kubernetes pod cannot resolve local hostnames but can resolve external ones like google.com - kubernetes

I am trying kubernetes and seem to have hit bit of a hurdle. The problem is that from within my pod I can't curl local hostnames such as wrkr1 or wrkr2 (machine hostnames on my network) but can successfully resolve hostnames such as google.com or stackoverflow.com.
My cluster is a basic setup with one master and 2 worker nodes.
What works from within the pod:
curl to google.com from pod -- works
curl to another service(kubernetes) from pod -- works
curl to another machine on same LAN via its IP address such as 192.168.x.x -- works
curl to another machine on same LAN via its hostname such as wrkr1 -- does not work
What works from the node hosting pod:
curl to google.com --works
curl to another machine on same LAN via
its IP address such as 192.168.x.x -- works
curl to another machine
on same LAN via its hostname such as wrkr1 -- works.
Note: the pod cidr is completely different from the IP range used in
the node contains a hosts file with entry corresponding to wrkr1's IP address (although I've checked node is able to resolve hostname without it also but I read somewhere that a pod inherits its nodes DNS resolution so I've kept the entry)
Kubernetes Version: 1.19.14
Ubuntu Version: 18.04 LTS
Need help as to whether this is normal behavior and what can be done if I want pod to be able to resolve hostnames on local LAN as well?

What happens
Need help as to whether this is normal behavior
This is normal behaviour, because there's no DNS server in your network where virtual machines are hosted and kubernetes has its own DNS server inside the cluster, it simply doesn't know about what happens on your host, especially in /etc/hosts because pods simply don't have access to this file.
I read somewhere that a pod inherits its nodes DNS resolution so I've
kept the entry
This is a point where tricky thing happens. There are four available DNS policies which are applied per pod. We will take a look at two of them which are usually used:
"Default": The Pod inherits the name resolution configuration from the node that the pods run on. See related discussion for more details.
"ClusterFirst": Any DNS query that does not match the configured cluster domain suffix, such as "www.kubernetes.io", is forwarded to the upstream nameserver inherited from the node. Cluster administrators may have extra stub-domain and upstream DNS servers configured
The trickiest ever part is this (from the same link above):
Note: "Default" is not the default DNS policy. If dnsPolicy is not
explicitly specified, then "ClusterFirst" is used.
That means that all pods that do not have DNS policy set will be run with ClusterFirst and they won't be able to see /etc/resolv.conf on the host. I tried changing this to Default and indeed, it can resolve everything host can, however internal resolving stops working, so it's not an option.
For example coredns deployment is run with Default dnsPolicy which allows coredns to resolve hosts.
How this can be resolved
1. Add local domain to coreDNS
This will require to add A records per host. Here's a part from edited coredns configmap:
This should be within .:53 { block
file /etc/coredns/local.record local
This part is right after block above ends (SOA information was taken from the example, it doesn't make any difference here):
local.record: |
local. IN SOA sns.dns.icann.org. noc.dns.icann.org. 2015082541 7200 3600 1209600 3600
wrkr1. IN A
wrkr2. IN A
Then coreDNS deployment should be added to include this file:
$ kubectl edit deploy coredns -n kube-system
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
- key: Corefile
path: Corefile
- key: local.record # 1st line to add
path: local.record # 2nd line to add
name: coredns
And restart coreDNS deployment:
$ kubectl rollout restart deploy coredns -n kube-system
Just in case check if coredns pods are running and ready:
$ kubectl get pods -A | grep coredns
kube-system coredns-6ddbbfd76-mk2wv 1/1 Running 0 4h46m
kube-system coredns-6ddbbfd76-ngrmq 1/1 Running 0 4h46m
If everything's done correctly, now newly created pods will be able to resolve hosts by their names. Please find an example in coredns documentation
2. Set up DNS server in the network
While avahi looks similar to DNS server, it does not act like a DNS server. It's not possible to setup requests forwarding from coredns to avahi, while it's possible to proper DNS server in the network and this way have everything will be resolved.
3. Deploy avahi to kubernetes cluster
There's a ready image with avahi here. If it's deployed into the cluster with dnsPolicy set to ClusterFirstWithHostNet and most importantly hostNetwork: true it will be able to use host adapter to discover all available hosts within the network.
Useful links:
Pods DNS policy
Custom DNS entries for kubernetes


how to access pods from host?

