on what it means to stop working and what the implications are for the incoming parts.. but here's one option
create a resourcePool called Machine, this will be used along with the technicians:
on the "on exit" action of the assembler do this (I use 9 instead of 10 because the out.count() doesn't count until the agent is completely out, so when it counts 9, it means that you have produced 10)
create_MyDynamicEvent(2, HOUR);
In your dynamice event (that you have to create) you will add the following code:
A second option is to have a variable countAssembler count the number of items produced... then
on exit you write countAssembler++;
on enter delay you write the following:
create_MyDynamicEvent(2, HOUR,agent);
on the dynamic event you write:
Don't forget to add the parameter needed in the dynamic event:
Create a variable called countAssembler of type int. Increment this as agents pass through the assembler. Also create a variable called assemblerStopTime. You also record the assembler stop time with assemblerStopTime=time()
Place a selectOutputOut block before the and let them in if countAssembler value is less than 10. Otherwise send to a Wait block.
Now, to maintain the FIFO rule, in the first selectOutputOut condition, you need to check also if there is any agent in the wait block and if the current time - assemblerStopTime is greater than 2. If there is, you free it and send to the assembler with function. And send the current agent to wait. You also need to reset the countAssembler to zero.

How do I choose both exact quanitity wait for and quanitity available in the same pick-up block?

So I have a vehicle which is going to pick up exact quantity (Wait for) the first 50 minutes in the simulation. After those 50 minutes have gone by, I want the same vehicle to pick up quantity (if available). How do I go about this?
Alternative approach (avoiding complex Java coding) is to use 2 Pickup blocks, each with a different setup. Put a SelectOutput block before them and route agents into the respective block using time()>50*minute() in the SelectOutput condition
Set it up for the first setup by default.
Create an event to trigger after 50 mins and make it execute this code:
Here is a way to allow container entity to wait in a Pickup for some time t and then leave with whatever entities have been picked up. The example model looks like this:
There are two key components:
ReleaseOnTimeout Dynamic event which has a parameter called '_agent' of type Agent and following code:
for (Object o : pickup.getEmbeddedObjects()) {
// find the Delay object inside Pickup
if (Delay.class == o.getClass().getSuperclass()) {
// remove the container from the Delay
Agent a = ((Delay)o).remove(_agent);
if (a != null) {
// send the removed container into Enter
In pickup on enter action contains following code: `create_ReleaseOnTimeout(10, container);
How this works:
pickup is configured to have Exact quantity (wait for) behaviour
a container object enters Pickup block pickup
on entry a dynamic event ReleaseOnTimeout is scheduled in 10 units to check up on container
if sufficient number of entities were available then container picks them up and leaves
alternatively to (4), if by the time 10 units elapsed the container is still stuck in pickup then it will be removed and put into enter

How I can evaluate a condition on next time-step in anylogic?

I am trying to write a code for one state to another state transition where the system will first store the initial model time and then will check a condition (used while loop). It will continue to run the loop until the condition is false and when the condition is false it will record the final model time. So, my main objective is to get the total time that while loop condition is true. The problem is, I don't know how to check the while loop every 1 time step, For example, I tried "wait (1);" in place of "???" section of the below code which is not correct. Can anyone please suggest how I can do this?
My transition code as below:
while ((thisPed.inState(walking) && thisPed.fieldOfVision.contains(pedX, pedY));
finalTime= time();
exposureTime = finalTime - initialTime;
you can't put while statements in a model that at the same time run with time steps... to do that you have many other ways..
For instance you can generate a transition that goes from that state to the same state (internally) and generate your code there every time step.
Another option is to use a conditional transition in the same way
BUt NOT a while loop

Trouble with agent state chart

I'm trying to create an agent statechart where a transition should happen every day at 4 pm (except weekends).
I have already tried:
1. a conditional transition (condition: getHourOfDay() == 16)
2: A timeout transition that will "reinsert" my agent into the chart every 1 s and check if time = 16.
My code is still not running, does anyone have any idea how to solve it?
This is my statechart view. Customer is a single resource that is supposed to "get" the products out of my stock everyday at 4pm. It is supposed to happen in the "Active" state.
I have set a timeout transition (from Active-Active) that runs every 1s.
Inside my "Active" state in the "entrance action" i wrote my code to check if it is 4 pm and run my action if so.
I thought since i set a timeout transition it would check my condition every 1s, but apparently it is not working.
Your agent does not enter the Active state via an internal transition.
Redraw the transition to actually go out of the Active state and then enter it again as below:
Don't use condition-based transitions, for performance reasons. In your case, it also never triggers because it is only evaluated when something happens in the model. Incidentally, that is not the case at 4pm.
re your timeout approach: Why would you "reinsert" your agent into its own statechart? Not sure I understand...
Why not set up a schedule or event with your recurrence requirement and make it send a message to the statechart: stateChart.fireEvent("trigger!");. In your statechart, add a message-based transition that waits for this message. This will work.
Be careful to understand the difference between the Statechart.fireEvent() and the Statechart.receiveMessage() functions, though.
PS: and agree with Felipe: please start using SOF the way it is meant, i.e. also mark replies as solved. It helps us but also future users to quickly find solutions :-) cheers

Confusion regarding usage of event.triggered

I'm trying out some code that is supposed to block until moving to a new simulation time step (similar to waiting for sys.tick_start in e).
I tried writing a function that does this:
task wait_triggered();
event e;
`uvm_info("DBG", "Waiting trig", UVM_NONE)
-> e;
$display("e.triggered = ", e.triggered);
wait (!e.triggered);
`uvm_info("DBG", "Wait trig done", UVM_NONE)
The idea behind it is that I trigger some event, meaning that its triggered field is going to be 1 when control reaches the line with wait(!e.triggered). This line should unblock in the next time slot, when triggered is going to be cleared.
To test this out I added some other thread that consumes simulation time:
`uvm_info("DBG", "Doing stuff", UVM_NONE)
`uvm_info("DBG", "Did stuff", UVM_NONE)
I see the messages Doing stuff and Did stuff, but Wait trig done never comes. The simulation also stops before reaching the finish(1). One simulator told me that this is because no further events have been scheduled.
All simulators exhibit the same behavior, so there must be something I'm missing. Could anyone explain what's going on?
The problem is with wait (!e.triggered); when e.triggered is changing from 1 to zero. It has to change in a region where nothing can be scheduled, so whether it changes at the end of the current time slot, or the beginning of the next time slot is unobservable. So the wait will hang waiting for the end of the current time slot, which never comes.
I think the closest thing to what you are looking for is #1step. This blocks for the smallest simulation precision time step. But I've got to believe there is a better way to code what you want without having to know if time is advancing.