Powershell: Arrays index acess and check if previous is substring to next - powershell

I need to link the job to the subjob: the job is of this format for example ACGN100Q while the subjobs that are attached are sequential and of this format: ACGN-100Q-000T;ACGN-100Q-010T;ACGN-100Q-020T;ACGN-100Q-030T
In my csv file the type of this job ACGN100Q is "TechnologyInteraction" while the subjobs are of type "TechnologyService". I am developing a script that allows me to say for example that the link between ACGN-100Q-000T and ACGN-100Q-010T is of type "TrigerringRelation" and the link between ACGN100Q and ACGN-100Q-000T is of type "RealizationRelation". I need help because I can't make the link.
Here is my starting csv file :
eb214110-2b6a-48b2-ba5a-7c13dc3bba39,"TechnologyInteraction","ACGN100Q","Begin Of JobStream"
a46681e7-19a8-4fc5-b747-09679c15ff26,"TechnologyService","ACGN-100Q-000T","Transfert UDM (xACGN000)"
85761a09-1145-4037-a527-66a743def45f,"TechnologyService","ACGN-100Q-010T","move fichier REF to work"
And I want to get a file that looks like this:
"New ID","RealizationRelationship","","","eb214110-2b6a-48b2-ba5a-7c13dc3bba39","a46681e7-19a8-4fc5-b747-09679c15ff26"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","a46681e7-19a8-4fc5-b747-09679c15ff26","85761a09-1145-4037-a527-66a743def45f"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","85761a09-1145-4037-a527-66a743def45f","27b126fb-c708-427d-b0a6-ce4747114ac4"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","27b126fb-c708-427d-b0a6-ce4747114ac4","bb0c5e42-5fad-4bd9-8ee9-f41d0b824e82"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","bb0c5e42-5fad-4bd9-8ee9-f41d0b824e82","0b8b76e3-62fa-4527-9f05-2eb4dbaa8e97"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","0b8b76e3-62fa-4527-9f05-2eb4dbaa8e97","1f487986-3cac-4af8-bda2-6400a1c71f48"
$result= #()
function linkedRelationCsvToElementsCsv{
#relations.csv headers are ID,"Type","Name","Documentation","Source","Target"
$newElementsCsv=Import-CSV $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\Archi\newElements.csv |sort ID,"Type","Name","Documentation" -Unique
# Check if type is TechnologyInteraction or TechnologyService and link :TechnologyService to TechnologyInteraction and TechnologyInteraction to TWS id's
ForEach ($line in $newElementsCsv){
$Type += $line.Type
$Name += $line.Name
$ID +=$line.ID
$Documentation += $_.Documentation
#Search for element type in elements.csv
for( $index=0; $index -le $Name.length-1; $index++){
if($Type[$index] -eq 'TechnologyInteraction' -or $Type[$index] -eq 'TechnologyEvent' ){
Write-Warning "Case type TechnologyInteraction founded, new type of RealizationRelationship created "
# if the job is of type "TechnologyInteraction" or "TechnologyEvent", we link it to the TWS id's(TechnologyCollaboration,ef2f510b-924b-439d-8720-0183c7294eb3) in archi.
$newArrayResult= New-Object PsObject -Property #{ID=[guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); "Type"="RealizationRelationship"; "Name"=$Name[$index]; "Documentation"=$Documentation[$index]; "Source"="ef2f510b-924b-439d-8720-0183c7294eb3"; "Target"=$ID[$index]}
$result = $result + $newArrayResult
}elseif ($Type[$index][0].Type -eq 'TechnologyService' -and$Type[$index][1].Type -eq 'TechnologyService' ){
Write-Warning "Case type TechnologyService founded, new type of TriggeringRelationship created "
$newArrayResult2 = New-Object PsObject -Property #{ID=[guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); "Type"="TriggeringRelationship"; "Name"=""; "Documentation"=""; "Source"=$line[$index][0].ID; "Target"=$line[$index][1].ID}
$result = $result + $newArrayResult2
$result |Select-Object -Property ID,"Type","Name","Documentation","Source","Target"| Export-Csv $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\Archi\relation.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
}linkedRelationCsvToElementsCsv # Call the function
> the elseIf() not return value.
Thanks you in advance.

