How can I edit a text and add photo on illustrator image in flutter? - flutter

cv template and I want to edit it with flutter

Everything in Flutter is widgets, this image would be an Image widget in your Flutter app.
You can use Stack widget to put things over each other. so You can put image over an image by using Stack widget.
Unfortunately you can't edit text of an image in Flutter, Instead I would rather to edit this image (for putting image and editing text) by Photoshop for example and then implementing it as one piece widget in my Flutter app.

What I assess from your question is you want to have a layout like the one given in your link, right? For a circular image, you could use CircleAvatar. As for the text you could use the Text widget. Now put these widgets inside a Column or Row. You seem to be new to Flutter and I'd suggest you to get a good grip on the basics first. Anyhow, here's a little dummy code snippet you could extend to achieve what you're looking for
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment
.start, //if you want your widgets to align on left in your col
children: [
radius: 70,
foregroundImage: AssetImage("pathToYourAssetImg"),
height: 20, //set this to your intended value
Text( //you could also create a custom text widget and pass the arguments if you don't want to hardcode text widgets over & over again for all of your text
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.black87,
fontSize: 20, //set this to your value
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold //if you want to have a bold text


Flutter | auto_size_text inside of Expanded FittedBox

I am very new to flutter, this is my first solo project that I am creating. All other projects have only been very short tutorials. The problem I am having (described below) may seem like a very easy fix, but as I am new please do explain it in detail as best you can, being able to visualize what you are saying also helps (through code, diagrams etc). Thank you.
Unable to get auto_size_text maxLines to work correctly. On top of this, unable to get MaxFontSize working.
Further Explanation
I am using the auto_size_text package, setup with the pubspec.yaml dependency: auto_size_text: ^2.1.0 and import: 'package:auto_size_text/auto_size_text.dart'. I also changed my pubspec.yaml environment from sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" to sdk: ">=2.11.0 <3.0.0" to allow non null safe packages to work - as per direction of this tutorial.
I am creating a container inside of my app, inside of this container is a Column widget, inside the Column widget are several rows. One of these rows is intended as a title. The code for it is below:
Row( // Row is inside of a Column which is inside of a Container
children: [
const SizedBox(width: 55), // Used to create padding either side of text
child: FittedBox(
child: AutoSizeText(
'70 | Brighton - Abbotsford and Green Island', // Header Example
maxLines: 2, // Cannot get this to work, always remains one line
maxFontSize: 20, // Does not work, always resizes to max font in order to fill whole FittedBox
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20, // Unsure if I need this, adding or removing seems to have to effect.
color: color.AppColor.textMain.withOpacity(0.8),
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
const SizedBox(width: 55), // Used to create padding either side of text
With this code I get this result - Note that the blue line is another row above the title but still inside of the same Column widget.
Desired Result:
The font is far too small, so I want it to be split among two lines. I am designing this container to be reused and I will later change it so the text is imported from a CSV file so name lengths will be varied. They all need to be readable, and while it's fine for smaller titles (example), larger ones need to have a bigger font while still fitting inside the same boundaries, so two lines is required. As also mentioned, I am unable to get the maxFontSize working, resulting in shorter titles having too large of a font.
Attempted Solutions:
I have tired using a null safe version of auto_size_text but was unable to get it working (as it's a prerelease I assume it isn't functioning properly).
I have another solution without using auto_size_text package
child: TextField(
controller: _yourController,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: InputBorder.none,
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8),
textInputAction: TextInputAction.done,
keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
maxLines: null,
keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline makes TextField can be resized automatically and move to new line if it reach max width, and
maxLines: null makes your text can be written with many lines, and then
decoration here i use to remove TextField box border
I solved my own problem almost accidently while playing around with the code I posted in the original question.
Although not the most convenient, the solution is to replace the Expanded widget and FittedBox to a SizedBox. Below is the adjusted code including comments about changes made.
Row( // Row is inside of a Column which is inside of a Container
children: [
const SizedBox(width: 55), // Used to create padding either side of text
SizedBox( // Changed the Expanded and FittedBox to a sized box with a width of 280, source container has a width of 390, so text is allowed a width of 280 once you subtract the width 55 SizedBox's either side
width: 280,
child: AutoSizeText(
'70 | Brighton - Abbotsford and Green Island', // Header Example
maxLines: 2, // Cannot get this to work, always remains one line
maxFontSize: 20, // Does not work, always resizes to max font in order to fill whole FittedBox
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20, // Unsure if I need this, adding or removing seems to have to effect.
color: color.AppColor.textMain.withOpacity(0.8),
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
const SizedBox(width: 55), // Used to create padding either side of text

May I know is there a flutter package to do markups and annotations on photos and drawings?

