How can you have next line or auto next line in Math.tex in flutter? - flutter

I am using flutter_math_fork package to display equations. But sometimes I want to display some text after equation like,
Math.tex('x=y \\text{Equation 1 is looooooooong}'). I am trying to have next line as the "text is long", but \n doesn't work, or how can I have auto next line? Thanks


How to place the multiline cursor at end of each line but at the position in each line?

Let's say I want to place hyphen at the end of each line. I know I can do that by pressing Shift+Alt button in windows(to enable multiline cursors) and then jump to the end of line. (shown in the image below)
However, I want to place the cursor(and therefore hyphen) at the same position. In other words, I want hyphen to be below each another. Here is the pic of what I want -
Is there anyway to do this in vscode using multi-line shortcuts ?
Why do I want this ? To increase readability of my code.

Add left space/margin/padding in VS Code editor window between line numbers and code

I would love to have some space between the line numbers and the first intendation/code in the VS Code editor window:
I just want to indent the code in the editor without actually adding whitespace in the code.
I tried "editor.glyphMargin", but this will only increase the space on the left of the line numbers, not between the line numbers and the code.
I'm also aware of the "Centered Layout" view, but this also decreases the width of e. g. the tabs for the file selection.
Is there a setting I'm missing or do I need a plugin/custom CSS?
You can try this --
"editor.lineDecorationsWidth": 25,
This increases the space on the right side of the numbers. I haven't seen anything that increases the padding on the other side of the gutter nearest your code.
Opinion --
Ideally, there would be a editor.padding.left like there is a, but I haven't seen this yet.

Emacs - Preserve horizontal position when changing lines

Is there a way to make Emacs preserve my cursor's horizontal position, when going up and down between lines of varying widths in a file?
I'll explain what I mean by example. Say I have 3 lines of text:
1: ------a
2: --b
3: --c---d
Say the cursor is at the position marked above by a. If I move down a line, the cursor will be at b. If I move down again, it will be at c. But I actually want to end up at d.
Is there a way to make Emacs do that automatically, so that I can go from a to b to d just by pressing the down arrow twice? Emacs would have to remember my horizontal position from my most recent horizontal movement, and try to restore that horizontal position each time I move vertically.
Customize user option goal-column to nil.
(You can also use command set-goal-column anytime to set goal-column to the current column.)

Libreoffice reduce formula line space

Here I got a text in libreoffice, third line has a mathematical formula which has added a lot of horizontal space above and below its line (third line). how can reduce the horizontal space in this line?
I just found the answer, it's just enough to set a fixed line space, not single or double or proportional.
Just right click on the paragraph and then select paragraph from menu and in idents and spacing tab, Line spacing > Fixed and then set a number for line height.

how to display a Matlab window that contains just simple, multi-line text instructions

I want to display a multi-line list of instructions in a window, that is shown when I run my script.
I've tried the code below, but I don't want to have to 'fine tune' the x,y position of each line. Is there a way to quickly specify and display multiple lines of text to a window, like a figure window?
In VisualBasic, for example, this would be like appending text to a label.
f = figure('menu','none','toolbar','none');
uicontrol('Style','text','Position',[0 45 120 20],'String','AAA');
You can use sprintf and \n to get multiple lines. The additional HorizontalAlignment-property aligns the text horizontally. Then you just need to fine fine-tune the overall position.
f = figure('menu','none','toolbar','none');
txt = sprintf('Line 1\nA longer line 2\nLine 3');
uicontrol('Style','text','Position',[30 45 180 40],'String',txt,...
This looks like this: