How to assign a unique ID to each instance of a task in Amazon ECS - amazon-ecs

If I have four instances of, say, an appserver running in Amazon ECS.
Is there some way to let each appserver that it is #1 of four, #2 of four, and so on.
I've read these docs Amazon ECS container metadata file, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that mentioned in there.
Any ideas?


AWS + Elastic Beanstalk + MongoDB

I am trying to setup my microservices architecture using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Docker. That is very easy to do, but when I launch the environment, it launches into the default VPC, thus giving public IP's to the instances. Right now, that's not too much of a concern.
What I am having a problem with is how to set up the MongoDB architecture. I have read: recommended way to install mongodb on elastic beanstalk but still remain unsure on how to set this up.
So far I have tried:
Using the CloudFormation template from AWS here: to launch a primary with 2 replica node setup into the default VPC, but this gives and assigns public access to the Mongo nodes. I also am not sure how to connect my application since this does not add a NAT instance - do I simply connect directly to the primary node? In case of failure for this node, will the secondary node's IP become the same as that of the primary node so that all connections remain consistent? Or do I need to add my own NAT instance?
I have also tried launching MongoDB into its own VPC ( and giving access via the NAT, but this means having two different VPCs (one for my EB instances and one for the MongoDB). In this case would I connect to the NAT from my EB VPC in order to route requests to the databases?
I have also tried launching a new VPC for the MongoDB architecture first and then trying to launch EB into this VPC. For some reason, the load balancing setup won't let me add into the subnets, giving me the error: "Custom Availability Zones option not supported for VPC environments".
I am trying to launch all this in us-west-1. It's been two days now and I have no idea where to go or what the right way is to tackle this issue. I want the databases to be private (no public access) with a NAT gateway, so ideally my third method seems what I want, but I cannot seem to add the new EB instances/load balancer into the newly-created MongoDB VPC. This is the setup I'm going for: but I am trying to use the templates to do this.
What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be much, much appreciated. I have read up a lot about this but still am not sure where to go from here.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Im having this same issue. There seems to be a complete lack of documentation on how to connect an Elastic Beanstalk node.js / express app with the aws Quickstart mongodb cluster set up documentation.
When I run the aws mongo quickstart though it launches a NAT which is public and also a private primary node... maybe this is part of your issue?

Best practice for getting RDS password to docker container on ECS

I am using Postgres Amazon RDS and Amazon ECS for running my docker containers.
The question is. What is the best practice for getting the username and password for the RDS database into the docker container running on ECS?
I see a few options:
Build the credentials into docker image. I don't like this since then everyone with access to the image can get the password.
Put the credentials in the userdata of the launch configuration used by the autoscaling group for ECS. With this approach all docker images running on my ECS cluster has access to the credentials. I don't really like that either. That way if a blackhat finds a security hole in any of my services (even services that does not use the database) he will be able to get the credentials for the database.
Put the credentials in a S3 and control the limit the access to that bucket with a IAM role that the ECS server has. Same drawbacks as putting them in the userdata.
Put the credentials in the Task Definition of ECS. I don't see any drawbacks here.
What is your thoughts on the best way to do this? Did I miss any options?
Building it into the container is never recomended. Makes it hard to distribute and change.
Putting it into the ECS instances does not help your containers to use it. They are isolated and you'd end up with them on all instances instead of just where the containers are that need them.
Putting them into S3 means you'll have to write that functionality into your container. And it's another place to have configuration.
Putting them into your task definition is the recommended way. You can use the environment portion for this. It's flexible. It's also how PaaS offerings like Heroku and Elastic Beanstalk use DB connection strings for Ruby on rails and other services. Last benefit is it makes it easy to use your containers against different databases (like dev, test, prod) without rebuilding containers or building weird functionality
The accepted answer recommends configuring environment variables in the task definition. This configuration is buried deep in the ECS web console. You have to:
Navigate to Task Definitions
Select the correct task and revision
Choose to create a new revision (not allowed to edit existing)
Scroll down to the container section and select the correct container
Scroll down to the Env Variables section
Add your configuration
Save the configuration and task revision
Choose to update your service with the new task revision
This tutorial has screenshots that illustrate where to go.
Full disclosure: This tutorial features containers from Bitnami and I work for Bitnami. However the thoughts expressed here are my own and not the opinion of Bitnami.
For what it's worth, while putting credentials into environment variables in your task definition is certainly convenient, it's generally regarded as not particularly secure -- other processes can access your environment variables.
I'm not saying you can't do it this way -- I'm sure there are lots of people doing exactly this, but I wouldn't call it "best practice" either. Using Amazon Secrets Manager or SSM Parameter Store is definitely more secure, although getting your credentials out of there for use has its own challenges and on some platforms those challenges may make configuring your database connection much harder.
Still -- it seems like a good idea that anyone running across this question be at least aware that using the task definition for secrets is ... shall way say ... frowned upon?

Mongodb cluster with aws cloud formation and auto scaling

I've been investigating creating my own mongodb cluster in AWS. Aws mongodb template provides some good starting points. However, it doesn't cover auto scaling or when a node goes down. For example, if I have 1 primary and 2 secondary nodes. And the primary goes down and auto scaling kicks in. How would I add the newly launched mongodb instance to the replica set?
If you look at the template, it uses an script to check if the node being launched is a primary node and waits for all other nodes to exist and creates a replica set with thier ip addresses on the primary. When the Replica set is configured initailly, all the nodes already exist.
Not only that, but my node app uses mongoose. Part of the database connection allows you to specify multiple nodes. How would I keep track of what's currently up and running (I guess I could use DynamoDB but not sure).
What's the usual flow if an instance goes down? Do people generally manually re-configure clusters if this happens?
Any thoughts? Thanks.
This is a very good question and I went through this very painful journey myself recently. I am writing a fairly extensive answer here in the hope that some of these thoughts of running a MongoDB cluster via CloudFormation are useful to others.
I'm assuming that you're creating a MongoDB production cluster as follows: -
3 config servers (micros/smalls instances can work here)
At least 1 shard consisting of e.g. 2 (primary & secondary) shard instances (minimum or large) with large disks configured for data / log / journal disks.
arbiter machine for voting (micro probably OK).
Like yourself, I initially tried the AWS MongoDB CloudFormation template that you posted in the link ( but to be honest it was far, far too complex i.e. it's 9,300 lines long and sets up multiple servers (i.e. replica shards, configs, arbitors, etc). Running the CloudFormation template took ages and it kept failing (e.g. after 15 mintues) which meant the servers all terminated again and I had to try again which was really frustrating / time consuming.
The solution I went for in the end (which I'm super happy with) was to create separate templates for each type of MongoDB server in the cluster e.g.
MongoDbConfigServer.template (template to create config servers - run this 3 times)
MongoDbShardedReplicaServer.template (template to create replica - run 2 times for each shard)
MongoDbArbiterServer.template (template to create arbiter - run once for each shard)
NOTE: templates available at
The idea then is to bring up each server in the cluster individually i.e. 3 config servers, 2 sharded replica servers (for 1 shard) and an arbitor. You can then add custom parameters into each of the templates e.g. the parameters for the replica server could include: -
InstanceType e.g. t2.micro
ReplicaSetName e.g. s1r (shard 1 replica)
ReplicaSetNumber e.g. 2 (used with ReplicaSetName to create name e.g. name becomes s1r2)
VpcId e.g. vpc-e4ad2b25 (not a real VPC obviously!)
SubnetId e.g. subnet-2d39a157 (not a real subnet obviously!)
GroupId (name of existing MongoDB group Id)
Route53 (boolean to add a record to an internal DNS - best practices)
Route53HostedZone (if boolean is true then ID of internal DNS using Route53)
The really cool thing about CloudFormation is that these custom parameters can have (a) a useful description for people running it, (b) special types (e.g. when running creates a prefiltered combobox so mistakes are harder to make) and (c) default values. Here's an example: -
"Route53HostedZone": {
"Description": "Route 53 hosted zone for updating internal DNS (Only applicable if the parameter [ UpdateRoute53 ] = \"true\"",
"Type": "AWS::Route53::HostedZone::Id",
"Default": "YA3VWJWIX3FDC"
This makes running the CloudFormation template an absolute breeze as a lot of the time we can rely on the default values and only tweak a couple of things depending on the server instance we're creating (or replacing).
As well as parameters, each of the 3 templates mentioned earlier have a "Resources" section which creates the instance. We can do cool things via the "AWS::CloudFormation::Init" section also. e.g.
"Resources": {
"MongoDbConfigServer": {
"Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Metadata": {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
"configSets" : {
"Install" : [ "Metric-Uploading-Config", "Install-MongoDB", "Update-Route53" ]
The "configSets" in the previous example shows that creating a MongoDB server isn't simply a matter of creating an AWS instance and installing MongoDB on it but also we can (a) install CloudWatch disk / memory metrics (b) Update Route53 DNS etc. The idea is you want to automate things like DNS / Monitoring etc as much as possible.
IMO, creating a template, and therefore a stack for each server has the very nice advantage of being able to replace a server extremely quickly via the CloudFormation web console. Also, because we have a server-per-template it's easy to build the MongoDB cluster up bit by bit.
My final bit of advice on creating the templates would be to copy what works for you from other GitHub MongoDB CloudFormation templates e.g. I used the following to create the replica servers to use RAID10 (instead of the massively more expensive AWS provisioned IOPS disks).
In your question you mentioned auto-scaling - my preference would be to add a shard / replace a broken instance manually (auto-scaling makes sense with web containers e.g. Tomcat / Apache but a MongoDB cluster should really grow slowly over time). However, monitoring is very important, especially the disk sizes on the shard servers to alert you when disks are filling up (so you can either add a new shard to delete data). Monitoring can be achieved fairly easily using AWS CloudWatch metrics / alarms or using the MongoDB MMS service.
If a node goes down e.g one of the replicas in a shard, then you can simply kill the server, recreate it using your CloudFormation template and the disks will sync across automatically. This is my normal flow if an instance goes down and generally no re-configuration is necessary. I've wasted far too many hours in the past trying to fix servers - sometimes lucky / sometimes not. My backup strategy now is run a mongodump of the important collections of the database once a day via a crontab, zip up and upload to AWS S3. This means if the nuclear option happens (complete database corruption) we can recreate the entire database and mongorestore in an hour or 2.
However, if you create a new shard (because you're running out of space) configuration is necessary. For example, if you are adding a new Shard 3 you would create 2 replica nodes (e.g. primary with name => mongo-s3r1 / secondary with name => mongo-s3r2) and 1 arbitor (e.g. with name mongo-s3r-arb) then you'd connect via a MongoDB shell to a mongos (MongoDB router) and run this command: -
NOTE: - This commands assumes you are using private DNS via Route53 (best practice). You can simply use the private IPs of the 2 replicas in the addShard command but I have been very badly burned with this in the past (e.g. serveral months back all the AWS instances were restarted and new private IPs generated for all of them. Fixing the MongoDB cluster took me 2 days as I had to reconfigure everything manually - whereas changing the IPs in Route53 takes a few seconds ... ;-)
You could argue we should also add the addShard command to another CloudFormation template but IMO this adds unnecessary complexity because it has to know about a server which has a MongoDB router (mongos) and connect to that to run the addShard command. Therefore I simply run this after the instances in a new MongoDB shard have been created.
Anyways, that's my rather rambling thoughts on the matter. The main thing is that once you have the templates in place your life becomes much easier and defo worth the effort! Best of luck! :-)

