MongoDB Atlas - Trigger returning empty object - mongodb

I've been trying to search through documentation, and other various stack overflow posts, but I can't seem to find out how to do this. I'm trying setup a Trigger for MongoDB Atlas with the following function:
exports = function() {
const mongodb ="test_cluster");
const db = mongodb.db("test_database");
const test_collection = db.collection("test_collection");
var tasks = test_collection.find();
but the logs return "{}" every time I run it, is there something basic that I'm missing here? There is data in the collection with just some dummy data with a basic _id and some values.

I figured out my problem, Atlas does not output the information from console.log into their console through the browser. I setup the variables correctly, but to get the information I wanted I needed to use a return statement instead.


unable to set db using string while coding in python

I would like to know if there is a way to set db using a variable
For example: I am coding in Python, and I connect using client = MongoClient(uri). All goes fine.
There are 4 dbs: test1,test2,test3,test4.
I am able to list them all.
dblist = client.list_database_names()
All goes fine.
Now, Instead of connecting/ using
db = client.test1
Is there a way to use a string rather than actual name of the db?
such as str = 'test1', and then db=client.str.
(this doesn't work)
In my program , I display the list of dbs first and then I am taking user input on the db , and proceed with further flow, but unable to do so.
Please help.
You cannot add string as an name when it comes to that. However there is another function that takes string of the name of certain database and gets the database.
Here is the documentation:

Flutter Firestore getting incomplete array

I'm trying to fetch an array of strings I have saved on my database but I'm getting the array back with missing values, only the first value is shown inside of it. Here's the structure of my database:
Path: /users/uid/services <-- this is the array
Path: /services/uid <--service document
The code I'm using to retrieve the users is:
_getWorkers() async {
var query = await Firestore.instance.collection('users').where('services', arrayContains: widget.category['uid']).getDocuments();
query.documents.forEach((doc) {
List<String> values = List.from(['services']);
print('services:' + values.toString());
var test = await Firestore.instance.collection('users').document('PtBD2EMSTodvlx6WHUx8QOHHLNA2').get();
print('actual services:' + test['services'].toString());
Both query and test get data back, but the services array only contains the first value.
Its difficult to answer without actually seeing the entire DB structure. But still on the outset i can see only one error with your code.
When you are trying to execute the where() call, try adding the snapshots to retrieve all relevant data.
Since await is also used, it is much better to call the listen() on it and then read the values to be added to the worker
Try using this below code in place of your first line.
await Firestore.instance.collection('users').where('services', arrayContains: widget.category['uid']).snapshots().listen((query)=>query.documents.forEach((doc)=>print(['services'])));
For some reason Firebase wasn't returning the updated array. Tested it again today and it worked with the same code. Sorry for bothering, thanks for the help anyways.

Search for MongoDB records containing a certain string

I have a MongoDB database full of tweets that I've gathered using the tweepy API, and I want to be able to search on a web application a hashtag and it shows the tweets containing that hashtag.
Currently, I have created a list with the DB records in, and iterating through that list to display them all, but now I want to refine the search so the user can choose what they see. I have the users search saved into a variable and I have tried the following ideas, but none seem to be working.
My first idea was to just pass in the variable and hope for the best
def display():
input = request.form['input'] # setting variable for user input
# Set up Mongo Client
client = MongoClient("mongo.user/pass")
# Accessing database
db = client.tweets
# acessing a collection
posts = db.posts
data = list(posts.find(input))
return render_template('results.html', posts_info=data)
With this, I get a TypeError, which I somewhat expected as I didn't expect it to be this easy
After some reading online, I tried using a regex.
def display():
input = request.form['input'] # setting variable for user input
# Set up Mongo Client
client = MongoClient("mongo.user/pass")
# Accessing database
db = client.tweets
# acessing a collection
posts = db.posts
data = list(posts.find({Tweet: {$regex: input}}))
return render_template('results.html', posts_info=data)
This also didn't work so I tried to hard code the regex to see if it was the user input variable creating issues
def display():
input = request.form['input'] # setting variable for user input
# Set up Mongo Client
client = MongoClient("mongo.user/pass")
# Accessing database
db = client.tweets
# acessing a collection
posts = db.posts
data = list(posts.find({Tweet: {$regex: "GoT"}}))
return render_template('results.html', posts_info=data)
With both these methods, I get syntax errors at the start of the regex expression, and flags the $ before regex
Error message that I get reads:
File "pathToWebApp/", line 71
data = list(posts.find({Tweet: {$regex: input}}))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I've never worked with MongoDB or used regexs so I'm at a complete loss here. I've scoured the mongo docs but nothing I've tried works so any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated
By the looks of it you might need to wrap the $regex key in quotes as well:
data = list(posts.find({Tweet: {"$regex": input}}))

Meteor - Cannot Access All Read Operations

I'm new to Meteor. I've been stuck on this problem for a while. I can successfully adds items to a collection and look at them fully in the console. However, I cannot access all of the read operations in my .js file.
That is, I can use .find() and .findOne() with empty parameters. But when I try to add .sort or an argument I get an error telling me the object is undefined.
Autopublish is turned on, so I'm not sure what the problem is. These calls are being made directly in the client.
This returns something--{
"click .play-card": function () {
And this returns nothing--{
"click .play-card": function () {
alert(Rounds.find().sort({player1: -1}));
Sorry for the newbie question. Thanks in advance.
Meteor's collection API works a bit differently from the mongo shell's API, which is understandably confusing for new users. You'll need to do this:{
'click .play-card': function() {
var sortedCards = Rounds.find({}, {sort: {player1: -1}}).fetch();
See this for more details. Also note that logging a cursor (the result of a find) probably isn't what you want. If you want to see the contents of the documents, you need to fetch them.
Rounds.find().sort({player1: -1}) returns a cursor, so you will want to do this:
Rounds.find().sort({player1: -1}).fetch();
Note that this returns an Array of document objects. So you would do something more like this:
docs = Rounds.find().sort({player1: -1}).fetch();

MongoDB remove mapreduce collection

Due to error in client code, mongodb have created many "mr.mapreduce...." collections, how to remove them all (by mask maybe).
I run script in interactive shell:
function f() {
var names = db.getCollectionNames();
for(var i = 0; i < names.length; i++){
if(names[i].indexOf("mr.") == 0){
It resolved my problem.
Temporary map-reduce table should be cleaned up when the connection which created them is closed:
map/reduce is invoked via a database
command. The database creates a
temporary collection to hold output of
the operation. The collection is
cleaned up when the client connection
closes, or when explicitly dropped.
Alternatively, one can specify a
permanent output collection name. map
and reduce functions are written in
JavaScript and execute on the server.
-- MongoDB docs
If not, you could delete them using them same method you would delete any other collection. It might get a bit repetitive though.
Another way to achieve the same thing is this snippet:
db.system.namespaces.find({name: /}).forEach(function(z) {
db.getMongo().getCollection( ).drop();
} catch(err) {}
Pro: It won't try to collect all your namespaces into a JavaScript Array. MongoDB segfaults on too many namespaces.
Temporary map-reduce collections should be cleaned up when the connection which created them is closed. However sometimes they remains there and increase database size. You can remove them using the following script:
var database = db.getSiblingDB('yourDatabaseName');
var tmpCollections = database.getCollectionInfos(
name: {$regex: /tmp\.mr*/},
'options.temp': true,
tmpCollections.forEach(function (collection) {
print(`There was ${tmpCollections.length} tmp collection deleted`);
The drop.tmp.js script can be executed from command line as follow:
mongo --quiet mongodb://mongodb:27137 drop.tmp.js