Perl's OpenAPI::Client - how to pass additionalProperties in OpenAPI GET query request? - perl

I'm trying to pass filter variables in a GET request to an OpenAPI route with this specification:
- in: query
name: params
type: object
type: string
style: form
explode: true
I've tried various different ways of passing the data at request time:
my $client = OpenAPI::Client->new(...);
my $tx = $client->findApps({
params => { 'id' => '1' }
my $tx = $client->findApps({ 'id' => '1' });
What is the correct way to do this?


How to use aggregations framework in new Elasticsearch using Perl language

I am working on Elasticsearch and I have to do aggregations (i.e used for summarize our data) I shared my code below....
my $portal_es = Search::Elasticsearch->new(nodes => [$es_ip.':'.$es_port],request_timeout => 180);
my $result = $portal_es->scroll_helper(index => 10002500,size =>"10000", params=>{rest_total_hits_as_int =>true},{
#"size": 0,
aggs=> {
"my-agg-name"=> {
terms=> {
field=> "tcode"
I am getting following error
[Param] ** Expecting a HASH ref or a list of key-value pairs, called from sub Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct::Main::scroll_helper at /home/prity/Desktop/BL_script/search_index_processor/ line 15. With vars: {'params' => ['index','10002500','size','10000','params',{'rest_total_hits_as_int' => 'true'},{'aggs' => {'my-agg-name' => {'terms' => {'field' => 'tcode'}}}}]}
The data structure in your argument list is probably broken.
my $result = $portal_es->scroll_helper(
index => 10002500,
size => "10000",
params => {
rest_total_hits_as_int => 'true'
{ # <---- here
aggs => {
# ...
You are passing a list of key/value pairs into the scroll_helper, but there is one extra last argument after params. It's a hash reference with aggs in it that has no key for it.
Turn on use warnings and you'll get a warning that your data structure is missing a value (because that hashref will stringify into a key).
You probably shouldn't have closed the hashref for params and opened a new one. But that's just a guess, I don't know what this method expects.

ApiPlatform Regex property filter with Postgresql

I'm trying to add a custom filter to an entity in my ApiPlatform project that allows me to filter on specific property given a regex pattern.
Following the ApiPlatform documentation I came up with the following class (this is a near copy of the their example, only the where-clause is different):
namespace App\Filter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\AbstractContextAwareFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Util\QueryNameGeneratorInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
final class RegexFilter extends AbstractContextAwareFilter
protected function filterProperty(
string $property,
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator,
string $resourceClass,
string $operationName = null
) {
// otherwise filter is applied to order and page as well
if (
!$this->isPropertyEnabled($property, $resourceClass) ||
!$this->isPropertyMapped($property, $resourceClass)
) {
$parameterName = $queryNameGenerator->generateParameterName($property); // Generate a unique parameter name to avoid collisions with other filters
->andWhere(sprintf('(o.%s ~ :%s) = true', $property, $parameterName))
->setParameter($parameterName, $value);
// This function is only used to hook in documentation generators (supported by Swagger and Hydra)
public function getDescription(string $resourceClass): array
if (!$this->properties) {
return [];
$description = [];
foreach ($this->properties as $property => $strategy) {
$description["regexp_$property"] = [
'property' => $property,
'type' => 'string',
'required' => false,
'swagger' => [
'description' => 'Filter using a regex. This will appear in the Swagger documentation!',
'name' => 'Custom name to use in the Swagger documentation',
'type' => 'Will appear below the name in the Swagger documentation',
return $description;
When I run my code this results in the following DQL:
SELECT o FROM App\Entity\Vehicle o WHERE (o.licensePlate ~ :licensePlate_p1) = true ORDER BY ASC
However I cannot get the Lexer to understand the tilde ~ character:
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 56: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got '~'
How can I make Doctrine understand the tilde?
Turns out I was pretty close, simPod's answer helped me fill the gaps.
I copied his custom DQL function and added it in my Doctrine yaml configuration
In my RegexFilter I had to slightly modify the where-clause:
->andWhere(sprintf('REGEX(o.%s, :%s) = true', $property, $parameterName))