The following code generates exactly the output you want for exactly the input you've given. There might be unexpected edge cases, so you should write some tests (e.g. with Pester) to confirm it behaves how you want it to in those edge cases.
The key is that the output for any row includes the ID of the previous row as well as the current row, so we keep the previous row in a variable during the foreach loop so we can inspect it when we process the next row, and the Type in the output just depends on the Type of the previous row.
Note that I've also moved the conversion to / from csv out of the main function so it's easier to unit test the function in isolation.
function ConvertTo-ElementItems
[object[]] $Relations
$jobTypes = #( "TechnologyInteraction", "TechnologyEvent" );
$subTypes = #( "TechnologyService" );
$previousItem = $null;
foreach( $item in $Relations )
if( $item.Type -in $jobTypes )
# start of a new job, but don't output anything
elseif( $item.Type -notin $subTypes )
# not a subjob type that we recognise
throw "unrecognised subjob type '$($item.Type)' for subjob '$($item.ID)'";
elseif( $null -eq $previousItem )
# we've got a subjob, but there was no previous job or subjob
throw "no preceding item for subjob '$($item.ID)'";
elseif( $previousItem.Type -in $jobTypes )
# this is the first subjob after the parent job
new-object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered] #{
"ID" = "New ID"
"Type" = "RealizationRelationship"
"Name" = "";
"Documentation" = ""
"Source" = $previousItem.ID
"Target" = $item.ID
# the preceding item was a subjob as well
new-object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered] #{
"ID" = "New ID"
"Type" = "TriggeringRelationship"
"Name" = ""
"Documentation" = ""
"Source" = $previousItem.ID
"Target" = $item.ID
$previousItem = $item;
And here's an example of using the function:
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
Set-StrictMode -Version "Latest";
$inputCsv = #"
eb214110-2b6a-48b2-ba5a-7c13dc3bba39,"TechnologyInteraction","ACGN100Q","Begin Of JobStream"
a46681e7-19a8-4fc5-b747-09679c15ff26,"TechnologyService","ACGN-100Q-000T","Transfert UDM (xACGN000)"
85761a09-1145-4037-a527-66a743def45f,"TechnologyService","ACGN-100Q-010T","move fichier REF to work"
$expectedCsv = #"
"New ID","RealizationRelationship","","","eb214110-2b6a-48b2-ba5a-7c13dc3bba39","a46681e7-19a8-4fc5-b747-09679c15ff26"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","a46681e7-19a8-4fc5-b747-09679c15ff26","85761a09-1145-4037-a527-66a743def45f"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","85761a09-1145-4037-a527-66a743def45f","27b126fb-c708-427d-b0a6-ce4747114ac4"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","27b126fb-c708-427d-b0a6-ce4747114ac4","bb0c5e42-5fad-4bd9-8ee9-f41d0b824e82"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","bb0c5e42-5fad-4bd9-8ee9-f41d0b824e82","0b8b76e3-62fa-4527-9f05-2eb4dbaa8e97"
"New ID","TriggeringRelationship","","","0b8b76e3-62fa-4527-9f05-2eb4dbaa8e97","1f487986-3cac-4af8-bda2-6400a1c71f48"
$relations = $inputCsv | ConvertFrom-Csv;
$elements = ConvertTo-ElementItems -Relations $relations;
$outputCsv = ($elements | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation) -join "`n";
if( $outputCsv -ne $expectedCsv )
throw "output csv doesn't match expected csv";
} else {
write-host "output csv matches expected csv";


How to add items to an array in a function as a script variable on Powershell?

I am trying to add items to an array variable that I am declaring outside of a function.
Here is the idea of my code in a very simplified way:
function Test($NAME, $SPEED){
$fName = "testName"
$fSpeed = 100
if($status = ($fName -eq $NAME) -and ($fSpeed -eq $SPEED))
if($fName -ne $NAME)
{$errorMessages += "The name is not" + $NAME}
if($fSpeed -ne $SPEED)
{$errorMessages += "The speed is not" + $SPEED}
return $status
$result += Test -NAME "alice" -SPEED "100"
$result += Test -NAME "bob" -SPEED "90"
#result is an array of booleans that I need later on
When I display $errorMessages, this is the expected output that I'd like:
The name is not alice
The name is not bob
The speed is not 90
However, when I try to display the variable outside of the function, and even outside of the "else" block, I get nothing printed out. How can I correctly add the error messages to the array?
You want to call errorMessages via the script scope. Therefore you've to use $script:errorMessage (instead of $errorMessage) inside your function.
function Test($NAME, $SPEED) {
$fName = "testName"
$fSpeed = 100
$status = ($fName -eq $NAME) -and ($fSpeed -eq $SPEED)
if (!$status) {
if ($fName -ne $NAME) {
$script:errorMessages += "The name is not" + $NAME
if ($fSpeed -ne $SPEED) {
$script:errorMessages += "The speed is not" + $SPEED
$errorMessages = #()
$result = #()
$result += Test -NAME "alice" -SPEED "100"
$result += Test -NAME "bob" -SPEED "90"
#result is an array of booleans that I need later on
Now you get the expected output:
The name is notalice
The name is notbob
The speed is not90
Also be aware about the return statement in PowerShell -> stackoverflow answer
Hope that helps

