Installed prometheus-community / helm-charts but I can't get metrics on "default" namespace - kubernetes

I recently learned about helm and how easy it is to deploy the whole prometheus stack for monitoring a Kubernetes cluster, so I decided to try it out on a staging cluster at my work.
I started by creating a dedicates namespace on the cluster for monitoring with:
kubectl create namespace monitoring
Then, with helm, I added the prometheus-community repo with:
helm repo add prometheus-community
Next, I installed the chart with a prometheus release name:
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
At this time I didn't pass any custom configuration because I'm still trying it out.
After the install is finished, it all looks good. I can access the prometheus dashboard with:
kubectl port-forward prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0 9090 -n monitoring
There, I see a bunch of pre-defined alerts and rules that are monitoring but the problem is that I don't quite understand how to create new rules to check the pods in the default namespace, where I actually have my services deployed.
I am looking at http://localhost:9090/graph to play around with the queries and I can't seem to use any that will give me metrics on my pods in the default namespace.
I am a bit overwhelmed with the amount of information so I would like to know what did I miss or what am I doing wrong here?

The Prometheus Operator includes several Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) including ServiceMonitor (and PodMonitor). ServiceMonitor's are used to define services to the Operator to be monitored.
I'm familiar with the Operator although not the Helm deployment but I suspect you'll want to create ServiceMonitors to generate metrics for your apps in any (including default) namespace.

ServiceMonitors and PodMonitors are CRDs for Prometheus Operator. When working directly with Prometheus helm chart (without operator), you need have to configure your targets directly in values.yaml by editing the scrape_configs section.
It is more complex to do it, so take a deep breath and start by reading this:


Issues setting up Prometheus on EKS - Pods in Pending State (Seems to be dependent on PVCs waiting on Volume being created)

I have an EKS cluster for my university project and I want to setup Prometheus on the cluster. To do this I am using helm with the following commands (see this tutorial
kubectl create namespace prometheus
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus \
--namespace prometheus \
--set alertmanager.persistentVolume.storageClass="gp2" \
--set server.persistentVolume.storageClass="gp2"
When I check the status of the prometheus pods, the alert-manager and server seem to be in an infinite Pending state:
When I describe the prometheus-alertmanager-0 pod I see the following VolumeBinding error:
When I describe the prometheus-server-5d858bd4bd-6xmws pod I see the following VolumeBinding error:
I can also see there are 2 pvcs in Pending state:
When I describe the prometheus-server pvc, I can see its waiting for a volume to be created:
Im familiar with Kubernetes basics but pvcs is not something that I have used before. Is the solution here to create a "volume" and if so how do I do that?, would that solve the issue?, or am I way off the mark?
Should I try to install Prometheus in a different way?
Any help on this greatly appreciated
Note: Although similar this is not a duplicate of Prometheus server in pending state after installation using Helm. For one the errors highlighted there are different errors, also other manual steps such as creating volumes were also performed (which I have not done), Finally, I am following the specific tutorial referenced and also I am asking if I should try to setup Prometheus a different way if there is a simpler way

How to configure istio helm chart to use external kube-prometheus-stack?

I have deployed the istio service mesh on the GKE cluster using base & istiod helm charts using this documents in the istio-system namespace.
I have deployed Prometheus, grafana & alert-manager using kube-prometheus-stack helm chart.
Every pod of this workload is working fine; I didn't see any error. Somehow I didn't get any metrics in Prometheus UI related to istio workload. Because of that, I didn't see any network graph in kiali dashboard.
Can anyone help me resolve this issue?
Istio expects Prometheus to discover which pods are exposing metrics through the use of the Kubernetes annotations,, and
The Prometheus community has decided that those annotations, while popular, are insufficiently useful to be enabled by default. Because of this the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart does not discover pods using those annotations.
To get your installation of Prometheus to scrape your Istio metrics you need to either configure Istio to expose metrics in a way that your installation of Prometheus expects (you'll have to check the Prometheus configuration for that, I do not know what it does by default) or add a Prometheus scrape job which will do discovery using the above annotations.
Details about how to integrate Prometheus with Istio are available here and an example Prometheus configuration file is available here.
Need to add additionalScrapConfigs for istio in kube-prometheus-stack helm chart values.yaml.
- {{ add your scrap config for istio }}

What are the advantages of deploying with Helm chart over Docker image to a Kubernetes cluster?

I need to deploy NGINX to a Kubernetes cluster, for which I can either use a Helm chart or a Docker image. But I am not clear of the benefits of using a Helm chart. I guess my question is not specific to NGINX but in general.
A helm chart and a container image aren't equivalent things to compare in Kubernetes
A container image is the basic building block of what kubernetes runs. An image will always be required to run an application on kubernetes, no matter how it is deployed.
Helm is a packaging and deployment tool. It makes management of deployments to kubernetes easier. This deployment would normally include a container image. It is possible to write a helm chart that just manages other kubernetes resources but fairly rare.
Other tools in the same arena as helm are kustomize, kompose, or using kubectl to apply or create resources. These are all clients of the kubernetes API.
Helm Charts: making it simple to package and deploy common applications on Kubernetes [1]. Helm brings three major benefits to your service deployments [2]:
Deployment speed
Helm chart on Kubernetes for application configuration templates
Application testing
Use of Helm charts is recommended, because they are maintained and typically kept up to date by the Kubernetes community [3].

what is the difference between Helm ,helm and tiller in kubernetes

Helm is a tool for managing Kubernetes charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.Some time for beginner its very confusing So what is basic difference between Helm,helm and tiller.?
Helm is made of two components: the CLI binary named helm that allows you to perform communication with a remote component, named tiller that lives inside your Kubernetes cluster that is responsible to perform patches and changes to resources you ask to manage.
In fact, once deployed tiller using the command helm init, you can notice a new Deployment resource (commonly named tiller-deploy) running inside kube-system namespace.
The real question should be why to use Tiller and not interacting directly with Kubernetes API?
As usual, it is a matter of security concerns, recapped by these list items:
- Role-based access control, or RBAC
- Tiller's gRPC endpoint and its usage by Helm
- Tiller release information
- Helm charts

Deploying Images from gitlab in a new namespace in Kubernetes

I have integrated gitlab with Kubernetes cluster which is hosted on AWS. Currently it builds the code from gitlab to the default namespace. I have created two namespaces in kubernetes one for production and one for development. What are the steps if I want that to be deployed in a dev or a production namespace. Do I need to make changes at the gitlab level or on the kubernetes level.
This is done at the kubernetes level. Whether you're using helm or kubectl, you can specify the desired namespace in the command.
As in:
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml --namespace <desired-namespace>
helm install stable/gitlab-ce --namespace <desired-namespace>
Alternatively, you can just change your current namespace to the desired namespace and install as you did before. By default, helm charts or kuberenetes yaml files will install into your current namespace unless specified otherwise.