How to avoid duplicate row while gorm AutoMigrate - postgresql

I want to insert to database from CSV file using gorm AutoMigrate and while inserting I want to avoid duplicate entry. How Can I achieve this? Please check the attached code.
type User struct {
ID int64 `csv:"_" db:"id"`
FirstName string `csv:"First name" db:"first_name"`
LastName string `csv:"Last name" db:"last_name"`
Emails string `csv:"Emails" db:"emails"`
func main() {
file, err := os.Open(os.Args[1])
defer file.Close()
users := []User{}
err = gocsv.Unmarshal(file, &users)
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open("host=xxx.xx.x.x user=database password=password dbname=database port=5432 sslmode=disable"))
err = db.AutoMigrate(&User{})
if err != nil {
result := db.Create(users)
if result.Error != nil {
Example: Consider the below data
FIrst name
Last name
If we pass the above data, the first 3 rows should insert into the database i.e. we have to avoid duplicate email entries to the database. Thanks.
Note: If the email is empty then the row should be inserted into the database.

You have to sanitize "users" after err = gocsv.Unmarshal(file, &users)
Somethink like
func sanytize(arr []User) []User {
users := []User{}
mail := []string{}
for _, a := range arr {
if !contains(mail, a.Emails){
users = append(users, a)
mail = append(mail, a.Emails)
return users
func contains(arr []string, str string) bool {
for _, a := range arr {
if a == str {
return true
return false
err = gocsv.Unmarshal(file, &users)
users = sanytize(users)


Go is querying from the wrong database when using multiple databases with godotenv

I'm trying to query from multiple databases. Each database is connected using the following function:
func connectDB(dbEnv str) *sql.DB{
// Loading environment variables from local.env file
err1 := godotenv.Load(dbEnv)
if err1 != nil {
log.Fatalf("Some error occured. Err: %s", err1)
dialect := os.Getenv("DIALECT")
host := os.Getenv("HOST")
dbPort := os.Getenv("DBPORT")
user := os.Getenv("USER")
dbName := os.Getenv("NAME")
password := os.Getenv("PASSWORD")
// Database connection string
dbURI := fmt.Sprintf("port=%s host=%s user=%s "+"password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable", dbPort, host, user, password, dbName)
// Create database object
db, err := sql.Open(dialect,dbURI)
if err != nil {
return db
type order struct{
OrderID string `json:"orderID"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type book struct{
OrderID string `json:"orderID"`
Name string `json:"name"`
func getOrders(db *sql.DB) []order {
var (
orderID string
name string
var allRows = []order{}
query := `
SELECT orderID, name
FROM orders.orders;
//Get rows using the query
rows, err := db.Query(query)
if err != nil { //Log if error
defer rows.Close()
// Add each row into the "allRows" slice
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&orderID, &name, &date)
if err != nil {
//Create new order struct with the received data
row := order{
OrderID: orderID,
Name: name,
allRows = append(allRows, row)
//Log if error
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return allRows
func getBooks(db *sql.DB) []book{
var (
bookID string
name string
var allRows = []book{}
query := `
SELECT bookID, name
FROM books.books;
//Get rows using the query
rows, err := db.Query(query)
if err != nil { //Log if error
defer rows.Close()
// Add each row into the "allRows" slice
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&bookID, &name)
if err != nil {
//Create new book struct with the received data
row := book{
BookID: bookID,
Name: name,
allRows = append(allRows, row)
//Log if error
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return allRows
func main() {
ordersDB:= connectDB("ordersDB.env")
booksDB:= connectDB("booksDB.env")
orders := getOrders(ordersDB)
books := getBooks(booksDB)
The issue is that when I use ordersDB first, the program only recognizes the table in ordersDB. And when I use booksDB first, the program only recognizes the table in booksDB.
When I try to query a table in booksDB after using ordersDB, it is giving me "relation "books.books" does not exist" error. When I try to query a table in ordersDB after using booksDB, it gives "relation "orders.orders" does not exist"
Is there a better way to connect to multiple databases?
You are using to load the database configuration from the environment. Summarising (and cutting out a lot of detail) what you are doing is:
host := os.Getenv("HOST")
// Connect to DB
host := os.Getenv("HOST")
// Connect to DB 2
However as stated in the docs "Existing envs take precedence of envs that are loaded later". This is also stated more clearly here "It's important to note that it WILL NOT OVERRIDE an env variable that already exists".
So your code will load in the first .env file, populate the environment variables, and connect to the database. You will then load the second .env file but, because the environmental variables are already set, they will not be changed and you will connect to the same database a second time.
As a work around you could use Overload. However it's probably better to reconsider your use of environmental variables (and perhaps use different variables for the second connection).