Return all SSRS reports in a folder with the data source name and ConnectString

This what I have so far. However, I want to list every report to it's connection string. I don't see a unique identifier in the GetDataSourceContents() method to join the report and data source lists.
$ReportServerUri = "YOUR_SERVER";
$rs = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ReportServerUri -UseDefaultCredential -Namespace "SSRS"
$rs.Url = "YOUR_SERVER"
$rs.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials;
$BICItems = $rs.ListChildren("/", $true);
$BICFolders = $BICItems | Where { $_.TypeName -eq "Folder"}
$BICDataSources = $BICItems | Where {$_.typename -eq "DataSource"}
$BICDataSourceFolders = $BICFolders | Where {$_.path -like "*Data Source*"}
$BICReports = $BICItems | Where {$_.typename -eq "Report"}
foreach ($DataSource in $BICDataSources)
$BICDataSourceContents = $rs.GetDataSourceContents($DataSource.Path)
$MyConnectStrings = $BICDataSourceContents | Where {$_.ConnectString -like "*MY_CONNECT_STRING*"}
I don't see a unique identifier in the GetDataSourceContents method to join the report and data source lists.
Nope. Neither do I. However when were are querying for those details we already know something unique enough. The path to the datasource itself. This is also what a report would be using so that should be a good connector.
There is a series of functions that I made to serve this purpose. Find-SSRSEntities, Get-SSRSReportDataSources and Get-SSRSDatasourceDetails are what I will try and showcase here. The last one I just made since I had no reason for those details but it was easy enough to integrate into my module.
Return items from a SSRS connection. Supports loads of filtering options.
function Find-SSRSEntities{
[ValidateSet("All", "Folder", "Report", "Resource", "LinkedReport", "DataSource", "Model")]
[String]$EntityType = "All",
# Get all of the catalog items that match the criteria passed
# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/reportservice2005.reportingservice2005.listchildren.aspx
$recursive = $true
$catalogItems = $ReportService.ListChildren($SearchPath,$recursive)
Write-Verbose "$($catalogItems.Count) item(s) located in the root path $SearchPath"
# Limit the results to the catalog types requested
if($EntityType -ne "All"){$catalogItems = $catalogItems | Where-Object{$_.Type -eq $EntityType}}
Write-Verbose "$($catalogItems.Count) item(s) found matching the type $EntityType"
# Set the match string based on parameters
if(-not $Partial.isPresent -and $Match){$Match = "^$Match$"}
Write-Verbose "Returning all items matching: '$Match'"
# If the regex is an empty string all object will be returned.
return $catalogItems | Where-Object{$_.Name -match $Match}
When given a valid report path it will return all associated datasources of that report.
function Get-SSRSReportDataSources{
# Test the report path to be sure it is for a valid report
if(Test-SSRSPath -ReportService $ReportService -EntityPath $ReportPath -EntityType Report){
$ReportService.GetItemDataSources($reportPath) | ForEach-Object{
ReportPath = $reportPath
DataSourceName = $_.name
Reference = $_.item.reference
} else {
Write-Error "$ReportPath is not a valid report path"
When given a valid datasource path it will return all detail of that datasource. Also attaches an extra path property.
function Get-SSRSDatasourceDetails{
# Split the path into its folder and entity parts
$SearchPath = Split-SSRSPath $EntityPath -Parent
$EntityName = Split-Path $EntityPath -Leaf
# Verify the path provided is to a valid datasource
if((Find-SSRSEntities -ReportService $ReportService -SearchPath $SearchPath -EntityType DataSource -Match $EntityName -Partial:$false) -as [boolean]){
Add-Member -InputObject ($ReportService.GetDataSourceContents($EntityPath)) -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Path" -Value $EntityPath -PassThru
} else {
Write-Warning "Could not find a datasource at path: $EntityPath"
So armed with those lets match up all reports in a folder to their datasource connection strings. I would note that all of these functions rely on a active connection to work. Something like this
$ssrsservice = Connect-SSRSService "http://ssrsreports/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx" -Credential $credentials
That will automatically apply the populated -ReportService $ssrsservice to all the SSRS functions I made below.
Else you could just add something like Find-SSRSEntities -ReportService $rs to the code below and it would work.
# Lets get all of the Marketing Datasources
$datasources = Find-SSRSEntities -SearchPath "/data sources/marketing" -EntityType DataSource | Get-SSRSDatasourceDetails
# Now gather all of their reports
Find-SSRSEntities -SearchPath "/Marketing" -EntityType Report |
# Get the report datasources
Get-SSRSReportDataSources | ForEach-Object{
