WildFly embedded ActiveMQ Artemis: Difference between queue and jms-queue - wildfly

What is the difference between queue and jms-queue declaration in the server configuration in the activemq-messaging subsystem?
Could the queue be used with a MessageDriven bean instead of a jms-queue?
I'm using Wildlfy 19 and Artemis 2.12.0

ActiveMQ Artemis supports the JMS API, but it also supports industry standard protocols like AMQP, STOMP, OpenWire, & MQTT. Therefore the broker's underlying address model is not JMS-specific but rather more generic & flexible in order to support numerous different use-cases.
The bare queue refers to the underlying "core" queue from ActiveMQ Artemis. I believe WildFly exposes this low-level component to support unforeseen use-cases. The queue configuration gives control over the address and routing-type which are the other two main components of the ActiveMQ Artemis address model.
The jms-queue refers to the traditional JMS-based resource which MDBs and other JMS-based application components will use in a Java/Jakarta EE application server. It gives you control of JNDI entries which queue does not. It serves as a kind of familiar "wrapper" around the core queue. That's why there's so much overlap with the attributes and operations between the two.
There's really no reason to use queue in lieu of jms-queue unless you absolutely must. A jms-queue is more straight-forward to configure and understand for almost all use-cases. The only reason to use a queue is if you needed to control the address and routing-type in a way that isn't allowed by jms-queue. This is highly unlikely for JMS applications.
It is possible, for example, to send messages to or consumer a message from a queue, but since queue lacks a way to configure JNDI bindings the JMS client would have to instantiate the queue directly using javax.jms.Session.createQueue(String). However, this method is discouraged as it reduces the portability of the application.


ActiveMQ Artemis message id

I'm working on the migration from ActiveMQ 5.0 to ActiveMQ Artemis. I see that the message Id format has changed. 5.0 was using the client Id as a prefix whereas Artemis seems to be using a kind of sequence.
Is there a way to control the message id somehow?
It's very convenient to deduce the producer from the ID.
In short, there is no user-configurable way to control the JMSMessageID.
For what it's worth, the ability to deduce the producer from the JMSMessageID is a quirk of the OpenWire JMS client implementation. As described in the JMS specification, the client implementation (i.e. the JMS "provider") sets the JMSMessageID on the message when it is sent. The OpenWire JMS client shipped with ActiveMQ 5.x uses the producer ID (which can include the client ID) and a sequence number to generate this value. The core JMS client shipped with ActiveMQ Artemis uses this method to generate a UUID value. The Qpid JMS client (which uses AMQP 1.0 and is also supported by ActiveMQ Artemis) uses another method still.
There is nothing in the JMS specification that requires a correlation between the producer and the JMSMessageID, and any such correlation would only work for that particular client implementation anyway. It wouldn't work for all the other kinds of clients supported by the broker (e.g. MQTT, STOMP, AMQP, etc.).
If you want to identify the producer which sent the message then I recommend you simply set a property on the message with the desired identification. This would work across all JMS client implementations.

can vert.x event bus replace the need for Kafka?

I am evaluating the vert.x framework to see if I can reduce the Kafka based communications between my microservices developed using spring boot.
The question is:
Can I replace
Kafka with vert.x event bus and
spring boot microservices with vert.x based verticles
To answer quickly, I would say it depends on your needs.
Yes, the eventbus can be a good way to handle natively communication between microservices verticles using an asynchronous and non-blocking paradigm.
But in some cases you could need:
to handle some common enterprises patterns like replay mechanisms, persistence of messages, transactional reading
to be able to process some kind of messages in a chronological order
to handle communication between multiples kind of microservices that aren't all written with the same framework/toolkit or even programming language
to handle reliability, resilience and
failure recovery when all your consumers/microservices/verticles are died
to handle dynamic horizontal scalability and monitoring of your consumers/microservices/verticles
to be able to work with a single cluster deployed in multi-datacenters and multi-regions
In those cases I'd prefer to choose Apache Kafka over the native eventbus or an old fascioned JMS compliant system.
It's not forbidden to use both eventbus and kafka in the same microservices architecture according to your real needs. For example, you could have one kafka consumers group reading a kafka topic to handle scaling, monitoring, failure recovery and reply mechanism and then handle communication between your sub-verticles through the eventbus.
I'll clarify a little bit for the scalability and monitoring part and explain why I think it's more simple to handle that with Kafka over the native eventbus and cluster mode with vert.x : Kafka allow us to know in real time (through JMX metrics and the describe command):
the "lag" of a topic which corresponds to
the number of unread messages
the number of consumers of each group that are listening a topic
the number of partitions of a topic affected of each consumers
i/o metrics
So it's possible to use an ElasticStack or Prometheus+Grafana solution to monitor those metrics and use them to handle a dynamic scalability (when you know that there's a need to increase temporarily the number of consumers for example according to the lag metric and the number of partitions and the cpu/ram/swap metrics of your hosts).
To answer the second question vert.x or SpringBoot my answer will be not very objective but I'd vote for vert.x for its performances on the JVM and especially for its simplicity. I'm a little tired of the Spring factory and its big layers of abstraction that hides a lot of issues under a mountain of annotations triggering a mountain of AOP.
Moreover, In the Java world of microservices, there's other alternatives to SpringBoot like the different implementations of Microprofile (thorntail project for example).
The event-bus is not persistent. You should use it for fast verticle-to-verticle communications, and more generally to dispatch events where you know that you can loose them if you have some crash.
Kafka streams are persistent, and you should send events there because either you want other (possibly non-Vert.x) applications to consume them, and/or because you want to ensure that these events are not being lost in case of failure.
A reactive (read "scalable and fault-tolerant") Vert.x application typically uses a combination of both the event-bus and some replicable messaging systems like AMQP / Kafka / etc.
On the question:
Can I replace spring boot microservices with vert.x based verticles?
Yes, definitely, although the 2 have different programming models.
If you want a more progressive approach and use Spring for structuring your application while using Vert.x for resource efficiency over your I/O and event processing then you can mix them, see https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-examples/tree/master/spring-examples for examples.
Take a look at the Quarkus framework: in the workshop section you'll find Vert.x and Apache Kafka combined!

