When should I use what type of auth key in Tailscale? - tailscale

Tailscale supports a few different kinds of auth keys, including one-time keys, reusable keys, and ephemeral keys: https://tailscale.com/kb/1085/auth-keys/
When should I use which key?
Which type of key should I use if I have multiple different servers that I want to add all at once?

When should I use which key?
One-time keys are meant to be used a single time. They're for connecting a single device or server, one time. This is specifically meant for situations where you can't authenticate on the device yourself, so using a key is more practical.
Reusable keys are meant for a service which is occasionally disconnected and reconnected, but needs to remain the same node when it reconnects. For example, an on-prem database might fit in this category.
Ephemeral keys are meant for similar but different resources that are short-lived. These will reconnect as a different node, and no longer active previous node will be removed. For example, containers or Lambda functions should use ephemeral keys.
Which type of key should I use if I have multiple different servers that I want to add all at once?
If you're adding lots of servers at once, right now, the best option is to use a reusable key. Otherwise, you'll have to generate a new one-time key each time.
Be careful with this key though - if this key is compromised, there may be a lot of machines whose keys you want to change.


Cosmos DB Change Feeds in a Kubernetes Cluster with arbitrary number of pods

I have a collection in my Cosmos database that I would like to observe for changes. I have many documents (official and unofficial) explaining how to do this. There is one thing though that I cannot get to work in a reliable way: how do I receive the same changes to multiple instances when I don't have any common reference for instance names?
What do I mean by this? Well, I'm running my work loads in a Kubernetes cluster (AKS). I have a variable number of instances within the cluster that should observe my collection. In order for change feeds to work properly, I have to have a unique instance name for each instance. The only candidate I have is the pod name. It's usually on the form of <deployment-name>-<random string>. E.g. pod-5f597c9c56-lxw5b.
If I use the pod name as instance name, all instances do not receive the same changes (which is my requirement), only one instance will receive the change (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/change-feed-processor#dynamic-scaling). What I can do is to use the pod name as feed name instead, then all instances get the same changes. This is what I fear will bite me in the butt at some point; when peek into the lease container, I can see a set of documents per feed name. As pod names come and go (the random string part of the name), I fear the container will grow over time, generating a heap of garbage. I know Cosmos can handle huge work loads, but you know, I like to keep things tidy.
How can I keep this thing clean and tidy? I really don't want to invent (or reuse for that matter!) some protocol between my instances to vote for which instance gets which name out of a finite set of names.
One "simple" solution would be to build my own instance names, if AKS or Kubernetes held some "index" of some sort for my pods. I know stateful sets give me that, but I don't want to use stateful sets, as the pods themselves aren't really stateful (except for this particular aspect!).
There is a new Change Feed pull model (which is in preview at this time).
The differences are:
In your case, it looks like you don't need parallelization (you want all instances to receive everything). The important part would be to design a state storing model that can maintain the continuation tokens (or not, maybe you don't care to continue if a pod goes down and then restarts).
I would suggest that you proceed to use the pod name as unique ID. If you are concerned about sprawl of the data, you could monitor the container and devise a clean-up mechanism for the metadata.
In order to have at-least-once delivery, there is going to need to be metadata persisted somewhere to track items ACK-ed / position in a partition, etc. I suspect there could be a bit of work to get change feed processor to give you at-least-once delivery once you consider pod interruption/re-scheduling during data flow.
As another option Azure offers an implementation of checkpoint based message sharing from partitioned event hubs via EventProcessorClient. In EventProcessorClient, there is also a bit of metadata added to a storage account.

