AdSense Ad Refresh - adsense

I have a question; I have a blog hosted on WordPress, so I want to refresh ads (not refresh the entire page, just the ads) every 10 to 15 seconds through a premium plug. Do you think it is something that google allows? Let me know. Thanks.

No, Google does not allow Adsense Ad refresh, It is a violation.


Is it OK to refresh the site every 5 minutes if you have google AdSense on your website

I heard it is not smart to use techniques to refresh just ads on the website with Google AdSense. This is so OK.
But is it possible to refresh the page every 5 minutes when site uses Google AdSense .
According to (Auto-refreshing ads) section - it's not allowed to refresh the whole page without user requesting refresh.

Why always same ads with adsense?

I have a site where I publish free backup software. The adsense box on my site ( always shows one of 5 backup-related ads.
On many sites you can see that the adsense box shows ads based on user-interrests and surf-statistics instead of the content of the site on which the adsense is shown.
How can I get adsense to show user-related ads instead of site-content-relates ads on my site?
I believe you're talking about Interest-based ads. If your privacy policy is adequate, you should already be able to run those ads unless you've opted out in the Allow & block ads tab.

How to add an app to Facebook business page (favorites)

I'm trying to add my Facebook app (iframe integration) to a Facebook business page. But can't figure out the rifht way to do it, because Business accounts can use apps. Looked through all Facebook Docs&Help and found nothing. (
Will be grateful for any clue.
You just need to configure the Pages Tab options (last one on the Apps Basic Settings page). Check out for instructions. Let me know if that was what you're looking for :)

Removing ads in facebook canvas app/ page

I am creating a facebook canvas app and I was wondering if its possible to manage the ads displayed to the right of the app.
Maybe remove the ads, or choosing which one can be displayed.
I am using the facebook php sdk and js sdk. I can not find within the documentation any usefull function to do this.
Any help would be appreciated.
Facebook doesn't offers control on their ads on any area to anyone directly or indirectly through apps. They manage their ads their own.
Currently it's not possible to remove the ads, or choosing which one can be displayed. And I don't think in future they will be giving permissions for other users. Canvas page is loaded on Facebook hence we can't remove it. Facebook earning lot of money through ads. They won't allow anyone to manage their ads.

Track Google AdWords clicks in Facebook iframe tab

I have a google adwords campaign (search) that is targeting my Facebook iframe tab application.
Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to see clicks from campaign in Google analytics that I have set up for tab. It shows pageview and visitor, but I cannot separate if it comes from campaign or direct traffic....
I have found some workaround for setting up analytics so it can track traffic sources correctly since facebook (for its privacy) adds the s-static.ak.facebook etc.. link so it doesnt show correct traffic source.
Did anyone of you had this issue and fixed it ? It would mean a world to me.
Thanks in advance
There is a way to separate organic traffic (clicks on tab happening on fanpage) and paid traffic (facebook ads or adwords campaign leading directly to the custom tab). I just finished a blog post about how to do it.