Apache Artemis: How to move JMS messages to a different queue

The new version of Artemis removed the class JMSQueueControl and all classes associated with it.
Our project uses the JMS API to send/receive/listen, as well as manage. We need to manage the queues, including moving messages from one queue to another by JMS message ID, which a GUID type of a String.
The new version of Artemis 2.2.0 has a QueueControl#moveMessage(long), which, apparently operates on an internal message ID (not the JMS message ID).
The question is: How to move messages from one queue to another using JMS message ID in Artemis version 2.X ?
You can use the management method:
org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.management.QueueControl#moveMessages(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
It takes a "filter" as the first parameter. You can use the filter:
AMQUserID: This refers to an ID set by the user. In this case, it's the JMS message ID (i.e. an ID set by the JMS client). It doesn't refer to security credentials.
<jmsMessageId>: This is the message ID of the JMS message you want to move. This is what JMSQueueControl did behind the scenes in the first place.
To be clear, after adding support for AMQP, STOMP, and MQTT the JMSQueueControl (as well as all other JMS-specific management & configuration classes) was pulled out because it no longer made sense to have separate JMS-specific ways of doing the same things already offered by the core management API.

Differences between AMQP and ZeroMQ

Recently started looking into these AMQP (RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ) and ZeroMQ technologies, being interested in distributed systems/computation. Been Googling and StackOverflow'ing around, couldn't find a definite comparison between the two.
The farthest I got is that the two aren't really comparable, but I want to know the differences. It seems to me ZeroMQ is more decentralized (no message broker playing middle-man handling messages/guarenteering delivery) and as such is faster, but is not meant to be a fully fledged system but something to be handled more programmatically, something like Actors.
AMQP on the other hand seems to be a more fully fledged system, with a central message broker ensuring reliable delivery, but slower than ZeroMQ because of this. However, the central broker creates a single point of failure.
Perhaps a metaphor would be client/server vs. P2P?
Are my findings true? Also, what would be the advantages, disadvantages, or use cases of using one over the other? A comparison of the uses of *MQ vs. something like Akka Actors would be nice as well.
EDIT Did a bit more looking around.. ZeroMQ seems to be the new contender to AMQP, seems to be much faster, only issue would be adoption/implementations?
Here's a fairly detailed comparison of AMQP and 0MQ: http://www.zeromq.org/docs:welcome-from-amqp
Note that 0MQ is also a protocol (ZMTP) with several implementations, and a community.
AMQP is a protocol. ZeroMQ is a messaging library.
AMQP offers flow control and reliable delivery. It defines standard but extensible meta-data for messages (e.g. reply-to, time-to-live, plus any application defined headers). ZeroMQ simply provides message delimitation (i.e. breaking a byte stream up into atomic units), and assumes the properties of the underlying protocol (e.g. TCP) are sufficient or that the application will build extra functionality for flow control, reliability or whatever on top of ZeroMQ.
Although earlier versions of AMQP were defined along client/server lines and therefore required a broker, that is no longer true of AMQP 1.0 which at its core is a symmetric, peer-to-peer protocol. Rules for intermediaries (such as brokers) are layered on top of that. The link from Alexis comparing brokered and brokerless gives a good description of the benefits such intermediaries can offer. AMQP defines the rules for interoperability between different components - clients, 'smart clients', brokers, bridges, routers etc -
such that a system can be composed by selecting the parts that are useful.
In ZeroMQ there are NO MESSAGE QUEUES at all, thus the name. It merely provides a way to use messaging semantics over otherwise ordinary sockets.
AMQP is standard protocol for message queueing which is meant to be used with a message-broker handling all message sends and receives. It has a lot of features which are available because it funnels all message traffic through a broker. This may sound slow, but it is actually quite fast when used inside a data centre where host to host latencies are tiny.
I'm not really sure how to respond to your question, which is comparing a lot of different things... but see this which may help you begin to dig into these issues: http://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2010/09/22/broker-vs-brokerless/
AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) is a standard binary wire level protocol that enables conforming client applications to communicate with conforming messaging middleware brokers. AMQP allows cross platform services/systems between different enterprises or within the enterprise to easily exchange messages between each other regardless of the message broker vendor and platform. There are many brokers that have implemented the AMQP protocol like RabbitMQ, Apache QPid, Apache Apollo etc.
ZeroMQ is a high-performance asynchronous messaging library aimed at use in scalable distributed or concurrent applications. It provides a message queue, but unlike message-oriented middleware, a ØMQ system can run without a dedicated message broker.
Broker-less is a misnomer as compared to message brokers like ActiveMQ, QPid, Kafka for simple wiring.
It is useful and can be applied to hotspots to reduce network hops and hence latency, as we add reliability, store and forward feature and high availability requirements, you probably need a distributed broker service along with a queue for sharing data to support a loose coupling - decoupled in time - this topology and architecture can be implemented using ZeroMQ, you have to consider your use cases and see, if asynchronous messaging is required and if so, where ZeroMQ would fit, it has a good role in solution it appears and a reasonable knowledge of TCP/IP and socket programming would help you appreciate all others like ZeroMQ, AMQP, etc.