# Attach the connection strings to each object
$reportDataSourceDetail = $_
# Filter the datasource for the individual datasource mapping of this report
$matchingDatasource = $datasources | Where-Object{$_.path -eq $reportDataSourceDetail.Reference}
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ConnectionString -Value $matchingDatasource.ConnectString -PassThru
This would net me results that look like this:
ReportPath : /Marketing/OandD Class Summary By Month
DataSourceName : Marketing
Reference : /Data Sources/Marketing/Marketing
ConnectionString : Data Source=SQL08R2VM; Initial Catalog=Marketing;
ReportPath : /Marketing/OandD Class YTD Summary
DataSourceName : Marketing
Reference : /Data Sources/Marketing/Marketing
ConnectionString : Data Source=SQL08R2VM; Initial Catalog=Marketing;
These, and other functions, suite me just fine. I have not really had anyone else using them so you might have issues that I have never encountered. Works fine connecting to my SSRS 2008R2 server using PowerShell v5
Here's a T-SQL statement that will return the data source name, path & connection string with the report name and path.
XMLNAMESPACES -- XML namespace def must be the first in with clause.
DEFAULT 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2006/03/reportdatasource'
AS rd
DsnSharedName = sds.[Name]
, DsnPath = sds.[Path]
, DEF = CONVERT(xml, CONVERT(varbinary(max), content))
dbo.[Catalog] AS sds
WHERE sds.[Type] = 5) --> 5 = Shared Datasource
data_source_name (DsnPath, DsnSharedName, DsnConnString)
, cn.DsnSharedName
, cn.DsnConnString
, sd.DsnSharedName
, DsnConnString = dsn.value('ConnectString[1]', 'varchar(150)')
shared_datasource AS sd
CROSS APPLY sd.DEF.nodes('/DataSourceDefinition') AS R(dsn)
) AS cn
DataSourceName = lk.[Name]
, dsn.DsnPath
, dsn.DsnConnString
, ReportName = c.[Name]
, ReportFolder = c.[Path]
dbo.[Catalog] c
INNER JOIN dbo.DataSource ds ON c.ItemID = ds.ItemID
INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] lk ON ds.Link = lk.ItemID
INNER JOIN data_source_name dsn ON dsn.DsnSharedName = lk.[Name]
c.[Type] = 2 --> 2 = Reports
--AND dsn.DsnConnString LIKE '%Initial Catalog%=%DatabaseNameHere%'
Then you can run the T-SQL script file in powershell with this. original post
<# Function to Check whether Server is Ping Status of the Server #>
Function Check-Ping()
$PingStatus=Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_PingStatus where Address='$HostName'"
Return $PingStatus
<# Function to Check Instance name Present in the Server #>
Function Get-SQLInstances()
if($Status.StatusCode -ne 0)
Return "The Server Is Not Reachable"
elseif($Status.StatusCode -eq 0)
$Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $SQLServerName)
$RegKey = $Reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server")
Return $Instances
<# Function To Run TSQL and Return Results within HTML Table Tag #>
Function Run-TSQL()
$TSQL=Get-Content $TSQLfilePath
foreach($Instance in $Instances)
$SQLServiceStatus=Get-Service -ComputerName $MachineName | Where-Object {$_.displayname -like "SQL Server ("+$Instance+")"}
if($SQLServiceStatus.Status -eq "Running")
if($Instance -eq "MSSQLSERVER")
$SQLServerObject = new-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($SQLServer)
$DatabaseObject = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database
$DatabaseObject = $SQLServerObject.Databases.Item("Master")##The TSQL Script Runs in Master Database
$OutPutDataSet = $DatabaseObject.ExecuteWithResults($TSQL)
for($t=0;$t -lt $OutPutDataSet.Tables.Count;$t++)
$OutString+="<Table Border=2>"
foreach($Column in $OutPutDataSet.Tables[$t].Columns)
for($i=0;$i -lt $OutPutDataSet.Tables[$t].Rows.Count;$i++)
for($j=0;$j -lt $OutPutDataSet.Tables[$t].Columns.Count;$j++)
Return $OutString
<# Function To Add Table Tag to with In HTML tags
Modify Title and Subject as Per yoru Requirement
Function Get-HTMLOut()
$Out+="<Title>Run TSQL and Return HTML FIle</Title>" ## Modify 'TiTle' Tag as per your Required
$Out+="<Head><style>body {background-color:lightgray} H3{color:blue}H1{color:green}table, td, th {border: 1px solid green;}th {background-color: green;color: white;}</style></Head>" ## Modify 'Head' Tag as per your Required
$Out+="<Body><H1 Align='Center'>Run TSQL and Return HTML File</H1></Br></Br>" ## Modify 'Body' Tag as per your Required
ForEach($ServerName in Get-Content $InputFile)
$Out+="<H3 align='center'>--------------$ServerName--------------</H3>" ## Modify 'header Text' Tag as per your Required
$Out+=Run-TSQL -MachineName $ServerName -TSQLfilePath $TSQL
Set-Content -Value $Out -Path $OutputFile
<# Call Get-HTMLOut Function
It Accepts 3 parameter
a. -InputFile (.txt file each server in a List withOut Instance Name)
b. -OutputFile (.Html File to which Output need to be sent)
c. -TSQL (.sql file which Contains the Script to Run)
Get-HTMLOut -InputFile ".\Servers.txt" -OutputFile .\Status.Html -TSQL '.\TSQL Script.sql'

