Getting error ORA-00933 SQL command not properly ended when I use 2 insert statement in talend - talend

I am using below query
Insert into table1(id , empid,avtive) values (22,24,'Y')
Insert into table1(id , empid,avtive) values (23,29,'Y')

Talend will not split the commands when encountering a newline character. You need to add a ; to separate the 2 commands.


Snowflake How to get Records failed in Copy command

is it possible to get records which failed during Copy command in Snowflake from internal stage to snowflake table?
I am trying to load error recrods in a error table during Copy command execution . Copy Command used:
Copy into table ( col1, col2,col3,col4) from ( select $1,$2,$3,56 from #%table) ON_ERROR=CONTINUE
To get all the bad records, you can run the copy with VALIDATION_MODE = 'RETURN ERRORS'. Then use the RESULT_SCAN from the validation in an insert statement.
If one of your columns is unique (i.e. col1), maybe you can compare rows in the table with the rows in the stage:
select $1 from #%table
select col1 from table;
Please check below select statement after copy command
select rejected_record from table(validate(test_copy , job_id => '_last')) ;

Is there a way to use MERGE in HANA without a source table?

I'm trying to use MERGE, in HANA, to insert, or update a table without a second table as a source. This must be done in one command, no store procedures. Also, UPSERT won't work in this case.
I found this answer for SQL, but HANA doesn't seem to like VALUES in the USING clause.
SQL Server MERGE without a source table
Here is the answer for SQL from the post above:
ON I.COL1 = s.COL1
The MERGE INTO command is specifically designed for ETL-type use cases where data from one table should be merged into another table and its data in there. A single tuple insert is possible via a subquery like so:
select * from t; -- single integer column 'C'
insert into t values (2);
merge command, inserting 4 or updating matches to 100
merge into t
using (select 4 c from dummy) s
on t.c = s.c
when matched then
update set t.c = 100
when not matched then
insert values (s.c);
run the merge command again
So, that works just fine.
As for the UPSERT/REPLACE command using VALUES is perfectly possible and even explained in the command examples in the reference documentation.

Unexpected end of command - line 1, column 532676549 (with execute statement in firebird 2.5)

I have a problem with execeute statement in a stored procedure and i cant figure it out, i try the text of the query in a variable, show it in a exception to see if was well, copy and execute it and worket, but inside the execute statement i get the same error "Unexpected end of command - line 1, column 532676549"
execute statement 'insert into rep_balancediario(id_rep_balancediario,id_plancuenta,id_saldocontable,nivel,codigoreducido,
SALDOANTERIOR,CREDITO,DEBITO,SALDODIA, cuentacontable,imputable,id_moneda,contracuenta,saldocontabledes,ID_SUCURSALAGENCIA)
:V_SALDOANTERIORMN||','||:V_CREDITOMN||','||:V_DEBITOMN||','||:v_resultadosaldoactual||',"'||cast(:v_CuentaContable as VARCHAR(11))||'","S",'
"'||cast(:v_contracuenta as VARCHAR (11))||'","'||cast(:V_DESSALDOCONTABLE as VARCHAR(255))||' >'||cast(:v_des_suc as varchar(100))||'",'
does some one know what could by the problem?
Unexpected end of command usually means that the parser reached the end of the statement while it was still expecting tokens, or reached a parser state where it should be complete but there are still tokens left. The fact you are concatenating values into the query is a red flag. Also the "column 532676549" could be an indication of problem, as that exceeds query length limits (64k in Firebird 2.5 and earlier), and also suggests you have literals that are larger than supported (32k).
Execute statement supports parametrized queries: use it. I'd suggest that you rewrite your query to a parametrized query and see if that works, as an example:
execute statement ('insert into aTable (column1, column2) values (?, ?)') (aVariable, 'literal');
execute statement ('insert into aTable (column1, column2) values (:var1, :var2)') (var1 := aVariable, var2 := 'literal');
I also see that your query contains double quotes where I'd expect single quotes, which suggests that you use the deprecated dialect 1, which brings yet another set of potential problems.

Running a DBLink INSERT query using Psycopg2, running into formatting problems

I'm trying to insert into a remote database using DBLink, and I'm making the query through Psycopg2. This is my code that takes a list of column names called fields and a list of column values called values:
fields_str = ",".join(fields)
values_str = ("%s, " * len(values))[:-2]
query = """SELECT dblink_exec('{0}', 'INSERT INTO {1} ({2}) VALUES ({3});'""".format(self.foreign_db,
This doesn't work because DBLink expects two single quotes around every string value like in the example in their documentation: SELECT dblink_exec('myconn', 'insert into foo values(21,''z'',''{"a0","b0","c0"}'');');
The problem is that Psycopg2 sticks an "E" in front of all my strings to escape them. That means neither adding single quotes around all my values nor adding single quotes around all my "%s" parts in my query can fix this. The general problem seems to be that Psycopg2 cannot properly handle escaping strings within a DBLink query string.
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near "f5907160"
LINE 1:,tag,oid,objecttype,updatedat,usedat) VALUES (E'f5907160-4...
Any way around this?

How to Retrieve autoincremnt value after inserting 1 record in single query (sql server)

I am have two fields in my table:
One is Primary key auto increment value and second is text value.
lets say: xyzId & xyz
So I can easily insert like this
insert into abcTable(xyz) Values('34')
After performing above query it must insert these information
xyzId=1 & xyz=34
and for retrieving I can retrieve like this
select xyzId from abcTable
But for this I have to write down two operation. Cant I retrieve in single/sub query ?
If you are on SQL Server 2005 or later you can use the output clause to return the auto created id.
Try this:
insert into abcTable(xyz)
output inserted.xyzId
I think you can't do an insert and a select in a single query.
You can use a Store Procedures to execute the two instructions as an atomic operation or you can build a query in code with the 2 instructions using ';' (semicolon) as a separator betwen instructions.
Anyway, for select identity values in SQL Server you must check ##IDENTITY, SCOPE_IDENTITY and IDENT_CURRENT. It's faster and cleaner than a select in the table.