Unable to send message to kafka Producer using kafka-node - apache-kafka

I am using default server.properties/zookeeper.properties files provided by Kafka framework.
I am trying to create a simple NodeJS app which would send messages to Producer and consume them.
Below is NodeJS code.
module.exports = {
kafka_topic: 'catalog',
kafka_server: 'localhost:9092',
const kafka = require('kafka-node');
const config = require('./config');
try {
// set the desired timeout in options
const options = {
timeout: 5000,
const Producer = kafka.Producer;
const client = new kafka.KafkaClient({kafkaHost: config.kafka_server, requestTimeout: 5000});
const producer = new Producer(client);
const kafka_topic = config.kafka_topic;
let payloads = [
topic: kafka_topic,
messages: 'This is test message'
producer.on('ready', async function() {
let push_status = producer.send(payloads, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log('[kafka-producer -> '+kafka_topic+']: broker update failed');
} else {
console.log('[kafka-producer -> '+kafka_topic+']: broker update success');
producer.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('[kafka-producer -> '+kafka_topic+']: connection errored');
throw err;
catch(e) {
kafka version = 2.8.0
kafka-node version = 5.0.0
I am getting the error - Error: LeaderNotAvailable
How to fix this? I tried playing with different values in server.properties file like advertised.listeners but didn't get solution.

I have already answered this problem here
In short: this problem happens when trying to produce messages to a topic that doesn't exist.
You may configure your kafka installation to automatically create topic in such case: what will then happen is - in order: you will still receive the error message and the framework will create the topic. In my case i then had to re-produce the same message a second time but this was on an old version of Kafka.
here a link to a post which explains how to setup your kafka configuration to automatically create kafka topics.

I have also faced same issue while sending a message. I solved the issue by adding a partition in the payload and same partition is used in the consumer also.
Code I have used

Since I got this error in the development environment. I solved this problem by deleting the zookeeper snapshot and Kafka consumer offset.
NOTE: Don't do this on production.
rm -rf /tmp/zookeeper
rm -rf /tmp/kafka-logs


kafka-consumer-groups CLI not showing node-kafka consumer groupf

I have a kafka consumer group running on node.js powered by node-kafka. When this consumer group is active or in-active, I expect to see it reported by the kafa-consumer-groups CLI.
The kafka-consumer-groups CLI does show the console consumers and not just the node consumer.
I can see the node consumer group in Kafka Tool. It doesn't show up in the Kafa-consumer-groups CLI output
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group node-kafka-consumer --describe
kafka-consumer-groups CLI should show all consumers - console and programmatic (in my case node-kafka consumer)
Here is the solution that uses kafka-node ConsumerGroup object to write offsets to kafka instead of zookeeper
const { ConsumerGroup } = kafka;
const consumerOptions = {
kafkaHost: 'localhost:9092',
groupId: 'kafka-node-consumer-group',
protocol: ['roundrobin'],
fromOffset: 'earliest'
const topics = ['zoo_animals'];
const consumerGroup = new ConsumerGroup(
{ id: 'node-app-1', ...consumerOptions },
consumerGroup.on('message', onMessage);
consumerGroup.on('error', onError);
function onMessage(message) {
console.log('message', message);
function onError(error) {
console.log('error', error);
process.once('SIGINT', function() {
consumerGroup.close(true, err => {
if (err) {
console.log('error closing consumer', err);
} else {
console.log('closed consumer');

