Echarts: separate series based on dataset field - echarts

I'm trying to create a timeseries chart with several series, using a dataset that comes from an api in the following format:
dataset: {
dimensions: ['tstamp', 'prod'],
source: [
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:40:30Z', prod: 1 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:41:25Z', prod: 2 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:42:26Z', prod: 3 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:43:32Z', prod: 4 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:44:24Z', prod: 5 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:45:26Z', prod: 6 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:46:30Z', prod: 7 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:47:32Z', prod: 8 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:48:31Z', prod: 9 },
{ src:1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:49:28Z', prod: 10 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:40:12Z', prod: 1 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:41:18Z', prod: 2 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:42:09Z', prod: 3 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:43:11Z', prod: 4 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:44:17Z', prod: 5 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:45:02Z', prod: 6 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:46:06Z', prod: 7 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:47:11Z', prod: 8 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:48:14Z', prod: 9 },
{ src:2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:49:10Z', prod: 10 },
x comes from "tstamp", and y comes from "prod", but I don't know how use the "src" field to separate two series. Note that I can't organize the data as having { tstamp, prod1, prod2 } since the timestamps are not synchronized.
Is it possible to do this?

Generally, you need to construct 2 lists for each src
Copy-paste the following code in the Echarts-code-editor website to validate the result.
let dataset = {
dimensions: ['tstamp', 'prod'],
source: [
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:40:30Z', prod: 1 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:41:25Z', prod: 2 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:42:26Z', prod: 3 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:43:32Z', prod: 4 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:44:24Z', prod: 5 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:45:26Z', prod: 6 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:46:30Z', prod: 7 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:47:32Z', prod: 8 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:48:31Z', prod: 9 },
{ src: 1, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:49:28Z', prod: 10 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:40:12Z', prod: 1 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:41:18Z', prod: 5 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:42:09Z', prod: 4 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:43:11Z', prod: 4 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:44:17Z', prod: 7 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:45:02Z', prod: 9 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:46:06Z', prod: 0 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:47:11Z', prod: 3 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:48:14Z', prod: 2 },
{ src: 2, tstamp: '2021-09-16T16:49:10Z', prod: 1 }
// getting unique srcs for manipulting
const uniqueSrc = Array.from(new Set( => item.src)));
// getting chart labels
const chartLabels = => row.tstamp);
// getting lists of data filtered by src
const chartData = => {
return {
label: uniqueSrc,
data: => {
if (obj.src == uniqueSrc) {
} else {
return 0;
option = {
title: {
text: 'Stacked Line'
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis'
legend: {
data: => item.toString()) // modifier legends
grid: {
left: '3%',
right: '4%',
bottom: '3%',
containLabel: true
toolbox: {
feature: {
saveAsImage: {}
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
boundaryGap: false,
data: chartLabels // modified chart labels
yAxis: {
type: 'value'
// modified series
series:, index) => {
return {
name: obj.label,
type: 'line',


CodeMirror markText not works

I have looked over the documentation but it not works.
const editorInstance = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(editor.value, {})
{ line: 1, ch: 1 },
{ line: 1, ch: 10 },
{ readOnly: true,}

How to place label on top of each horizontal bar in echarts?

