AnsiDialect not available in spring-data-jpa tree - spring-data-jpa

I'm interested to use an AnsiDialect from spring-data-jdbc to connect to my Oracle database using a proprietary driver. However, this dialect is not present in spring-data-jpa (only contains dialects from hibernate)
Is there a way to do this, or do I need to implement my own dialect?

By the looks of it, it seem that the equivalent of AnsiDialect is simply org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect. Don't know why I didn't think about this :)


Using Slick with Kudu/Impala

Kudu tables can be accessed via Impala thus its jdbc driver. Thanks to that it is accessable via standard java/scala jdbc api. I was wondering if it is possible to use slick for it. Or if not is any other high level scala db framework supporting impla/kudu.
Slick can be used with any JDBC database
At least, for me, Slick is not fully compatible with Impala Kudu. Using Slick, I can not modify db entities, can not create, update or delete any item. It works only to read data.
There are two ways you could use Slick with an arbitrary JDBC driver (and SQL dialect).
The first is to use low-level JDBC calls. The SimpleDBIO class gives you access to a JDBC connection:
val getAutoCommit = SimpleDBIO[Boolean](_.connection.getAutoCommit)
That example is from the Slick manual.
However, I think you're more interested in working at a higher level than that. In that case, for Slick, you'd need to implement a custom Profile. If Impala is similar enough to an existing database profile, you may be able to extend an existing profile and adjust it to account for any differences. For example, this would allow you to customize how SQL is formatted for Impala, how timestamps are represented, how column names are quoted. The documentation on Porting SQL from Other Database Systems to Impala would give you an idea of what needs to change in a driver.
Or if not is any other high level scala db framework supporting impla/kudu.
None of the main-stream libraries seem to support Impala as a feature. Having said that, the Doobie documentation mentions customising connections for Hive. So Doobie may be worth quickly trying Doobie to see if you can query and insert, for example.

How to use Solr on Postgresql and index a table

I am new to Solr with the specific need to crawl existing database table and generate results.
Any online example/tutorial so far only explains about you give documents and it gets indexed, but not any indication of how to do same on database.
Can anyone please explain steps how to achieve this ?
Links like this wiki shows everything with jdbc driver and mysql so I even doubt if Solr supports this with .NET or not. My tech boundries are in C# and Postgresql
You have stumpled over the included support for JDBC already, but you have to use the postgres JDBC driver. The example will be identical with the MySQL one, but you'll have to use the proper URL for postgres instead and reference the JDBC driver (which will depend on which Postgres JDBC driver you use).
This is a configuration option in Solr, and isn't related to .NET or other external dependencies.
However, the other option is to write the indexing code yourself, and this can often be a good solution as it makes it easier to pre-process the content and apply certain logic before storing content in Solr. For .NET you have Solrnet, a Solr client, that'll make it easy to both query from and submit documents to Solr.

How to perform full text search on a gin postgres index in doctrine 2.2?

Is there a simple way of doing this in doctrine, or am I going to have to do a native sql query? If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.
Quick answer is, no. There is not a "simple way" of doing this.
You need to use Doctrine Native SQL which can be found here. This will allow you to map the results into usable entities like you're used to while using database specific things.
You could also use a DQL user defined function, described here. This is probably the "correct" way.

Is it possible to use LinqPad with PostgreSQL?

The comment here says I can use LightSpeed, which I've downloaded and installed. Then I get to this screen:
And I'm not sure what to do. I'm not too familiar with connection strings, first of all. I found this, but... I think "Model assembly" and "Unit of work class" are required. I don't have any DLL's and I'm not working with LightSpeed models, so I'm not sure this is even useful.
The IQ addon Driver works great with my MySQL database. Really easy to set up and use. Are there any drivers that work with PostgreSQL yet? Looks like you can add them by choosing an "*.lpx" file.
I've developed a dynamic LINQPad driver for PostgreSQL databases. Using it you can query the database without the necessity to define your model first (similar to the IQ or the built in LINQ to SQL driver).
You can find it on GitHub:
The LightSpeed driver is a static driver, meaning that you must first create a model (and hence a typed DataContext) using the LightSpeed tools.
If you just want to query PostgreSQL in LINQ, you need a dynamic LINQPad driver which no-one has written has yet, AFAIK.

Using symfony with postgresql

I am trying to create a website using Symfony and PostgreSQL. I cant find any documentation that shows how to do this. All the documentation assumes the backend db is mySQL.
Anyone knows how to do this?
If you are using Doctrine, just use a dsn for pgSQL in your databases.yml, like this :
It use the PDO syntax. Check the Doctrine documentation and PDO documentation.
Symfony uses 3rd-parties ORMs for DB communication which provide abstraction layer over RDBMS specific architecture. Basically everything you have to do is to change Doctrine's/Propel's driver name, so in /config/databaes.yml set pgsql instead of mysql and you're done.
The full answer (took me about an hour to figure this out) is:
Modify database.yml as described here (see under Propel or Doctrine)
(assuming you're using the Propel ORM like I am) Modify propel.ini as shown below (undocumented AFAIK)
Look for a section in your propel.ini names ;mysql options
comment the mysql options out - otherwise the generated SQL is a mix of postgresql and mysql - which confuses the hell out of psql.