GeoServer - Preseeded tiles don't match given Bounding Box - coordinates

I'm trying to seed some tiles but GeoServer only returns empty output, as it seems to not match
the given bounding box.
This is how i set it up:
The bounding box is obtained via,0.175781,42.908160,3.339844
where i copied the Box label data from EPSG:4326 tab:
At that zoom level, all generated tiles should start by 13X.XXX, like for example:
But GeoServer output starts with 26X.XXX:
So all tiles/files are empty.
What i'm doing wrong? What am i missing out?


Why is leaflet tileLayer not loading my tiles?

I'm trying to load some tiles from a relative path
Why is it that I cannot see the tiles on the map? Things tried/considered:
Checked the zoom level was appropriate (default 11).
Tried using absolute path with C:user/etc but Not allowed to load local resource showed up. But at least showed that z, x, and y values are correctly updated by tileLayer.
Followed this: (The map_{x}_{y}.jpg especifically) without luck too.
Am I missing something critical?

How can I limit the number of features I see in the bounding box with a WMS layer?

I set up a PostGIS database that I added in GeoServer via a parameterized SQL view. I used Leaflet to display this layer via wms and it works fine.
Now I would like to limit the number of features I see in the bounding box (25 maximum in my case).
I had a hope with the maxFeatures vendor parameter for wms proposed in geoserver but apparently it controls the number of features on each tile not in the bouding box. I also tried to add a LIMIT 25 at the end of my SQL view but it affects the number of features on the whole map not in the bouding box.
Is there a way to do what I want with a wms layer?

AEM6.4: Meaning of values in image map properties

AEM offers a plugin to create image maps for its internal inplace editor. After configuration the given values are stored into follow forrmat:
The first paratheses are defines the coordinates of choosen shape.
The content within the first quotaion signs defines the target site, within the second how to open it the browser. In the third pair of quotations sign contains an alternative Text for non images display.
What I don't know are the values in second paratheses. Does someone know for what these values stands for?
From the WCM core components Image model, they are called relative coordinates.
They are not standard HTML attributes and are instead populated as data attributes of the area tag within the image component.
See code below:
<area shape="${area.shape}" coords="${area.coordinates}" href="${area.href}"
target="${}" alt="${area.alt}" data-cmp-hook-image="area"
Since the map coordinates are fixed coordinates and do not change when the image scales in or not based on screen sizes, the image component’s JavaScript uses this relative coordinates data to adjust the coordinates of the map area whenever the image size is adjusted. This is handled by the resizeAreas() function within the component’s clientlib.

Filtering polygons based on text input in mapbox

I'm trying to work out a variation on the mapbox code provided in this tutorial here:
But instead of filtering individual points, I'm trying to figure out how to filter polygons from a GeoJSON that have names appended based on an integer feature. Basically, I want to be able to enter the appended name of a polygon into a text box and have the map filter to just that polygon. I'm having difficulty identifying which parts of the code in the example to isolate and graft over. Has anyone tried something like this before?
When you say "filter to just that polygon", I think what you mean (in geospatial terms) is "filter to show only points within that polygon".
You will want to use Turf's "booleanWithin" function.
You will want to change this code:
layerIDs.forEach(function(layerID) {
map.setLayoutProperty(layerID, 'visibility',
layerID.indexOf(value) > -1 ? 'visible' : 'none');
You will have to iterate over the points themselves (not just their IDs), and use the booleanWithin function to check whether the point is within the polygon that you have somewhere else loaded.

polygon label displying duplicate in mapbox studio style editor

I have uploaded polygon shape zip file in mapbox tileset and created layer name as polygon_label but layer labels are showing duplicate inside polygon area.
So there is any way to centroid the polygon geometry or restrict to display duplicate label.
How to get label centroid of the polygon and remove duplication of the label from polygon area?
You need to create point geometries and use that as your source.
I have the same issue with a shapefile with land sections I imported. To get the outline of the land sections I added a fill type layer since the tileset contains polygon features. Then I add another layer of type symbol to be able to show the section address text field from the tileset features. I set the placement as "Point". But, the text field shows multiple places inside the polygons.
The only solution I have found is to make the labels appear along the boundries of the polygons by setting the placement as "Line". This still shows multiple labels. But, it is a bit more friendly for the user.