How to avoid Aurora Postgres running out of memory for large insert into (select ...) query? - postgresql

What I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to move about 2m records from one table into another. To do this, I'm doing an insert statement which is fed by a select query.
insert into my_table (
select a, b, c
from my_other_table
where (condition)
However, while running this, I keep running out of memory.
What I expected (and why I'm confused):
If the working set was larger than could fit in memory, I totally thought Postgres would buffer pages onto the disk and do the write iteratively behind the scenes.
However, what's happening is that it apparently tries to read all of the selected content into memory prior to stuffing it into the other table.
Even on our chunky r5.2xl instance, it consumes all of the memory until eventually the OOM Killer fires and the Aurora reboots the instance.
This graph is showing freeable memory dip down to zero everytime I run the query. The memory shooting back up is due to the instance automatically being killed and rebooted due to OOM.
My main question:
Why is Postgresql not being smarter and doing its own pagination behind the scenes?
Is there some setting I need to enable to get it to be aware of its memory limitations?
What I've tried:
Adjusting shared_buffers and work_mem parameters.
Aurora's default shared_buffer value allocates 20gb to our instance. I've tried dialing this down to 10gb, and then 6.5gb (restarting each time) but to no avail. The only affect was to make the query take ages and still ultimately consume all memory available after running for about 30min.
I similarly tried setting work_mem all the way to allowable minimum, but this seemingly had no effect on the end result as well.
What I can do as a work around:
I could, of course, do the pagination / batching from the client:
computeBatchOffsets(context).forEach(batchOffset ->
But, in addition to it being slower than just letting the database do it, it "feels" like something the database should surely be able to do internally. So, I'm confused why I'd need to handle it at the client level.


What could be causing high cpu in google spanner databases? (unresponsive table)

I'm facing an issue where 2 out of 10 spanner databases are showing a high CPU usage (above 40%) whereas the others are around %1 each, with almost identical or more data.
I notice one of our tables has become "unresponsive" no queries work against it. We shutdown all apps that connect to those dbs, and we also deleted all current sessions using gcloud sessions list and then gcloud session delete.
However the table is still unresponsive. A simple select like select id from mytable where name = 'test' is not responding (when tested from an app, and also from gcloud web interface), it only happens with that table, which has only a few columns with normal data and no more than 2000 records. We identified the query that could have been the source of the problem, however the table seems to be locked (only count(*) without any where clause works).
I was wondering if there is any way to "unlock" the table, kill those "transactions" that might be causing the issue, or restart those specific spanner databases, or in the worst case scenario restarting the spanner instance.
I have seen the monitoring high cpu documentation, but even if we can identify the cpu is high, we don't really know how to restart or make it back to normal before reviewing the query/ies that could have caused the issue (if that was the case).
High CPU can be caused by user initiated queries, from different types of operations. It is important to notice that your instance is where you allocate resources to be used by the underlying Cloud Spanner databases. This means, that if all of your databases are in the same instance and if some of your databases are hogging the CPU, all your other databases will struggle.
In terms of a locked table, I would be very surprised if a deadlock is the problem here, since Spanner mitigates those issues using "wound-wait" algorithm. What I suspect might be happening is that a long time is necessary to perform the query in that table and it times out. It would be nice to investigate a bit more on your problem:
How long did you wait for your query on the problematic table (before you deemed to be stuck)? It might be a problem where your query just takes long and you are timing out before getting the results. It might be a problem where there are hotspots in your table and transactions are getting aborted often, preventing you from getting results.
What error did you get when performing the query on the table? The error code can tell you more about what might be happening.
Have you tried doing a stale read on the table to see if any data is returned? If lock contention is the problem, this should succeed and return results faster for you. Thus, you can further investigate the lock usage with the statistics table (as shown below).
Inspect query statistics: you can list the queries with the highest CPU usage, find the average latency for a query and find out the queries that timeout the most. There is much more you can do, as seen here. You can also view the query statistics in cloud console. What I would verify is, by reducing the overall CPU, does your query come back without any issues? You might need more resources if so. Or you might need to reduce hotspots in your database.
Inspect Lock statistics: you can investigate lock conflicts in your rows and tables. I think that an interesting query for your problem would be Discovering which row keys and columns had long lock wait times during the selected period. You can then see if your query is reading those row keys and columns and act accordingly.

