I want to make animation just for page content (ion-content) an not all page included ion-header.
So ion-content must be animate and ion-header animation must be disable.
animation work for the whole page, But if I make target to ion-content it's not working.
export const customAnimation = (baseEl: HTMLElement, opts: AnimationOptions) => {
const rootTransition = animationCtrl
.duration(opts.duration || 3333)
const enterTransition =
const baseTransition =
if (opts.direction === 'forward' || opts.direction === 'root') {
baseTransition.fromTo('transform', 'translateY(100%)', 'translateY(10%)').duration(500);
enterTransition.fromTo('transform', 'translateY(10%)', 'translateY(100%)').duration(1000);
} else {
enterTransition.fromTo('transform', 'translateX(100%)', 'translateX(0%)');
rootTransition.addAnimation([baseTransition, enterTransition]);
return rootTransition;
I was trying to make an ion-content target like this but this time animation not working:
Actually, it is not working if you make ion-contetn target from enteringEl
opts.enteringEl.querySelectorAll(':scope > ion-content')
After I didn't find any solution I think no way to make that by navigation from IonicModule.forRoot
so then I made a directive to do that:
I'm currently developing an app using Ionic V6 and i'm figured out if it was possible to make an ion-modal-sheet snap the header when it fully swiped like the Uber eats application ?
Thanks in advance for your answers and have a nice day !
For those who wondering how to do it, here's how i managed to get something similar:
first of all i've added an id to my header (my ion-header is wrapped inside a component called header) if your header is always in the same page of where you're creating the modal, use a template reference variable instead of an id:
[title]="'Solutions disponibles'"
then i've created a helper to:
Get the height of the header (can be different between iOS and Android)
Get the body height
Use the body height and the header height to return the height my modal should have in px and in %
export const getContentHeight = (): any => {
const header = document.querySelector('#getHeight');
const body = document.querySelector('body');
if (body && header) {
const percent = (100 - (header.clientHeight * 100 / body.clientHeight));
return {
height: body.clientHeight - header.clientHeight,
percent: percent
After that i've created another helper to change the visual aspect of my modal when breakpoint reach 0.9:
export const setModalSheetContentHeight = (modal: HTMLIonModalElement, breakpoint: number, expand: boolean): any => {
if (breakpoint >= 0.9 && !expand) {
expand = true;
} else if (breakpoint <= 0.9 && expand) {
expand = false;
return expand;
The boolean "expand" avoid the helper to always set the modal breakpoint to 1.
Then i've created a method that add some listeners on the modal:
initModalListener(): void {
let expand = false;
// Define if the modal is fully expand
const content = getContentHeight();
// Return an object with content height in px and in %
addEventListener('ionModalWillPresent', () => {
this.modal.setAttribute('style', `--height: ${content.height}px`);
// Set the modal height before it shown to avoid visual bug
addEventListener('ionBreakpointDidChange', (e: any) => {
const breakpoint = e.detail.breakpoint;
expand = setModalSheetContentHeight(this.modal, breakpoint, expand);
And after all of that i call this method inside of the method that create my modal:
private async presentModal(): Promise<void> {
this.modal = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: YourModalComponent,
breakpoints: [0.3, 0.65, 1],
initialBreakpoint: 0.3,
backdropBreakpoint: 1,
showBackdrop: false,
canDismiss: false,
keyboardClose: true,
id: 'modalSheet',
await this.modal.present();
This is a first shot so i'm sure that there is plenty of thing to adjust but for now, it work pretty well with Ionic 6.
I am using ion-popover.
In the example in the docs, when you click the three dots at the top right, the popover is shown right next to the clicked button.
What would be a good way of reproducing this? Is there a built-in way of doing it?
Since I didn't find a way, I am trying to set the styles for the popover manually, but that doesnt work either.
My page.ts
const popover = await this.popoverController.create({
component: OptionsComponent,
cssClass: 'my-custom-class',
event: ev
return await popover.present();
My global.scss
.my-custom-class .popover-content {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to approach this?
It's explained in the docs (emphasis mine) :
To present a popover, call the present method on a popover instance. In order to position the popover relative to the element clicked, a click event needs to be passed into the options of the the present method.
