Measure performance of DB2 view - db2

I am trying to compare the performance of a view before and after adding an index. So I am trying to measure the performance of it using below query:
create table qtemp.ffs as (select * from psavlldsvw) with data  
Statement ran successfully   (1,932 ms  =  1.932 sec)
Above statement is what I have used where psavlldsvw is the view name.
As you might guess, the idea is to measure how much time the above query takes to complete in both cases.
Can I please get some feedback on how good this method is for comparison?

The test is indeed meaningless...
First of all the question is poorly worded, you can not and are not testing a view. Views are performance neutral on Db2 for i.
Running a statement, adding an index and rerunning the statement is a meaningless test. Db2 for i has all kinds tricks built in to improve the speed of a repeated statement. Among them
Input data cached in memory
Data access paths are left open
Starting from a fresh connection, you can ensure that no data is in memory by using SETOBJACC OBJ(YOURLIB/YOURFILE) OBJTYPE(*FILE) POOL(*PURGE) for each table referenced by your statement.
Now run the statement multiple times; at least 3 if the system defaults have not been changed. You should see that the first (few) iterations is slower than the last few. This is a result of the data access path being left open for a repeated statement.
Now add your index, disconnect/reconnect, clear the object(s) from memory and run your tests again.
Depending on the use case for the statement, you may want to focus on the first iteration performance or the later iterations.
Mao is correct in that using Visual Explain (VE) is the best way to see if an index is being used or otherwise understanding how the query is performing.
Lastly realize that load on the server effects how the query engine operates. The query engine optimizer will calculate your jobs "fair share" of memory and that value will affect rather or not some more efficient yet memory intensive plans would be used. So if you're testing in a non-prod environment that doesn't exactly match prod in terms of resources, data size and load, the results are likely to differ when the query is moved to prod.
Performance tuning is part art, part science. Generally, use VE to ensure that you've got a decent query to start with. Then monitor actual production use to ensure that it's preforming as expected.


Benchmarking Redshift Queries

I want to know how long my queries take to execute, so that I can see whether my changes improve the runtime or not.
Simply timing the executing of the whole query is unsuitable, since this also takes into account the (highly variable) time spent waiting in an execution queue.
Redshift provides the STL_WLM_QUERY table that contains separate columns for queue wait time and execution time. However, my queries do not reliably show up in this table. For example if I execute the same query multiple times the number of corresponding rows in STL_WLM_QUERY is often much smaller than the number of repetitions. Sometimes, but not always, only one row is generated no matter how often I run the query. I suspect some caching is going on.
Is there a better way to find the actual execution time of a Redshift query, or can someone at least explain under what circumstances exactly a row in STL_WLM_QUERY is generated?
My tips
If possible, ensure that your query has not waited at all, if it has
there should be a row on stl_wlm_query. If it did wait - then rerun
Run the query once to compile it, then a second time to benchmark
it. compile time can be significant
Disable the new query result caching feature (if you have it yet -
you probably don't)

How to get the execution plan of a prepared statement work?

How does the DBMS (postgres in my case) deals with execution plan and prepared statement.
The parameters of a query can have a huge impact on the execution plan, mainly due to data statistics.
It might prefer in certain cases use an index if the data is well distributed but for a particular value prefer a sequential scan because the parameter is not discriminant (usually when the parameter matches > 10% of table rows)
I am wondering if prepared statement are always a good way to improve performances or if it more a kind of "best effort"
Thanks in advance
Edit: my concern is about running frequently the same query, but with other parameters that could need to vary the execution plan. It is quite hard to measure the performance gain of prepared statement vs always have the most accurate execution plan
A prepared statement is a GREAT way to make the same simple query run over and over faster. For instance, something like
insert into table values ($1,$2,$3);
OTOH it is NOT a great way to make big ugly complex reporting queries run faster, where the data set may change based on what's in the where clause.
The whole point of prepared queries is to save the somewhat expensive step of query planning over and over. For the simple insert listed above, run 1,000 times, the cost of planning adds up.
OTOH for a big complex reporting query, the planning time is inconsequential. Most big reporting queries etc take seconds to minutes to even hours to run. The planning time, measured in milliseconds, is not worth worrying about here.

What about expected performance in Pentaho?