I'm trying to make an horizontal histogram with y labels on top of each bar with the really nice libray echarts. Here is an example:
Here is where I am with this jsfiddle :
Echarts documentation is really good but I did not found a way to put these labels (sankey, funnel, gauge....) on top on each bar :/
Do you have any idea how I can do it? Thank you for your help!
var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');
var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);
var option;
var builderJson = {
"all": 10887,
"charts": {
"map": 3237,
"lines": 2164,
"bar": 7561,
"line": 7778,
"pie": 7355,
"scatter": 2405,
"candlestick": 1842,
"radar": 2090,
"heatmap": 1762,
"treemap": 1593,
"graph": 2060,
"boxplot": 1537,
"parallel": 1908,
"gauge": 2107,
"funnel": 1692,
"sankey": 1568
"components": {
"geo": 2788,
"title": 9575,
"legend": 9400,
"tooltip": 9466,
"grid": 9266,
"markPoint": 3419,
"markLine": 2984,
"timeline": 2739,
"dataZoom": 2744,
"visualMap": 2466,
"toolbox": 3034,
"polar": 1945
"ie": 9743
option = {
xAxis: [{
type: 'value',
max: builderJson.all,
yAxis: [{
data: Object.keys(builderJson.charts),
axisLabel: {
show: false,
data: Object.keys(builderJson.charts),
axisLabel: {
show: true,
series: [{
type: 'bar',
data: Object.keys(builderJson.charts).map(function (key) {
return builderJson.charts[key];
option && myChart.setOption(option);
All right, I got it after two hours...
Just posting a screenshot to show the result:
The fiddle and the code :
var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');
var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);
var option;
var builderJson = {
"all": 100,
"charts": {
"pie": 1,
"scatter": 1,
"candlestick": 1,
"radar": 2,
"heatmap": 3,
"treemap": 6,
"graph": 7,
"boxplot": 7,
"parallel": 8,
"gauge": 9,
"funnel": 15,
"sankey": 30
option = {
xAxis: [{
type: 'value',
max: builderJson.all,
axisLabel: {
show: false,
splitLine: {
show: false
yAxis: [{
data: Object.keys(builderJson.charts),
axisLabel: {
show: false,
splitLine: {
show: false
axisLine: {
show: false
axisTick: {
show: false,
series: [{
type: 'bar',
stack: 'chart',
barCategoryGap: 30,
barWidth: 20,
label: {
position: [0, -14],
formatter: '{b}',
show: true
itemStyle: {
borderRadius: [0, 2, 2, 0],
data: Object.keys(builderJson.charts).map(function (key) {
return builderJson.charts[key];
type: 'bar',
stack: 'chart',
barCategoryGap: 30,
barWidth: 20,
itemStyle: {
color: 'whitesmoke'
label: {
position: 'insideRight',
formatter: function(params) { return 100 - params.value + '%'},
show: true
data: Object.keys(builderJson.charts).map(function (key) {
return builderJson.all - builderJson.charts[key];
option && myChart.setOption(option);