<div (click)="showPopover($event)">
In your class, pass the event as an argument to your method:
showPopover(event) {
const popover = await this.popoverController.create({
component: OptionsComponent,
cssClass: 'my-custom-class', // optional
return await popover.present();
No need for extra CSS unless you want to style the content of your modal.
I have an ag-grid set up with a series of components in place for cell rendering. When my dataset loads the vertical scroll works well but the horizontal scroll isn't obvious unless using a trackpad or horizontal scroll enabled mouse.
I would like to be able to add a scroll bar to the top of the grid as well as the automatically generated one at the bottom?
Has anyone encountered this, come up with as solution?
Thanks in advance
This question is old but I struggled with the same issue and came up with something working.
💡 The Idea
The main idea behind my solution is to...
clone AgGrid scrollbar when grid is ready
insert the cloned scrollbar on top of the grid
add event listeners on both scrollbars to keep the scroll position synchronized
use MutationObserver to observe style attribute changes on original AgGrid scrollbar element (and child) to keep the size of the cloned scrollbar synchronized
âš¡ The Code
The following code is for Angular but the concept is the same for Vanilla JS, React or Vue.
First, get a hook on gridReady event:
In the function associated to the event use the following code to clone the AgGrid scrollbar and keep the scrollbars synchronized:
// hold the `MutationObserver` to be disconnected when component is destroyed
private mutationObserver: MutationObserver;
onGridReady() {
// css class selectors
const headerSelector = '.ag-header';
const scrollSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll';
const scrollViewportSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-viewport';
const scrollContainerSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-container';
// get scrollbar elements
const scrollElement = document.querySelector(scrollSelector);
const scrollViewportElement = document.querySelector(scrollViewportSelector);
const scrollContainerElement = document.querySelector(scrollContainerSelector);
// create scrollbar clones
const cloneElement = scrollElement.cloneNode(true) as Element;
const cloneViewportElement = cloneElement.querySelector(scrollViewportSelector);
const cloneContainerElement = cloneElement.querySelector(scrollContainerSelector);
// insert scrollbar clone
const headerElement = document.querySelector(headerSelector);
headerElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', cloneElement);
// add event listeners to keep scroll position synchronized
scrollViewportElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => cloneViewportElement.scrollTo({ left: scrollViewportElement.scrollLeft }));
cloneViewportElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => scrollViewportElement.scrollTo({ left: cloneViewportElement.scrollLeft }));
// create a mutation observer to keep scroll size synchronized
this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationList => {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
switch (mutation.target) {
case scrollElement:
cloneElement.setAttribute('style', scrollElement.getAttribute('style'));
case scrollViewportElement:
cloneViewportElement.setAttribute('style', scrollViewportElement.getAttribute('style'));
case scrollContainerElement:
cloneContainerElement.setAttribute('style', scrollContainerElement.getAttribute('style'));
// start observing the scroll elements for `style` attribute changes
this.mutationObserver.observe(scrollElement, { attributeFilter: ['style'], subtree: true });
When destroying the component, disconnect the MutationObserver to avoid memory leaks.
ngOnDestroy() {
// stop observing
It's tricky and all based on keeping the cloned scrollbar synchronized with the original scrollbar but so far it works great for my use cases.
Good luck 😎
Update 2022
order: 1;
order: 2;
order: 3;
order: 4;
order: 5;
order: 6;
I have created a portfolio-type (WordPress-based) website, using FullPage and Flexslider (as a absolute positioned pop-up), and it has a FullScreen button, which is currently giving me some nightmares, but only on the second ".section" in of the FullPage (it only has two sections).
I am also using SlimScroll.js as advised on the FullPage documentation as it can be taller than the window.
For Chrome the animation is "clunky", and when it goes fullscreen it waits like a second until it actually does. Please see the image below:
Screenshot of transition happening
I have added the following code and it worked for the first section, but not to the second section...:
html:not(.ios) .fp-section.active {
height: 100vh !important;
html:not(.ios) .fp-section.active .fp-tableCell {
height: 100vh !important;
On Safari, though, the transition is smooth but, every now and then, when it finishes it flickers...!