Annotations and markups such as adding text, shapes, drawings arrows, rotate etc
Not sure about what your design intentions are or if there is a plugin to fit them but I can recommend you use a Stack widget which allows you to place multiple items on the z axis (on top of each other) and then place the image or drawing in the background and overlay your markup using the markup plugin or markdown plugin for markdown.
So something like;
children: <Widget>[
Container( // Replace this container with your image.
width: 100,
height: 100,
MarkupText( // Replace this text with your markup.
"This is a (b)bold(/b) text (a a link(/a),"
" an (u)underlined(/u) word (a"
" a second link containing a word in (i)italics(/i)(/a) and (c #ff0000)colored(/c) words"
" (c deepPurpleAccent)here(/c) and (c green)there(/c).",
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),

Position absolute for Flutter

I am a newbie for Flutter who comes from Web Development side. Just for fun and practice for Flutter layout, I wanted to make a "drum kit" application. But the problem is, I can not set Drum Kit parts as it should be.
You know in web development, there is position absolute option for the elements on the webpage. Is there anything like that for Flutter?
I'd appreciate any answers. Thanks. :)
Let me show what I expected : Here it is
This is what I got as a result: Result
children: <Widget>[
top: 100,
left: 0,
right: 0,
child: Text("Search",
style: TextStyle(
color: Color(0xff757575),
fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
fontFamily: "Roboto",
fontStyle: FontStyle.normal,
fontSize: 56.0),
you can try this You can fix position in the screen
The Stack widget and Positioned widget helps you achieve this:
According to the official documentation:
A Stack is a widget that positions its children relative to the edges of its box.
This class is useful if you want to overlap several children in a simple way, for example having some text and an image, overlaid with a gradient and a button attached to the bottom.
A Positioned is a widget that controls where a child of a Stack is positioned.A Positioned widget must be a descendant of a Stack.
Read more about the Stack widget here: Stack Widget
Read more about the Positioned widget here: Positioned Widget
Taking your example, you will need to create a Stack widget and the children property of the Stack widget should be your drum parts wrapped in a Positioned widget. The Positioned widget should only be used in the Stack widget.
You can use Stack class, which will have a Positioned class
How does it help
Stack helps you have relative-layout
Positioned helps you adjust the item like absolute in web

Scrolling Widget inside a Constant size Container flutter web

Hi all fellow developers,
I am developing a responsive web page in flutter using the flutter web SDK, but i am stuck at one part of the page where i have a Row inside row I have 2 Containers among which i want the 1st Container to be Scrollable and the Second container to be of constant size(Non scrollable) just like whatsapp web ui where contact list keeps scrolling but the chat side and the rest of the page doesn't.
please Help me,
Thanks in advance...
This should work You need a fixed sized container and make sure a Scroll able widget should be inside it. Now size can be made responsive by using Media Query Parameters and below code you only need to adjust space and sizing and it would work.
//Your parent Row
children: [
//static non scrollable container
child: Column(
children: [
//Children you want to add
//this wont be scrollable
//It is also preferred that you give this some height or width too
//Scrollable container
//Please adjust height and width yourself
//You can use media query parameters to make it responsive
width: 200,
height: 500,
child: SingleChildScrollView(
//You can also change the scroll direction
child: Column(
//Add children you want to be in
//Scrollable column

Flutter text not rendering correctly in some cases

I am developing a flutter app to display speed itself. But sometime, the speed isn't rendered correctly in the UI. This doesn't happen always but happens say 5-10% of the time.
I tried to add another text field, with lesser size below it(just to debug), and the same text renders there correctly.
2 screenshots - One correct and one with the bug
I am using a column widget to display the text and this is how I am building the children list:
List<Widget> children = [];
child: Text(listenerSpeedText,
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.lightGreen, fontSize: 100.00)),
padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 5.00)));
'digitalSpeed: ' + listenerSpeedText,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 25.00,
return children;
Any help would be appreciated. I am not sure what is going on. Do I need to give extra width or height to container?