Column chart has repeating x-axis label

I am at a loss on why Google column chart is repeating the x-axis label.
Please find the CodePen URL:
You may notice that I have tried both the approaches:
arrayToDataTable (line #4 in code pen)
conventional datatable structure (line #5 in code pen)
Following is the code from CodePen link:
//console.log("Loading current Google charts");
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
//let dataTable = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(GetJSONArray()); //This also has the same issue
let dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(GetJSONData());
RenderChart(dataTable, "chart");
function RenderChart(dataTable, elementId) {
try {
const dateFormat = "MMM dd";
let numberOfRows = dataTable.getNumberOfRows();
let options = {
tooltip: { isHtml: true /*, trigger: 'selection'*/ },
height: 240,
legend: { position: "bottom" },
colors: ["#4CAF50"],
chartArea: { left: 80, top: 20, width: "90%" },
//isStacked: 'true',
hAxis: {
format: dateFormat
//gridlines: { count: numberOfRows }
vAxis: {
//format: '%',
title: "Percentage",
viewWindow: {
max: 100,
min: 0
if (numberOfRows === 1) {
//If there is only one date then Google chart messes up the chart, in that case it is must to set viewWindow
let hAxis = {
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: dataTable.getValue(0, 0),
max: dataTable.getValue(numberOfRows - 1, 0)
options = $.extend(true, options, hAxis);
let wrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
chartType: "ColumnChart",
dataTable: dataTable,
options: options,
containerId: elementId
} catch (e) {
function GetJSONArray(){
let data = [
['Date', 'Pass', { role: 'annotation' } , {'type': 'string', 'role': 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}} ],
[new Date(2018, 9, 6),96, "48 (96.00%)", "<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 8),96.55172413793103448275862069,"168 (96.55%)","<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 9),95.82409460458240946045824095,"2,593 (95.82%)","<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 10),96.81303116147308781869688385,"2,734 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 11),96.80555555555555555555555556,"2,788 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 12),96.863295880149812734082397,"2,069 (96.86%)","<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"]
return data;
function GetJSONData() {
return {
cols: [
{ type: "date", id: "Date", label: "Date" },
{ type: "number", id: "Pass", label: "Pass %" },
type: "string",
id: "Annotation",
label: "Annotation",
p: { role: "annotation" }
type: "string",
id: "ToolTip",
label: "ToolTip",
p: { html: "true", role: "tooltip" }
rows: [
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 6)" },
{ v: 96 },
{ v: "48 (96.00%)" },
"<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 8)" },
{ v: 96.55172413793103448275862069 },
{ v: "168 (96.55%)" },
"<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 9)" },
{ v: 95.82409460458240946045824095 },
{ v: "2,593 (95.82%)" },
"<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 10)" },
{ v: 96.81303116147308781869688385 },
{ v: "2,734 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 11)" },
{ v: 96.80555555555555555555555556 },
{ v: "2,788 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 12)" },
{ v: 96.863295880149812734082397 },
{ v: "2,069 (96.86%)" },
"<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"
I have also referred following URLs:
Duplicate label on x-axis, stacking bar chart (google charts)
since you're using datetime for x-axis,
the chart doesn't know it should only show one label for each day.
instead, it adds dates to fill the range of the x-axis.
and since the format does not include time,
labels are repeated.
to correct, use option hAxis.ticks to provide your own labels.
to build dynamically, use data table method --> getColumnRange
this will return the min and max dates in the table.
then build an array of dates for each day.
let dateRange = dataTable.getColumnRange(0);
for (var i = dateRange.min.getTime(); i <= dateRange.max.getTime(); i = i + oneDay) {
hAxisTicks.push(new Date(i));
see following working snippet...
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
//let dataTable = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(GetJSONArray()); //This also has the same issue
let dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(GetJSONData());
RenderChart(dataTable, "chart");
function RenderChart(dataTable, elementId) {
try {
const dateFormat = "MMM dd";
const oneDay = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
let hAxisTicks = [];
let dateRange = dataTable.getColumnRange(0);
for (var i = dateRange.min.getTime(); i <= dateRange.max.getTime(); i = i + oneDay) {
hAxisTicks.push(new Date(i));
let numberOfRows = dataTable.getNumberOfRows();
let options = {
tooltip: { isHtml: true /*, trigger: 'selection'*/ },
height: 240,
legend: { position: "bottom" },
colors: ["#4CAF50"],
chartArea: { left: 80, top: 20, width: "90%" },
//isStacked: 'true',
hAxis: {
format: dateFormat,
ticks: hAxisTicks
//gridlines: { count: numberOfRows }
vAxis: {
//format: '%',
title: "Percentage",
viewWindow: {
max: 100,
min: 0
if (numberOfRows === 1) {
//If there is only one date then Google chart messes up the chart, in that case it is must to set viewWindow
let hAxis = {
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: dataTable.getValue(0, 0),
max: dataTable.getValue(numberOfRows - 1, 0)
options = $.extend(true, options, hAxis);
let wrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
chartType: "ColumnChart",
dataTable: dataTable,
options: options,
containerId: elementId
} catch (e) {
function GetJSONArray(){
let data = [
['Date', 'Pass', { role: 'annotation' } , {'type': 'string', 'role': 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}} ],
[new Date(2018, 9, 6),96, "48 (96.00%)", "<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 8),96.55172413793103448275862069,"168 (96.55%)","<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 9),95.82409460458240946045824095,"2,593 (95.82%)","<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 10),96.81303116147308781869688385,"2,734 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 11),96.80555555555555555555555556,"2,788 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 12),96.863295880149812734082397,"2,069 (96.86%)","<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"]
return data;
function GetJSONData() {
return {
cols: [
{ type: "date", id: "Date", label: "Date" },
{ type: "number", id: "Pass", label: "Pass %" },
type: "string",
id: "Annotation",
label: "Annotation",
p: { role: "annotation" }
type: "string",
id: "ToolTip",
label: "ToolTip",
p: { html: "true", role: "tooltip" }
rows: [
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 6)" },
{ v: 96 },
{ v: "48 (96.00%)" },
"<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 8)" },
{ v: 96.55172413793103448275862069 },
{ v: "168 (96.55%)" },
"<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 9)" },
{ v: 95.82409460458240946045824095 },
{ v: "2,593 (95.82%)" },
"<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 10)" },
{ v: 96.81303116147308781869688385 },
{ v: "2,734 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 11)" },
{ v: 96.80555555555555555555555556 },
{ v: "2,788 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 12)" },
{ v: 96.863295880149812734082397 },
{ v: "2,069 (96.86%)" },
"<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart"></div>