On Firefox there's not much problem as the fullscreen fades in and out. (Is there a way to replace it for a zoom-type animation?
My FullPage settings:
// Navigation
slideNavigation: false,
// Scrolling
easingcss3: 'cubic-bezier(0.850, 0.000, 0.250, 1.000)', //easeInOutCirc
scrollingSpeed: 500,
scrollOverflow: true,
// Design
controlArrows: false,
// Events
afterLoad: function(anchorLink, index) { // after changing section
if (index == 1){
// Load scrollDown link so that you don't have to load it afterwards
$('#main').load(scrollDown + ' .main-content', function(){
// Hide menu
if ( $( '#site-navigation' ).hasClass( 'toggled' ) ) {
$( '#site-navigation' ).removeClass('toggled');
$( '#site-navigation .menu-toggle').attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
$( '#site-navigation ul').attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
afterRender: function() { // so that it applies to first section too
afterSlideLoad: function( anchorLink, index, slideAnchor, slideIndex) { // after changing slide
My FlexSlider settings:
animation: 'slide',
slideshow: false,
easing: 'easeInOutExpo',
animationSpeed: 0,
customDirectionNav: $(".flex-direction-nav a"),
// Usability features
video: true,
// Special Properties
manualControls: '.popup-slider-link',
// Callback API
start: function(slider){
$('.slides li *').click(function(event){
after: function(){ // After each slider animation completes
flexslideColorInversion(); // Check for color inversion
$('#popup-slider').data('flexslider').vars.animationSpeed = 500; // Put animation speed back to 500
(Flexslider is initialised inside the popupslider() function.)
Is there a way to "fix" these issues?
Thank you so much in advance to anyone who may be able to help me with this.
I have seen that the lag in Chrome was because the popup was over the thumbnails and therefore was still resizing them even though they weren't in view; my solution to this was to apply a "display: none" to when the popup slider was on.
The Flicker in Safari is because FullPage.js changes the sections' sizes and their "translate3d", so there is a flicker when that adjustment occurs. The default Fullpage.js characteristic is to actually show part of the section above while it's adjusting, but as I am using 100vh for the .active section it doesnt show on Chrome, Opera or Firefox and only flickers in Safari (hence me wondering what the flicker was!)
Probably the only way around it is to recode Fullpage.js's translate3d (and height/width) codes also with "vh" so that it doesn't have to adjust the size. If any one has a ready code of this, that would be really appreciated! (IE8 is support is not required).
The question is simple but i'm not able to make a script by myself for what i need...
I am actually using a script ( fullpage.js ) who toggle some classes into a container ( in my case switching from fp-viewing-1 to fp-viewing-x ) when you scroll down/up between sections.
I need to make a script that listen from this container and toggle a new class into a div ONLY when a class ( in my case fp-viewing-3 ) is added to this container ( from the fullpage.js script of course ).
Any way to make it?
I need to make a script that listen from this container
That's not the way to go for it.
If you want to use the status class, then just create a new class based on the previous ones as explained in this fullpage.js tutorial.
Create a conditional CSS class that will only get applied when its parent class matches your requirement.
Something like this, for example, would only apply the red color to element with myClass when you are in section 1 slide 0.
.fp-viewing-1-0 .myClass{
color: red;
<div id="fullpage">
<div class="section"></div>
<div class="section myClass"></div>
<div class="section"></div>
If for some other reason (use of plugins etc) you really need to add the class dynamically, then go for fullpage.js callbacks onLeave or afterLoad:
onLeave: function(index, nextIndex, direction){
var destination = $('.section').eq(nextIndex - 1);
This is the solution to my problem.
Fullpage works as intended except for section 2.
Section 2 will be usable only scrolling down, the script ignore it when scrolling up.
$(document).ready(function() {
onLeave: function(index, nextIndex, direction){
var destinationToIgnore = $('.fp-section').hasClass('ignore');
if(destinationToIgnore && direction =='up'){
var destination = nextIndex = 1
afterLoad: function(anchorLink, index){
var loadedSection = $(this);
if(index !== 1){
if(index == 3){