Update DeltaTable properties on S3 - scala

I have a DeltaTable at aws S3 location (s3://bucket/myDeltaTable) which has a default table property delta.logRetentionDuration set to 30 days.
Is there a way I can set this property to 3 days without deleting & recreating table?
I tried below command but it did not work:
spark.sql("ALTER TABLE delta.`s3://bucket/myDeltaTable` SET TBLPROPERTIES(delta.logRetentionDuration = \"2 days\")")
The error I got was:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table not found: delta.s3://bucket/myDeltaTable
Does anyone have any idea on altering the metadata of existing delta table stored in s3?

try to add those settings to your SparkConf:
"spark.sql.extensions" = "io.delta.sql.DeltaSparkSessionExtension"
"spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog" = "org.apache.spark.sql.delta.catalog.DeltaCatalog"


Delta Lake Data Load Datatype mismatch

I am loading data from SQL Server to Delta lake tables. Recently i had to repoint the source to another table(same columns), but the data type is different in new table. This is causing error while loading data to delta table. Getting following error:
Failed to merge fields 'COLUMN1' and 'COLUMN1'. Failed to merge incompatible data types LongType and DecimalType(32,0)
Command i use to write data to delta table:
DF.write.mode("overwrite").format("delta").option("mergeSchema", "true").save("s3 path)
The only option i can think of right now is to enable OverWriteSchema to True.
But this will rewrite my target schema completely. I am just concerned about any sudden change in source schema that will replace existing target schema without any notification or alert.
Also i can't explicitly convert these columns because the databricks notebook i am using is a parametrized one used to to load data from source to Target(We are reading data from a CSV file that contain all the details about Target table, Source table, partition key etc)
Is there any better way to tackle this issue?
Any help is much appreciated!

Azure Data Factory DataFlow Sink to Delta fails when schema changes (column data types and similar)

We have an Azure Data Factory dataflow, it will sink into Delta. We have Owerwrite, Allow Insert options set and Vacuum = 1.
When we run the pipeline over and over with no change in the table structure pipeline is successfull.
But when the table structure being sinked changed, ex data types changed and such the pipeline fails with below error.
Error code: DFExecutorUserError
Failure type: User configuration issue
Details: Job failed due to reason: at Sink 'ConvertToDelta': Job aborted.
We tried setting Vacuum to 0 and back, Merge Schema set and now, instead of Overwrite Truncate and back and forth, pipeline still failed.
Can you try enabling Delta Lake's schema evolution (more information)? By default, Delta Lake has schema enforcement enabled which means that the change to the source table is not allowed which would result in an error.
Even with overwrite enabled, unless you specify schema evolution, overwrite will fail because by default the schema cannot be changed.
I created ADLS Gen2 storage account and created input and output folders and uploaded parquet file into input folder.
I created pipeline and created dataflow as below:
I have taken Parquet file as source.
Dataflow Source:
Dataset of Source:
Data preview of Source:
I created derived column to change the structure of the table.
Derived column:
I updated 'difficulty' column of parquet file. I changed the datatype of 'difficulty' column from long to double using below code:
difficulty : toDouble(difficulty)
Image for reference:
I updated 'transactions_len' column of parquet file. I changed the datatype of 'transactions_len' column from Integer to float using below code:
transactions_len : toFloat(transactions_len)
I updated 'number' column of parquet file. I changed the datatype of 'number' column from long to string using below code:
number : toString(number)
Image for reference:
Data preview of Derived column:
I have taken delta as sink.
Dataflow sink:
Sink settings:
Data preview of Sink:
I run the pipeline It executed successfully.
Image for reference:
I t successfully stored in my storage account output folder.
Image for reference:
The procedure worked in my machine please recheck from your end.
The source (Ingestion) was generated to azure blob with given a specific filename. Whenever we generated to source parquet files without specifying a specific filename but only a directory the sink worked

DataBricks: Ingesting CSV data to a Delta Live Table in Python triggers "invalid characters in table name" error - how to set column mapping mode?

