I have a Xamarin Forms Project, and I do use ShinyLib.net Package https://github.com/shinyorg/shiny.
I do have some bugs with Shiny, which I would like to track down and Fix.
How can I make my project use the Source Code from Git instead of the Nuget Packages so I can Debug and Make changes and try to fix some bugs? Shiny already is using .Net MUAI, but it is still compatible with Xamarin.
I tried to Download the Shiny Source Code, and in my Project, I use Add Existing Project, but it shows me that is Incompatible, and it fails when compiling :
Shiny.BluetoothLE is not compatible with netstandard2.1.
Can someone please explain the correct way for me to compile using source code instead of Nuget Package?
I downloaded the template with the following features
Asp.Net MVC 5.x
Web application with server rendered HTML; ASP.NET MVC & jQuery
Entity Framework
VS2017 Community as Development Environment
The problem lies in the Entity Framework or the version of Nuget
Running the Update-Database command from the Nuget console always returns the same error
Update-Database not recognized cmdlet
My Nuget Version is
I tried both to clear nuget cache, restore solution packages, restart vs2017 and computer (Windows 7 Enterprise 64) without success
There is some issue on download packages?
There is some issue on download packages?
I think this issue stands that the EF package is not installed successfully in your current project.
1.Please check if you have yellow warnings in Solution Explorer like this issue. If there's any warning, resolve it or share it here and I'll check it for you.
2.I know you've cleaned the nuget cache, but see this, there's one copy of the EF package locates in your Solution folder's packages folder when you're in project that uses Packages.config format. So though you've cleaned the nuget cache in %userprofile%\.nuget\packages, your project is still using the old copy in solutionDirectory\packages folder.
Suggestion(The order is important, please follow the steps one by one):
#1 For this, you should right-click your project=>Manage Nuget Packages(UI)=>Uninstall the EntityFramework package.(Or manually delete the EF package folder within SolutionDir\packages folder)
#2 Then clean the nuget cache by Tools=>Nuget Package Manager=>Package Manager Settings=>Clear All Nuget Cache.
#3 Close Package Manager Console if it's open. => Close VS instance.
#4 Then restart VS and reinstall that EF package by package manager UI. And manually open the Package Manager Console and type Update-Database to check if this issue goes away.
Hope it helps:)
I'm having more than one solution file for my project each pointing to a different target frameworks.
I'm able to restore the nugets for each solution using nuget restore command.
The problem arises when i try to use the update command.
Found multiple project files for package warning is shown and my packages are not updated to the latest version.
Am i doing anything wrong here?
I'm using the very latest ServiceFabric SDK (v1.4.87.9494) with VS2015 Update1 and the latest ASP.NET 5 RC1 update (v1.0.11125.0).
When I add an ASP.NET 5 WebApp to my ServiceFabric solution I am seeing an error in project.json that looks like this:
Unable to locate Dependency Microsoft.AspNet.Server.WebListener >=
I'm a super noob to ServiceFabric and ASP.NET 5, how do I go about debugging this?
This is a known (intermittent) issue that will be fixed in an upcoming SDK refresh. In the meantime, you should be able to work around it in one of two ways:
Option 1: In the web project, open project.json, make some kind of cosmetic change (add a space or a newline) and save it. This will force a package restore, which should bring down the WebListener.
Option 2: Explicitly add the WebListener package to the web project. Right-click on the web project, choose Manage NuGet Packages, then search for Microsoft.AspNet.Server.WebListener and install it.
If neither of those work, we've occasionally seen cases where having numerous NuGet package sources exacerbates this problem. You can try de-selecting all sources except nuget.org and that generally fixes it.
Add AspNetVNext to your NuGet package sources pointing to https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetmaster/api/v2/
I recently migrated all my Visual Studio 2013 projects to Visual Studio 2015 and followed the steps documented in this article by Nuget to make sure that automatic package restore is still working, in short
I deleted the Nuget.exe and Nuget.target files from source control and disk
I updated all project files and deleted the sections related to Nuget
I'm experiencing a problem when I'm updating Nuget packages, it is not updating the project references to point to the newest dll versions. I can see that the newest packages was installed though. This problem is also not related to specific packages.
Has anyone else experienced a problem like this?
NuGet package restore does not modify the project files. It just downloads and extracts the NuGet packages to the packages directory.
If you are trying to edit the packages.config file and then have the project's updated you would have to use the Package Manager Console and run:
Update-Package -reinstall
Which will uninstall and install the packages again and update the project's references.
We realized that some of our junior developers only installed the required Nuget packages for ONE project in the solution, they then added references to the required dll's for all other projects by browsing to the physical location of the dll's on disk. This obviously caused the problem because only ONE of the projects in the solution contained entries for Nuget packages in it's packages.config file while the remaining projects in the solution contained none.
When all packages were updated using the Update-Package command only the ONE project containing entries in it's packages.config file were updated with the correct project references.
Even though this is not a Nuget bug and rather a problem caused by inexperience, I logged an issue with Nuget to see if they can improve the software to prevent these types of problems.
So I recently had a very similar issue as well, unfortunately uninstalling and reinstalling did not work. Hopefully this helps anyone else as it was very frustrating.
go to or launch the quick launch feature.
type package manager
select "tools->Nuget PackageManager-> Package Manager Settings"
In the options window that pops up. click "Clear All Nuget Cache(s)"
Right click solution and select Restore Nuget Packages.
Hope this helps.
I was facing an issue with NuGet package of Newtonsoft.Json as shown below:
I tried all possible solutions but none of the below mentioned ones worked:
Cleaning solution
Rebuilding solution
Clearing NuGet package cache
Finally I realized it had something to do with .NET Framework version targeted by my C# project. There was some mismatch it seems. The moment I upgraded the .NET Framework version of my project to latest, the Newtonsoft.Json package dependency and its reference came alive instantly.
Something I just noticed, and I'm not sure if this will help you or anyone else reading this, but this issue literally wracked my brain. The problem was that I was installing packages that I had created myself using NuGet Package Explorer on Windows.
It turned out that, I believe after updating NuGet Package Explorer, it was no longer putting DLLs that I included into the lib folder. Once I started manually adding the lib folder back into the package within Package Explorer, and then uploading to NuGet and reinstalling in the consuming project, that the reference would once again start to appear.
I'm not sure what caused this behavior - it could have been my own fault, but I literally just now figured this out - and consequently have to go back and re-do a whole bunch of NuGet package goodness that I've done over the past month. OUCH.
Hope this saves someone at least an ounce of pain.
None of the above worked for me.
What did work, was to edit the project file directly and delete the existing reference. When I reloaded the project, the package then showed up in references as a Nuget package.
I happened to come across the same problem. i tried all the possible solution but found the solution - just open the .proj file in an text editor and check the package Version and the HintPath in the Reference tag. Sometime there is an mismatch correct it then Visual studio will recognize. I hope everyone can save lot of time. Here is an sample to refer
<Reference Include="nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2638cd05610744eb">
Migrating to PackageReferences worked for me for the projects that allowed it. My Asp.Net project could not be migrated, so I resorted to manually adding the references to the .csproj file