Is it possible to import the old project files in the new project? - unreal-engine4

I have two versions installed of UnrealEngine4, UE_v4.18 and UE_v4.26.
I copied asset file weapon.anim from the old 4.18 content to new 4.26 content folder,
I have an error in the engine: weapon.anim is too old.

If you are able to start the UE_4.18 version project with UE_4.26, you can then migrate the file to the new project folder. Unreal Engine makes automatically the conversion of files whenever you use a newer version of the editor if it's possible. What you should do is to start the UE_4.26 and then select your old project. When a dialog like this will pop up:
chose to Open a copy of it and it will convert it. If you can open it with no errors, select all files you want to migrate and access the migration functionality.


Problem creating a project in CodenameOne with Netbeans 12.6

I have followed the instructions in the manual at to create a project. I found the following paragraph as important:
"Before opening the project in NetBeans, you need to copy the contents of the tools/netbeans directory into the root project directory. These files are required by NetBeans to build, run, and debug the project correctly. "
But I can't find this folder in netbeans version 12.6
Newer versions of generate a netbeans version of the project by default if you pick it from the combobox on the side. So this step isn't needed.
Notice that this refers to the zip you downloaded from the site and expanded. The file listing you show seems to be from the netbeans installation directory.

How to open downloaded project?

I've downloaded example project in defold site. it's zip file, how to import it to defold? Do I must create new project and drag all file into it?
Sorry if this is beginner question, thank before.
I assume you mean these example projects?
If so, follow these steps:
Create a new project in Defold (from and open it in the editor
"game.project" in the Project Explorer and select Show in Finder
(Mac) or Show in Explorer (PC)
Download and unpack the examples
archive you want
Drag the contents of the archive to the location of
the new project in the Finder/Explorer and replace the files in the
project The editor will pick up the new files and you are ready to
Alternatively you can add a project as a library dependency in your project ('importing' the files for read-only use). If so – add the zip url to the "dependencies" in the project section in "game.project" in Defold. See more about library usage here.
When you open a project for the first time or download, you need to create a "branch", whch is a copy of the project on your computer. Click "New branch" and name your local working copy (like "my work" or similar).
Also Check Your project compatiboly woth your OS Linux/ Windows and 32 bit or 62 bit.
You can learn basic thing from here .
Make sure you are using the latest editor and make sure to clear your browser cache.

Best way to open phonegap project created with CLI in eclipse

When I create a phonegap folder structure via the CLI (3.0), how do I open this in Eclipse?
When I choose project [New] - [Android project from existing code], the assets are taken from the platforms/android folder. But I need to change the html and js of the top folder (www). These are the files that are being used when I build the project to other platforms (via CLI or build.phonegap).
Now I change the assets in the editor of the eclipse environment and then manually copy paste the content to the files under www.
Actually PhoneGap project structure and Eclipse project structure are somewhat different. But they work in a similar way. If you want to create phonegap project in eclipse then you have to create html,js,css within asset/www folder. The java source files will be within src folder(as usual).
If you want to create project without eclipse like with command phonegap/cordova create MyApp, then you will get all java source file within project/platform/android folder and html,js,css in www folder which is auto-created. On the other hand in eclipse you have to create this www folder manually.
But project is compiled in a same way whether it is created in eclipse(IDE) or in other text editor.
I have experience in both Eclipse and Text Editor(SublimeText,Vim). I prefer Text Editor because Eclipse sometime creates problem and it needs some extra things like creating www folder and place all scripts,templates,css etc manually.
If anyone whan to go with CLI, then I think SublimeText,Vim,gEdit etc are the best choice for coding.

How To Manually Add Project To Eclipse Without Using Eclipse

I'd like to manually create the folders/files on the file system that create a new project in a workspace in eclipse, and show up in the Project Explorer when eclipse is started and the workspace is selected.
What files would need to be created to do this and where would they need to be?
Please understand that I do not want to open eclipse and make a new project using eclipse. I want to make a new project without using eclipse.
I think you will need to do the following
create a .project file and whatever other files needed by your specific type of project (for example java projects need .classpath) in the project folder, you can find out what you need by looking at those files for another project.
In your workspace .metadata folder, this is where eclipse keeps information about the current workspace, I think the plugin responsible for project definition is .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources , you will need to create those files yourself, some of them are binary, so you will need to open up the source of that plugin to see exactly how it writes them. Depending on your project, you will need to write more .metadata plugin information (for maven for example).
There is no easy way of doing this. Each new project modifies many scattered files throughout the eclipse structure (if you want a list, make a new project and find files created/modified most recently, and/or search for the project name.)
Short of writing the files by hand, there's not much you can do. I found these links in my reseach, but they're both pretty old and seem to be dead ends:
Based on the answers of #shipmaster I think this will work.
Go the workspace and create a new folder as your new required project name.
Copy the contents like .project, .classpath, .includepath etc from any existing project and modify the same like project name, source folder, build folder etc in .project. Do the similar changes in .classpath etc as per the new project requirements.
Unfortunately this is not enough to create a project by just doing eclipse restart so we need to do an import project and point it to this folder and we are ready to use the same now and we see the new project created in eclipse!
try archiving the file .. right click on project ---> export --->archive file(in General section) ..after you archive it as a zip you can import it after.
IF you want to manually copy a pre-existing project to a new workspace,
I have a solution for you:
Copy the project folder.
Paste it into the new work space.
File > Import > General > Existing Project Into Workspace
Eclipse will now see the project you cut+pasted manually.
Why I am doing this:
I am doing this so I can build upon my scrum stories while keeping documentation via working files that each successive step was built upon.
E.g. Story #2 is built upon story#1 code. But I don't want to version them because I want to be able to open them up one after another to do a presentation on my work flow.

ColdFusion Builder throwing an error about my open project

I am trying to open Adobe ColdFusion Builder, and it is throwing the following error:
"open project has encountered a problem"
Problems occurred opening the selected resources.
The project description file (.project) for 'dev - work' is missing.
This file contains important information about the project.
The project will not function properly until this file is restored.
How do I solve this issue?
What about ovbious steps? It looks like you accidentally deleted the Eclipse project configuration file.
Check if ''.project'' file exists in project directory. If it is missing, re-creating the project and copying the source files from the old is the way to fix it.
Also you can try to create project with same name and copy the ''.project'' file to the old one. Bu you'll need to remove this invalid project first (without deleting the source files) and import it later, because Eclipse (FBuilder) wont allow you to have two projects with same name in workspace.
if you are using developing on windows 7 platform, go to you workspace folder(not where you project is located) right click go to restore select an earlier version. it worked for me