PowerBI Cumulative Distinctcount by Date, Condition and through Dimension - date

I have the following Table:
It represents cases on which a certain Team is working on over the Time until the case is closed.
And there is also a Date Table over column Date.
I would like to cumulative count the open cases until the selected date.
So I used this measure:
CountOpen =
VAR CurrentDate = MAX('Date'[Date])
VAR Closed =
VAR OpenAll =
RETURN OpenAll-Closed
And it works for the overall view. But for the view within the Dimension CurrentTeam it's not correct:
It should be:
a = 0
b = 1
c = 0

So... this is actually quite tricky, you have to pick the latest status per case up to the selected date. In my solution I create a table, with a column R which ranks the cases per date, then in the result I filter for those depending on which team you have selected.
Measure is below:
VAR CurrentDate = MAX('Date'[Date])
VAR CurrentTeam = SELECTEDVALUE(Tabelle1[CurrentTeam])
VAR tbl =
FILTER(ALL('Tabelle1'), 'Tabelle1'[Date] <= CurrentDate),
VAR c = MAX(Tabelle1[case])
VAR d = LASTDATE(Tabelle1[Date])
Tabelle1[case] = c,
Tabelle1[Date] >= d)
[R] = 1 &&
(ISBLANK(CurrentTeam) || [CurrentTeam] = CurrentTeam) &&
, 1) + 0 //+0 is here to show 0 where it would be blank


Dates in my spreadsheets keep getting converted to DateTimes and I want the time component removed as this is handled in a differnt column

I keep track of trading data in a private spreadsheet and, once a trade is closed, I push a button to run some AppsScript to copy the data across to a publicly visible spreadsheet. It all works well except the following point. I put the dates and times a trade is opened in two different columns and the same with the dates and times trades are closed. When I copy the dates across to the target spreadsheet, instead of "10 Jul 2022" it is showing as "10/07/2022 02:00:00". When I sort the spreadsheet on these date and time columns, this can often produce unwated results. What I want is for the date column to just display as "10 Jul 2022" and for that data to recognized as a date for sorting purposes. Is that possible?
function updatePublicSheet(){
var coinBought;
var dateBought;
var timeBought;
var priceBought;
var dateSold;
var timeSold;
var priceSold;
var sLrIndex;
var tLrIndex;
var sss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cBGpD0nUqCGtQqq78svw4fxA4ZgwBqV2yzIbgY1tY2o/edit#gid=1107419239");
var sSheet = sss.getSheetByName('SS Open Trades');
var sRng = sSheet.getRange("H3:J").getValues();
// Find last entry in columns H, I or J in the Open Trades sheet
for (var i = sRng.length-1;i>=0;i--){
var sLrIndex = i;
if (!sRng[i].every(function(c){return c == "";})){
Logger.log("Last source row is %s", sLrIndex + 3);
// Check that the closed information has been added to all columns
// index 8 = 8th column = H = dateSold
// index 9 = 9th column = I = timeSold
// index 10 = 10th column = J = priceSold
if ((sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),8).getValue().length) == 0 ||
(sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),9).getValue().length) == 0 ||
(sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),10).getValue().length) == 0){
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("You cannot process partially completed entries");
// If there is a complete closed entry, copy the values to the variables
if (sLrIndex > 0)
coinBought = sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),2).getValue();
dateBought = toUtcString(sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),4).getValue());
timeBought = sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),5).getValue();
priceBought = sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),6).getValue();
dateSold = toUtcString(sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),8).getValue());
timeSold = sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),9).getValue();
priceSold = sSheet.getRange((sLrIndex + 3),10).getValue();
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("There are no completed entries to process");
var tss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1umkTCr95FZUrZzv0e_ZDD9QZYiiYuH1fJohPYQzNE9Q/edit#gid=1644116137");
var tSheet = tss.getSheetByName('Trade Tracker');
var tRng = tSheet.getRange("B3:J").getValues();
// Create a new row at Row 5 on the Trades Tracker Sheet
tSheet.insertRows(5, 1);//shift all rows down by one from row 5
// Copy values from row 4 to row 5, including the formulae
var tRange = tSheet.getRange(4, 1, 1, 26);
tRange.copyTo(tSheet.getRange(5, 1, 1, 26), {contentsOnly:false});
// Populate row 4, first 7 table columns, from the variables
// Format the cells with dates and times
tSheet.getRange(4,3).setNumberFormat("dd MMM yyyy"); // Short Date
tSheet.getRange(4,4).setNumberFormat("HH:mm"); // Short Time
tSheet.getRange(4,6).setNumberFormat("dd MMM yyyy"); // Short Date
tSheet.getRange(4,7).setNumberFormat("HH:mm"); // Short Time
// Sort the sheet by date/time closed
// Find last entry in Trade Tracker sheet
for (var i = tRng.length-1;i>=0;i--){
var tLrIndex = i;
if (!tRng[i].every(function(c){return c == "";})){
Logger.log("Last target row is %s", tLrIndex + 4);
var tRange = tSheet.getRange(4, 2, tLrIndex + 4, 8)
tRange.sort([{column: 6, ascending: false}, {column: 7, ascending: false}]);
// On the source sheet, delete the row just copied and add another blank row at the bottom of the table
sSheet.deleteRows(sLrIndex + 3, 1);
var rowLast = sSheet.getLastRow();
sSheet.insertRowAfter(rowLast - 1);
// Copy values from the new last row to the new previous to last row, including the formulae
var sRange = sSheet.getRange(rowLast + 1, 1, 1, 10);
sRange.copyTo(sSheet.getRange(rowLast - 1, 1, 1, 10), {contentsOnly:false});
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("One completed entry processed");

