How to get timestamp associated with percentile(x) value using timescale db time_bucket - bucket

I need find percentile(50) value and its timestamp using timescale db time-bucket. Finding P50 is easy but I don't know how to get the time stamp.
Select time_bucket('120 sec',timestamp_utc) as interval_size,
first(timestamp_utc,int_val) as minTime,
min(int_val) as minVal,
last(timestamp_utc,int_val) as maxTime,
max(int_val) as maxVal,
-- timestamp of percentile value below.
percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by int_val) as medianVal
from timeseries.raw
where timestamp_utc > NOW() - INTERVAL '10 min'
AND tag_id = 59560544877390423
group by interval_size
order by interval_size desc

I think what you're looking for we can do by selecting where the int_val is equal to the median value in a lateral (percentile_disc does ensure that there is a value exactly equal to that value, there may be more than one depending on what you want there you could deal with the more than one case in different ways), building on a previous answer and making it work a bit better I think would look something like this:
WITH p50 AS (
Select time_bucket('120 sec',timestamp_utc) as interval_size,
first(timestamp_utc,int_val) as minTime,
min(int_val) as minVal,
last(timestamp_utc,int_val) as maxTime,
max(int_val) as maxVal,
-- timestamp of percentile value below.
percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by int_val) as medianVal
from timeseries.raw
where timestamp_utc > NOW() - INTERVAL '10 min'
AND tag_id = 59560544877390423
group by interval_size
order by interval_size desc
) SELECT p50.*, rmed.*
FROM p50, LATERAL (SELECT * FROM timeseries.raw r
-- copy over the same where clause from above so we're dealing with the same subset of data
WHERE timestamp_utc > NOW() - INTERVAL '10 min'
AND tag_id = 59560544877390423
-- add a where clause on the median value
AND r.int_val = p50.medianVal
-- now add a where clause to account for the time bucket
AND r.timestamp_utc >= p50.interval_size
AND r.timestamp_utc < p50.interval_size + '120 sec'::interval
-- Can add an order by something desc limit 1 if you want to avoid ties
) rmed;
Note that this will do a second scan of the table, it should be reasonably efficient, especially if you have an index on that column, but it will cause another scan, there isn't a great way that I know of of doing it without a second scan.


How to incorporate an extract statment into mathematical operations?

I have to do simple subtraction of time but need help implementing two queries into one script.
Due to some internal restrictions on DB, I can not convert timestamp column too time using any of the methods in postgresql. Instead I used "extract" to pull out the hour, minute, seconds, and rejoin them into one column.
My question is how do I combine the extract statement and a mathematical function statment I wrote that subtracts time from the second cell right below it and adds either the word "min" or "sec" if the time is subtracted from minute or seconds, if this is not possible then no worries. . Example:
table A
time new_time(logic)
0 4:50:55 time(1) - time(0) = 1sec
1 $:50:56 time(2) - time(1)
Extract statement:
select (extract(hour from timestamp) || ':' || extract(minute from timestamp) || ':' || extract(second from timestamp)) as my_time
from tableA
Mathematical statement:
update page
set time= timestamp
from (
select tableA.timestamp - lead(tableA.timestamp) over (order by time)
from tableA
where =
Thank you in advance.
update page
set time = timestamp
from (
select id,
lead(timestamp::time) - timestamp::time over (order by timestamp::time)
from tableA
) tableA
where =

