How to remove or delete tags in - tags

Anyone know how to remove a tag or all tags in Obsidian. I imported a bunch of markdown files and they've polluted my tag library - I'd now like to clean it up. Thanks.

You can use some code editor for this e.g. Visual Studio Code:
Open your vault (Ctrl + K Ctrl + O)
Open Search (Ctrl + Shift + F)
In the search bar enter your tag. For example, #thisTagWillBeDeleted
Press Replace All button (Ctrl + Alt + Enter)


how to find 'Find All refernces' in current file only with visual studio code?

when i hit Find All References it try to find all reference in files inside workspace.
i want to use current file only when search 'Find all reference' function in vs code.
i want to search only References in yellow marked file which is currently editing file and don't want to search files all other files like purple X marked area.
Open the find feature with Ctrl + f (or Cmd + f on mac)
Enter the search term and configure your desired case sensitivity/regex usage
Press Ctrl + Shift + L (or Cmd + Shift + L on mac)
All occurrences in the open file will be selected. Press Esc to return focus to the editor.
You can also select the text you'd like to find and press ctrl + d to jump to each reference of that text in the file!
ctrl + shift + f will open search.
Click on the 3 dots (Toggle search details) under search dialog box. [ ... ]
Under file to include, specify the path of the file under which you want to find all the references to the key you're searching.

How can i switch windows in vscode quickly

I just find it is very hard to switch windows.Is there any tool or key-Binding ?
I already find some material on vscode site.
Each window has his own shortcut key, you cant use to switch windows using only one key. You can use their predefined keys to switch between windows.
Probably the most common are:
switching to the sidebar Ctrl + b
Selecting files in sidebar Ctrl + Shift + e
switch to terminal Ctrl + `
Opening the folder Ctrl + K O
Switching to files Ctrl + 1 for first file Ctrl + 2 for second and so on
You can find this link here for complete keybinding for VS Code

Productive Eclipse Shorcuts

I currently use a variety of keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse such as:
Ctrl + Shift + R: Open Resources
Ctrl + F6: Switch Files in Editor
Ctrl + Q, ? To switch to desired window
Ctrl + Alt + R: To Restart My server
Ctrl + O: To view an outline of a class
F12: to go to the editor
What are some other productive shortcuts I may not be using?
Shift + Ctr + L
This opens the list of keyboard shortcuts ;-)
My favorite is quick access: Ctrl+3 and start typing anything you are looking for...
Here are my frequently used hot keys and I do think they improve my productivity very much
Alt+/ to use the code templates that are defined in the Windows→Preferences→Java→Editor→Template
Ctrl + Shift + R to find files of any type.
Ctrl + Shift + O to organize imports and import the missing imports automatically
Ctrl + Click on a variables / functions to go to its declaration
Ctrl + T on a method or class shows the whole inheritance tree, for example all methods which implement an interface.

How to search string under cursor in Eclipse

In vim, pressing * in command mode performs an automatic search of the word under the cursor. How can I obtain the same in Eclipse?
A combination of two keystrokes:
First, hit Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow to invoke "Select Enclosing Element". This will select the word under your cursor.
Use Ctrl + K (Cmd + K on OS X) to "find next".
It appears it was not possible in 2004, and it's still not possible, apparently. I'm speechless...
I also need this functionality and created a small plug-in which adds commands for doing this. You can download it and find more details here:
Windows 10, tested on Eclipse 2020-03:
Two Steps:
1. Alt + Shift + Up Arrow, to select the word under the cursor
2. Ctrl + K to find the selected word forward
(Ctrl + Shift + K to find the selected word backward)
If you are inside an XML tag, Alt + Shift + Up Arrow will select from the beginning of the tag to the end tag, including all enclosing elements. Try it!
Ctrl + Shift + Down/Up arrows to navigate methods, as sometimes the selected word is a method you want to go to.
Better still,
Ctrl + O - Go to a specific method, by searching (Just enter the first few letters of the method, and Enter)
Press Ctrl + k on a Windows machine. On a Mac, Cmd + k should work (seen here).
Not exactly the same, but maybe helpfull if you work with java. In a .java file you can press
to find occurences in the same source file.
You can also use Shift + Ctrl + K to search next backwards.

Eclipse - List of default keyboard shortcuts

Is there a list of the default Eclipse keyboard shortcuts? I'm generally looking for language agnostic things like starting the debugger or deleting an entire line in the source editor.
Rather than a full list of shortcut (JGlass mentions for Eclipse 4.6 this pdf), I prefer using only a few shortcuts:
CTRL+Shift+L: "Show Key Assist", List of shortcuts (depending on the context)
CTRL+3: Quick Access
Source: "Good features of Eclipse 3.6 (Eclipse Helios) JDT, 2011, from Sony Thomas"
Those two covers almost everything.
You can add two others:
CTRL+1: Quick Fix
ALT+Shift+F1: Plug-in Spy
Note that Eclipse 2019-09 now shows key bindings when command is invoked.
For presentations, screen casts and learning purposes, it is very helpful to show the corresponding key binding when a command is invoked.
When the command is invoked (via a key binding or menu interaction) the key binding, the command's name and description are shown on the screen.
Key binding of triggered command shown on screen
You can activate this in the Preferences dialog via the Show key binding when command is invoked check box on the General > Keys preference page.
To toggle this setting quickly the command 'Toggle Whether to Show Key Binding' can be used (e.g. via the quick access).
As VonC said you can get alist of short cuts with the following command.
Ctrl + Shift + L "Show Key Assist", List of shortcuts (depending on the context)
But here are some which you will use often during your development.
Ctrl + Shift + P Switch between openning and closing braces.
Ctrl + Shift + R Open any file quickly without browsing for it in the Package Explorer. This shortcut opens a dialog box that accepts the name of the file you’re looking for.
Ctrl + Shift + T Open a type (e.g.: a class, an interface) without clicking through interminable list of packages. If what you want is a Java type, this shortcut will do the trick.
Ctrl + O Go directly to a member (method, variable) of a class file, especially when there are a lot of methods.
Ctrl + Shift + F Format code.
Ctrl + Shift + / Comment out XML or JSP code.
Ctrl + L Go to line number N in the source file.
Ctrl + E Show a list of open editors.
Ctrl + F6 Move between open editors.
Ctrl + 1 Quick Fix.
Ctrl + 3 Quick Access.
Ctrl + Q Go to the last edit location.
Ctrl + T Go to a supertype/subtype.
Ctrl + I Indent selected code block.
Ctrl + + Move to one problem (i.e.: error, warning) to the next (or previous) in a file.
F3 Go to a type declaration.Alternatively, you can hold Ctrl down and click (ie: Ctrl + Click) the hyperlinked variable.
Ctrl + 2 + L Generate return value type and variable assignment
Alt + Shift + L Generate return value type and variable assignment. but here you can make selections.
F8 Resume
CTRL + F8 Resume.
F5 Step Into
F6 Step Over
F7 Step Return
CTRL R Run to Line.
F11 R Debug
CTRL + SHIFT + B Toogle Break Point
You can find further shortcuts under :
Help → Help Contents → Java Development User Guide → Reference → Menus and Actions
Previous answer not quite correct as in Eclipse you can redefine keyword shortcuts (as I often do).
You can always access current list of defined shortcuts by pressing Ctrl + Shift + L in Eclipse (on Windows at least).
The full list of defaults in Eclipse 4.6 and earlier versions can be obtained from this GIT Hub page: specifically