Multicasting, Messaging, ActiveMQ vs. MSMQ?

I'm working on a messaging/notification system for our products. Basic requirements are:
Fire and forget
Persistent set of messages, possibly updating, to stay there until the sender says to remove them
The libraries will be written in C#. Spring.NET just released a milestone build with lots of nice messaging abstraction, which is great - I plan on using it extensively. My basic question comes down to the question of message brokers. My architecture will look something like app -> message broker queue -> server app that listens, dispatches all messages to where they need to go, and handles the life cycle of those long-lived messages -> message broker queue or topic -> listening apps.
Finally, the question: Which message broker should I use? I am biased towards ActiveMQ - We used it on our last project and loved it. I can't really think of a single strike against it, except that it's Java, and will require java to be installed on a server somewhere, and that might be a hard sell to some of the people that will be using this service. The other option I've been looking at is MSMQ. I am biased against it for some unknown reason, and it also doesn't seem to have great multicast support.
Has anyone used MSMQ for something like this? Any pros or cons, stuff that might sway the vote one way or the other?
One last thing, we are using .NET 2.0.
I'm kinda biased as I work on ActiveMQ but pretty much all of benefits listed for MSMQ above also apply to ActiveMQ really.
Some more benefits of ActiveMQ include
great support for cross language client access and multi protocol support
excellent support for enterprise integration patterns
a ton of advanced features like exclusive queues and message groups
The main downside you mention is that the ActiveMQ broker is written in Java; but you can run it on IKVM as a .net assembly if you really want - or run it as a windows service, or compile it to a DLL/EXE via GCJ. MSMQ may or may not be written in .NET - but it doesn't really matter much how its implemented right?
Irrespective of whether you choose MSMQ or ActiveMQ I'd recommend at least considering using the NMS API which as you say is integrated great into Spring.NET. There is an MSMQ implementation of this API as well as implementations for TibCo, ActiveMQ and STOMP which will support any other JMS provider via StompConnect.
So by choosing NMS as your API you will avoid lockin to any proprietary technology - and you can then easily switch messaging providers at any point in time; rather than locking your code all into a proprietary API
Pros for MSMQ.
It is built into Windows
It supports transactions, it also supports queues with no transactions
It is really easy to setup
AD Integration
It is fast, but you would need to compare ActiveMQ and MSMQ for your traffic to know which is faster.
.NET supports it nativity
Supports fire and forget
You can peek at the queue, if you have readers that just look. not sure if you can edit a message in the queue.
4MB message size limit
2GB Queue size limit
Queue items are held on disk
Not a mainstream MS product, docs are a bit iffy, or were it has been a few years since I used it.
Here is a good blog for MSMQ
Take a look at zeromq. It's one of the fastest message queues around.
I suggest you have a look at TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service - EMS, which is a high performance messaging product that supports multicasting, routing, supports JMS specification and provides enterprise wide features including your requirements suchas fire-forget and message persistence using file/database using shared state.
As a reference, FEDEX runs on TIBCO EMS
as its messaging infrastructure.
There are lot other references if i provide, you'd really be surprised.
There are so many options in that arena...
Free: MantaRay a peer to peer fully JMS compliant system. The interesting part of Mantaray is that you only need to define where the message goes and MantaRay routes it anyways that will get your message to it's detination - so it is more resistant to failures of individual nodes in your messaging fabric.
Paid: At my day job I administer an IBM WebSphere MQ messaging system with several hundred nodes and have found it to be very good. We also recently purchased Tibco EMS and it seems that it will be pretty nice to use as well.