Aggregated values depending on an other field

I have a table with a date-time and multiples propertied some on which I group by and some on which I aggregate, the query will be like get me revenue per customer last week.
Now I want to see the change between the requested period and the previous one so I will have 2 columns revenue and previous_revenue.
Right now I'm requesting the rows of the requested period plus the rows of the previous period and for each aggregated field I add a case statement inside which return the value or 0 if not in the period that I want.
That lead to as many CASE as aggregate fields but always with the same conditional statement.
I'm wondering if there is a better design for this use case...
CASE TIMESTAMP_CMP('2016-07-01 00:00:00', > 0 WHEN true THEN
) AS revenue,
CASE TIMESTAMP_CMP('2016-07-01 00:00:00', < 0 WHEN true THEN
) AS previous_revenue
WHERE date_hour >= '2016-06-01 00:00:00'
AND date_hour <= '2016-07-31 23:59:59'
GROUP BY customer
(In my real use case I have many columns which make it even more ugly)
First, I'd suggest to refactor out the timestamps and precalculate the current and previous period for later use. This is not strictly necessary to solve your problem, though:
create temporary table _period as
'2016-07-01 00:00:00'::timestamp as curr_period_start
, '2016-07-31 23:59:59'::timestamp as curr_period_end
, '2016-06-01 00:00:00'::timestamp as prev_period_start
, '2016-06-30 23:59:59'::timestamp as prev_period_end
Now a possible design to avoid repetition of timestamps and CASE statements is to group by the periods first and then doing a FULL OUTER JOIN for that table on itself:
with _aggregate as (
when date_hour between prev_period_start and prev_period_end then 'previous'
when date_hour between curr_period_start and curr_period_end then 'current'
end::varchar(20) as period
, customer
-- < other columns to group by go here >
, sum(revenue) as revenue
-- < other aggregates go here >
_revenue, _period
date_hour between prev_period_start and curr_period_end
group by 1, 2
, current_period.revenue as revenue
, previous_period.revenue as previous_revenue
(select * from _aggregate where period = 'previous') previous_period
full outer join (select * from _aggregate where period = 'current') current_period
using(customer) -- All columns which have been group by must go into the using() clause:
-- e.g. using(customer, some_column, another_column)

Postgres SQL - How to create a dynamic date variable

I want my query to have a dynamic date. The way it is written now, I would have to manually change the date every time. Please see the following as an example:
from table2
where table2.begin_timestamp::date = '2015-04-01')as start
left outer join
(Select *
from table 1
where opened_at::date >= ('2015-04-01' - 15)
and opened_at::date <= '2015-04-01’)
I don't want '2015-04-01' to be hard-coded. I want to run this query over and over for a series of dates.
Using normal joins, you can do this in an on clause or where clause but not inside the subquery. That leads to logic like this:
from (select*
from table2
) start left outer join
table 1
on opened_at::date >= table2.begin_timestamp::date - interval '15 day' and
opened_at::date <= table2.begin_timestamp::date
I'm not a postgres developer but I think you can adapt a technique from the sql server world called "tally tables".
Esentially your goal is to join day d and the window of days that are at most 15 days greater than it.
You can use something like
SELECT * FROM generate_series('2015-04-01'::timestamp,
'2015-04-30 00:00', '1 days');
To generate a date sequence and from there you can write something like
select *
from table a
join generate_series('2015-04-01'::timestamp,'2015-04-30','1 days') s(o)
on a.begin_timestamp::date = s.o
join table2 b
on a.opened_at>= b.begin_timestamp::date - interval '15 days'
and opened_at::date <= table2.begintimestamp::date
Essentially, instead of looping you use a series of the dates between the beginning of the interval and the end of the range to produce the results you are after.

postgresql find preceding and following timestamp to arbitrary timestamp

Given an arbitrary timestamp such as 2014-06-01 12:04:55-04 I can find in sometable the timestamps just before and just after. I then calculate the elapsed number of seconds between those two with the following query:
(SELECT time AS t0
FROM sometable
WHERE time < '2014-06-01 12:04:55-04'
(SELECT time AS t1
FROM sometable
WHERE time > '2014-06-01 12:04:55-04'
)) as elapsedNegative;
It works, but I was was wondering if there was another more elegant or astute way to achieve the same result? I am using 9.3. Here is a toy database.
CREATE TABLE sometable (
id serial,
time timestamp
INSERT INTO sometable (id, time) VALUES (1, '2014-06-01 11:59:37-04');
INSERT INTO sometable (id, time) VALUES (1, '2014-06-01 12:02:22-04');
INSERT INTO sometable (id, time) VALUES (1, '2014-06-01 12:04:49-04');
INSERT INTO sometable (id, time) VALUES (1, '2014-06-01 12:07:35-04');
INSERT INTO sometable (id, time) VALUES (1, '2014-06-01 12:09:53-04');
Thanks for any tips...
update Thanks to both #Joe Love and #Clément Prévost for interesting alternatives. Learned a lot on the way!
Your original query can't be more effective given that the sometable.time column is indexed, your execution plan should show only 2 index scans, which is very efficient (index only scans if you have pg 9.2 and above).
Here is a more readable way to write it
WITH previous_timestamp AS (
SELECT time AS time
FROM sometable
WHERE time < '2014-06-01 12:04:55-04'
next_timestamp AS (
SELECT time AS time
FROM sometable
WHERE time > '2014-06-01 12:04:55-04'
(SELECT * FROM next_timestamp)
- (SELECT * FROM previous_timestamp)
))as elapsedNegative;
Using CTE allow you to give meaning to a subquery by naming it. Explicit naming is a well known and recognised coding best practice (use explicit names, don't abbreviate and don't use over generic names like "data" or "value").
Be warned that CTE are optimisation "fences" and sometimes get in the way of planner optimisation
Here is the SQLFiddle.
Edit: Moved the extract from the CTE to the final query so that PostgreSQL can use a index only scan.
This solution will likely perform better if the timestamp column does not have an index. When 9.4 comes out we can do it a little shorter by using aggregate filters.
This should be a bit bit faster as it's running 1 full table scan instead of 2, however it may perform worse, if your timestamp column is indexed and you have a large dataset.
Here's the example without the epoch conversion to make it more easy to read.
case when start_timestamp > current_timestamp
else 'infinity'::timestamp
case when t1.start_timestamp < current_timestamp
else '-infinity'::timestamp
from my_table as t1
And here's the example including the math and epoch extraction:
extract (EPOCH FROM (
case when start_timestamp > current_timestamp
else 'infinity'::timestamp
case when start_timestamp < current_timestamp
else '-infinity'::timestamp
from snap.offering_event
Please let me know if you need further details-- I'd recommend trying my code vs yours and seeing how it performs.

