is there a way to get around size miss match for chunk downloader plugin for unreal engine 4? - plugins

I am using unreal engine 4.26 and when trying to do update on demand by using chunk downloader plugin from unreal engine and a custom plugin called chunk core , I got stuck on where the file is the not the same as the other and the downloader not over writing that file. How can I fix this? Thanks.

Are you updating the Manifest correctly? If I remember correctly, in the Editor the manifest was never actually updated (you need to remove it and start UE).


Since the new version of MRTK i cant build a scene

Since i use the new version of MRTK, i get that building error (Unity 2018 3 12f1). How can i fix that?
I had no issues with the old version, but in the old version i couldn't disable the spatial mesh render so it would disappear in my app.
The other solution would be, to get the spatial mesh render disabled in the old version. So i dont need the new version. But i cant find the menu for that option.
The only way to find the script is to search for "spatial", but that script is greyed out.
PS: I'm new to this, so please explain it for a beginner.
From the first image you shared, it looks like you need to install the Windows 10 Insider SDK (version 18362 or later). The insider version of the Windows SDK has a few new classes that you need in order to compile for UWP.
Hope this helps!
okay, i found a way.
For anyone who has also problems with this:

TypeLoadException after loading .NET 4.5 C# DLL into Unity 2018.2.5

I want to be able to feed the camera frames from a webcam into Unity. I made a .NET 4.5 C# DLL using MediaFrameReader and event listeners. Here is some other user's implementation for accessing the Hololens camera frames: Hololens - Access Camera Frames.
When I import the DLL into my 2018.2.5 Unity project, it gives me the following error:
Unloading broken assembly "....", this assembly can cause crashes in the runtime
TypeLoadException: Could not find method due to a type load error
The C# plugin built successfully many times on Visual Studio. Also, I have properly set the Api Compatibility Level (in player settings) to .NET 4.x. What could be the fix to this?
All the other SO answers related to this I have already taken a look, but does not seem to help the problem. Thanks for all the help.
EDIT: is the most relatable post, but had no solution.
I have few possible solutions for you to explore.
DLLs issues:
Comment your UWP code (the part that uses the DLL), then build it in UNITY without the DLL. In the generated UWP solution, install the package from nuget or manually import the dll, then uncomment your code and finish your development. This is a short-term solution.It is going to be annoying as you re-build your solution many times and have to comment/uncomment then re-add dlls and so on.
Other possible solutions:
Failed to run reference rewriter with command error with unity error when adding a DLL to the assets folder
Your exact need
From your description, you really do not need everything in the link you referenced (Hololens - Access Camera Frames). You need much simpler version. I recently created MediaCapture solution for HoloLens as a workaround because PhotoCapture in Unity is not working in the HoloLens and everything is working without any additional DLLs. I will post for you few links to see if it may help you:
MediaCapture Unity & HoloLens:
This maybe a good start for you. You can combine it with your original reference. Use this project as starting point to make sure your project is building correct, then use the necessary code from the other resource that you posted to accomplish the task that you desire. You may need to download Unity 2018.2.12f1 because I didn't test it in 2018.2.5
MediaCapture & PhotoCapture: Hololens font camera
Good Luck!

Can I write software using Unreal Engine 4 without compiling Unreal Engine 4 from source?

I just watched a video on YouTube: Introduction to UE4 on GitHub
Basically explaining how to get the Unreal Engine 4 source code from GitHub and how to build it in VS2013.
Now I understand the need for this if people want to make modifications to the engine itself, but if I want to use the engine as is and just program games with it, do I need to do all this?
I'm building it right now (75 minutes and counting), because I watched a UE4 programming tutorial and noticed that I was missing a few things that the programmer in the tutorial had (thought maybe because I didn't compile the Engine). I figured I needed to build the Engine because another UE4 programming tutorial said "I assume you have already downloaded the engine source from GitHub and compiled it in VS2013", nobody says why, nobody clearly states whether or not this is required to make a game in C++ using Unreal Engine 4.
No you dont need the whole engine. There is a difference between the code which builds the editor and the code which builds your game. If you only want to program your game you should create a new "code project" and modify the code you're getting after creating the new project.

Any Netbeans plugin to save code checkpoints in order to casually play around with the code?

Isn't there any netbeans plugin to save code checkpoints, so that I could then play around with my code, making experimental modifications to my project ?

ExtJs 4.2 example build

I am new to ExtJs.
When practicing in eclipse do we need to include the entire library(52 MB approx) in the appropriate location?
Is there any shorter version of this library?
Can I delete some files in the library which are not important?
What are the necessary .js files to be included for building a sample MVC pattern, CRUD operation support application in ExtJs 4.2?
For my setup, I include the /ext directory in my project, however I exclude it from the build path so that it doesn't slow Eclipse down. See Eclipse: Javascript validation disabled. but still generating errors?
Then, if you don't even want to see the directory in your workspace, you can create a working set.
I wouldn't recommend deleting/excluding ExtJS source files from your project, especially if you are using Sencha Cmd and/or using dynamic loading in your application.
If you really want to include the bare-minimum, you could get away with using ext-all.js, ext-all.css, and making sure you have all of the ExtJS image files.