MongoDB get attribute from array inside another array

Series is one document. It has an array of series inside it (in this case it has 'Revenge' and 'Raines').
Each series has a cast array with names. And I need a query to get those names.
Who know how can I get a list of all the names from both cast arrays?
My best approach was this query db.series.find( {}, { _id: 0, cast: 1 } ) where a get a cursor with the two cast json arrays.
{ series:
name: 'Revenge',
user_rating: 7.9,
duration: 44,
genres: [ ' Drama', ' Mystery', ' Thriller' ],
year_start: '2011',
year_end: '',
[ { name: 'Madeleine Stowe' },
{ name: 'Emily VanCamp' },
{ name: 'Gabriel Mann' },
{ name: 'Nick Wechsler' },
{ name: 'Henry Czerny' },
{ name: 'Joshua Bowman' },
{ name: 'Christa B. Allen' },
{ name: 'Ashley Madekwe' },
{ name: 'Connor Paolo' },
{ name: 'Barry Sloane' },
{ name: 'Margarita Levieva' } ],
seasons: [ { number: '3' }, { number: '2' }, { number: '1' } ]
name: 'Raines',
user_rating: 7.4,
duration: 45,
genres: [ ' Crime', ' Drama' ],
year_start: '2007',
year_end: '',
[ { name: 'Jeff Goldblum' },
{ name: 'Matt Craven' },
{ name: 'Nicole Sullivan' },
{ name: 'Linda Park' },
{ name: 'Dov Davidoff' },
{ name: 'Malik Yoba' },
{ name: 'Madeleine Stowe' } ],
seasons: [ { number: '1' } ]
I need an output like this:
I need this:
{ name: 'Madeleine Stowe' },
{ name: 'Emily VanCamp' },
{ name: 'Gabriel Mann' },
{ name: 'Nick Wechsler' },
{ name: 'Henry Czerny' },
{ name: 'Joshua Bowman' },
{ name: 'Christa B. Allen' },
{ name: 'Ashley Madekwe' },
{ name: 'Connor Paolo' },
{ name: 'Barry Sloane' },
{ name: 'Margarita Levieva' },
{ name: 'Jeff Goldblum' },
{ name: 'Matt Craven' },
{ name: 'Nicole Sullivan' },
{ name: 'Linda Park' },
{ name: 'Dov Davidoff' },
{ name: 'Malik Yoba' },
{ name: 'Madeleine Stowe' }
You can use aggregation framework for this:
db.series.aggregate( { $unwind : "$series" },
{ $unwind : "$series.cast" },
{ $group : { _id : "$_id",
cast : {$push:"$series.cast}
If you want to consolidate multiple actor appearances into one then replace $push with $addToSet.

Possible to return multiple results with reduce function?