Postgresql SQL GROUP BY time interval with arbitrary accuracy (down to milli seconds)

I have my measurement data stored into the following structure:
CREATE TABLE measurements(
measured_at TIMESTAMPTZ,
I already know that using
(a) date_trunc('hour',measured_at)
(b) generate_series
I would be able to aggregate my data by:
But is it possible to aggregate the data by 5 minutes or let's say an arbitrary amount of seconds? Is it possible to aggregate measured data by an arbitrary multiple of seconds?
I need the data aggregated by different time resolutions to feed them into a FFT or an AR-Model in order to see possible seasonalities.
You can generate a table of "buckets" by adding intervals created by generate_series(). This SQL statement will generate a table of five-minute buckets for the first day (the value of min(measured_at)) in your data.
(select min(measured_at)::date from measurements) + ( n || ' minutes')::interval start_time,
(select min(measured_at)::date from measurements) + ((n+5) || ' minutes')::interval end_time
from generate_series(0, (24*60), 5) n
Wrap that statement in a common table expression, and you can join and group on it as if it were a base table.
with five_min_intervals as (
(select min(measured_at)::date from measurements) + ( n || ' minutes')::interval start_time,
(select min(measured_at)::date from measurements) + ((n+5) || ' minutes')::interval end_time
from generate_series(0, (24*60), 5) n
select f.start_time, f.end_time, avg(m.val) avg_val
from measurements m
right join five_min_intervals f
on m.measured_at >= f.start_time and m.measured_at < f.end_time
group by f.start_time, f.end_time
order by f.start_time
Grouping by an arbitrary number of seconds is similar--use date_trunc().
A more general use of generate_series() lets you avoid guessing the upper limit for five-minute buckets. In practice, you'd probably build this as a view or a function. You might get better performance from a base table.
(select min(measured_at)::date from measurements) + ( n || ' minutes')::interval start_time,
(select min(measured_at)::date from measurements) + ((n+5) || ' minutes')::interval end_time
from generate_series(0, ((select max(measured_at)::date - min(measured_at)::date from measurements) + 1)*24*60, 5) n;
Catcall has a great answer. My example of using it demonstrates having fixed buckets - in this case 30 minute intervals starting at midnight. It also shows that there can be one extra bucket generated in Catcall's first version and how to eliminate it. I wanted exactly 48 buckets in a day. In my problem, observations have separate date and time columns and I want to average the observations within a 30 minute period across the month for a number of different services.
with intervals as (
(n||' minutes')::interval as start_time,
((n+30)|| ' minutes')::interval as end_time
from generate_series(0, (23*60+30), 30) n
select i.start_time, o.service, avg(o.o)
observations o right join intervals i
on o.time >= i.start_time and o.time < i.end_time
where between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31'
group by i.start_time, i.end_time, o.service
order by i.start_time
How about
EXTRACT(epoch FROM measured_at) / EXTRACT(epoch FROM INTERVAL '5 min') AS int
FROM measurements
where '5 min' can be any expression supported by INTERVAL
The following will give you buckets of any size, even if they don't aline well with a nice minute/hour/whatever boundary. The value "300" is for a 5 minute grouping, but any value can be substituted:
select measured_at,
(date_trunc('seconds', (measured_at - timestamptz 'epoch') / 300) * 300 + timestamptz 'epoch') as aligned_measured_at
from measurements;
You can then use whatever aggregate you need around "val", and use "group by aligned_measured_at" as required.
This is based on Mike Sherrill's answer, except that it uses timestamp intervals instead of separate start/end columns.
