Flutter Auth with WiX - flutter

I am a beginner level developer. I have a WiX website and some authorized members in it. Now, I am creating an app for my website (in Flutter) and I want all of the members' login info in my app so that they could login to my app just like they login to my website. How can I do that?
I literally have no idea how to do that. I'll be glad and honored if someone would like to help me.

You can only do this through an API. I don't know if Wix has a plugin for generating API, otherwise you have to build one yourself


Any experience with cypress-social-login using Facebook provider?

I am trying to make an automated test of the Facebook login feature in our web application in Cypress. I would like to skip the visual input of credentials and rather provide them programatically.
I came across the cypress-social-login plugin - https://www.npmjs.com/package/cypress-social-logins
Does anyone have the experience specifically with the implementation of this plugin for Facebook login? Or did anyone manage to automate Facebook login without any plugin?
Another question is: for the plugin to work, I have to provide a login url fom my application. But my application doesn´t have a specific login url. It uses a fullscreen modal that contains a Facebook login button. Is there a way to modify the plugin to deal with this?
Meanwhile I accepted this fact. But I was successful by using another much simpler approach: First I go to facebook.com and log in there. Then I open my App and click the Facebook login button. In this way I can simulate the majority of users that are already signed in.
Unfortunately, when I run the tests on Lambdatest, Facebook won´t let me sign-in and tells me that I am misusing their services by going too fast :D
For now I am left by running tests locally.

Xamarin.Forms OAuth/ Facebook SDK login

Dear Xamarin developers,
I'm new to the Xamarin world and I like Xamarin.Forms.
When a developer find out a new platform (for me Xamarin(.forms)) he/ she wants to let the user login via OAuth (Facebook/ Google/ Twitter).
For Xamarin you have Xamarin.Auth, but I can't get it to work with Facebook or any other provider.
And for Xamarin.Forms there is no library or guide to do this.
So my question is; how do I implement OAuth(2) in Xamarin.Forms to use Facebook as provider?
Thanks in advance,
I have used Xamarin.Auth to authenticate against Dropbox with OAuth2 following this guide https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/web-services/authentication/oauth/.
As the documentation of the API was not sufficient when it came to error handling, I pulled the branch https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Auth/tree/portable-bait-and-switch from Xamarin.Auth at github to be able to debug it. Later I switched back to the nuget version once I understood the main problems.
For Microsoft Authentification, I had to redefine some of the methods to be able to use it.
Hope this helps to get you started.

Moodle and Google SSO

My school is looking to use moodle as an LMS and integrating it with google apps. What I would like to implement in the integration is a single sign on where once a user is logged into google apps, they would immediately be logged into their moodle account. I want this to also be possible vice versa where a user would also be automatically logged into their google apps account if they login to moodle instead. So far the plugins I have found can only do one or the other; not both (or perhaps I do not know how to configure them this way).
I have tried using googleoauth2 and GSAML but had no luck. Can someone please help or guide me somewhere that has this implemented?
Thanks you
THe process is well-documented here: https://docs.moodle.org/29/en/Google_Apps_Integration
The OneLogin plugin (among other options) supports both SSO and Google Apps. I would suggest starting there.
The exact documentation (should you choose to proceed with this login) can be found here. You will need OpenAM as well.

What's the correct way to authorize PhoneGap application to the Facebook?

I spent a while already to fix annoying issue with Facebook in PhoneGap app. And still a lot of things goes wrong with that. The thing is that I use Appery.io and Facebook plugin.
This is how my Facebook console looks now:
I suggest that localhost might be a reason of the issue. However, I got it into Facebook_Helper.js:
Everytime I try to sign in with FB account, I get the same error at the child window:
So what I've got is that app is authorized at this moment indeed, because there's a menu button at the navbar that allows me to navigate through FB profile:
The first issue lies in that the child window never gets closed automatically once user submitted Sign In form. And the second one is that I can't get the access token to the app directly. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I spend more than a week on that and nothing was clarified.
Honestly, I've no idea why it's not working. I saw a lot of apps written in PhoneGap that use the same authorization too, and they work as it should. Will be appreciate if you take a look into that and, maybe, advice something.
First, I don't see iOS or Android in your developer.facebook screenshot.
Second, you should implement native facebook integration if you are developing an app, if I understand correctly from your code, you are trying to handle only web browser version of authentication. Native integration is both the suggested way by facebook and platforms and better experience for end users. If users have facebook app installed, authenticating over fb app is more secure after all..
You can use a cordova plugin for facebook integration, here is one of the plugins (I am one of the authors): cordova-facebook plugin

Facebook Login + Registration

I have looked through dev docs and and tutorials via google engine, but I am kinda lost plus I am no expert in logic or programming..
I am trying to combine with login and register on the page. If user have fb account, they can log in. and then have database store their information for shopping purpose. if not, they could register and again have database store their info.
How to combine them using PHP SDK? Also I notice that I couldn't use Javascript SDK for login and register (do I need to create two apps for login and register?)
Insight will be appreciated. thank you very much
If you are talking about the "Registration Plugin" then I've written a tutorial about this:
How To: Use Facebook Registration Plugin As Your Registration System