PostgreSQL V12 create temp table runs out of shared memory, can I create on disk?

Running on RHEL 7
PostgreSQL Version 12
System has 28G Memory, and 12G shared Memory
The DB uses over 6T on disk
Some rows have around 300 million rows.
Moved my DB from version 9 to version 12 and am running tests on the new DB. We have a process that generates summary data in a temporary table and then we query the temporary table for different things, and then we delete the temporary table - much faster than running very similar queries multiple times is why this was done.
They query is similar to this:
COUNT( AS count,
t.tagged AS tagged,
t.tag_state AS tag_state,
t.error AS error,
td.duplicate AS duplicate
ttt t
INNER JOIN tweet_data td ON (td.tweet_id =
Note that this works fine on V9, but, I have not watched it very carefully on V9 to see what it does. On V12, shared memory usage grows slowly and then after about 15 minutes it kicks into high gear, grows to about 12G and then tries to make it bigger and failes:
The error is:
ERROR: could not resize shared memory segment "/PostgreSQL.868719775" to 2147483648 bytes: No space left on device
On a whim, we ran just the select statement without creating the temporary table and it also failed while shared memory was increasing, but, the error message said that it was killed by admin.
I am currently running vacuum against the DB to see if that helps.
The largest concern is that this does work with V9, but fails on V12. I also know that they query engine is very different and new in V12 compared to V9.
I had some crazy hope that running vacuum in stages would make a difference. The data was migrated using pg_upgrade.
vacuumdb -U postgres -p 5431 --all --analyze-in-stages
I don't know if the temporary table is created or not, but, after running vacuum, we ran the full query again creating the temp table and it also failed.
Any thoughts? Is my only choice to try more shared memory?
These shared memory segments are used for communication between worker processes with parallel query.
PostgreSQL seems to be tight on resources, and while the error is a symptom rather than the cause of the problem, you can improve the situation by disabling parallel query for this statement:
SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
Then your query will take more time, but use less resources, which might be enough to get rid of the problem.
In the long run, you should review your configuration, which might be too generous with memory or the number of connections, but I cannot diagnose that from here.

