MongoDB delete embedded documents through array of Ids - mongodb

I am working on a Node.js application that is using a MongoDB database with Mongoose. I've been stuck in this thing and didn't come up with the right query.
There is a collection named chats which contain embedded documents (rooms) as an array of objects. I want to delete these embedded documents (rooms) through Ids which are in the array.
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e2b55c175846ec1e38c5)",
"type": "bot",
"rooms": [
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e2b55c145846ec1e38c5)",
"genre": "action"
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e2b545c145846ec1e38c5)",
"genre": "adventure"
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e2b55c1765846ec1e38c5)",
"type": "person",
"rooms": [
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e2565c145846ec1e38c5)",
"genre": "food"
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e2b5645c145846ec1e38c5)",
"genre": "sport"
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e2b55c1765846ec1e38c5)",
"type": "duo",
"rooms": [
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e21c145846ec1e38c5)",
"genre": "travel"
"_id": "ObjectId(6138e35645c145846ec1e38c5)",
"genre": "news"
I am converting my array of ids into MongoDB ObjectId so I can use these ids as match criteria.
const idsRoom = [
const objectIdArray = => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(s));
and using this query for the chat collection. But it is deleting the whole document and I only want to delete the rooms embedded document because the ids array is only for the embedded documents.
Chat.deleteMany({ 'rooms._id': objectIdArray }, function (err) {
console.log('Delete successfully')
I really appreciate your help on this issue.

You have to use $pull operator in a update query like this:
This query look for documents where exists the _id into rooms array and use $pull to remove the object from the array.
"rooms._id": {
"$in": [
"$pull": {
"rooms": {
"_id": {
"$in": [
Example here.
Also you can run your query without the query parameter (in update queries the first object is the query) like this and result is the same. But is better to indicate mongo the documents using this first object.


Query over a field which is deep inside MongoDB collection using array of possible options

I have a list of commentDocument collection in MongoDB where each has the following structure:
"commentName": "test comment",
"outputs": {
"extraDetails": [{
"name": "My Own Comment",
"amountPaidDetails": [{
"paidService": "PhonePe", // <--------HERE
"usdAmount": 80,
"paidService": "GooglePay", // <--------HERE
"usdAmount": 50,
"paidService": "Cash", // <--------HERE
"usdAmount": 15,
"lastUpdateDate": {
"$date": "2020-06-24T04:00:00.000Z"
"lastUpdatedBy": "michealJackson",
I have to write a MongoDB query passing a list of paidService names as input. And if the document from the DB has any of the paidServices from the list I've sent in the allocatedAmound list, the document should be present in the returned list of documents.
Eg: I pass list ['WalletCash', 'GooglePay', 'BankingCredits'], the above document should be present because it has a document with a paidService 'GooglePay'.
How to write the query?
$match: {
"outputs.extraDetails.amountPaidDetails.paidService": {
$in: [

MongoDB Rust Driver weird behavior

There is this weird thing,
I have installed the MongoDB Compass and made a aggregation query that works in the Aggregation tab but now when I use the same query in my rust web server it behaves very weirdly
Original message:
Message in MongoDB compass after the query:
"_id": {
"$oid": "61efd41c56ffe6b1b4a15c7a"
"time": {
"$date": "2022-01-25T10:42:36.175Z"
"edited_time": {
"$date": "2021-12-17T09:55:45.856Z"
"changes": [{
"time": {
"$date": "2021-12-17T09:55:45.856Z"
"change": {
"ChangedContent": "LORA"
"content": "LMAO",
"author": {
"$oid": "61df3cab3087579f8767a38d"
Message after the Web Servers query:
"_id": {
"$oid": "61efd41c56ffe6b1b4a15c7a"
"time": {
"$date": "2022-01-25T10:42:36.175Z"
"edited_time": {
"$date": "2022-01-30T14:40:57.152Z"
"changes": {
"$concatArrays": ["$changes", [{
"time": {
"$date": "2022-01-30T14:40:57.152Z"
"change": {
"ChangedContent": "$content"
"content": "LMAO",
"author": {
"$oid": "61df3cab3087579f8767a38d"
Pure query in MongoDB Compass:
$set stage
"changes": { $concatArrays: [ "$changes", [ { "time": ISODate('2021-12-17T09:55:45.856+00:00'), "change": { "ChangedContent": "$content" } } ] ] },
"edited_time": ISODate('2021-12-17T09:55:45.856+00:00'),
"content": "LMAO",
Pure query in Web Server:
let update_doc = doc! {
"$set": {
"changes": {
"$concatArrays": [
"$changes", [
"time": now,
"change": {
"ChangedContent": "$content"
"edited_time": now,
"content": content
I am using update_one method,
like this
messages.update_one(message_filter, update_doc, None).await?;
I don't really understand, and this happens often, sometimes it fixes it self when I add somewhere randomly some scope in the doc eg.: { } but this time I couldn't figure it out,
I had version of the query with $push but that didn't work too
Is there some fault in the rust driver or am I doing something wrong, are there some rules about formatting when using rust driver that I am missing?
The $set aggregation pipeline stage is different from the $set update operator. And the only difference that I can tell, is the pipeline stage handles $concatArrays while the update operator does not.
$set Aggregation Pipeline Stage
$set appends new fields to existing documents. You can include one or more $set stages in an aggregation operation.
To add field or fields to embedded documents (including documents in arrays) use the dot notation.
To add an element to an existing array field with $set, use with $concatArrays.
$set Update Operator
Starting in MongoDB 5.0, update operators process document fields with
string-based names in lexicographic order. Fields with numeric names
are processed in numeric order.
If the field does not exist, $set will add a new field with the
specified value, provided that the new field does not violate a type
constraint. If you specify a dotted path for a non-existent field,
$set will create the embedded documents as needed to fulfill the
dotted path to the field.
If you specify multiple field-value pairs, $set will update or create
each field.
So if you want to update an existing document by inserting elements into an array field, use the $push update operator (potentially with $each if you're inserting multiple elements):
let update_doc = doc! {
"$set": {
"edited_time": now,
"content": content
"$push": {
"changes": {
"time": now,
"change": {
"ChangedContent": "$content"
Edit: I missed that $content was supposed to be mapped from the existing field as well. That is not supported by an update document, however MongoDB has support for using an aggregation pipeline to update the document. See: Update MongoDB field using value of another field So you can use the original $set just in a different way:
let update_pipeline = vec![
doc! {
"$set": {
"changes": {
"$concatArrays": [
"$changes", [
"time": now,
"change": {
"ChangedContent": "$content"
"edited_time": now,
"content": content
messages.update_one(message_filter, update_pipeline, None).await?;