AGGrid - Aggregation, Filtering

In agGrid, I have an aggregation which is based on two columns. When I apply filter, the aggregates based on two columns are not updated. There is no problem with sum, max, min aggregate functions as all these are based on same column.
here is the steps I follow,
Group by a Column --> Value Aggregation --> Weighted Avg(Custom Aggregation) --> Add a filter.
When I add a filter after weighted avg aggregation calculation, the new weighted avg is not refreshed.
I have this aggregate calculated using a valueGetter function (as in the code below).
Is there a way to update the aggregates which comes from a valueGetter function when I modify the filter?
Thanks in advance.
function weightedAverageGetter(params) {
var col = params.column.colId.split('.')[1];
var value = 0;
if (params.data){
value = params.data.qli?params.data.qli[col]:0;
if (col == 'P1prime__c' || col == 'P2Prime__c'){
value = Math.ceil(value);
var avgW = 0;
if (params.node){
var sumVal = 0;
var sumQty = 0;
for (var node in params.node.allLeafChildren){
var nodeValue = params.node.allLeafChildren[node];
var val = 0;
var qty = 0;
if (nodeValue.data){
val = nodeValue.data.qli?nodeValue.data.qli[col]:0;
qty = nodeValue.data.qli?parseFloat(nodeValue.data.qli.Quantity):0;
if (typeof val !=='undefined' && val != '' && typeof qty !=='undefined' && qty != '') {
sumQty += qty;
sumVal += qty*val;
avgW = sumVal/sumQty;
avgW = Math.round(avgW * 100) / 100;
if(!params.column.aggregationActive || Number.isNaN(avgW)){
avgW = '';
return params.data?value:avgW;

PowerBI end of month

I'm using monthly data and trying to display YoY% calculations.
However, my code is not robust for different end-of-month dates caused by leap years, I think.
Value YoY% 2 =
I'm very much a power BI novice. Thank you for your help.
Try the following:
Value YoY% 2 =
VAR Last_Year = Curr_Year - 1