I'm running colima with kubernetes like:
colima start --kuberenetes
I created a few running pods, and I want to see access the through the browsers.
But I don't know what is the colima IP (or kubernetes node IP).
help appreciated
You can get the nodeIp so:
kubectl get node
nodeName Ready <none> 15h v1.26.0
Then with the nodeName:
kubectl describe node nodeName
That gives you a descrition of the node and you should look for this section:
Hostname: master
Ping it to verify the network.
Find your host file on Mac and make an entry like: test.local
This let you access the cluster with a domain name.
Ping it to verify.
You can not access from outside the cluster a ClusterIp.
To access your pod you have several possibilities.
if your service is type ClusterIp, you can create a temporary connection from your host with a port forward.
kubectl port-forward svc/yourservicename localport:podport
(i would raccomend this) create a service type: NodePort
kubectl get svc -o wide
Shows you the NodePort: between(30000-32000).
You can access now the Pod by: test.local:nodePort or Ipaddress:NodePort.
Note: If you deployed in a namespace other than default, add -n yournamespace in the kubectl commands.
if you want to start colima with an ipAddress, first find one of your local network which is available.
Your network setting you can get with:
find the network. Should be the same of that of your Internet router.
Look for the subnet. Most likely
The value to pass then:
--network-address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24
In case the subnet is then /16. But i dont think, if you are connect from home. Inside a company however this is possible.
Again check with ping and follow the steps from begining to verify the kubernetes node configuration.

How to set DNS entrys & network configuration for kubernetes cluster #home (noob here)

I am currently running a Kubernetes cluster on my own homeserver (in proxmox ct's, was kinda difficult to get working because I am using zfs too, but it runs now), and the setup is as follows:
lb01: haproxy & keepalived
lb02: haproxy & keepalived
etcd01: etcd node 1
etcd02: etcd node 2
etcd03: etcd node 3
master-01: k3s in server mode with a taint for not accepting any jobs
master-02: same as above, just joining with the token from master-01
master-03: same as master-02
worker-01 - worker-03: k3s agents
If I understand it correctly k3s delivers with flannel as a CNI pre-installed, as well as traefik as a Ingress Controller.
I've setup rancher on my cluster as well as longhorn, the volumes are just zfs volumes mounted inside the agents tho, and as they aren't on different hdd's I've set the replicas to 1. I have a friend running the same setup (we set them up together, just yesterday) and we are planing on joining our networks trough vpn tunnels and then providing storage nodes for each other as an offsite backup.
So far I've hopefully got everything correct.
Now to my question: I've both got a static ip #home as well as a domain, and I've set that domain to my static ip
Something like that: (don't know how dns entries are actually written, just from the top of my head for your reference, the entries are working well.)
A example.com. [[my-ip]]
CNAME *.example.com. example.com
I've currently made a port-forward to one of my master nodes for port 80 & 443 but I am not quite sure how you would actually configure that with ha in mind, and my rancher is throwing a 503 after visiting global settings, but I have not changed anything.
So now my question: How would one actually configure the port-forward and, as far as I know k3s has a load-balancer pre-installed, but how would one configure those port-forwards for ha? the one master node it's pointing to could, theoretically, just stop working and then all services would not be reachable anymore from outside.
Assuming your apps are running on port 80 and port 443 your ingress should give you a service with an external ip and you would point your dns at that. Read below for more info.
Seems like you are not a noob! you got a lot going on with your cluster setup. What you are asking is a bit complicated to answer and I will have to make some assumptions about your setup, but will do my best to give you at least some intial info.
This tutorial has a ton of great info and may help you with what you are doing. They use kubeadm instead of k3s, buy you can skip that section if you want and still use k3s.
If you are setting up and installing etcd on your own, you don't need to do that k3s will create an etcd cluster for you that run inside pods on your cluster.
Load Balancing your master nodes
haproxy + keepalived nodes would be configured to point to the ips of your master nodes at port 6443 (TCP), the keepalived will give you a virtual ip and you would configure your kubeconfig (that you get from k3s) to talk to that ip. On your router you will want to reserve an ip (make sure not to assign that to any computers).
This is a good video that explains how to do it with a nodejs server but concepts are the same for your master nodes:
Load Balancing your applications running in the cluster
Use an K8s Service read more about it here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/
essentially you need an external ip, I prefer to do this with metal lb.
metal lb gives you a service of type load balancer with an external ip
add this flag to k3s when creating initial master node:
configure metallb
You will want to reserve more ips on your router and put them under the addresses section in the yaml below. In this example you will see you have 11 ips in the range to
create this as a file example metallb-cm.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- name: default
protocol: layer2
kubectl apply -f metallb-cm.yaml
Install with these yaml files:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.12.1/manifests/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.12.1/manifests/metallb.yaml
source - https://metallb.universe.tf/installation/#installation-by-manifest
Will need a service of type load balancer, use its external ip as the external ip
kubectl get service -A - look for your ingress service and see if it has an external ip and does not say pending
I will do my best to answer any of your follow up questions. Good Luck!