First off, can I just say that I am learning DataBricks at the time of writing this post, so I'd like simpler, cruder solutions as well as more sophisticated ones.
I am reading a CSV file like this:
df1 = spark.read.format("csv").option("header", True).load(path_to_csv_file)
Then I'm saving it as a Delta Live Table like this:
The CSV headers have characters in them like space and & and /, and I get the error:
Found invalid character(s) among " ,;{}()\n\t=" in the column names of your
Please enable column mapping by setting table property 'delta.columnMapping.mode' to 'name'.
For more details, refer to https://docs.databricks.com/delta/delta-column-mapping.html
Or you can use alias to rename it.
The documentation I've seen on the issue explains how to set the column mapping mode to 'name' AFTER a table has been created using ALTER TABLE, but does not explain how to set it at creation time, especially when using the DataFrame API as above. Is there a way to do this?
Is there a better way to get CSV into a new table?
Reading the docs here and here, and inspired by Robert's answer, I tried this first:
spark.conf.set("spark.databricks.delta.defaults.columnMapping.mode", "name")
Still no luck, I get the same error. It's interesting how hard it is for a beginner to write a CSV file with spaces in its headers to a Delta Live Table
Thanks to Hemant on the Databricks community forum, I have found the answer.
df1.write.format("delta").option("delta.columnMapping.mode", "name")
.option("path", "table_path").saveAsTable("new_table")
Now I can either query it with SQL or load it into a Spark dataframe:
SELECT * FROM new_table;
delta_df = spark.read.format("delta").load("table_path")
This method does the same thing but in SQL.
First, create a CSV-backed table for your CSV file:
CREATE TABLE table_csv
OPTIONS (path '/path/to/file.csv', 'header' 'true', 'mode' 'FAILFAST');
Then create a Delta table using the CSV-backed table:
CREATE TABLE delta_table
TBLPROPERTIES ("delta.columnMapping.mode" = "name")
AS SELECT * FROM table_csv;
SELECT * FROM delta_table;
I've verified that I get the same error as I did when using Python should I omit the TBLPROPERTIES statement.
I guess the Python answer would be to use spark.sql and run this using Python, that way I could embed the CSV path variable in the SQL.
You can set the option in the Spark Configuration of the cluster you are using. That is how you enable the mode at runtime.
You could also set the config at runtime like this:
spark.conf.set("spark.databricks.<name-of-property>", <value>)

Delta lake merge doesn't update schema (automatic schema evolution enabled)

I get an error when I execute the following line of code:
deltaTarget.alias('target').merge(df.alias('source'), mergeStatement).whenMatchedUpdateAll().whenNotMatchedInsertAll().execute()
The error is the following:
AnalysisException: cannot resolve new_column in UPDATE clause given columns {List of target columns}. The 'new_column' is indeed not in the schema of the target delta table, but according to the documentation, this should just update the existing schema of the delta table and add the column.
I also enable the autoMerge with this command:
spark.conf.set("spark.databricks.delta.schema.autoMerge.enabled ","true")
I am not sure what exactly causes this error because in the past I was able to evolve the schema of delta tables automatically with these exact pieces of code.
Is there something that I am overlooking?
you have to remove the space after ..autoMerge.enabled in the spark.conf.set
--> it's
, not
spark.conf.set("spark.databricks.delta.schema.autoMerge.enabled ","true")`
I have the same problem with you, but i find that in delta lake docs, it may not likely support the part columns with upsertAll() and insertAll();
So i choose the upsertExpr() and insertExpr() with a big map contains all the columns.
delta lake merge : Schema validation
If I'm not mistaken you need to use the insertAll or updateAll options on the MERGE operation
Ensure there is no space after "enabled" in above line.
then you can use pass a spark sql:
MERGE INTO {data_path} delta USING global_temp.src source
ON delta.col1 = source.key1
AND delta.col2 = source.key2

Databricks - failing to write from a DataFrame to a Delta location

I wanted to change a column name of a Databricks Delta table.
So I did the following:
// Read old table data
val old_data_DF = spark.read.format("delta")
// Created a new DF with a renamed column
val new_data_DF = old_data_DF
.withColumnRenamed("column_a", "metric1")
// Dropped and recereated the Delta files location
dbutils.fs.rm("dbfs:/mnt/main/sales", true)
// Trying to write the new DF to the location
Here I'm getting an Error at the last step when writing to Delta:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: dbfs:/mnt/main/sales/sale_date_partition=2019-04-29/part-00000-769.c000.snappy.parquet
A file referenced in the transaction log cannot be found. This occurs when data has been manually deleted from the file system rather than using the table `DELETE` statement
Obviously the data was deleted and most likely I've missed something in the above logic. Now the only place that contains the data is the new_data_DF.
Writing to a location like dbfs:/mnt/main/sales_tmp also fails
What should I do to write data from new_data_DF to a Delta location?
In general, it is a good idea to avoid using rm on Delta tables. Delta's transaction log can prevent eventual consistency issues in most cases, however, when you delete and recreate a table in a very short time, different versions of the transaction log can flicker in and out of existence.
Instead, I'd recommend using the transactional primitives provided by Delta. For example, to overwrite the data in a table you can:
If you have a table that has already been corrupted, you can fix it using FSCK.
You could do that in the following way.
// Read old table data
val old_data_DF = spark.read.format("delta")
// Created a new DF with a renamed column
val new_data_DF = old_data_DF
.withColumnRenamed("column_a", "metric1")
// Trying to write the new DF to the location
.mode("overwrite") // this would overwrite the whole data files
.option("overwriteSchema", "true") //this is the key line.
OverWriteSchema option will create new physical files with latest schema that we have updated during transformation.