PostgreSQL: Backend processes are active for a long time

now I am hitting a very big road block.
I use PostgreSQL 10 and its new table partitioning.
Sometimes many queries don't return and at the time many backend processes are active when I check backend processes by pg_stat_activity.
First, I thought theses process are just waiting for lock, but these transactions contain only SELECT statements and the other backend doesn't use any query which requires ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock. And these queries which contain only SELECT statements are no problem in terms of plan. And usually these work well. And computer resources(CPU, memory, IO, Network) are also no problem. Therefore, theses transations should never conflict. And I thoughrouly checked the locks of theses transaction by pg_locks and pg_blocking_pids() and finnaly I couldn't find any lock which makes queries much slower. Many of backends which are active holds only ACCESS SHARE because they use only SELECT.
Now I think these phenomenon are not caused by lock, but something related to new table partition.
So, why are many backends active?
Could anyone help me?
Any comments are highly appreciated.
The blow figure is a part of the result of pg_stat_activity.
If you want any additional information, please tell me.
My query dosen't handle large data. The return type is like this:
uuid UUID
,number BIGINT
,title TEXT
,type1 TEXT
,data_json JSONB
,type2 TEXT
,uuid_array UUID[]
,count BIGINT
Because it has JSONB column, I cannot caluculate the exact value, but it is not large JSON.
Normally theses queries are moderately fast(around 1.5s), so it is absolutely no problem, however when other processes work, the phenomenon happens.
If statistic information is wrong, the query are always slow.
This is the stat. There are almost 100 connections, so I couldn't show all stat.
For me it looks like application problem, not postresql's one. active status means that your transaction still was not commited.
So why do you application may not send commit to database?
Try to review when do you open transaction, read data, commit transaction and rollback transaction in your application code.
By the way, to be sure try to check resource usage before problem appear and when your queries start hanging. Try to run top and iotop to check if postgres really start eating your cpu or disk like crazy when problem appears. If not, I will suggest to look for problem in your application.
Thank you everyone.
I finally solved this problem.
I noticed that a backend process holded too many locks. So, when I executed the query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_locks WHERE pid = <pid>, the result is about 10000.
The parameter of locks_per_transactions is 64 and max_connections is about 800.
So, if the number of query that holds many locks is large, the memory shortage occurs(see calculation code of shared memory inside PostgreSQL if you are interested.).
And too many locks were caused when I execute query like SELECT * FROM (partitioned table). Imangine you have a table foo that is partitioned and the number of the table is 1000. And then you can execute SELECT * FROM foo WHERE partion_id = <id> and the backend process will hold about 1000 table locks(and index locks). So, I change the query from SELECT * FROM foo WHERE partition_id = <id> to SELECT * FROM foo_(partitioned_id). As the result, the problem looks solved.
You say
Sometimes many queries don't return
...however when other processes work, the phenomenon happens. If statistic
information is wrong, the query are always slow.
They don't return/are slow when directly connecting to the Postgres instance and running the query you need, or when running the queries from an application? The backend processes that are running, are you able to kill them successfully with pg_terminate_backend($PID) or does that have issues? To rule out issues with the statement itself, make sure statement_timeout is set to a reasonable amount to kill off long-running queries. After that is ruled out, perhaps you are running into a case of an application hanging and never allowing the send calls from PostgreSQL to finish. To avoid a situation like that, if you are able to (depending on OS) you can tune the keep-alive time: (by default is 2 hours)
Let us know if playing with any of that gives any more insight into your issue.
Sorry for late post, As #Konstantin pointed out, this might be because of your application(which is why I asked for your EDIT2). Adding a few excerpts,
table partition has no effect on these locks, that is a totally different concept and does not hold up locks in your case.
In your application, check if the connection properly close() after read() and is in finally block (From Java perspective). I am not sure of your application tier.
Check if SELECT..FOR UPDATE or any similar statement is written erroneously recently which is causing this.
Check if any table has grown in size recently and the column is not Indexed. This is very important and frequent cause of select statements running for some minutes. I'd also suggest using timeouts for select statements in your application. This can give you a headstart.
Another thing that is fishy to me is the JSONB column, maybe your Jsonb values are pretty long, or the queries are unnecessarily selecting JSONB value even if not required?
Finally, If you don't need some special features of Jsonb data type, then you use JSON data type which is faster (magical maximum, sometimes 50x!)
It looks like the pooled connections not getting closed properly and a few queries might be taking huge time to respond back. As pointed out in other answers, it is the problem with the application and could be connection leak. Most possibly, it might be because of pending transactions over some already pending and unresolved transactions, leading to a number of unclosed transactions.
In addition, PostgreSQL generally has one or more "helper" processes like the stats collector, background writer, autovaccum daemon, walsender, etc, all of which show up as "postgres" instances.
One thing I would suggest you check in which part of the code you have initiated the queries. Try to DRY run your queries outside the application and have some benchmarking of queries performance.
Secondly, you can keep some timeout for certain queries if not all.
Thirdly, you can do kill the idle transactions after certain timeouts by using:
SET SESSION idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = '5min';
I hope it might work. Cheers!

What about expected performance in Pentaho?