with intervals as (
select tstzrange(s, s + '5 minutes') das_interval
from (select generate_series(min(lower(time_range)), max(upper(time_rage)), '5 minutes') s
from your_table) x)
select das_interval, your_table.*
from your_table
right join intervals on time_range && das_interval
order by das_interval;
From PostgreSQL v14 on, you can use the date_bin function for that:
SELECT date_bin(
INTERVAL '5 minutes',
TIMSTAMPTZ '2000-01-01'
FROM measurements
I wanted to look at the past 24 hours of data and count things in hourly increments. I started Cat Recall's solution, which is pretty slick. It's bound to the data, though, rather than just what's happened in the past 24H. So I refactored and ended up with something pretty close to Julian's solution, but with more CTE. So it's sort of the marriage of the 2 answers.
WITH interval_query AS (
SELECT (ts ||' hour')::INTERVAL AS hour_interval
FROM generate_series(0,23) AS ts
), time_series AS (
SELECT date_trunc('hour', now()) + INTERVAL '60 min' * ROUND(date_part('minute', now()) / 60.0) - interval_query.hour_interval AS start_time
FROM interval_query
), time_intervals AS (
SELECT start_time, start_time + '1 hour'::INTERVAL AS end_time
FROM time_series ORDER BY start_time
), reading_counts AS (
SELECT f.start_time, f.end_time, br.minor, count( readings
FROM beacon_readings br
RIGHT JOIN time_intervals f
ON br.reading_timestamp >= f.start_time AND br.reading_timestamp < f.end_time AND br.major = 4
GROUP BY f.start_time, f.end_time, br.minor
ORDER BY f.start_time, br.minor
SELECT * FROM reading_counts
Note that any additional limiting I wanted in the final query needed to be done in the RIGHT JOIN. I'm not suggesting this is necessarily the best (or even a good approach), but it is something I'm running with (at least at the moment) in a dashboard.
The Timescale extension for PostgreSQL gives the ability to group by arbitrary time intervals. The function is called time_bucket() and has the same syntax as the date_trunc() function but takes an interval instead of a time precision as first parameter. Here you can find its API Docs. This is an example:
time_bucket('5 minutes', observation_time) as bucket,
avg(metric) as metric_avg,
max(metric) - min(metric) as metric_spread
GROUP BY bucket, device_id;
You may also take a look at the continuous aggregate views if you want the 'grouped by an interval' views be updated automatically with new ingested data and if you want to query these views on a frequent basis. This can save you a lot of resources and will make your queries a lot faster.
I've taken a synthesis of all the above to try and come up with something slightly easier to use;
create or replace function interval_generator(start_ts timestamp with TIME ZONE, end_ts timestamp with TIME ZONE, round_interval INTERVAL)
returns TABLE(start_time timestamp with TIME ZONE, end_time timestamp with TIME ZONE) as $$
return query
(n) start_time,
(n + round_interval) end_time
FROM generate_series(date_trunc('minute', start_ts), end_ts, round_interval) n;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
This function is a timestamp abstraction of Mikes answer, which (IMO) makes things a little cleaner, especially if you're generating queries on the client end.
Also using an inner join gets rid of the sea of NULLs that appeared previously.
with intervals as (select * from interval_generator(NOW() - INTERVAL '24 hours' , NOW(), '30 seconds'::INTERVAL))
select f.start_time, m.session_id, m.metric, min(m.value) min_val, avg(m.value) avg_val, max(m.value) max_val
from ts_combined as m
inner JOIN intervals f
on m.time >= f.start_time and m.time < f.end_time
GROUP BY f.start_time, f.end_time, m.metric, m.session_id
ORDER BY f.start_time desc
(Also for my purposes I added in a few more aggregation fields)
Perhaps, you can extract(epoch from measured_at) and go from that?