Go optional fields with SQLX

I'm learning Go and am trying to create an api endpoint that has an 'fields' parameter. When I try to scan the sqlx resulting rows it into a struct,however the fields omitted by the user are being returned as as an empty string. Is there a way that I can change the struct to reflect only the fields that the user passed? I don't think I want to use omitempty in case for example user_name is an empty string.
type User struct {
Id int `db:"id"`
UserName string `db:"user_name"`
func GetUsers(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,db *sqlx.DB) {
acceptedFields := map[string]bool {
var requestedFields string = "id"
if r.URL.Query().Get("fields") != ""{
requestedFields = r.URL.Query().Get("fields");
for _, requestedField := range strings.Split(requestedFields,",") {
if !acceptedFields[requestedField] {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown Field '%s'",requestedField), http.StatusBadRequest)
users := []User{}
err := db.Select(&users,fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s FROM users",requestedFields));
if err != nil {
response, _ := json.Marshal(users)
Resulting Endpoint Output
/users?fields=id => [{"Id":12,"UserName":""}]
Desired Endpoint Output
/users?fields=id => [{"Id":12}]
Also using sql.NullString results in this:
Thanks to mkorpriva here is a solution
type User struct {
Id int `db:"id"`
UserName *string `db:"user_name" json:",omitempty"`

How to find the data from collection according to url in golang?

I'm retrieving the data from the database when the user hit the url like http://localhost:8080/api/v1/customer?keyword=dhiman then it search for the data in the collection if there is any field matches then it will retrieve that data. if the user entered the short url like http://localhost:8080/api/v1/customer?keyword=dhi then it also retrieve the data which matches like that how I'll solve this problem. I tried the code for this like following:-
Struct of the customer
type Customer struct {
Id int `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
FirstName string `json:"first_name" bson:"first_name"`
LastName string `json:"last_name" bson:"last_name"`
Email string `json:"email" bson:"email"`
PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number" bson:"phone_number"`
type Customers []Customer
func GetCustomers(c *gin.Context) {
value := c.Query("keyword")
response := ResponseControllerList{}
conditions := bson.M{"last_name":value}
data, err := models.GetCustomerListing(conditions)
if err != nil {
response = ResponseControllerList{
} else {
response = ResponseControllerList{
// dataCount,
GetResponseList(c, response)
GetCustomerListing function in models page:-
func GetCustomerListing(customerQuery interface{}) (result Customers, err error) {
mongoSession := config.ConnectDb()
sessionCopy := mongoSession.Copy()
defer sessionCopy.Close()
getCollection := mongoSession.DB(config.Database).C(config.CustomerCollection)
err = getCollection.Find(customerQuery).Select(bson.M{"password": 0}).All(&result) //.Skip(skip).Limit(limit)
if err != nil {
return result, err
return result, nil
collection images
I got the answer it is done by using the $or in mongodb.
In the monogdb there is a operator called or $or it checks the value with all the fields and produce result.
There is a bson.RegExis used. Because it will matches or checks the data similar to it receives from the user.
There is change in condition. The condition is:-
conditions := bson.M{"$or": []bson.M{
bson.M{"first_name": bson.RegEx{value,""}},
bson.M{"last_name": bson.RegEx{value,""}},
bson.M{"email": bson.RegEx{value,""}},
bson.M{"phone_number": bson.RegEx{value,""}},
there is change in the query

Is there a way to get slice as result of Find()?

