Error: No tests found when running second feature file in Cypress TestRunner - cypress-cucumber-preprocessor

I am using Cypress with BDD and I have been able to create 1 feature file with 2 scenarios that ran successfully.
I then created a second feature file. When I used Cypress TestRunner to run just the second feature file, I am getting
No tests found:
I've created the second feature file the same way as the first, so there shouldn't be any issues. I also checked my cypress.json has the following
"testFiles": "**/*.{feature,features}"
Anybody got any clue why I'm getting this error?


Cucumber step now not being found when using a choice of words in step

I have the following in a step "Given('I am logged in/as {string}')". This works and the test passes using either of the options in or as. It is however being flagged with the "Unable to find step for" error.
Previously no error was being displayed for this but has all of a sudden appeared. I am using cucumber in a wdio project and have not made any changes in this area in a while.

Error running Specflow tests consecutively

I was wondering if anybody could help with an issue I have come across, I have recently added to my test framework the sharing of a value using feature content
This has been placed in the [BeforeScenario] trigger
FeatureContext.Current.Add("CreatedUser", createdUser);
I then clean this up in the [AfterScenario] with
Since adding this I am unable to run more then 1 test, if I run the tests individually (1 by 1) then they execute with no issue.
If I select a few tests to run from visual studio, the first one runs with no issue and the next test will always fail with the following error.
Message: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException : The given key was not present in the dictionary.
TearDown : System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I added the remove line as i thought the feature context was being carried from test to test and causing an issue but with or without the removal i am getting this error.
Any help is appreciated
I eventually managed to fix this issue by removing the Allure NuGet packages.
I had previously installed
This package was causing the issue, I am not sure of the reason but after removing this error stopped occurring.

VS Code Extension tests not found on Azure Pipeline

I have an extension, initially created using the standard yo code template, and successfully uploaded to the market place. I have created a test suite, which works correctly when running locally (i.e. pressing F5), and I now wanted to add CI testing to the Github repo.
I followed the instructions on Continuous Integration and created a config file. The extension now builds successfully, however it appears that no tests are discovered.
For example, in this build I intentionally introduced a failing test, but it still passes.
Is there a step I'm missing or a good way to debug the problem?
See the Issue I opened for the answer. Currently, the tests fail silently if you do not have the required dependencies listed.

Teamcity Gives error while running Nunit runner : Has no Text Fixture

I am trying to run some unit tests in teamcity build configuration. I am using NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.6.1 . However It says "Has no TestFixture". But when I tried to run it in command prompt using same runner it completed successfuly. What are the possible reasons ?
Really, more info is needed to judge what your problem is. However, most errors of that type indicate that the nunit framework has not been deployed with the test assembly that uses it.

Unable to run Scala test as a suite in Eclipse

I am running Scala (and Spark) tests using FunSuite in Eclipse (Kepler). I have been able to successfully run the tests. I then created a new package (in the same source folder and project) and am running into a problem.
When I select run as:
I am able to successfully run my tests using both the 1st (ScalaTest – File) and 3rd (ScalaTest – Test) options. However, when I try and run method 2 (ScalaTest – Suite), I get:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.domain.gotime.rdd.Test1
Why is that I am getting this error for the Suite only? I am planning on this being run automatically with Jenkins – and want to know if I need to fix this, and if so how?
I have looked over this page but am still confused as to why it isn't working.
Please check that com.domain.gotime.rdd.Test1 is in the classpath of the auto-created Run Configuration.