Google GKE kubernetes DNS fail to resolve service name

I am having an issue with Kubernetes on GKE.
I am unable to resolve services by their name using internal DNS.
this is my configuration
Google GKE v1.15
kubectl get namespaces
custom-metrics Active 183d
default Active 245d
dev Active 245d
kube-node-lease Active 65d
kube-public Active 245d
kube-system Active 245d
stackdriver Active 198d
I've deployed a couple of simple services based on openjdk 11 docker image and made with spring boot + actuator in order to have a /actuator/health endpoint to test in dev
kubectl get pods --namespace=dev
test1-5d86946c49-h9t9l 1/1 Running 0 3h1m
test2-5bb5f4ff8d-7mzc8 1/1 Running 0 3h10m
If i try to execute under
kubectl --namespace=dev exec -it test1-5d86946c49-h9t9 -- /bin/bash
root#test1-5d86946c49-h9t9:/app# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search dev.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local europe-west1-b.c.back-office-236415.internal c.back-office-236415.internal google.internal
options ndots:5
root#test1-5d86946c49-h9t9:/app# nslookup test2
** server can't find test2: NXDOMAIN
The same issue occurs if I try using test2 service and try to resolve test1. There is a special configuration for namespace to enable DNS resolve? Shouldn't this be automatic?
I have reproduced this using master version 1.15 and and type of service as ‘ClusterIP’. I am able to do look up from the Pod of one service to another. For creating Kubernetes Services in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster [1] might be helpful.
To see the services:
$ kubectl get svc --namespace=default
To access the deployment:
$ kubectl exec -it [Pod Name] sh
To lookup:
$ nslookup [Service Name]
Every Service defined in the cluster (including the DNS server itself) is assigned a DNS name. By default, a client Pod’s DNS search list will include the Pod’s own namespace and the cluster’s default domain.
“Normal” (not headless) Services are assigned a DNS A record for a name of the form my-svc.my-namespace.svc.cluster-domain.example. This resolves to the cluster IP of the Service.
For “Headless” (without a cluster IP) Services are also assigned a DNS A record for a name.Though this resolves to the set of IPs of the pods selected by the Service.
However, DNS policies can be set on a per-pod basis. Currently Kubernetes supports the following pod-specific DNS policies. These policies are specified in the dnsPolicy field of a Pod Spec [2]:
“Default“: The Pod inherits the name resolution configuration from the node that the pods run on.
“ClusterFirst“: Any DNS query that does not match the configured cluster domain suffix, such as “www.kubernetes.io”, is forwarded to the upstream nameserver inherited from the node. Cluster administrators may have extra stub-domain and upstream DNS servers configured.
“ClusterFirstWithHostNet“: For Pods running with hostNetwork, need to set its DNS policy “ClusterFirstWithHostNet”.
“None“: It allows a Pod to ignore DNS settings from the Kubernetes environment. All DNS settings are supposed to be provided using the dnsConfig field in the Pod Spec.