I am using Pentaho to create ETL's and I am very focused on performance. I develop an ETL process that copy 163.000.000 rows from Sql server 2088 to PostgreSQL and it takes 17h.
I do not know how good or bad is this performance. Do you know how to measure if the time that takes some process is good? At least as a reference to know if I need to keep working heavily on performance or not.
Furthermore, I would like to know if it is normal that in the first 2 minutes of ETL process it load 2M rows. I calculate how long will take to load all the rows. The expected result is 6 hours, but then the performance decrease and it takes 17h.
I have been investigating in goole and I do not find any time references neither any explanations about performance.
Divide and conquer, and proceed by elimination.
First, add a LIMIT to your query so it takes 10 minutes instead of 17 hours, this will make it a lot easier to try different things.
Are the processes running on different machines? If so, measure network bandwidth utilization to make sure it isn't a bottleneck. Transfer a huge file, make sure the bandwidth is really there.
Are the processes running on the same machine? Maybe one is starving the other for IO. Are source and destination the same hard drive? Different hard drives? SSDs? You need to explain...
Examine IO and CPU usage of both processes. Does one process max out one cpu core?
Does a process max out one of the disks? Check iowait, iops, IO bandwidth, etc.
How many columns? Two INTs, 500 FLOATs, or a huge BLOB with a 12 megabyte PDF in each row? Performance would vary between these cases...
Now, I will assume the problem is on the POSTGRES side.
Create a dummy table, identical to your target table, which has:
Exact same columns (CREATE TABLE dummy LIKE table)
No indexes, No constraints (I think it is the default, double check the created table)
BEFORE INSERT trigger on it which returns NULL and drop the row.
The rows will be processed, just not inserted.
Is it fast now? OK, so the problem was insertion.
Do it again, but this time using an UNLOGGED TABLE (or a TEMPORARY TABLE). These do not have any crash-resistance because they don't use the journal, but for importing data it's OK.... if it crashes during the insert you're gonna wipe it out and restart anyway.
Still No indexes, No constraints. Is it fast?
If slow => IO write bandwidth issue, possibly caused by something else hitting the disks
If fast => IO is OK, problem not found yet!
With the table loaded with data, add indexes and constraints one by one, find out if you got, say, a CHECK that uses a slow SQL function, or a FK into a table which has no index, that kind of stuff. Just check how long it takes to create the constraint.
Note: on an import like this you would normally add indices and constraints after the import.
My gut feeling is that PG is checkpointing like crazy due to the large volume of data, due to too-low checkpointing settings in the config. Or some issue like that, probably random IO writes related. You put the WAL on a fast SSD, right?
17H is too much. Far too much. For 200 Million rows, 6 hours is even a lot.
Hints for optimization:
Check the memory size: edit the spoon.bat, find the line containing -Xmx and change it to half your machine memory size. Details varies with java version. Example for PDI V7.1.
Check if the query from the source database is not too long (because too complex, or server memory size, or ?).
Check the target commit size (try 25000 for PostgresSQL), the Use batch update for inserts in on, and also that the index and constraints are disabled.
Play with the Enable lazy conversion in the Table input. Warning, you may produce difficult to identify and debug errors due to data casting.
In the transformation property you can tune the Nr of rows in rowset (click anywhere, select Property, then the tab Miscelaneous). On the same tab check the transformation is NOT transactional.

PostgreSQL approaching plan caching on identical queries?

I am running some benchmarks tests on a lot of queries. I have a set of queries and they will be run multiple times after each other. I know that PostgreSQL caches query plans so this is important to consider but as far as I know this does not always happen.
So I have two approaches. I am considering to either (a) force the query plan to be generated each time I run a query or either (b) to 'warm up' a bit so that a plan is cached and it is reused each time. How can I perform either or what precautions can I take to ensure that one or the other is happening?
It would be great if I could monitor plans in the cache but I am not sure if it is possible.
UPDATE: My queries are complex SELECTs to retrieve data, no DELETEs/INSERTs etc. Does this mean I should not give so much respect to the query planner in benchmarks?
PostgreSQL only caches query plans if
you use prepared statements
the statement is executed inside a PL/pgSQL function
So if you want to benchmark how much faster your queries become if you avoid the overhead of planning, you should create a prepared statement and execute it al least six times (because the first five runs will always generate a custom plan).
If your queries are complex, odds are that you might even lose if you cache query plans, particularly if the runtime of the queries is long. In such a case, it is usually better to spend more effort on planning each query. The biggest win with prepared statements is when the execution time of the queries is low.

PostgreSQL. Slow queries in log file are fast in psql

I have an application written on Play Framework 1.2.4 with Hibernate(default C3P0 connection pooling) and PostgreSQL database (9.1).
Recently I turned on slow queries logging ( >= 100 ms) in postgresql.conf and found some issues.
But when I tried to analyze and optimize one particular query, I found that it is blazing fast in psql (0.5 - 1 ms) in comparison to 200-250 ms in the log. The same thing happened with the other queries.
The application and database server is running on the same machine and communicating using localhost interface.
JDBC driver - postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4
I wonder what could be wrong, because query duration in the log is calculated considering only database processing time excluding external things like network turnarounds etc.
Possibility 1: If the slow queries occur occasionally or in bursts, it could be checkpoint activity. Enable checkpoint logging (log_checkpoints = on), make sure the log level (log_min_messages) is 'info' or lower, and see what turns up. Checkpoints that're taking a long time or happening too often suggest you probably need some checkpoint/WAL and bgwriter tuning. This isn't likely to be the cause if the same statements are always slow and others always perform well.
Possibility 2: Your query plans are different because you're running them directly in psql while Hibernate, via PgJDBC, will at least sometimes be doing a PREPARE and EXECUTE (at the protocol level so you won't see actual statements). For this, compare query performance with PREPARE test_query(...) AS SELECT ... then EXPLAIN ANALYZE EXECUTE test_query(...). The parameters in the PREPARE are type names for the positional parameters ($1,$2,etc); the parameters in the EXECUTE are values.
If the prepared plan is different to the one-off plan, you can set PgJDBC's prepare threshold via connection parameters to tell it never to use server-side prepared statements.
This difference between the plans of prepared and unprepared statements should go away in PostgreSQL 9.2. It's been a long-standing wart, but Tom Lane dealt with it for the up-coming release.
It's very hard to say for sure without knowing all the details of your system, but I can think of a couple of possibilities:
The query results are cached. If you run the same query twice in a short space of time, it will almost always complete much more quickly on the second pass. PostgreSQL maintains a cache of recently retrieved data for just this purpose. If you are pulling the queries from the tail of your log and executing them immediately this could be what's happening.
Other processes are interfering. The execution time for a query varies depending on what else is going on in the system. If the queries are taking 100ms during peak hour on your website when a lot of users are connected but only 1ms when you try them again late at night this could be what's happening.
The point is you are correct that the query duration isn't affected by which library or application is calling it, so the difference must be coming from something else. Keep looking, good luck!
There are several possible reasons. First if the database was very busy when the slow queries excuted, the query may be slower. So you may need to observe the load of the OS at that moment for future analysis.
Second the history plan of the sql may be different from the current session plan. So you may need to install auto_explain to see the actual plan of the slow query.