With the following schema (defined below). I can use map reduce to aggregate the delivered_count field for all days (which is an embedded array inside the campaign document).
campaign_id: 1,
status: 'running',
dates: {
'20130926' => {
delivered: 1,
failed: 1,
queued: 1,
clicked: 1,
males_count: 1,
females_count: 1,
pacific_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
america_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
atlantic_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
europe_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
africa_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
etc_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
asia_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
australia_region: { clicked_count: 10 }
'20130927' => {
delivered: 1,
failed: 1,
queued: 1,
clicked: 1,
males_count: 1,
females_count: 1,
pacific_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
america_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
atlantic_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
europe_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
africa_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
etc_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
asia_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
australia_region: { clicked_count: 10 }
'20130928' => {
delivered: 1,
failed: 1,
queued: 1,
clicked: 1,
males_count: 1,
females_count: 1,
pacific_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
america_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
atlantic_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
europe_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
africa_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
etc_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
asia_region: { clicked_count: 10 },
australia_region: { clicked_count: 10 }
The code below parses through field asia_regions outputs the value of field clicked_count => 30 (combined value of all data)
$rethinkdb.table(:daily_stat_campaigns).filter { |daily_stat_campaign| daily_stat_campaign[:campaign_id].eq 1 }[0][:dates].do { |doc| { |key|
}.reduce { |left, right|
Is it possible to run the code above but against multiple regions? This way I can run one query which will return multiple sums. The output i'm trying to achieve is something similar to the pseudo result below.
[{ asia_region: {clicked_count: 30}}, {america_region: {clicked_count: 30} }]
This seems to work:
require 'awesome_print' # For better readability on output
regions = [:pacific_region, :america_region]
reg_clicks = $rethinkdb.table(:daily_stat_campaigns).filter { |daily_stat_campaign| daily_stat_campaign[:campaign_id].eq 1 }[0][:dates].do { |doc|
doc.keys.concat_map { |key|
Will output something like: [["america_region", {"clicked_count"=>10}], ["pacific_region", {"clicked_count"=>10}], ["america_region", {"clicked_count"=>10}], ["pacific_region", {"clicked_count"=>10}], ["america_region", {"clicked_count"=>10}], ["pacific_region", {"clicked_count"=>10}]]
aggregate = { |reg|
{ reg: reg[0], clicked_count: reg[1][:clicked_count] }
Will output: [{"reg"=>"america_region", "clicked_count"=>10}, {"reg"=>"pacific_region", "clicked_count"=>10}, {"reg"=>"america_region", "clicked_count"=>10}, {"reg"=>"pacific_region", "clicked_count"=>10}, {"reg"=>"america_region", "clicked_count"=>10}, {"reg"=>"pacific_region", "clicked_count"=>10}]
ap aggregate.group_by(:reg, $rethinkdb_rql.sum(:clicked_count)).run
Outputs: [{"reduction"=>30, "group"=>{"reg"=>"america_region"}}, {"reduction"=>30, "group"=>{"reg"=>"pacific_region"}}]
I'm a bit confused about the code that you posted. Why is everything inside of a filter? To output something like what you want do the following:
regions = [:pacific_region, :america_region, ...]
reg_clicks = r.table(:daily_stat_campaigns).concat_map { |row|
.map{ |date| date[0] }
You can now run reg_clicks and it should look something like this:
[[:asia_region, {clicked_count: 30}], [:etc_region, {clicked_count: 30}], ...]
Now we need to do one last transformation to aggregate it:
$ aggregate ={ |reg|
{reg: reg[0], clicked_count: reg[0][:clicked_count]}
.group_by(:reg, r.sum(:clicked_count))
this will give you output that looks like:
[{group: :asia_region, reduction: 150} ...]
if you want it too look exactly like what you want then you can apply a final transformation:{ |row|
[row[:group], row[:reduction]]
These queries would definitely be a bit nicer if you normalized the data a bit. Breaking things out into a 2 more tables called :dates and :region_clicks that looked like so:
id: 0
campaign_id: 1
date: '20130927'
delivered: 1,
failed: 1,
queued: 1,
clicked: 1,
males_count: 1
region: "asia_region",
click_count: 30,
date_id: 0
Then your query would be as simple as:
r.table(:region_clicks).group_by(:region, r.sum(:click_count)).run()