For pod-to-pod communication, what IP should be used? The service's ClusterIP or the endpoint

I've deployed the Rancher Helm chart to my Kubernetes cluster and want to access the Rancher API/UI from another pod (i.e. a pod running an ingress-controller).
when I list the services and the endpoints. The IP addresses differ:
$ kubectl get ep | grep rancher
release-name-rancher 18h
$ kubectl get services | grep rancher
release-name-rancher ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 18h
Within the container of the client (i.e. the ingress controller), I see the service beeing represented with the service's ClusterIP:
Trying to reach the backend via the IP address in the Env does not work (curl just delivers no response and blocks forever).
Trying to reach the backend via the endpoint address works:
$ curl
I'm quite confused why the endpoint IP address and the ClusterIP address differ and why is it not possible to connect to the ClusterIP address. Any hints to polish my understanding?
In Kubernetes, every Pod and Service gets its own IP address. The kubectl get services IP address is the Kubernetes-internal address of the Service; the get ep address address of the Pod behind it. The Service actually acts like a load balancer, and there can be multiple Pods attached to it. The Kubernetes Service documentation goes into a lot of detail about what exactly is happening here.
Kubernetes also provides an internal DNS service that can resolve Service names. You generally shouldn't use any of these IP addresses directly; instead, use the host name release-name-rancher.default.svc.cluster.local (or replace "default" if you're running in some other Kubernetes namespace).
While the ..._SERVICE_HOST environment variable you reference is supported and documented, I'd avoid using it. Of particular note, if you helm install or kubectl apply a large set of resources at once and the Pod gets created before the Service, you'll be in a consistent state except that the Pod won't actually have this environment variable. In a Helm land where Services don't have fixed names, the environment variable name won't be fixed either. Prefer the DNS name.

Resolving a url as a different url inside kubernetes pod

My pod (pod1) internally can connect to another pod using its service like the following:
However, I want pod1 to connect to pod2 using a URL like abc.com which is not registered in a DNS. Basically, I want pod1 to resolve abc.com as pod2-service.namespace.svc.cluster.local.
I was looking at hostAliases here:
However, it needs an IP. How can I do this in Kubernetes?
I think you can use a fixed ip as the service ip of your pod2, then use this ip in your hostalias definition.
There are a couple of things:
StatefulSets where you will always know the pod name and you can find it based on its ordinal index.
Using Pod hostname and subdomain spec field (Only works for standalone pods, afaik)
However, pod to pod doesn't seem to be natively supported by Kubernetes in Deployments, my guess the rationale here is that the pods can constantly change IP addresses and names. You could use Pod default DNS entries but again the DNS entries will vary depending on the IP addresses that are assigned to pods.
The other solution that I can think of for Deployments is to use something like Consul with stub domains, then on each pod you will have to add an initContainer or consul agent sidecar to register its IP with the consul service, every time a pod restarts it will need to overwrite the DNS registration in Consul.
If you don't want to use stub domain there's also the option of using Pod DNS Configs.
you can get the service ip and append to /etc/hosts in pod1 before your application code running.
echo "$(getent hosts pod2-service.namespace.svc.cluster.local | awk '{ print $1 }') abc.com" >> /etc/hosts
Notice: It is pretty hacky because you should guarantee service ip of pod2 is fixed. When service ip changed, pod1 will fail to reslove the host.