Now I'm doing:
sess := mongodb.DB("mybase").C("mycollection")
var users []struct {
Username string `bson:"username"`
err = sess.Find(nil).Select(bson.M{"username": 1, "_id": 0}).All(&users)
if err != nil {
var myUsers []string
for _, user := range users{
myUsers = append(myUsers, user.Username)
Is there a more effective way to get slice with usernames from Find (or another search function) directly, without struct and range loop?
The result of a MongoDB find() is always a list of documents. So if you want a list of values, you have to convert it manually just as you did.
Using a custom type (derived from string)
Also note that if you would create your own type (derived from string), you could override its unmarshaling logic, and "extract" just the username from the document.
This is how it could look like:
type Username string
func (u *Username) SetBSON(raw bson.Raw) (err error) {
doc := bson.M{}
if err = raw.Unmarshal(&doc); err != nil {
*u = Username(doc["username"].(string))
And then querying the usernames into a slice:
c := mongodb.DB("mybase").C("mycollection") // Obtain collection
var uns []Username
err = c.Find(nil).Select(bson.M{"username": 1, "_id": 0}).All(&uns)
if err != nil {
Note that []Username is not the same as []string, so this may or may not be sufficient to you. Should you need a user name as a value of string instead of Username when processing the result, you can simply convert a Username to string.
Using Query.Iter()
Another way to avoid the slice copying would be to call Query.Iter(), iterate over the results and extract and store the username manually, similarly how the above custom unmarshaling logic does.
This is how it could look like:
var uns []string
it := c.Find(nil).Select(bson.M{"username": 1, "_id": 0}).Iter()
defer it.Close()
for doc := (bson.M{}); it.Next(&doc); {
uns = append(uns, doc["username"].(string))
if err := it.Err(); err != nil {
I don't see what could be more effective than a simple range loop with appends. Without all the Mongo stuff your code basically is this and that's exactly how I would do this.
package main
import (
type User struct {
Username string
func main() {
var users []User
users = append(users, User{"John"}, User{"Jane"}, User{"Jim"}, User{"Jean"})
// Interesting part starts here.
var myUsers []string
for _, user := range users {
myUsers = append(myUsers, user.Username)
// Interesting part ends here.

Querying mongodb from golang using the _id stored in an array

So here is my question. I have an array which are stored the _ids of mongodbs objects. Whats the right way to retrieve them all in one query using the mgo and bson package?
So if the array is like that: ids:=["543d171c5b2c12420dd016","543d171c5b2dd016"]
How we make the query ? I tried that but I know its wrong.
query := bson.M{"_id": bson.M{"$in": ids}}
Thanks in advance
If the documents are stored with string ids, then the code looks correct.
The ids look like hex encoded object ids. If the object identifiers are object ids, then you need to the convert the hex strings to object ids:
oids := make([]bson.ObjectId, len(ids))
for i := range ids {
oids[i] = bson.ObjectIdHex(ids[i])
query := bson.M{"_id": bson.M{"$in": oids}}
MongoDB syntax for has been updated, this should work using the official driver.
oids := make([]primitive.ObjectID, len(ids))
for i := range ids {
objID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(ids[i])
if err == nil {
oids = append(oids, objID)
This is to convert back to a struct that can be used through out the app
type MongoUser struct {
ID *primitive.ObjectID `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
FirstName string `json:"first_name" bson:"firstName"`
LastName string `json:"last_name" bson:"lastName"`
Email string `json:"email" bson:"email"`
This is a helper method that takes your slice of ids and turns it into the object id type.
func formatObjectIdMultiple(hex []string) ([]primitive.ObjectID, error) {
var list []primitive.ObjectID
oids := make([]primitive.ObjectID, len(hex))
for _, i := range hex {
objectId, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
oids = append(oids, objectId)
return list, nil
Here is my method for the db. Its important you use bson.M for some reason bson.D does not work with this. Also dont forget to close your cursor the defer function will close it at the end of your GetMultipleUser function.
func (mongo *Mongo) GetMultipleUser(ids []string) ([]*MongoUser, error) {
objectIDs, err := formatObjectIdMultiple(ids)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query := bson.M{"_id": bson.M{"$in": objectIDs}}
coll := mongo.Con.Database("dbName").Collection("users")
cursor, err := coll.Find(context.Background(), query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
var output []*MongoUser
for cursor.Next(context.Background()) {
var temp *MongoUser
output = append(output, temp)
return output, nil