Producing a batch of events to the same kafka topic overwrite each other

I'm trying to produce two events to the same kafka topic in a batch, only the second event ends on kafka and the first is not sent.
// sudo code of what i'm doing
// producer
await kafka.produce(
event1 { message: "vito", topic: "corleone" },
event2 { message: "sonny", topic: "corleone" }
event3 { message: "fredo", topic: "corleone" }
// consumer listening to topic "corleone"
kafka.handler(payload) {
log(payload) // prints "fredo" but doesn't print "vito" or "sonnie"
What works though is if I have these events go to different topics:
// producer
await kafka.produce(
event1 { message: "vito", topic: "corleone" },
event2 { message: "sonny", topic: "deadinpart1" }
event3 { message: "fredo", topic: "deadinpart2" }
If I do that, I receive all three events (by listening to the three topics) which makes me think that Kafka might not be supporting multiple messages to the same topic in a batch.
My producer settings looks like this:
const kafkaConfig: KafkaConfigSchema = {
brokers: config().kafka.brokers, // array of brokers
useSasl: config().kafka.useSasl, // true
useSsl: config().kafka.useSsl, // true
username: config().kafka.username,
password: config().kafka.password,
groupId: config().kafka.groupId, // a unique string
Are there any settings I am missing or am I doing something wrong architecturally by sending messages that share the topic in the same batch?

Logstash not forwarding logs to ES via Kafka

I'm using ELK 5.0.1 and Kafka . I'm not sure why my logs aren't forwarding I installed Kafkacat and was successfully able to Produce and Consume logs from all the 3 servers where Kafka cluster is installed.
input {
file {
start_position => "beginning"
path => "/var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log"
output {
kafka {
topic_id => "stash"
bootstrap_servers => "<i.p1>:9092,<i.p2>:9092,<i.p3>:9092"
input {
kafka {
topics => ["stash"]
group_id => "stashlogs"
bootstrap_servers => "<i.p1>:2181,<i,p2>:2181,<i.p3>:2181"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["<eip>:9200","<eip>:9200","<eip>:9200"]
manage_template => false
index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
Logs: Getting the below warnings in logstash-plain.log
[2017-04-17T16:34:28,238][WARN ][org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors] Unexpected error
code: 38.
[2017-04-17T16:34:28,238][WARN ][org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient] Error while fetching
metadata with correlation id 44 : {stash=UNKNOWN}
It looks like your bootstrap servers are using zookeeper ports. Try using Kafka ports (default 9092)

Can’t get Logstash to read existing Kafka topic from start

I'm trying to consume a Kafka topic using Logstash, for indexing by Elasticsearch. The Kafka events are JSON documents.
We recently upgraded our Elastic Stack to 5.1.2.
I believe that I was able to consume the topic OK in 5.0, using the same settings, but that was a while ago so perhaps I'm doing something wrong now, but can't see it. This is my config (slightly sanitized):
input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "host1:9092,host2:9092,host3:9092"
client_id => "logstash-elastic-5-c5"
group_id => "logstash-elastic-5-g5"
topics => "trp_v1"
auto_offset_reset => "earliest"
filter {
json {
source => "message"
mutate {
rename => { "#timestamp" => "indexedDatetime" }
remove_field => [
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["host10:9200", "host11:9200", "host12:9200", "host13:9200"]
action => "index"
index => "trp-i"
document_type => "event"
When I run this, no messages are consumed, no sign of activity appears in the log after "[org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator] Setting newly assigned partitions", and in Kafka Manager the consumer appears to immediately appear with "total lag = 0" for the topic.
This version of the Kafka plugin stores consumer offsets in Kafka itself, so each time I try to run Logstash against the same topic, I increment the group_id so in theory, it should start from the earliest offset for the topic.
Any advice?
EDIT: It appears that despite setting auto_offset_reset to "earliest", it isn't working - it's as if it's being set to "latest". I left Logstash running, then had more entries loaded into the Kafka queue, and they were processed by Logstash.

Reading from multiple topics in Apache Kafka

I'm trying to read from multiple kafka topics (say 'newtest-1' and 'newtest-2') using 'white_list' configuration in the logstash input plugin. My logstash conf looks like:
input { kafka { white_list => "newtest-1|newtest-2" } } output { stdout {codec => rubydebug } }
With this configuration I can successfully read from two different topics. But I want to use regex for input topics as I'm expecting the topics to be of the form 'newtest-*'. According to the suggestion in this link, the following configuration should work:
input { kafka { white_list => "newtest-*" } } output { stdout {codec => rubydebug } }
But with this I'm not able to read from kafka. Any help is appreciated.
The white_list should be newtest-.*
This is relevant to older versions of the plugin. Now you can use topics.