Change sheet cells color onEdit

I figured out how to compare dates in Google Sheets but when I try to enter more dates for some reason all the cells that were green and red become all red. Also how can I make two cells red if only one cell has a date?
Example: In cell D18 the Due date is 4-18-2014 and in cell E18 the cell is blank. I want to make both cells red so I would know that I should find out why is that cell red.
This is the code I have so far:
function onEdit() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = ss.getSheetByName('Copy of Project Sheet 1');
var values1Rule1 = s.getRange('E2:E1000').getValues();
var values2Rule1 = s.getRange('D2:D1000').getValues();
var range3Rule1 = s.getRange('D2:E2');
var color1 = 'Red';
var color2 = 'Green';
for (var row in values1Rule1) {
for (var col in values1Rule1[row]) {
if (values1Rule1[row][col] > values2Rule1[row][col]) s.getRange(s.getRange('D2').offset(row, col, 1, 2).getA1Notation()).setBackgroundColor(color1);
else if (values1Rule1[row][col] < values2Rule1[row][col]) s.getRange(s.getRange('D2').offset(row, col, 1, 2).getA1Notation()).setBackgroundColor(color2);
else s.getRange(s.getRange('D2').offset(row, col, 1, 2).getA1Notation()).setBackgroundColor('white'); }}
All you need to do is add this condition as an OR clause in your red condition, e.g.
if (values1Rule1[row][col] > values2Rule1[row][col] || values1Rule1[row][col] === '')
But there's lots of "minor" problems with your code. First of all, you're doing way too many API calls unnecessarily. This is a big performance issue. For example, when you offset, you already have the new range, there's no need to getA1Notation then get the range again, you could do:
s.getRange('D2').offset(row, col, 1, 2).setBackgroundColor(color1);
But that's still two calls, getting D2, then offseting. You could get the desired range at once:
s.getRange(row+1, 4, 1, 2).setBackgroundColor(color1);
I'd go even further and build a matrix of colors and set it all at once after the loop:
But even better, inside an onEdit you should only work on what has just being edited, instead of triggering a full recalculation of your colors because the user edited something on another column or another sheet entirely.
I think your code should be something like this:
function onEdit(e) {
var ss = e.source;
var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
if( s.getName() !== 'Copy of Project Sheet 1' ) return; //only interested in one sheet
var r = s.getActiveRange();
var c = r.getColumn();
if( c !== 4 && c !== 5 ) return; //only interested in changes on columns D or E
r = r.offset(0, c === 4 ? 0 : -1, 1, 2);
var v = r.getValues()[0];
r.setBackgroundColor(v[1] === '' || v[1] > v[0] ? 'red' : v[1] < v[0] ? 'green' : 'white');
You can not run this function manually directly, because it needs a parameter that is passed only when it runs automatically. But you can emulate it with a test function, like this:
function testEdit() { onEdit({source:SpreadsheetApp.getActive()}); }

EF multiple aggregate in single query

I want to get count of a set based on different condition:
var invoices = new AccountingEntities().Transactions
var c1 = invoices.Count(i=>i.Type = 0);
var c2 = invoices.Count(i=>i.Type = 1);
var c3 = invoices.Count(i=>i.Type = 2);
How its possible to call all three queries in one DB round trip to increase performance?
Sure, just wrap up your three counts in a POCO or anonymous type:
using (var invoices = new AccountingEntities())
var c = (from i in invoices.Transactions
select new
c1 = invoices.Count(i=>i.Type = 0),
c2 = invoices.Count(i=>i.Type = 1),
c3 = invoices.Count(i=>i.Type = 2)
Also, dispose your context, as I show.
To aggregate arbitrary subqueries, use a dummy single-row result set from which you nest the desired subqueries. Assuming db represents your DbContext, the code to count invoice types will look like this:
var counts = (
from unused in db.Invoices
select new {
Count1 = db.Invoices.Count(i => i.Type == 0),
Count2 = db.Invoices.Count(i => i.Type == 1),
Count3 = db.Invoices.Count(i => i.Type == 2)
If the want to generically get a count of all types, use grouping:
var counts =
from i in db.Invoices
group i by i.Type into g
select new { Type = g.Key, Count = g.Count() };