Displaying user inputs with powershell

say I have an array
$something = #(
how can I display this to the user as
1. first
2. second
Selection :
I am able to do this by hash table and manually mapping
and doing the following
$something.Keys | sort |% { Write-Host $_ ")" $something.Item($_) }
[int32]$constuctPayload.Action = Read-Host
but if need to perform this using an array how can I do this. I.e looping over the item and displaying with index for user selection. ?
You could use the IndexOf() method, to find the index in the array.
$something | ForEach-Object {Write-Host "$([Array]::IndexOf($something, $_)). $_ "}
Standard warning about being careful with Write-Host. Also you might want to look into Out-GridView.
Use a for loop to iterate over the elements of the array and prepend each value with the index + 1.
$something = 'first', 'second'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $something.Count; $i++) {
Write-Host ('{0}. {1}' -f ($i+1), $something[$i])
[int32]$constuctPayload.Action = Read-Host -Prompt 'Selection'
I would recommend using the PromptForChoice() method over Read-Host, though:
$something = '&first', '&second'
$title = 'The title.'
$msg = 'Selection?'
$choices = $something | ForEach-Object {
New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription $_
$options = [Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] $choices
$default = 0
$constuctPayload.Action = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $msg, $options, $default)

Powershell scripting for url custom monitoring

I am trying to build a custom script for URL monitoring. I am able to run the URL's from the file and enter the same in a logfile(named with time stamp).
Till here I have completed
Issue is when I compare the values from present(present timestamp) and previous logfile(previous timestamp).
This portion is not working fine. Please help me correct it.
Here is my code trying to compare value line by line from present logfile and previous logfile and run commands to generate output:
# New log is new logfile data
$Newlog = Get-Content $URLlogfile
$old_file = Dir C:\Scripts\logs | Sort CreationTime -Descending | Select Name -last 1
# Old log is Old logfile data
$oldlog = Get-Content $old_file -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Foreach($logdata in $Newlog) {
$url = ($logdata.Split(" "))[0]
$nodename = ($logdata.Split(" "))[1]
$statuscheck = ($logdata.Split(" "))[2]
$description = ($logdata.Split(" "))[3]
$statuscode = ($logdata.Split(" "))[4]
Foreach($log1data in $oldlog) {
$url1 = ($log1data.Split(" "))[0]
$nodename1 = ($log1data.Split(" "))[1]
$statuscheck1 = ($log1data.Split(" "))[2]
$description1 = ($log1data.Split(" "))[3]
$statuscode1 = ($log1data.Split(" "))[4]
While ($url = $url1) {
if ($statuscheck = $statuscheck1 ) {
write-output "output is same"
} elseif ($statuscheck = Fail) {
While ($statuscheck1 = Pass) {
write-output "$url is down at $nodename1- testing event sent"
} elseif ($statuscheck = Pass) {
While ($statuscheck1 = Fail) {
write-output "$url is up at $nodename1- testing event sent"
#At end am clearing the old logs except present one
dir C:\Scripts\logs -recurse | where { ((get-date)-$_.creationTime).minutes -gt 3 } | remove-item -force
Per the comment from BenH, the following part of your code needs correcting as follows:
If ($url -eq $url1) {
if ($statuscheck -eq $statuscheck1 ) {
write-output "output is same"
} elseif ($statuscheck -eq 'Fail' -and $statuscheck1 -eq 'Pass') {
write-output "$url is down at $nodename1- testing event sent"
} elseif ($statuscheck -eq 'Pass' -and $statuscheck1 -eq 'Fail') {
write-output "$url is up at $nodename1- testing event sent"
In your comparison statements the = needs to be -eq. In PowerShell = always assigns a value.
In your comparison statements Pass and Fail need to be surrounded by single quotes so they are treated as strings (otherwise they are treated like function statements, for functions which don't exist).
I've replaced the While statements with If statements. I'm not sure what the intent of those was but I think they'd just get stuck in an infinite loop as the variable they test is never changed from within the loop.

Output true value for Foreach statement

I am trying to output the value which checks if the condition matches, but instead its returning value whether it is true or not.
$result = "VM name"
$name= get-content C:\monitor\Serverlist\Serverlist2.txt
foreach($nam1 in $name)
#Write-output $nam1
$l=Get-Vm -computername $nam1 |out-string
foreach ($l2 in $l)
if ( $l2 = $result )
Write-Output $input "is in" $nam1
but output i am getting is true in all case, where as VM name is present in comp1 only.
VM name is in comp1
VM name is in comp2
VM name is in comp3
If statement should return condition if it matches? I also tried looping if statement outside 1st foreach loop but that gives me result of last comp "comp3" even the matching result is in comp1.
Any Idea where I am going wrong?
The = sign not for conditional testing, it's for setting the value:
if ( $l2 = $result )
Write-Output $input "is in" $nam1
Should be... (note that I'm using -eq to test equality)
if ( $l2 -eq $result )
Write-Output $input "is in" $nam1
But even that wouldn't work. Your conditional test between a string and a VirtualMachine object won't work. Here's what you want...
if ( $l2.Name -eq $result )
Write-Output $input "is in" $nam1
In the above snippet, I'm doing a conditional test on VirtualMachine.Name (type string) with your variable.