Get K8s deployment logs for a specific release - kubernetes

Is there a way that I can get release logs for a particular K8s release within my K8s cluster as the replica-sets related to that deployment is no longer serving pods?
For an example kubectl rollout history deployment/pod1-dep would result
2 <- failed deploy
3 <- Latest deployment successful
If I want to pick the logs related to events in 2, would it be a possible task, or is there a way that we can such functionality with this.

This is a Community Wiki answer, posted for better visibility, so feel free to edit it and add any additional details you consider important.
As David Maze rightly suggested in his comment above:
Once a pod is deleted, its logs are gone with it. If you have some
sort of external log collector that will generally keep historical
logs for you, but you needed to have set that up before you attempted
the update.
So the answer to your particular question is: no, you can't get such logs once those particular pods are deleted.


Show more logs in kubernetes dashboard

I am using the official kubernetes dashboard in Version kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.4.0 to manage my cluster and I've noticed that, when I select a pod and look into the logs, the length of the displayed logs is quite short. It's like 50 lines or something?
If an exception occurs, the logs are pretty much useless because the original cause is hidden by lots of other lines. I would have to download the logs or shell to the kubernetes server and use kubectl logs in order to see whats going on.
Is there any way to configure the dashboard in a way so that more lines of logs get displayed?
AFAIK, it is not possible with kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.4.0. On the list of dashboard arguments that allow for customization, there is no option to change the amount of logs displayed.
As a workaround you can use Prometheus + Grafana combination or ELK kibana as separate dashboards with logs/metrics, however depending on the size and scope of your k8s cluster it might be overkill. There are also alternative k8s opensource dashboards such as skooner (formerly known as k8dash), however I am not sure if it offers more workload logs visibility.
If anyone is interested: As the feature that i was looking for does not exist yet, i have submitted a feature request in GitHub. You can see it here:

check history of OpenShift / Kubernetes deployments

We have constantly issues with our OpenShift Deployments. Credentials are missing suddenly (or suddenly we have the wrong credentials configured), deployments are scaled up and down suddenly etc.
Nobody of the team is aware of anything he did. However I am quite sure that this happens unknowingly from my recent experiences.
Is there any way to check the history of modifications to a resource? E.g. the last "oc/kubectl apply -f" - optimally with the contents that were modified and the user?
For a one off issue, you can also look at the replicaSets present in that namespace and examine them for differences. Depending on how much history you keep it may have already been lost, if it was present to begin with.
kubectl get rs -n my-namespace
Or, dealing with DeploymentConfigs, replicaControllers:
oc get rc -n my-namespace
For credentials, assuming those are in a secret and not the deployment itself, you wouldn't have that history without going to audit logs.
You need to configure and enable audit log, checkout the oc manual here.
In addition to logging metadata for all requests, logs request bodies
for every read and write request to the API servers...
K8s offers only scant functionality regarding tracking changes. Most prominently, I would look at kubectl rollout history for Deployments, Daemonsets and StatefulSets. Still, this will only tell you when and what was changes, but not who did it.
Openshift does not seem to offer much on top, since audit logging is cumbersome to configure and analyze.
With a problem like yours, the best remedy I see would be to revoke direct production access to K8s by the team and mandate changes to be rolled out via pipeline. That way you can use Git to track who did what.

Kubernetes - keeping the execution logs of a pod

I'm trying to keep the execution logs of containers in Kubernetes.
I added in my cronjob yaml the successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 5 failedJobsHistoryLimit: 5 in order to see the execution history, but when I try to view the logs of the pods I get this error
I assume it is because the pods have been deleted because when I go to a running pod I can see the logs.
So is there a way of keeping the logs in this part of Kubernetes or is there something that I have to setup in order to have this functionality?
Sorry if the question have been asked but I didn't really find something and I'm new to Kubernetes.
Thanks for the replies.
Looking at this problem in a bigger picture it's generally a good idea to have your logs stored via logging agents or directly pushed into an external service as per the official documentation.
Taking advantage of Kubernetes logging architecture explained here you can also try to fetch the logs directly from the log-rotate files in the node hosting the pods. Please note that this option might depend on the specific Kubernetes implementation as log files might be deleted when the pod eviction is triggered.