Setting Key of System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged in C#

When I instantiate AesManaged in C#, it already has the .Key property set. Is it safe to use it? I.e. is it cryptographically strong and random enough for each new instantiation of AesManaged (and every time I call .GenerateKey() on an existing instance)?
All examples I've seen, first generate a random password and then use a key derivation function like Rfc2898DeriveBytes or PasswordDeriveBytes to generate the Key (e.g. How to use 'System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged' to encrypt a byte[]?). This requires additional information - like salt value, number of password iterations, what hash algorithm to use.
I understand I need all that if I want my users to come up with passwords. I then need to produce random cryptographically strong Keys from them. But if everything is generated by the computer, do I need to programmatically generate random passwords and then Keys from them, or can I just use whatever AesManaged.Key contains?
Yes, you can use the default Key and IV values if you like. You can also explicitly regenerate a new random one with:
SymmetricAlgorithm.GenerateKey() or SymmetricAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor(null, null)
It depends on what you are protecting and how many owners of information you need to support. If speed / volume doesn't matter, then you are still better adopting PBKDF2 by using Rfc2898DeriveBytes for the iterations.
Regardless, you don't want to share the key across multiple users / tenants / security "realms", however, but sure you can use the default key for a single application. If you do, combine the salt with it.
The reasons we use user defined passwords and salts are to avoid attacks that exploit common/weak passwords or shared passwords between users and to ensure as application owners don't know their keys.
The reasons we use PBKDF2 (derivation with many iterations) is to slow down the attacker. Penalty we pay 1 time per user is paid many times by an attacker.
If your needs are just to have a random key for a single application or system, then the default is usable, assuming, of course, it provides the strength you need.

Can't change partitioning scheme for actors

While playing with azure service fabric actors, here is the weird thing I've recently found out about - I can't change the default settings for partitioning. If I try to, say, set Named partitioning or change low/high key for UniformInt64, it gets overwritten each time I build my project in Visual Studio. There is no problem to do this for statefull service, it only happens with actors. No errors, no records in Event Log, no nothing... I've found just one single reference about the same problem on the Internet -
But I haven't seen any explanations to that - neither on MSDN, nor in official documentation. Any ideas? Would it really be 'by design'?
Executing just Powershell script to deploy the app does allow me to set the scheme the way I want it to. Still it's frustrating to not being able to do this in VS. Probably there is a good reason to that... it should be, right? :)
Reliable Services can be created with different partition schemes and
partition key ranges. The Actor Service uses the Int64 partitioning
scheme with the full Int64 key range to map actors to partitions.
Every ActorId is hashed to an Int64, which is why the actor service
must use an Int64 partitioning scheme with the full Int64 key range.
However, custom ID values can be used for an ActorID, including GUIDs,
strings, and Int64s.
When using GUIDs and strings, the values are hashed to an Int64.
However, when explicitly providing an Int64 to an ActorId, the Int64
will map directly to a partition without further hashing. This can be
used to control which partition actors are placed in.
This ActorId => PartitionKey translation strategy doesn't work if your partitions are named.

What's a unique, persistent alternative to MAC address?