Move RDS instance from EC2-Classic to VPC

I am currently migrating my production system from EC2-Classic to VPC platform.
All is done except for RDS instance, which is still in EC2-Classic.
My original plan was to do migration with some downtime: shutdown all instances, take database snapshot, create new instance in VPC from this snapshot (RDS "Restore snapshot" feature).
Unfortunately when I tried to do this I realized that I cannot restore to the type of instance I want.
When I click "Restore" Amazon offers me only a limited number of options:
Expensive db.m3, db.r3 instances
Previous generation db.t1, db.m1, db.m2 instances
Ideally I'd like to create db.t2 instance, is it possible to do that somehow?
Also, is there a way to migrate with zero downtime? So far I've found nothing in Amazon docs.

cloudformation best practices in AWS

We are at early stages with running our services on AWS. We have our server hosted in AWS, in a VPC, having private and public subnets and have multiple instances in private and public subnets using ELB and autoscaling setup (using AMIs) for frontend web servers. The whole environement(VPC, security groups, EC2 instances, DB instances, S3 buckets, cloudfront) are setup manually using AWS console at first.
Application servers host jboss and war files are deployed on the servers.
As per AWS best practices we want to create whole infrastructure using cloudformation and have setup test/stage/prod environment.
-Would it be a good idea to have all the above componenets (VPC, security groups, EC2 instances, DB instances, S3 buckets, cloudfront etc) using one cloudformation stack/template? Or we should we create two stacks 1) having network replated components and 2) having EC2 related components?
-Once we have a prod envoronemtn running with cloudformation stact and In case we want to update the new AMIs on prod in future, how can we update the live running EC2 instances using cloudformation without interruptions?
-What are the best practices/multiple ways for code deployment to multiple EC2 notes when a new release is done? We dont use Contineus integration at the moment.
It's a very good idea to separate your setup into multiple stacks. One obvious reason is that stacks have certain limits that you may reach eventually. A more practical reason is that you don't really need to update, say, your VPC every time you just want to deploy a new version. The network architecture typically changes less frequently. Another reason to avoid having one huge template, or to make changes to an "important" template needlessly, is that you always run the risk of messing things up. If there's an error in your template and you remove an important resource by accident (e.g. commented out) you'll be very sorry. So separating stacks out of sheer caution is probably a good idea.
If you want to update your application you can simply update the template with the new AMIs and CFN will know what needs to be recreated or updated. You can read about rolling updates here. However, I'd recommend considering using something a bit more straightforward for deploying your actual code, like Ansible or Chef.
I'd also recommend you look into Docker for packaging and deploying your application's nodes. Very handy.