How to check if k8s deployment is passed/failed manually?

I'm trying to understand what does kubectl rollout status <deployment name> do.
I'm using k8s-node-api, and from this thread (, the maintainer suggest using k8s-watch api to watch for changes in the deployment, but I'm not sure what to check.
How to make sure the new deployment succeed?
How to make the the new deployment failed?
Is it safe to assume that if the spec/containers/0/image changes to something different than what I'm expecting, it means there is a new deployment and I should stop watching?
My questions are probably ambiguous because I'm new to k8s.
Any guidance will be great!
I can't use Kubectl - I'm writing a code that does that based on what kubectl does.
As we have discussed in comment section I have mentioned that to check any object and processes in Kubernetes you have to use kubectl - see:
Take a look how to execute proper command to gain required information - kubectl-rollout.
If you want to check how rollout process looks from backgroud look at the source code - src-code-rollout-kubernetes.
Pay attention on that if you are using node-api:
The node-api group was migrated to a built-in API in the > repo with the v1.14
release. This repo is no longer maintained, and no longer synced
with core kubernetes as of the v1.18 release.
I often use 2 following command for check out deployment status
kubectl describe deployment <your-deployment-name>
kubectl get deployment <your-deployment-name> -oyaml
The first will show you some events about process of schedule a deployment.
The second is more detailed. It contains all of your deployment's resource info as yaml format.
Is that enough for your need ?
After digging through k8s source code, I was able to implement this logic by my self in Node.js:
How to make sure the new deployment succeed?
How to make the the new deployment failed?
Basically, I'm subscribing to events about a specific deplyoment (AFTER chancing something in it, for example, the image).
Is it safe to assume that if the spec/containers/0/image changes to something different than what I'm expecting, it means there is a new deployment and I should stop watching?
Yes. But will help also to idenfity that there is a new deployment going on and the yours is no longer the "latest-deployment".
For More Info
I wrote an answer about how deployment works under the hood:

What is stored in a kubernetes job and how do I check resource use of old job(s)?

This morning I learned about the (unfortunate) default in kubernetes of all previously run cronjobs' jobs instances being retained in the cluster. Mea culpa for not reading that detail in the documentation. I also notice that deleting jobs (kubectl delete job [<foo> or --all]) takes quite a long time. Further, I noticed that even a reasonably provisioned kubernetes cluster with three large nodes appears to fail (get timeouts of all sorts when trying to use kubectl) when there are just ~750 such old jobs in the system (plus some other active containers that otherwise had not entailed heavy load) [Correction: there were also ~7k pods associated with those old jobs that were also retained :-o]. (I did learn about the configuration settings to limit/avoid storing old jobs from cronjobs, so this won't be a problem [for me] in the future.)
So, since I couldn't find documentation for kubernetes about this, my (related) questions are:
what exactly is stored when kubernetes retains old jobs? (Presumably it's the associated pod's logs and some metadata, but this doesn't explain why they seemed to place such a load on the cluster.)
is there a way to see the resources (disk only, I assume, but maybe
there is some other resource) that individual or collective old jobs
are using?
why does deleting a kubernetes job take on the order of a minute?
I don't know if k8s provides that kinda details of what job is consuming how much disk space but here is something you can try.
Try to find the pods associated with the job:
kubectl get pods --selector=job-name=<job name> --output=jsonpath={}
Once you know the pod then find the docker container associated with it:
kubectl describe pod <pod name>
In the above output look for Node & Container ID. Now go on that node and in that node goto path /var/lib/docker/containers/<container id found above> here you can do some investigation to find out what is wrong.