I need to be able to repeatably, non-randomly, uniquely identify a server host, which may be arbitrarily virtualized and over which I have no control.
A MAC address doesn't work because in some virtualized environments, network interfaces don't have hardware addresses.
Generating a state file and saving it to disk doesn't work because the virtual machine may be cloned, thus duplicating the file.
The server's SSH host keys may be a candidate. They can be cloned like a state file, but in practice they generally aren't because it's such a security problem that it's a mistake not often made.
There's also /var/lib/dbus/machine-id, but that's dependent on dbus. (Thanks Preetam).
There's a cpuid but that's apparently deprecated. (Thanks Bruno Aguirre on Twitter).
Hostname is worth considering. Many systems like Chef already require unique hostnames. (Thanks Alfie John)
I'd like the solution to persist a long time, and certainly across server reboots and software restarts. Ultimately, I also know that users of my software will deprecate a host and want to replace it with another, but keep continuity of the data associated with it, so there are reasons a UUID might be considered mutable over the long term, but I don't particularly want a host to start considering itself to be unknown and re-register itself for no reason.
Are there any alternative persistent, unique identifiers for a host?
It really depends on what is meant by "persistent". For example, two VMs can't each open the same network socket to you, so even if they are bit-level clones of each other it is possible to tell them apart.
So, all that is required is sufficient information to tell the machines apart for whatever the duration of the persistence is.
If the duration of the persistence is the length of a network connection, then you don't need any identifiers at all -- the sockets themselves are unique.
If the persistence needs to be longer -- say, for the length of a boot -- then you can regenerate UUIDs whenever the system boots. (Note that a VM that is cloned would still have to reboot, unless you're hot-copying it.)
If it needs to be longer than that -- say, indefinitely -- then you can generate a UUID identifier on boot and save it to disk, but only use this as part of the identifying information of the machine. If the virtual machine is subsequently cloned, you will know this since you will have two machines reporting the same ID from different sources -- for instance, two different network sockets, different boot times, etc. Since you can tell them apart, you have enough information to differentiate the two cloned machines, which means you can take a subsequent action that forces further differentiation, like instructing each machine to regenerate its state file.
Ultimately, if a machine is perfectly cloned, then by definition you cannot tell which one was the "real one" to begin with, only that there are now two distinguishable machines.
Implying that you can tell the difference between the "real one" and the "cloned one" means that there is some state you can use to record the difference between the two, like the timestamp of when the virtual machine itself was created, in which case you can incorporate that into the state record.
It looks like simple solutions have been ruled out.
So that could lead to complex solutions, like this protocol:
- Client sends tuple [ MAC addr, SSH public host key, sequence number ]
- If server receives this tuple as expected, server and client both increment sequence number.
- Otherwise server must determine what happened (was client cloned? did client move?), perhaps reaching a tentative conclusion and alerting a human to verify it.
I don't think there is a straight forward "use X solution" based on the info available but here are some general suggestions that might get you to a better spot.
If cloning from a "gold image" consider using some "first boot" logic to generate a unique ID. Config management systems like Chef, Puppet or Cf-engine provide some scaffolding to achieve this.
Consider a global state manager like zookeeper. Specifically its atomic counter functionality. Same system could get new ID over time, but it would be unique.
Also this stack overflow might give you some other direction. It references Twitter's approach to a similar problem.
If I understand correctly, you want a durable, globally unique identifier under these conditions:
An OS installation that can be cloned while running, so any state inside the VM won't work, and
Could be running in an arbitrary virtualization environment, so any state outside the VM won't work.
I realize this doesn't directly answer your question, but it really seems like either the design or the constraints need some substantial adjustment to accomodate a solution.

Namespaces in Redis?

Is it possible to create namespaces in Redis?
From what I found, all the global commands (count, delete all) work on all the objects. Is there a way to create sub-spaces such that these commands will be limited in context?
I don't want to set up different Redis servers for this purpose.
I assume the answer is "No", and wonder why wasn't this implemented, as it seems to be a useful feature without too much overhead.
A Redis server can handle multiple databases... which are numbered. I think it provides 32 of them by default; you can access them using the -n option to the redis-cli shell scripting command and by similar options to the connection arguments or using the "select()" method on its connection objects. (In this case .select() is the method name for the Python Redis module ... I presume it's named similarly for other libraries and interfaces.
There's an option to control how many separate databases you want in the configuration file for the Redis server daemon as well. I don't know what the upper limit would be and there doesn't seem to be a way to dynamically change that (in other words it seems that you'd have to shutdown and restart the server to add additional DBs). Also, there doesn't seem to be an away to associate these DB numbers with any sort of name nor to impose separate ACLS, nor even different passwords, to them. Redis, of course, is schema-less as well.
If you are using Node, ioredis has transparent key prefixing, which works by having the client prepend a given string to each key in a command. It works in the same way that Ruby's redis-namespace does. This client-side approach still puts all your keys into the same database, but at least you add some structure, and you don't have to use multiple databases or servers.
var fooRedis = new Redis({ keyPrefix: 'foo:' });
fooRedis.set('bar', 'baz'); // Actually sends SET foo:bar baz
If you use Ruby you can look at these gems: