How to make a decorated border in Flutter - flutter

I wanna make a decorated border as in the image in scrollable widget

Your images dimension is 473 × 670. Corner decoration size 115 x 115. So you can use the centerSlice property to stretch your image according to your needs. Just like this...
height: 1000, // device or widget height
width: 350, // device or widget height
centerSlice: const Rect.fromLTRB(115, 115, 358, 555),
Now you can use stack or any other of your prefered method to put this behind your scrollable list.

You can use Stack:
children: [
Image(), // your border image
Container(margin: EdgeInsets.all(12)) // other widgets inside border


How can i make image in full screen without to lose some parts of image on screen

to display image according to it's original size i do the following
to display image to fit height and width (full screen) i do the following
Image.file(File(fileCreated!.path),fit: BoxFit.cover,height: double.infinity,width: double.infinity,),
ok it is now in full screen but i noticed there is some missing parts of the image contents is no longer visible on screen like 20 pixel from width and height , i know flutter do it for keeping the image quality the same. but How i ignore that behavior
How could i display image in full screen so the whole image parts is visible on screen ?
i tried with following
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
whatever i change the height. the width will be auto changing too, even if i did not change the width !!!!
but same result
edit :
full parent
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Image.file(File(widget.imageFile,),fit: BoxFit.cover,height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,),
You can use MediaQuery, but I will prefer using LayoutBuilder on top widget. Also check the parent widget if it is having padding/margin.
fit: BoxFit.fill,
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,

How to make Flutter Stepper body expand to fill entire screen height

Because Flutter Stepper is scrollable, it can't be set the step content to fill its height.
I want to make a layout like this
While I'm getting this layout
I've used SizedBox with fixed height, but it's incorrect way while screens have different height values.
You can use SizedBox , just specify a non-fixed height and get the current screen height via
MediaQuery. of(context). size. height
this is how it works normally regardless of the screen size
isActive: currentStep >=0,
title: Text('Account'),
content: SizedBox(
height: MediaQuery. of(context). size. height - 300,
child: Text("sdf"),),

Position widget full width

I have a Positioned widget that I need to make it full width of the parent container
Widget tree is like this
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
height: 11,
child: Container(
// box decoration for this container
So what I need is a widget placed at the bottom of the Stack that goes on top of everything else in the Stack, that takes up the width of the ancestor Expanded
Is this possible? Thank you
You need to set left and right to 0, so it will expand full width.
If you want to expand a Positioned widget height and width, you can use Positioned.fill() which will set left/right/top/bottom to 0. (but you can override them if needed)

Flutter. Set parent's height based on child canvas drawing's

Is there any way to set parent container's height based on height of what is drawn in the child canvas?
I am using a custom painter like this:
double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
return Container(
color: Colors.yellow,
height: 240,
width: width,
child: CustomPaint(
painter: ShapePainter(),
Then ShapePainter() draws different shapes (1 shape for each canvas in the list).
But as you can see, some shapes like 2nd rectangle, take twice the space they actually need.
I can calculate height of a shape inside ShapePainter() easily,
but I have no idea how to apply it to its parent's height. (Except calling an insta-setState() from child, but there should be a better way, because this may flicker for one frame)
Thanks for any help!
Flutter has several phases that it goes through when creating a frame, including building, layout, and painting. The size of widgets is determined during the layout phase. So you can't set the height based it what was painted. (Except, as you've said, by using something like setState to generate a new frame.) You'll have to determine the the size you want before any painting has happened. For example, you can give your CustomPainter a getter to provide the shape:
class ShapePainter extends CustomPainter {
ShapePainter({#required this.shape});
final Shape shape;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
// the painting
Size get size {
// determine size based on shape
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final shapePainter = ShapePainter();
return Container(
color: Colors.yellow,
height: shapePainter.size.height,
child: CustomPaint(
painter: shapePainter,

Flutter - How to create fluid / dynamic container that follows it's parent height?

I want to have a line that has 100% parent height, the line should has a fluid height following it's parent's height. the parent's height would be dynamic because every content has it's own height. Just like in Path app.
This is my app, currently I'm setting the height as a constant, how to make it dynamic following it's parent's height? :
width: 1,
color: Colors. redAccent,
height: 300, // <-- this height
try to use the Expanded Widget which uses the available space. you just have to definewhat is the available space here
child: Container(
color: Colors.amber,
width: 100,
here, if you dont put something on top of the expanded, it will take all the screen
and if not on the bottom, it will reach the bottom of the screen.
it takes the whole free space.
I solved this by adding container and add border left :)