I am using Pentaho to create ETL's and I am very focused on performance. I develop an ETL process that copy 163.000.000 rows from Sql server 2088 to PostgreSQL and it takes 17h.
I do not know how good or bad is this performance. Do you know how to measure if the time that takes some process is good? At least as a reference to know if I need to keep working heavily on performance or not.
Furthermore, I would like to know if it is normal that in the first 2 minutes of ETL process it load 2M rows. I calculate how long will take to load all the rows. The expected result is 6 hours, but then the performance decrease and it takes 17h.
I have been investigating in goole and I do not find any time references neither any explanations about performance.
Divide and conquer, and proceed by elimination.
First, add a LIMIT to your query so it takes 10 minutes instead of 17 hours, this will make it a lot easier to try different things.
Are the processes running on different machines? If so, measure network bandwidth utilization to make sure it isn't a bottleneck. Transfer a huge file, make sure the bandwidth is really there.
Are the processes running on the same machine? Maybe one is starving the other for IO. Are source and destination the same hard drive? Different hard drives? SSDs? You need to explain...
Examine IO and CPU usage of both processes. Does one process max out one cpu core?
Does a process max out one of the disks? Check iowait, iops, IO bandwidth, etc.
How many columns? Two INTs, 500 FLOATs, or a huge BLOB with a 12 megabyte PDF in each row? Performance would vary between these cases...
Now, I will assume the problem is on the POSTGRES side.
Create a dummy table, identical to your target table, which has:
Exact same columns (CREATE TABLE dummy LIKE table)
No indexes, No constraints (I think it is the default, double check the created table)
BEFORE INSERT trigger on it which returns NULL and drop the row.
The rows will be processed, just not inserted.
Is it fast now? OK, so the problem was insertion.
Do it again, but this time using an UNLOGGED TABLE (or a TEMPORARY TABLE). These do not have any crash-resistance because they don't use the journal, but for importing data it's OK.... if it crashes during the insert you're gonna wipe it out and restart anyway.
Still No indexes, No constraints. Is it fast?
If slow => IO write bandwidth issue, possibly caused by something else hitting the disks
If fast => IO is OK, problem not found yet!
With the table loaded with data, add indexes and constraints one by one, find out if you got, say, a CHECK that uses a slow SQL function, or a FK into a table which has no index, that kind of stuff. Just check how long it takes to create the constraint.
Note: on an import like this you would normally add indices and constraints after the import.
My gut feeling is that PG is checkpointing like crazy due to the large volume of data, due to too-low checkpointing settings in the config. Or some issue like that, probably random IO writes related. You put the WAL on a fast SSD, right?
17H is too much. Far too much. For 200 Million rows, 6 hours is even a lot.
Hints for optimization:
Check the memory size: edit the spoon.bat, find the line containing -Xmx and change it to half your machine memory size. Details varies with java version. Example for PDI V7.1.
Check if the query from the source database is not too long (because too complex, or server memory size, or ?).
Check the target commit size (try 25000 for PostgresSQL), the Use batch update for inserts in on, and also that the index and constraints are disabled.
Play with the Enable lazy conversion in the Table input. Warning, you may produce difficult to identify and debug errors due to data casting.
In the transformation property you can tune the Nr of rows in rowset (click anywhere, select Property, then the tab Miscelaneous). On the same tab check the transformation is NOT transactional.

Is killing a "CLUSTER ON index" dangerous for database?

All the question is in the title,
if we kill a cluster query on a 100 millions row table, will it be dangerous for database ?
the query is running for 2 hours now, and i need to access the table tomorrow morning (12h left hopefully).
I thought it would be far quicker, my database is running on raid ssd and Bi-Xeon Processor.
Thanks for your wise advice.
No, you can kill the cluster operation without any risk. Before the operation is done, nothing has changed to the original table- and indexfiles. From the manual:
When an index scan is used, a temporary copy of the table is created
that contains the table data in the index order. Temporary copies of
each index on the table are created as well. Therefore, you need free
space on disk at least equal to the sum of the table size and the
index sizes.
When a sequential scan and sort is used, a temporary sort file is also
created, so that the peak temporary space requirement is as much as
double the table size, plus the index sizes.
As #Frank points out, it is perfectly fine to do so.
Assuming you want to run this query in the future and assuming you have the luxury of a service window and can afford some downtime, I'd tweak some settings to boost the performance a bit.
In your configuration:
turn off fsync, for higher throughput to the file system
Fsync stands for file system sync. With fsync on, the database waits for the file system to commit on every page flush.
maximize your maintenance_work_mem
It's ok to just take all memory available, as it will not be allocated during production hours. I don't know how big your table and the index you are working on are, things will run faster when they can be fully loaded in main memory.