Perl script with JIRA REST-API to create JIRA along with custom field

We are unable to create the new ticket in Jira using REST-API via Perl script.
Note: Without custom field script successfully executing. please provide the suggestion to add a custom field in my script.
Screenshot for the custom field.
Error Message:
JIRA::REST Error[400 - Bad Request]:
- [custom_field] Field 'custom_field' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or line 16.
Perl Script :
#Loading the modules from a specific location such that JIRA::REST.
use JIRA::Client::Automated;
use Data::Dumper;
#Login details about Jira server
my $jira = JIRA::REST->new({
url => '',
username => 'xxxxxxx',
password => 'xxxxxxx',
# Create the ticket using post function
my $issue = $jira->POST('/issue', undef, {
fields => {
project => { key => 'TIME' },
issuetype => { name => 'Task' },
summary => '20-7-2018 checking field persent or not',
description => 'test',
custom_field => { Epic Link => 'Application Framework'},
It looks like you're missing some quote marks in your fields->custom_field data structure:
# Create the ticket using post function
my $issue = $jira->POST('/issue', undef, {
fields => {
project => { key => 'TIME' },
issuetype => { name => 'Task' },
summary => '20-7-2018 checking field persent or not',
description => 'test',
custom_field => { 'Epic Link' => 'Application Framework'},
There's also a typo in summary, but presumably that doesn't matter too much.

How to get the query parameters in a Guzzle/ Psr7 request

I am using Guzzle 6.
I am trying to mock a client and use it like so:
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
$mock_handler = new MockHandler([
new Response(200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], 'foo'),
$history = [];
$history_middleware = Middleware::history($history);
$handler_stack = HandlerStack::create($mock_handler);
$mock_client = new Client(['handler' => $handler_stack]);
// Use mock client in some way
$mock_client->get("", [
'query' => [
'bar' => '10',
'hello' => '20'
// ------
// get original request using history
$transaction = $history[0];
/** #var Request $request */
$request = $transaction['request'];
// How can I get the query parameters that was used in the request (i.e. bar)
My question is how can I get the query parameters used in the GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request class?
The closest I managed to get is the following: $request->getUri()->getQuery(), but this just returns a string like so: bar=10&hello=20.
I seem to have solved my problem.
I can simply do this:
parse_str($request->getUri()->getQuery(), $query);
and I now have an array of the query parameters.
Other solutions are welcome!

Multiple duplicate uri parameters in GuzzleHttp

I am accessing the Echo Nest API, which requires me to repeat the same uri parameter name bucket. However I can't make this work in Guzzle 6. I read a similar issue from 2012, however the approach does not work.
I have tried adding it manually into the query string without any success.
A sample API call could be:
Here's my example Client:
* #param array $urlParameters
* #return Client
protected function getClient()
return new Client([
'base_uri' => '',
'timeout' => 5.0,
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'query' => [
'api_key' => 'someKey',
'format' => 'json',
'results' => '10',
'bucket' => 'id:spotify' // I need multiple bucket parameter values with the 'bucket'-name
* #param $artist
* #param $title
* #return stdClass|null
public function searchForArtistAndTitle($artist, $title)
$response = $this->getClient()->get(
'song/search?' . $this->generateBucketUriString(),
'query' => array_merge($client->getConfig('query'), [
'artist' => $artist,
'title' => $title
// ...
Can you help me?
In the Guzzle 6 you are not allowed to pass any aggregate function anymore. Whenever you will pass an array to the query config it will be serialized with the http_build_query function:
if (isset($options['query'])) {
$value = $options['query'];
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = http_build_query($value, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
To avoid it you should serialize a query string by your own and pass it as string.
new Client([
'query' => $this->serializeWithDuplicates([
'bucket' => ['id:spotify', 'id:spotify2']
]) // serialize the way to get bucket=id:spotify&bucket=id:spotify2
$response = $this->getClient()->get(
'query' => $client->getConfig('query').$this->serializeWithDuplicates([
'artist' => $artist,
'title' => $title
Otherwise you could pass into the handler option an adjusted HandlerStack that will have in its stack your Middleware Handler. The one will read some new config param, say, query_with_duplicates, build acceptable Query String and modify Request's Uri with it accordingly.
I had the same need today, but now we are on Guzzle 7, the easiest way of getting duplicates for params (bucket=value1&bucket=value2&bucket=value3...) is to use the Query Build method. For this to work do the following:
// Import the class
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Query;
Example params
$params = [
'bucket' => 'value1',
'bucket' => 'value2',
'bucket' => 'value3',
Then when passing the params array to the query key, first pass it through the Query::build method
$response = $client->get('/api', [
'query' => Query::build($params),