MongoDB moving array of sub-documents to it's own collection

I'm looking to move an array of subdocuments into a collection of it's own keyed by the owner id. Currently, my collection is formed like this:
"_id": ObjectId("123"),
"username": "Bob Dole",
"logins": [{
"_id": ObjectId("abc123"),
"date": ISODate("2016")
}, {
"_id": ObjectId("def456"),
"date": ISODate("2016")
I'm looking for the best way to write a script that would loop over each user, and move each item in the logins array to it's own "logins" collection, as follows:
"_id": ObjectId("abc123"),
"_ownerId": ObjectId("123"),
"date": ISODate("2016")
"_id": ObjectId("def567"),
"_ownerId": ObjectId("123"),
"date": ISODate("2016")
When the script ends, I'd like the login array to be removed entirely from all users.
this query will create new collection using aggregation framework
to see how it looks - just remove $out pipeline phase
$out: "newCollection"
to delete array records - as suggested in comment:
db.thinking.update({},{ "$unset": { "logins": "" } },{ "multi": true })

Mongodb aggregate to find if a user is in any other user's follower list

I collected followers list and friends list for n number of users from twitter and stored them in mongodb.
Here is a sample document:
"_id": ObjectId("561d6f8986a0ea57e51ec95c"),
"status": "True",
"UserId": "1489245878",
"followers": [
"followersCount": 2,
"friendsCount": 5,
"friends": [
I wanted to know within my collection, are there any userids that are also in the followers list of some other documents. Lets say we have user "a", now i would like to know if user "a" is in the followers list of any other document within the same collection. I'm not sure how to do this. In case if we have, i would like to project the userid and the _id of the document that has the userid within the followers list.
I guess you can use aggregate function like below to get this result.
"$match": {
"followers": "1566382441"
"$project": {
"followers": 1
"$unwind": "$followers"
"$match": {
"followers": "1566382441"
"$group": {
"_id": "$followers",
"ids": {
"$addToSet": "$_id"
"$project": {
"userId": "$_id",
"ids": 1,
"_id": 0
I am using only a sample of your data. You can add your list of users for whom you are trying to filter in both stages of "$match". Just see if this helps.
P.S: I know its been a long time since you asked this question! But you know, its never late!

query 2-level array in mongodb

in MongoDB, I have many documents in 2-level array as below:
"toPerson": [
"userid": "test1"
"userid": "test2"
"userid": "test10"
"userid": "test11"
"toPerson": [
"userid": "test2"
"userid": "test3"
"userid": "test100"
"userid": "test101"
Question is how to query all documents that have userid say test2 ?
Have tried:
it's return nothing. also I have tried using aggregate but found maybe it's not the right direction.
Anyone can help with this?
Just read this post
Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in MongoDB collection
but it's different
Structure different: is {field:[ [{ }], [{ }], .... ]}, not { field:[ {}, {} ] }
I want to keep all returned documents structure untouched, $unwind(make toPerson to be 1-level array) or $$PRUNE(remove some fields) will change the structure returned.
What I want is to get following result in ONE statement:
col.find({ 'toPerson.0.userid':'test2' })
+ col.find({ 'toPerson.1.userid':'test2' })
+ ... ...
Is there any precise counterpart statement of above results combined together ?
You can query nested arrays like this using two levels of $elemMatch:
db.test.find({toPerson: {$elemMatch: {$elemMatch: {userid: 'test2'}}}})
The outer $elemMatch says match an array element of toPerson where the value passes the inner array $elemMatch test of an element matching {userid: 'test'}.